Several people mentioned taking a Panelbase poll a few days ago, so I had a fair idea that one was coming either tonight or tomorrow, and I had various theories about what it might show. What's completely taken me by surprise, though, is that the SNP lead over Labour is proving a bit more resilient at Westminster than at Holyrood, which is where the emergency sirens are unmistakably wailing at full blast now that Humza Yousaf is leader.
A pro-independence blog by James Kelly - one of Scotland's three most-read political blogs.
Saturday, April 1, 2023
Continuity just isn't cutting it: within days of Humza Yousaf becoming leader, the SNP's Holyrood lead has dropped in the latest Panelbase poll to just four points - the lowest in any poll for the best part of a decade
Welcome to the Scot Goes Pop April Fool for 2023
Every year since 2010, with the sole exception of three years ago when the Covid emergency was at its peak, Scot Goes Pop has published an April Fool. You've fallen for some of them, you haven't fallen for others, but all of them have been suitably outlandish. Two of my favourites can be read HERE and HERE.
This year, like every other year, I've tried to dream up the most outlandish and improbable thing I can think of. Here's what I've come up with -
Friday, March 31, 2023
Independence support stands at healthy 48% in new Savanta poll - but concerns grow that Yousaf's leadership is unsustainable as SNP lead in Westminster voting intentions drops to six points
As I said on Monday, if I continue to blog about opinion polling, and if the SNP do suffer as a result of needlessly picking an unpopular leader, it's going to be a minefield to work out which angle to take. However, I think that the above headline is about the fairest and most balanced summary I could realistically manage in the circumstances. The independence numbers are genuinely good news here, and just like the Panelbase poll I published the other day, they suggest that independence support and SNP support are not necessarily tightly linked and that a negative trend for the SNP will not automatically translate into a negative trend for Yes. Which is bloody useful right now, because there is very much a negative trend for the SNP. What you're about to see is the first poll conducted during Humza Yousaf's leadership.
Four plausible ways of getting out of the hole the SNP have just dug us into
On Monday, SNP members narrowly voted to turn their party into a de facto devolutionist party. In many cases, probably most, they were blissfully unaware of what they were doing, but the salient point is that they did it. Events since then have confirmed that this was not a drill. As he indicated that he would, Yousaf has ditched Nicola Sturgeon's de facto referendum and replaced it with...nothing. For the first time since at least 1942, the SNP are no longer a party actively trying to win independence. Yes, of course, we'll constantly hear lots of happy-clappy messaging along the lines of "get out there and campaign some more and the barriers to independence will all melt away in some conveniently unspecified manner", but that's just the equivalent of TV evangelism or soap operas or pornography for the masses - it's a way of keeping us distracted and occupied while the SNP leadership get on with the real meat of their careers.
John le Carré's novel A Perfect Spy contains a segment - which apparently is a faithful replication of a real-life episode - in which the main character's conman father somehow finds himself as the Liberal Party's candidate in a 1950s parliamentary by-election in East Anglia. At a public meeting, he tries to explain the relevance of the Liberal Party as the "party of ideals" given that ideals don't create jobs or put dinner on the table. "Ideals are like the stars," he says to rapturous applause, "we cannot reach them, but oh HOW WE PROFIT FROM THEIR PRESENCE!". That's what independence now is under Humza rule - it's not something that we actually try to bring about in real life, it's just a lodestar that gently guides our political lives.
All of which creates a formidable barrier for those of us, whether inside or outside the SNP, who see independence as a concrete objective to be achieved in the here and now. However, barriers are there to be overcome, and we must at least endeavour to do so. I was initially quite encouraged to see Craig Murray tweeting yesterday about how we should all cheer up because we have a bedrock support for independence of at least 44%, which isn't going to go away. However, he then ruined it somewhat with the last couple of sentences -
I have to say this to almost everyone I know in Scotland.
— Craig Murray - (@CraigMurrayOrg) March 30, 2023
Cheer up! Be happy!
We are not back to 2013. We have an absolute bedrock of 44% support for Independence to build on.
