Saturday, November 13, 2021

Data tables for the Scot Goes Pop poll are now available on the Panelbase website

I know that many of you have been following the GRA and gender results from the Scot Goes Pop / Panelbase poll with keen interest, and are eager to use the full data tables as a contribution to the ongoing debate.  The tables for the questions that I've published so far can now be downloaded from the Panelbase website HERE.  (I would guess Panelbase were probably holding off until I published the indyref voting intention numbers last night, because those are a key cross-break in the tables.)  A further set of tables will appear once I've published the remaining questions from the poll.

I do need to issue a slight health warning, though, because Panelbase sometimes use an abbreviated version of poll questions in their tables.  As far as I can see, only one question is affected in this case, and that's question 17.  The full wording of the question asked of respondents is as follows:

If a woman requires an intimate medical examination after being sexually assaulted, do you think she should have the right to ask to be examined by a doctor who has been biologically female since birth, or should she only have the right to ask to be examined by a doctor who is legally regarded as a woman, regardless of that person's biological sex at birth?

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