Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Inverness result narrowed the national gap between Labour and the SNP even further. The election in Scotland produced a very modest win for Labour, and the media coverage isn't reflecting that.

I was going to put this in a tweet but it just wouldn't fit in.  The belated final result from Inverness, Skye and West Ross-shire, in spite of being a bitterly disappointing defeat for the SNP in a seat that had been assumed to be safe (albeit almost certainly due to mass Tory tactical voting for the Lib Dems), has had two positive effects.  Firstly, it has nudged the SNP's national vote share up from 29.9% to 30.0%, which is psychologically helpful, but more importantly it reduces Labour's Scotland-wide vote share to just 35.3% and their lead over the SNP to just 5.3%.  In ordinary speech, the lead will be rounded down to five percentage points, rather than the six we were talking about before Inverness declared.

That means several pre-election polls actually overestimated Labour's lead.  As I said yesterday, I can totally understand why the SNP are terrified of saying anything that would appear to be denialism or a minimising of their defeat, but that doesn't stop the rest of us from pointing out that the emperor has no clothes.  This was no landslide victory for Scottish Labour that exceeded expectations - it was a very modest win that was either in line with expectations or that fell slightly short of them. The lopsided result in terms of seats was caused by the quirks of a discredited voting system, not by anything the voters themselves did.

Final result of the 2024 general election in Scotland:

Labour 35.3%
SNP 30.0%
Conservatives 12.7%
Liberal Democrats 9.7%
Reform UK 7.0%
Greens 3.8%
Alba 0.5%


  1. Labour's 35.3% can only be described as "meh".

    1. I agree, and I think we all have to admit, from a Labour perspective, it's not ideal that 64.7% of Scots voted to reject a Labour government.

    2. Anon@10:03, excellent point.

    3. Anon@10:04, thanks.

    4. Even less impressive as a proportion of the actual electorate. About 20%. One in five people voted Labour. BBC will make that point pretty soon.

  2. The SNP benefited from the same discredited voting system in 2015 and 2019, so it'd be churlish for them to now discredit it due to it no longer benefiting them. The push for voting reform likely needs to come from (ironically) Reform UK, and in the wake of this UK Labour government quickly running out of road in 2025/26 (due to budget pressures), Labour themselves if they have any sense.

    1. Given that the SNP have been consistently opposed to that voting system for decades, regardless of whether it benefited them, it's not even remotely churlish.

    2. Reform isn't going to push hard for reform. The whole point of naming their thing that was to squat on the concept of reform.

      It is now almost impossible for politicians from other parties to discuss reform without giving them a shout-out. The easy way out is not to. Combine that with all other parties implicitly being anti-Reform by default...

  3. The clear outcome of this election is that the SNP have played a promising hand badly. Very badly. There are way too many folk attaching themselves to the party who do not have independence at the heart of their political view. The so called gradualists of which Swinney is one, are bogus. A true graduatalist would have at least acquired, through clever statecraft and political positioning, at least some new powers and responsibilities in the last 10 years that brought us closer to statehood. This would not have been easy even for Salmond, but possible. The current mob are too lazy and talentless to even attempt it.

    1. So whats your plan for independence that will get support not just from die hard indy supporters who frequent blogs. And garner support of those who dont frequent blogs but watch tv news or read newspapers or just watch streaming and no tv?

    2. Pathetic excuse my frit anonymous SNP hack commentator. Talented politicians with the driving aim of independence at the heart of what they were doing would have achieved something to get us moving toward our our journey to statehood. I fear it is over..Starmer's Labour will complete the Bringlish take over of my nation in next 5 years. Too many SNP politicians will be cheering him on silently.

      You just need to look at the government departments and quangos that are dominated by the Bringlish. Many or most appointed by the SNP government

    3. Well , The British aka English nation has taken us all over , it's called colonisation.
      Even you're English has been corrupted.
      FRIT is a word from somewhere in east middle England ( Lincolnshire?) Indeed it's a Thatcherism.
      The Scots word is FEART!

      Perhaps you are a Britnat?

    4. Again dougie, youn didnt answer my question

      So whats your plan for independence that will get support not just from die hard indy supporters who frequent blogs. And garner support of those who dont frequent blogs but watch tv news or read newspapers or just watch streaming and no tv?

    5. The only tangible plan for independence, and to be fair it’s a solid one, is for the SNP to finally do what we’ve been asking for years - declare on an unequivocal position that ‘a vote for a nationalist party’ is a defacto vote for independence. Tell the electorate and show Westminster that a consistent popular vote for nationalist parties is a vote to end the union.

