A pro-independence blog by James Kelly - one of Scotland's three most-read political blogs.
Friday, March 8, 2024
Holocaust Deniers For Labour
Another week, another by-election humiliation for Starmer, as Labour lose seat to *the Greens* in historic Hillhead vote
Thursday, March 7, 2024
Are the Tories handing three north-east seats to the SNP on a silver plate?
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
BREAKING: The Scotsman newspaper thinks its readers won't understand the word "stramash" and so translates it into English
I thought you might enjoy some light relief related to the recent difficulties in the Alba Party. The Scotsman's article about Denise Findlay's departure offers the following purported quote from Alex Salmond's email to party members -
"Although Yvonne deleted her tweets and apologised for her mistake, the online row continued."
The thing is, though, I received that email when it was sent, and I was sure Mr Salmond had used the word "stramash". I doublechecked, and sure enough the Scotsman's quote was accurate apart from the fact that they had replaced "online stramash" with "online row". This presumably means the Scotsman had made an editorial decision that its readers would not understand "stramash" as a non-English word and thus felt justified to translate it into English.
Surely even the poshest Scots in Morningside or wherever have encountered the word "stramash"? Just who is the Scotsman's target audience these days? You can imagine the conversation: "we'll look ridiculous if we add an explanatory note about what the word means, so best just to pretend he never said it..."
Tuesday, March 5, 2024
Professor Robertson is entitled to his own opinions, but not to his own facts
Monday, March 4, 2024
Why Alba shouldn't go beyond a round dozen of candidates
Sunday, March 3, 2024
The launch of the Scot Goes Pop General Fundraiser for 2024
If Alba is to thrive, its members must feel empowered
I was extremely sorry - and frankly shocked - to discover an hour or two ago that Eva Comrie has left the Alba Party. I don't know her exact reasons for leaving, so I can't analyse the significance of it with any precision. But there are a couple of common sense observations that can be made. Firstly, I've always had the impression that she was probably the second most popular person in the Alba leadership, after only Alex Salmond himself (her 82% to 18% victory in the recent Equalities Convener election would support that impression), and she's always been very supportive of Mr Salmond personally. So this is not a development that can be brushed off lightly - people who see her as a political lodestar are going to be upset and bewildered about losing her and will want answers from the leadership that may not be immediately forthcoming. And secondly, this fits into a pattern of a number of very senior people within the party either leaving altogether or stepping back. It's a statement of the obvious that none of this would be happening if the party was in a good place internally, which is a frustrating thing to have to say at a time when Alba should really be going places after the addition of rocket-fuel from the defections of Ash Regan and Chris Cullen.
My own view, as I've said many times, is that the solution can only lie in greater transparency and internal democratisation. There was an interesting exchange in the comments section of this blog the other day between someone who felt that internal democracy doesn't matter because the most electorally successful parties are often centrally controlled, and someone who pointed out that a centrally controlled party which is not electorally successful is the worst of all worlds. I think that's right - members will tolerate almost anything if the electoral triumphs are free-flowing, but in a relatively small party which has yet to demonstrate an election-winning capacity, the trade-off needed to keep members on board is empowerment. They need to feel their voices are heard and that they are the party's ultimate masters - and if they don't feel that way, there's a danger they may start to look for that empowerment elsewhere.