We know for certain that the SNP is a devolutionist party and must be destroyed. Important knowlege gain
Any message of hope based on the premise that "all we have to do is destroy the SNP and then everything will be fine" is actually a counsel of despair, because clearly the SNP cannot be destroyed in anything like the foreseeable future, and even if it somehow could be, it's likely that unionist parties (and particularly Labour) would fill the gap left behind. However, on the assumption that the first part of Craig's tweet is correct, let me suggest a few more plausible ways in which it may be possible for us to get back on track within a maximum of three years.
1. The Alba route.
This is what I was suggesting in my post about Alba the other day. Although Alba cannot replace the SNP as the leading pro-independence party in the short or medium term, the Holyrood electoral system makes it possible for a small party to win a decent number of list seats with as little as 6% of the vote. Make no mistake, that is still a tall order - most serious commentators all the way up to John Curtice expect us never to win any Holyrood seats, because at best we've been flatlining on the 2% we won in the 2021 Holyrood election and the 2022 local elections. However, if we get out of our comfort zone of being an inward-looking sect, and make the changes necessary to become a mainstream party that appeals to both the wider independence movement and the general public, 6% is just about achievable, and it could produce a result in the 2026 election that is something like this -
Thursday, March 30, 2023
EXCLUSIVE SCOT GOES POP / PANELBASE POLL: The final Panelbase numbers of the Sturgeon era show the Yes vote unchanged at a very solid 48%, with pro-independence parties still on course for a majority at the next Scottish Parliament election
The simplest donation method is a direct Paypal payment. My Paypal email address is:
If you wish, you can add a note saying "for the fundraiser", although even if you don't do that, it'll be fairly obvious what the payment is for.
If you don't have a Paypal account, last year's fundraiser is still very much open for donations HERE.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023
Near-suicidal political hubris in plain sight: Team Humza say "the 48% get no representation because the 52% wanted them to have none"
Kate gracefully playing her part in re-uniting the SNP.
— Toni Giugliano (@ToniGiugliano) March 29, 2023
The Leadership contest is over. We have a Cabinet that reflects what the membership voted for and it’s time to get behind them.
"We have a Cabinet that reflects what the membership voted for"
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) March 29, 2023
That is an absolutely *extraordinary* statement. You cannot run a party on an 'all or nothing' basis in a parliamentary democracy, with the 52% getting everything and the 48% getting nothing.
Actually you can.
— Toni Giugliano (@ToniGiugliano) March 29, 2023
All right. You're not even going through the motions of pretending I misunderstood you, you're stating the hubris quite openly, and I suppose that's admirable in one sense.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) March 29, 2023
This is only going to end one way, and you're experienced enough that I'm stunned you can't see it coming.
Update about Alba, and VIDEO PREVIEW of the remaining results from this month's Scot Goes Pop polling
First of all, a quick update about one of the points I made in my post yesterday. I mentioned that my faith in the Alba Party's internal democratic processes took a big knock last month when I put myself forward for a set of internal elections and was not informed of the results, even though I sent a follow-up email to try to find out. Last night and this morning, I spoke to a couple of senior people in the party, and it turns out that I was in fact on the ballot in February, and I was elected to one of the four committees I stood for (the Appeals Committee). It's not really clear why I wasn't informed afterwards - it may have been a technical fault, or my email address may have been left off the message by accident, but the important thing is that I now have far more confidence than I did 24 hours ago that Alba members of all shades of opinion still have fair access to the party's internal democracy. I'm very grateful to the people who helped me resolve the issue.
So I'll be on the Appeals Committee for the next year, and having put myself forward for that position and been elected, I take the responsibility seriously, and I'm therefore fully committed to Alba. But I would just say this to my own party. Kate Forbes' mantra was "continuity won't cut it" and in the current circumstances that applies just as much to Alba as it does to the SNP. I'm not talking about leadership - we're incredibly fortunate to have someone with the immense experience and abilities of Alex Salmond at the helm and he remains the correct person to take us forward. But in the wake of Humza Yousaf's narrow victory, which sealed the SNP's transition to being a de facto devolutionist party, there are swathes of the independence movement crying out for a credible, mainstream, full-bloodedly pro-independence alternative, and we need to be ruthlessly honest with ourselves about the changes we would have to make to be the party that genuinely offers that alternative - because, after all, if we don't do it, it's likely that nobody at all will.