      If the SNP were suckling on the faux-nationalist gravy train we would become independent within a couple of election cycles…

      By continually saying they accept votes from unionists, the SNP defeat their own purpose and only hope of delivery independence…

  4. Yes but you have to factor in significantly lower turn out aswell.

  5. Most of those absent 2019 SNP voters simply stayed home. Yes-voter disengagement from Westminster elections is not the overwhelming victory Scottish Labour thinks it is.

  6. Dougie I do not know anybody in the SNP who doesn’t want Independence you are spouting shite.

  7. Then you are part of the problem.

    1. Nope. Talking facts. snp members are pro independence.

  8. Lord of the SlippersJuly 7, 2024 at 11:30 AM

    There appears to be an unholy alliance of James, Skier and to some extent WoS who are banging this particular drum. Skier, I can understand because he's an SNP apologist to his grave but for anybody who desires even the slightest chance of change in the SNP, to be helping them explain away failure two days after a deserved election catastrophe is borderline unfathomable.
    We know for certain that the SNP will resist any change at all because that is what they do. Within a month they'll be back focusing on conversion therapy and barely mentioning indy unless they really believe this election result was a symptom of a very serious problem. We dealt them the bloodiest of noses, don't immediately hand them a tissue and tell them they're still better looking than the ugly bloke.
    Labour will screw things up on their own in good time. After a period of introspection, we need a resurgent, indy focussed SNP ready to pick up the pieces when they do.

    1. So whats your plan for independence that will get support not just from die hard indy supporters who frequent blogs. And garner support of those who dont frequent blogs but watch tv news or read newspapers or just watch streaming and no tv?

    2. Well said Lord of the on

    3. Yeah I'm siding more with people like Robin McAlpine, Joanna Cherry, Tommy Shepherd etc.

      Downplaying the defeat the SNP has just suffered or giving them reason to believe that it's not as bad as they think is the worst possible thing we could do in this moment.

      We need a "Oh shit, we need to reform urgently" mentality. Not a "It's not that bad, we don't need to change, just give Swinney more time" one.

    4. I think truth matters, and it's disappointing to see that Lord of the Slippers, Dougie and Anon at 11.42 disagree with that. Their view seems to be "let's hypnotise the SNP into thinking their defeat was a hundred times worse than it really was, then we might get our way" Which is wrong anyway, the worse the SNP think this result was, the more likely they are to ditch independence completely.

      I'm blocked by Wings on Twitter and I haven't read the WGD comments section for weeks, so I have no idea what Skier and Campbell are saying. It would therefore be difficult to be in an unholy alliance with them, although I find it somewhat hard to believe that Campbell is in any way downplaying a unionist victory he campaigned for.

    5. Wings tweet (just copied and pasted):

      Vote changes since 2019 election:

      SNP - down 518,000
      Labour - up 340,000
      Tory - down 386,000
      Lib Dem - down 29,000

      Total losses by other three parties - 933,000

      Percentage of lost votes gained by Labour - 36%

      2019 voters who stayed at home this time - 593,000.

    6. James. My point is this result is almost certainly a bloody nose for the gradualists/do nothing until we get 60% support for independence crowd. You have to work for it and work genuinely for independence...not focus on marginal issues that distract and divide.

    7. But it isn't a bloody nose for them. Perhaps it should be, but the world doesn't work that way. They'll be emboldened, and it'll be harder to face them down - but that's whst still needs to happen.

    8. Then they will learn nothing until they get handed their jotters in two years time.

    9. Lord of the SlippersJuly 7, 2024 at 12:39 PM

      James, I don't wish to propagate discord on your blog so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree here. I'll just state that I'm very worried Thursday's result will be quickly airbrushed out of history.

    10. There’s a contingent of voters who were disenfranchised by the postal voting debacle. We lost the opportunity to vote SNP.

  9. 100% right james, the Labour "victory" can only be described at best as a hollow victory. Exceptionally low level of support, even lower than snp's victory in 2017. SNP being unfairly treated by British media outlets and reports of dodgy counting across Scotland. In my mind it was a poor night for Scottish Labour.

    1. "dodgy counting across Scotland"

      Really? What about up and down Scotland, inside and outside of Scotland, the fourth-dimension of Scotland, and a totally alternate universe in fact another planet? What about those 32 counting centres, all observed by observers from all the parties?

