A pro-independence blog by James Kelly - one of Scotland's three most-read political blogs.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
Here's the good news: if you vote Alba or Green in the local elections, you will NOT be "voting against the SNP"
Friday, May 14, 2021
The reason for suspecting a Scottish poll conducted right now might show a pro-independence majority
GB-wide voting intentions (YouGov, 11th-12th May):
I have every respect for Peter, but I've read his tweet several times and the only possible conclusion I can come to is that he doesn't know how STV works. It's a preferential system which means not a single Alba voter will have to "vote against the SNP". https://t.co/nr3mqE5quC
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 14, 2021
In fact the much bigger question is whether the SNP will be urging their voters to give their lower preferences in the local elections to other pro-indy parties. You can guarantee that Alba will, so if the SNP don't, who is it that's actually causing harm?https://t.co/23itnFraue
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 14, 2021
SNP comfortably win Airdrie & Shotts by-election
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Presiding Officer election confirms SNP will *not* be a minority government
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
How do voters read the SNP's motivations?
Honoured to get a mention in Wings' latest "farewell" post (I give it a month).
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 12, 2021
"most upsettingly of all, it looks like we’ll tragically have to go before we find out from James Kelly what our dastardly masterplan was."
You weren't paying attention, Stu, I did that days ago!
People will be bemused that Stuart has declared independence is dead less than a week after pro-indy parties won a thumping majority. I have my doubts about the SNP's strategy too, but he's not reacting rationally, and I think it's more about the way he's been cold-shouldered.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 12, 2021
As for the allegation about Paul Kavanagh, that does not sound like the man I know, and I'm well aware from my own experience that Stuart is not beyond massaging the facts to justify a personal attack. So treat that bit with healthy scepticism.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 12, 2021
The real dividing line in the independence movement is not between 'transphobes' and 'the wokerati'. It's between those determined to find a way to make independence happen, and those who want to preach despair.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 12, 2021
The future's blue. The future's Alba.
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
The media doesn't want to talk about this - but unionism has got a Douglas Ross problem
I am shocked to the core at this. The Scottish justice system is discrediting itself before our eyes. Even those who tried to justify the conviction must acknowledge there needs to be proportionality in sentencing.https://t.co/mqWOOanTAa
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) May 11, 2021
Monday, May 10, 2021
We all know there was a pro-independence majority in the popular vote on that all-important #PeachVote - but how big was it?
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Serious questions for the Electoral Commission tonight as inexplicable ruling appears to have robbed the Greens (and thus the pro-independence camp) of two seats they should have won
In a rush I very, very nearly voted for IGV. Thankfully didn’t, but was a very close call. It’s disgusting the name was allowed.
— Chenoa (@nerfgirl) May 8, 2021
Two young adult voters in my house were confused by that; my daughter got her correct choice by luck (she was too embarrassed to ask for help).
— Clare (@LiviaBurlando) May 8, 2021
My partner did this but we assumed was probably still a genuine green person at least. She blames having kids around and stress tyog et on and out. No idea how they get away with that.
— Paul Ryan (@pjryan51) May 8, 2021
On a different subject, it strikes me that the SNP's controversial 'reserved places' system has had two very unfortunate effects. Most obviously, it's cost Joan McAlpine her seat in the south, but it also means Tom Wills will not be an MSP in the Highlands & Islands. Having come so close to winning the Shetland constituency seat, there would have been a golden opportunity to function as a sort of shadow MSP for Shetland over the next five years, and by the time the next election came around he might have seemed like as much of an incumbent as the Lib Dems' Beatrice Wishart. Perhaps the Lib Dems' decades-long stranglehold on the Northern Isles would have finally been broken. The SNP have really missed a trick there.My wife nearly fell for it until I pointed it out to her in the polling booth. An utter disgrace. And fully intended.
— Proud CyberNat (@proud_cybernat) May 8, 2021