Jo Grimond famously said to the Liberal Party in the 1950s that they needed to "get on, or get out". That exhortation could also be fairly applied to the Alba Party at present, because I know many people are painfully aware that if Alba didn't exist, the party's members could have been in the SNP voting for Kate Forbes as leader over the last two weeks. The more I've thought about it, the more convinced I've become that Alba's existence didn't actually swing the balance yesterday - Yousaf's margin of victory was just over 2000 votes, and apparently Alba has a membership of just under 4000, but we have to bear in mind that by no means all of those people would be SNP members in the absence of Alba, and there would also have been many abstentions and people who didn't use their second preferences, or people who used their second preferences for Yousaf. (Perverse though it may seem, I know anecdotally of Alba members who would have voted Regan 1, Yousaf 2.) So when you put all of those factors together, the strong likelihood is that Yousaf would still have won narrowly - but the fact that we're even posing the question points to a key problem. Alba members are a precious resource who can only be doing good in one party at any one time, and if we're going to justify to ourselves keeping those people away from the good they could be doing inside the SNP, we need to start proving that Alba as a separate party is capable of moving the dial on independence in a way that we have not yet managed.
What could make a difference? There is a 'silver bullet' scenario which could transform Alba's fortunes overnight, and that would be defections of MSPs who cannot see a future in a Yousaf-led SNP, and the subsequent creation of an Alba parliamentary group at Holyrood. The party would then have instant credibility and a good chance of retaining a presence in the Scottish Parliament beyond the 2026 election. But if that doesn't happen, we're going to have to do it the hard way by gradually tripling our support from 2% to 6% over the next three years (enough to win multiple list seats), and the path to that begins with cultivating a greater appeal to committed independence supporters. I've lost count of the people who have told me over recent months that they'd love to join an alternative to the SNP, but they look at the Alba culture as exhibited on social media and think "that's just not for me". I speak as someone who was on Alba's National Executive as recently as six months ago, but I sometimes look at the Alba culture and see a very closed world that I do not fully understand or identify with, and that only really speaks to itself. Through A Scottish Prism is "the Alba BBC" - everybody watches it, and if you don't, you're somehow not "real Alba". Wings Over Scotland is "the Alba tabloid" - everybody reads it and likes it, and if you don't, you're somehow not "real Alba". Salvo is "the Alba faith", and if you don't attend church, you're somehow not "real Alba". All of those things may be fine, but they're not everyone's cup of tea, and they certainly don't represent the centre of gravity in the independence movement, let alone in wider indy-supporting Scotland. We need a much more pluralistic landscape if Alba is going to be a party that the average independence supporter would feel comfortable joining tomorrow, or voting for tomorrow.
(Incidentally, I've got nothing at all against Salvo, who have plenty of good ideas to offer, but meditating upon the text of the Claim of Right Act 1689 isn't really my thing, just personally. I tried to read it a few weeks ago and only got as far as the word "papist" in the second sentence. I somehow don't think it was written with an Irish-ancestry Roman Catholic audience in mind.)
I think we could also entice people away from the SNP by offering them a much more vibrant, participatory internal democracy than exists in their current party. At the moment Alba is very slightly more democratic than the SNP, but that's an exceedingly low bar and I think we should be aiming a lot higher. None of the current members of the Alba NEC were elected by a vote of the whole membership - the national office bearers were declared elected without a vote because there was only one candidate for each position, and the ordinary NEC members were elected by only the relatively small minority of members who paid for a conference pass. My view is that the case for having the entire ruling body of a party elected by that party's whole membership is close to unarguable, and I also think in an era of easy and quick online voting there's a very strong case that every single elected national position should be elected by the whole membership, rather than by a selectorate at National Council.
To put this as delicately as I can, I think we need to find a way to spend a much greater percentage of our time talking about subjects other than the trans issue. I'm as opposed to self-ID legislation as anyone (long-term readers will remember I commissioned a poll in 2021 that showed overwhelming public opposition to the proposed law), but we've won that argument comprehensively - so comprehensively, in fact, that even Labour has effectively reversed course, which would have seemed impossible even a few months ago. It now looks almost certain that there will be no self-ID even under a Starmer government. There comes a point where you just have to take yes for an answer and turn your focus to other things.