  10. Can anyone here tell me what the SNP have achieved in the last 10 years that has strengthened our nationhood ? Just one thing please. Which institution is now more Scottish ? Is our culture more Scottish? Is our status in Europe emboldened? Is the BBC still a creature of the Brit Nat establishment?. Where was the push to acquire control powers over broadcasting? The BBC are still churning out Bringlish dramas such as the deplorable Shetland as Scottish output. Nice landscapes shame about the failure to reflect Shetlandic traditions and language. Has any programme been made in the Scots language ? Why go after Salmond, why continue to invest in the ferry fiasco? Why is our civil service and Universities run by people not educated in Scotland? I could go on...but all of the above are normal in independent countries.

    1. If anything things have got worse. The Stugeonite emphasis on diversity means that in our universities and other national institutions foreign candidates are preferred over native ones.

    2. Ahh the sturgeon hater. Give us a break from your Racist rants.

    3. No tuition fees has allowed more scottish students to gain degrees at university.

      Giving Scotland the highest educated population in Europe at 50.4% educated to degree level. And around another 15% who are educated to hnd level.,and%20Northern%20Ireland%20has%2040.6%25.

    4. Highest educated population in Europe, for what? To support businesses growth outside Scotland…….

  11. Most realise that the FPTP system produces wildly disproportionate results and is unfit for purpose if the purpose is to represent meaningfully the wishes of the people.
    However the future trends can be spotted if the % support is examined because of PR in Scotland and Wales. Both countries have their national parties in second place in MP numbers after the GE. But in Wales, where Labour won 27 of 32 seats, their % support was the worst since 1935. Expect significant Plaid Cymru gains for the Senedd in 2026, when 27 years of Labour power has produced a poorer government than Scotland has.

    1. Not sure Plaid can breakout of their western strongholds to be honest. Would require exceptional they have it?

    2. Rhun ap Lorweth is the current Leader of Plaid Cymru and I though he came across very well in various interviews during the General Election. Probably no coincidence that he sits for Yns Mon in the Senedd and that the equivalent Westminster seat has just been gained by Plaid Cymru last Thursday.

      Long way to go in Wales, but support for independence has moved from around 10% to 30% in recent years. Labour have to defend their performance in Wales in 2026-no easy task!

  12. Poor night for SNP on 30% . Better but not an overwhelming victory at all for Labour on 35%.

    There was united Britnat anti SNP voting . And Indy support partly abstaining. , some foolishly switching to Labour to get rid of Tories

    Former FMs AS and NS are history. Time to move on.

    My take us that it can't be all left to the SNP. They will suffer anyway in midterm.

    Somehow the political and civil wings of the Indy movement need to operate separately.


    1. "Former FMs AS and NS are history. Time to move on"

      Agreed and all connection to their tenures needs to be put in the past as well. The SNP needs a reset and due to how prominent a figure John Swinney was during Sturgeon's leadership he's not the right man for the job. He's part of the past the SNP now needs to move on from.

    2. Anon@12:28,
      I disagree. Swinney has to be given a chance to turn things around.

    3. Maybe the SNP members need to be consulted on whether Swinney should continue or not?

      Also whether HR 2026 should be a defacto referendum?

      More democracy?

    4. This is a pivotal moment though.

      Swinney is the most continuity candidate that could have been possibly elected, and unlike Sturgeon and Salmond he doesn't possess the charisma or tenacity required to make the bold, necessary changes to come back from this kind of defeat.

      We don't need a cautious and risk-averse leader at this moment in time who will just carry on with Sturgeon's policies. Making the wrong choice now risks the SNP losing power in 2026.

    5. Swinney is the godfather of the gradualist wing of the party. He is also protecting the Sturgeon faction. He should go early next year. He will not advance independence and lacks charisma and imagination to turn it around. Sorry John..retire for your sake and the cause of independence

    6. Swinney was never elected. He is only there as a result of sleazy backroom deals to cut the membership out.

    7. Another britnat supporter

  13. The headline is referring to the % of voters rather than the seats . Perhaps this is difficult to understand for your average Britnat?

  14. To quote vote share 30 v 35 % is just telling it as it is. That what James is daein here.
    We a' ken fine that it no a good result and it's a warning for 2026.

  15. I've said it before, and i'll keep on saying it.
    It takes balls to start a revolution, and taking back our freedom to choose the best form of governance for us is a revolutionary act. The Westminster voting idea is a dead end.
    Take the bull by the horns, and follow SF. Refuse to take seats in that foreign parliament. Tell the voters that no ifs, no buts, a vote for us is a vote for independence. If the people want it, they will take it.

