Thank you all once again for your amazing continued support, and in particular many thanks to the more than 160 people who have already donated.
A pro-independence blog by James Kelly - one of Scotland's three most-read political blogs.
Saturday, November 20, 2021
SCOT GOES POP / PANELBASE POLL: John Nicolson's implausible claims are finally confronted with electoral reality as just 11% of voters in Scotland, and just 15% of SNP voters, say they voted against Holyrood candidates for opposing gender self-ID or for being "transphobic"
Friday, November 19, 2021
VIDEO PREVIEW of Friday's question in the Scot Goes Pop / Panelbase poll
Ah, the unspoofable Mark McGeoghegan, who earlier this year wrote a breathless piece treating the results from an absurdly leading Scotsman / ComRes poll as if they were gospel. Maybe it's all fine if it's a newspaper waving the "couple of grand" (ahem).
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 18, 2021
Had a bit of a further look at Mark McGeoghegan's recent tweets. Absolutely barking mad. The almost painfully bland and balanced questions I asked in the Panelbase poll were apparently a "transphobic mess" and if he was still in the SNP he'd leave because it's "transphobic".
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 18, 2021
McGeoghegan is extremism posing as detached objectivity. One or two people have fallen for the performance, but he's over-reaching himself more and more as time goes on.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 18, 2021
Thursday, November 18, 2021
SCOT GOES POP / PANELBASE POLL: The Scottish public (pronouns: he/she/they) do *not* think it is "unacceptable" to misgender someone - although this is a closer result than on the other questions
Never mind "all of Scot Goes Pop's scaremongering about trans women abusing other women", I'd be interested in seeing evidence that there's been *any* such scaremongering. I can't remember saying anything like that at all. John has lost the plot on this.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 17, 2021
Thank you all once again for your amazing continued support, and in particular many thanks to the more than 160 people who have already donated.
VIDEO PREVIEW of the next question in the Scot Goes Pop poll (pronouns: matter/of/some/dispute)
Wednesday, November 17, 2021
Scot Goes Popcast with guest Denise Findlay: Thoughts on the latest coordinated bullying campaign against Joanna Cherry, and reaction to the results of the GRA poll
For the latest episode of the Popcast, I was joined once again by Denise Findlay - a fellow member of the Alba Party's NEC, and a passionate supporter of the rights of women and girls. We spoke in-depth about the results of the Scot Goes Pop / Panelbase poll on GRA reform and related gender matters, but of course we also touched on the latest extraordinary campaign of harassment and bullying against Joanna Cherry, which seems to have been coordinated by certain SNP parliamentarians and office holders. And we discussed the Alba Party's potential route-map for achieving independence.
You can listen to the episode as a traditional podcast via the embedded Soundcloud player below, or via the direct Soundcloud link, or you can watch it in video form via the embedded YouTube player. The Popcast is also available on Stitcher and Spotify. Bring a packed lunch with you, because this is a 'feature-length episode' (as they always used to say whenever Bobby Ewing got killed off in Dallas).
Monday, November 15, 2021
SCOT GOES POP / PANELBASE POLL: Substantial majority of Scottish public think gender critical views should be "respected as a legitimate part of democratic debate"
I'm not sure even Joseph McCarthy would have tried the "I've got to do this for the good of my health" angle.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 15, 2021
If you look closely at this, it's targeted at Mhairi's highly regarded MP colleague Joanna Cherry. It seems to me there's a coordinated effort by the likes of Ms Black, Fiona Robertson, Kirsty Blackman etc, to prepare the ground for Ms Cherry's expulsion.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 15, 2021
My guess is that it actually won't work. Expulsion from the party is a very different matter from sacking someone from the front bench, and I think there are enough decent people in the SNP who know a line has to be drawn. And the leadership know those people would stop them.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 15, 2021
Jesus Christ. When I said there was a coordinated campaign to have Joanna Cherry expelled, I didn't realise it was quite this blatant.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 15, 2021
This is extraordinary. It's an explicitly *anti-unity* message. I'm no longer in the SNP, but I still care about it (and independence), so please guys, step back from the brink. Independence cannot be won without the people you are unjustly demonising.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 15, 2021
Thank you all once again for your amazing continued support, and in particular many thanks to the more than 160 people who have already donated.
The future of London rule in Scotland hangs by a THREAD tonight as fresh Panelbase polling evidence emerges that opposition to independence has PLUMMETED BY THREE PER CENT in recent days
As I mentioned yesterday, the new Sunday Times / Panelbase poll on independence is extremely encouraging - it suggests that the Yes vote has increased by 2% since the previous Panelbase poll (commissioned by Scot Goes Pop in October) and that public opinion is now essentially split down the middle, with 49% in favour of independence and 51% opposed. But one thing that appeared to be missing from the Sunday Times article was the poll result prior to the Don't Knows being stripped out. Those numbers have emerged today, and they shed fascinating light on the way in which voters have apparently changed their minds. Although the Yes vote has crept up by 1%, the real change appears to be that a substantial number of No voters have drifted to the Don't Know column. I wonder if that can be attributed to the whiff of corruption emanating from Westminster, and people beginning to question whether Scotland should be associated with the Boris circus anymore.
VIDEO PREVIEW of tonight's question in the Scot Goes Pop poll - highly topical in the light of a seemingly coordinated campaign to get Joanna Cherry expelled or disciplined
Sunday, November 14, 2021
Boris Johnson's pipe dream of British unity has been CRUSHED this morning by a stunning new Sunday Times poll showing support for Scottish independence has SOARED by 2% over the space of just TWENTY-FOUR HOURS
It's a 1% increase but what it really means is 2% 🤣🤣🤣. It's really very sad.
— Areopagitica (@tweetmentcentre) November 14, 2021
Sorry, run that past me again? On what basis is it not a 2% increase? Take your time.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 14, 2021
Forgive me I was using 'standard practice since the dawn of time'
— Areopagitica (@tweetmentcentre) November 14, 2021
What I love about this is that you guys have been gloating about a 1% decrease in the poll on Friday night - but in order to maintain the fiction that today's poll doesn't show a 2% Yes increase, you have to suddenly pretend Friday's poll never even existed. Schrodinger's poll.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 14, 2021
I won't need to go fishing this afternoon at this rate
— Areopagitica (@tweetmentcentre) November 14, 2021
Probably better not. On this morning's form, it would be the fish catching you.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 14, 2021
The Yes vote has gone from 47% on Friday to 49% on Sunday. Does this logically mean there'll be a Yes majority by Tuesday, @murdo_fraser? I think it must do.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) November 14, 2021
Tick-tock. Tick, and if I may say so, TOCK.