Above all else, we need to stop being driven by naked revenge against the SNP and certain people within it. If we find ourselves pondering a political intervention on the basis that "it won't help Alba, it won't help independence, but it might TURF OUT THOSE SNP TROUGHERS AT WESTMINSTER SO LET'S BLOODY DO IT", our reasoning is going very badly wrong somewhere. We need to have a laser-like focus on what will actually help bring independence forward - and number one on that list is winning Alba list seats in 2026. Why? Because if there's a narrow pro-indy majority in Holyrood after 2026, and if Alba are a non-trivial part of that majority (big ifs, I admit), we will have an insane amount of leverage to coax the Scottish Government into a much more radical independence strategy. The option of a unilateral Referendum Bill has been removed by the Supreme Court, but there are plenty of other options that an elected government could pursue.
Last but not least, we need to start talking independence support up rather than down. I've pointed this out a number of times recently, but Alba seem to be picking up the awful Wings habit of "celebrating" poor polls for Yes and even exaggerating how bad they are. To me, that speaks to a lack of confidence - it's as if we see independence as a project currently owned by the SNP and not part-owned by ourselves. We are one of the largest pro-independence parties, like the Greens, and we need to start claiming our stake in good or decent poll showings for Yes. And on that note, here is a video preview of the remaining results from the Scot Goes Pop polling conducted this month...
I've got an idea (and it's only a vague idea at this stage) that when the autumn comes around, I might try to stand for one of the Alba national office bearer positions, because those are the only positions elected by the whole membership. It would not be in any great expectation of actually being elected - the purpose would be simply to try to start a debate among the membership about the ideas I've raised above. Or if someone more telegenic decides to take the task on, I'd get behind them instead, but I do think it's a debate that needs to happen, and sooner rather than later. Maybe that can be my pet project for this year, to try to stop myself spending too much time repetitively blogging about the opinion poll evidence that Yousaf appears to be leading us all to calamity. I think ultimately we're all going to have to get on with campaigning for independence in our own way, and give the SNP the space to find out for themselves that they've selected the wrong leader. And make no mistake, that painful but necessary moment will arrive, even if I can't predict exactly how or when.
Tuesday, March 28, 2023
"Give Humza a chance!" they said. "It's only the guy's first day!" they said. Day 2: Humza tries to demote Kate Forbes after she's just won 48% of the vote. Seen enough yet?
There are two iron laws of elections that the SNP are in severe danger of becoming all too familiar with. The first is that parties with highly unpopular leaders don't win elections. The second is that seriously divided parties don't win elections. It takes quite some talent to lumber yourself with the first problem on the Monday and then the second problem on the Tuesday. The Bible tells us that the Lord rested after six days, but the way things are going we'd better all hope the SNP stop doing things after only two.
The constructive dismissal of Kate Forbes after she's just won 48% of the vote is the sort of thing you can only get away with if you're in an exceptionally strong position as a leader - for example if you're immensely popular with the public, and if therefore it doesn't matter if people on your own side start squealing because you know the voters will always back you. Humza is not in that sort of enviable position - he's on unusually weak ground with both his own party and the public, and in fact he needed Kate Forbes far more than she needed him, because co-opting her as a deputy or close ally would have offset some of his own unpopularity. She was almost inspiringly gracious in defeat yesterday - people both inside and outside the SNP will have looked at the way she conducted herself, and thought "gosh, what a genuinely lovely and kind person she is". Throwing that back in her face within 24 hours is going to have consequences, the most immediate of which is that people can now see with absolute clarity what the Humza campaign has been about from the start - not about the best interests of the SNP or of the independence cause, but about safeguarding the power and privileges of a faction within the SNP, and at absolutely any price.
It's the rough equivalent of Tony Blair doing on Day 1 what he didn't dare to do even after ten years - sacking Gordon Brown as Chancellor. It will create fault-lines, and fault-lines create earthquakes. Exactly how it will play out is impossible to tell, but there is one consolation - the more Humza overplays his hand, the quicker the crisis will come and the quicker he may be deposed, thus getting the SNP out of the hole they've just dug for themselves. So perhaps this kind of hubris from him should be positively encouraged.