    1. You're a Britnat , dae thee think we're eejits?

    2. Anonymous July 7, 2024 at 3:20 PM

      You're a Britnat , dae thee think we're eejits?


    3. Braveheart wasn’t real.

    4. Why is anon@1:59 being accused of being a Britnat ffs?

    5. Everyone who isn't a member of the Nicola fan club is a Britnat according to the SNP hive mind.

    6. I'm a Britnat because i want the SNP to be more agressive?

  16. Then I suggest you start being honest and accept that the result of the election was a narrow 35% to 30% win for Labour. Denying a fact as basic and irrefutable as that really is what dishonesty looks like, I'm afraid.

  17. I do hope we have seen the back of Liz Lloyd...A labour viper in the nest. Thanks Nic.

    1. The rest of Liz Truss's life will be spent as the political equivalent of an actor who makes loads from appearing at fan conventions having appeared in a Star Wars film for two minutes.

  18. The point really though isn't that Labour narrowly beat the SNP by 35% to 30%. The point is that the SNP dropped from 45.0% in 2019, to 30.0% in 2024 - losing exactly one-third of their vote.

    However, the Labour revival in Scotland is greatly over-hyped.

    1. For comparison, the Tories got 28.6% in 2017, rounded to 29%. And where are they now?

    2. You are exactly correct in the drop of the SNP vote . Whether they come back or no depends...

      Tories though will be back. It might be in 5 years or 10 but England is Tory at heart. And wi FPTP they will again be in the driving seat. Land of Dope and Tory. Nae doot poor aul Scotia will still be beholden to them , paying wi oor energy , water , surplus agricultural products and serving as a useful place for their retiring over spill population.
      Scotland no more.

    3. I don't think the Tories will recover in Scotland though, for a good few years. Their only chance is to embrace traditional conservatism in an Independent Scotland - they could even become the government in time. That and get rid of Rabid Ross the rancid representation rustling rooster. And not just as leader.

    4. Lord of the SlippersJuly 7, 2024 at 4:39 PM

      Ross is a hapless figure. Rather like Yousaf he appears gaffe prone and has very poor political judgement.

    5. I think Ross damages Holyrood and devolution. People thinking that if that's the best the opposition can do, why bother?

      Luckily he blew himself by unfairly deselecting Duguid.

  19. Only if we let them.

  20. They did nothing, absolutely nothing - and that's the point.

  21. Based on the ALBA vote share if repeated a miserly 1.5% will get nothing. It’s not just the SNP with over 30% voting for them that needs a major rethink.

    1. Alba are a toxic brand to the Scottish people, it's unfortunate but its true. I'd imagine the reason is mainly because of Alex Salmond unpopularity. If they don't make much of an impact in 2026 I'm struggling to see a reason for them to continue. It does however open up the possibility of a new pro independence party in Scotland. With the snp brand serious damaged and alba extremely toxic a new political party may find quite alot of votes.

    2. ISP exist and were actually formed before Alba but they haven't made any waves or gotten themselves noticed.

      Even the graphics they were putting up on Twitter looked very amateurish like they were knocked up on Microsoft Paint in under 30min. So it's understandable that most haven't heard of them.

  22. Well, did they make any progress on independence? I don't really think so

  23. Just watched the Joanna Cherry interview. That’s a headshot in anyone’s book. Sturgeon has to go. Not even looking for an apology. Go and take your cabal with you. SNP are right now dead in the water. No support from me till the cabal is ousted and the NEC restored to its 2014 make up. Sturgeon is, in her own way, as bad as Drossy boy.

    1. Lord of the SlippersJuly 7, 2024 at 6:48 PM

      Yes, I saw it too and agreed with pretty much everything she said. Right now, I will say it is a red line for me that if JC is willing to stand in HR26 but the SNP won't support her, they'll not be getting my vote.
      She is absolutely what I want the SNP to be, going forward.
      I believe there is a role for NS as an unofficial indy ambassador working towards international recognition but she's finished domestically.

    2. Disagree. NS is a potential leader after the trial is over.

    3. Anon at 7.05pm - you clearly enjoy being led up and down the independence hill but that disnae make you an independence supporter.

      Slippers - Sturgeon an ambassador - for pride maybe - independence, decency and integrity - no way.