Kate Forbes gets 48% of the vote and Shona Robison becomes Deputy First Minister. Is this a kind of bunker mentality? A narrow victory means "we are the masters still"? That's fine in a one-party state, but in this country the public eventually get their say.
— James Kelly (@JamesKelly) March 28, 2023
Monday, March 27, 2023
Huztae be the absolute worst case scenario for the SNP and the cause of independence
Let's not mince words - this is an unmitigated disaster. The SNP have replaced a popular leader with a deeply unpopular leader. They have done so needlessly, because there was a popular alternative on offer. And given that Yousaf has won so narrowly, there's going to be little doubt that the only reason he prevailed is because the process was so tightly 'managed' by the Sturgeon faction, with favours being called in left, right and centre. Rightly or wrongly, there will probably even be allegations of outright ballot rigging. He will command very little authority. The Sturgeon team have let their party and their country down appallingly badly by not allowing this process to run its course naturally, which would clearly have resulted in a win for Forbes and a brighter future for our cause.
I suppose questions also have to be asked of those of us who defected to Alba in 2021, because the current Alba membership is (I think) just about big enough that it could have swung the balance for Forbes if we were all still SNP members - although I suspect if Alba didn't exist a lot of those people would now belong to no party at all, so perhaps it wouldn't have made any difference.
For the second time in six months, I have to say I find myself at a political crossroads, and I'm sure others feel the same. There is no way forward while Humza is SNP leader. Anyone who thinks otherwise is deluded - independence has no chance of happening until he is deposed, whether that be in six months or ten years. However, I don't want to fall into the Stuart Campbell trap of talking down the SNP and talking down independence on this blog on a daily basis in the hope of hastening Yousaf's removal, because that could make matters worse. There has to be something left of the SNP for Yousaf's successor to inherit. The least worst outcome would be for Yousaf to see the writing on the wall from opinion poll results and then resign to prevent an election defeat, rather than in reaction to an election defeat, but knowing what we know about the stubbornness of the man and those who have put him where he is, that seems unlikely. He could very easily take us all down with him.
From a personal point of view, how do I contribute in this impossible situation? I can't in all good conscience cheerlead for an SNP that I now realise needs to fail to at least some extent before it can succeed by being shocked into ditching Yousaf. But neither can I in good conscience do a Campbell by spending every waking moment trying to turn a heavy SNP defeat in 2024 into a self-fulfilling prophecy, because that could kill off independence forever. So perhaps I need to step away from the blog, or turn the blog's focus completely away from polling and election analysis.
I know some will redouble their efforts to build up the Alba Party as a genuinely pro-independence alternative to the devolutionist SNP, but as you know, I feel really strongly that Alba needs to become more mainstream and ditch some of the anger and the wilder impulses if it's ever to become electorally successful. I would be quite happy to fight for change within Alba for however long that takes - but, to be perfectly candid, I recently put myself forward for Alba internal elections and was never even informed of the results, even though I sent a follow-up email to try to find out. That genuinely astonished me given how we've been rightly castigating the SNP for a lack of transparency and due process in their own internal elections. I don't mind banging my head against a brick wall in Alba for years to come as long as the process is open and fair, but if that's not the case...? Are we a democratic party or are we, like the SNP under Sturgeon and Yousaf, a 'managed' party? Where is the home for the scunnered middle now? Is there one?
I have a great deal to mull over, as I'm sure every true independence supporter in the land does. I'll get back to you if and when I reach any conclusions, although in the meantime there'll be the loose ends of some remaining opinion poll results.
EXCLUSIVE SCOT GOES POP / FIND OUT NOW POLL: The Greens leaving government in protest would have very little net effect on public support for the SNP
The simplest donation method is a direct Paypal payment. My Paypal email address is:
If you wish, you can add a note saying "for the fundraiser", although even if you don't do that, it'll be fairly obvious what the payment is for.
If you don't have a Paypal account, last year's fundraiser is still very much open for donations HERE.