    4. Anon at 7.05. You either didn't listen to the interview or you do not believe J C. Which is it?

    5. Neither, he's just another thick cult member.

  24. - from the jail, using a secret mobile phone she hides upon her person

  25. This situation in the comments section cannot go on. When I took pre-moderation off a few months ago, I made clear that I am a moderation team of one and it could only work if people behaved responsibly. It worked for a few months but it's falling apart at the seams now.

    If you re-post comments that have already been deleted, you are part of the problem.

    If you try to post running commentaries on my moderation decisions, you are part of the problem.

    If you are constantly posting derogatory personalised comments about me, you are part of the problem.

    If you are even remotely tempted to respond to this post with seventeen furious tirades about how the trolling problem on this blog is a figment of my imagination and how I am morally obliged to let you do and say whatever you please, and that I am probably mentally ill if I don't give in to your demands, you are a major part of the problem.

    If you are KC, you are about 80% of the problem.

    I'm not naive enough to think KC is going to stop on request, but dealing with him is unbelievably time-consuming and I can't be dealing with all the other stuff on top of it, and it is absolutely relentless at the moment. If it doesn't settle down, pre-moderation will be going back on shortly. It really is up to you, guys, but for the avoidance of doubt what has been going on today is not even remotely sustainable.

    1. The number of Anonymous disrupters shows that your blog is doing a valuable job. It's also quite useful to see the line of attack of the less juvenile ones.

    2. I would advise you to use pre-moderation to stop nutters messing up this excellent blog.

  26. Loads if deluded pi*h on all sides at the moment
    The Indy movement needs a completely new broad church coalition standing on the Holyrood List
    Not Alba, not ISP, a BRAND NEW umbrella organisation under which the likes of Hanvey, MacNeill, Cherry, Comrie et al can stand with a clear goal and no one manipulating the message for their own interest.
    Otherwise we’re Donald Ducked for another decade

    1. I agree. Some sort of broad yes Scotland on the list and also on the FPTP UK elections. . But who would decide on the composition and order?
      I also agree with the above comments on Sturgeon. We need to move on . Probably also replace Swinney.

    2. Mark, I think we can all agree on that. But how do we get there with the SNPs current attitude to ‘sharing’ the Indy movement?

      I think the sickener for me is that 10 years have passed since the referendum and we would’ve all expected ‘yes’ to be nearing 55% by now. Especially considering all that has happened in recent years. If polling was higher, we would be independent.

  27. My vote for ISP made no difference to the result in East Renfrewshire. Alba didnae stand either but numpties like Dr Jim blame Alba and myself for the 39 seats the SNP lost.

    Oswald lost the seat all by herself.

    Oswald in 2019 24, 877 votes

    Oswald in 2024 13,514 votes.

    Labour in 2019 6,855 votes

    Labour in 2024 21,935 votes.

    If Oswald had kept all the people who voted for her in 2019 she would still be an MP.

    I am proud that I was one of the 296 that voted for ISP. The SNP leadership did this to themselves. The big question as I have posed many times before - are they doing it on purpose or are they just more SNP numpties?

    If you voted Labour or Tory you have the children of Palestine's blood on your hands. Another Palestinian school bombed - 16 dead. 8 months and counting of ongoing massacres by the IDF.

    1. Important to vote SNP in the Holyrood

    2. @IfS

      Entirely correct. While the Greens cost the SNP both Alyn Smith and Stewart Mcdonald’s seats. Ha ha! Couldn’t have Halle Ed to a nicer pair of plonkers.

      But do you hear anyone complaining about the vile, vote splitting Greens? Of course not. Only Alba can be the baddies.


      You guys until Thursday: Now is not the time to split the vote. Send them a message in 2026. Vote SNP.

      You guys now: Now is not the time to split the vote. Vote SNP in 2026. You can send them a message another day.

      And I told you that you’d do this. You’re that predicable and thick. 😉

    3. I'm the same IFS. Very happy to have voted Alba and annoyed the 'own your vote' nutter who is on here regularly. For all his shouting and attempts at bullying others, the SNP went down to the defeat it so richly deserved for betraying the independence cause. Happy days😁

    4. You do realise that you are doing exactly what he told you to do. That’s why and what you are doing by posting. As one of your pals said, you really are thick. Classic.

    5. Gibberish post by the same troll at 7.48am.

    6. Headshot by anon at 7.48. Straight through of course, and no real damage. But comedy gold IFS. Keep up the good work.

    7. More gibberish by a troll at 9.34am probably the same one who is all over SGP like a nasty rash. Sad people these trolls.

  28. Important to remember that some things don’t change: this front bbc.
    Sir Keir described the general election victory as part one of his party's plan, with part two coming when the next Holyrood election takes place in 2026.

    1. Looks like the SNP have 2 years to get their act together. Simply write an independence charter and make it front and centre of every manifesto - that they regard a vote for them as a vote for independence . It might take 2 or 3 election cycles but who’s to say in 8-12 years time we have an irrefutable ‘yes’ to independence that the electorate and Westminister cannot ignore…

  29. Alba at 0.5%. Was it really worth it? Stop kidding yourselves!

    1. So clearly Alba didnae have any impact on the SNP performance so stop kidding yourself.

  30. I voted Alba, but with just 12,000 votes I’m not sure I can do so again. Their results were devistating - particularly MacAskills. Last week I voted in protest of the SNP, I blooming hope they sort themselves out so I can vote for them in 2026…

    1. You're a Dick

    2. Dr Jim at 10.48pm disnae seem to be in a very good mood. I wonder why!

  31. Where is Declan (Skier ) to explain why he thinks his forecast of the SNP getting more than the previous 48 MPs in 2019 didnae quite work out. As an added bonus he could also update us on whether he thinks Sturgeon is still the best ever FM and Swinney is second best ever FM.

    1. You're such a terrible liar

    2. Declan at 10.47pm - please come out of hiding.

    3. Oh well looks like Scottish Skiers Irish personality Declan has been put away to the back of his mind.

  32. The powers of the Scotland office are to be beefed up under new secretary of state Ian Murray so that *governance and co-operation* with Holyrood can be made "more local"

    Do we need to spell that out for anybody that's hard of understanding

    1. Dr Jim at 10.46pm - Spell that out to the SNP Jimbo that's who is failing. Sturgeon got that top international job yet Jimbo?

    2. Sturgeon stalker. Creepy person

    3. Troll of the year calling out trolls? If only it was satire but sadly not.

    4. Troll alert at 7.53am. Don't remember getting presented with that award.

    5. Your memory is suspect of course, thus all the lies you trip yourself up on. I see one of your heroes voted SNP. Comedy gold.

    6. Troll alert at 9.32am. More gibberish nonsense. I've challenged you before troll to give evidence to your claims of lies - silence. You are not just a troll but a cowardly troll.

  33. Ah.. The SNP may not have until 2026 to sort themselves out. Wee Paddy, Lorna and the aspiring adult Greer will want to keep their snouts in the trough. If they don’t support the SNP budget in the spring of next year it could be bingo time again!

    Also Paddy et al have trouble at mill in their own ranks.. Remember the SNP and Greens put self first.. at the end of the list Scotland.

    We know there are a lot of SNP mob who want to get back on the gravy train.. Paddy etc may figure that their list vote may be at risk. Also Reform could well confuse the maths!

    In summary the SNP are skint, fighting like rats in a sack and the 77 Brigade are going to have a ball!

  34. Does anyone else find it odd that people are pissed off at Alba for vote splitting when in reality it was the Greens fault that the SNP ended up on 9 seats rather than 14?

    1. I think we can safely say that no one is pissed off at Alba splitting the vote. Their total votes were laughable. Creating the optics of a hugely fractured Indy movement? That’s a different matter.

    2. But no one is talking about the Greens literally gifting seats to the unionists? Surely that's worse?

  35. Funny that. ALBA was more shit than the Greens. Still good fertiliser.

  36. I took great joy in seeing the Greens indirectly unseat the Woke pussies Allyn Smith and Stewart McDonald. Oh the Irony. No love lost amongst the Alphabet Queers it seems.

    1. What the fuck does woke mean.

      Ya glaikit numpty?

  37. Deleted Anon at 11.15: Again, that is the sort of comment that should not be posted here. Do not do so again. Ever. Thank you.

  38. Is it possible to work out what the election outcome would have been under the previous Scottish Constituency Seat boundaries?

  39. ' This was no landslide victory for Scottish Labour that exceeded expectations'. That's just a stupid thing to say.

    1. You posted that at 4.14am. This is one of the dozens of anonymous comments every day, ranging from the niggling to the outright abusive, being posted literally 24 hours a day and are waiting for me even as I wake up from a night's sleep, and that are driving me to the point where pre-moderation is going to be inevitable. However, just this once, I'll leave your comment up, because it's a helpful monument to your own stupidity. The result of the election was Labour 35%, SNP 30%. You are saying that anyone that refuses to say that was a landslide, which it plainly was not, or that it exceeded expectations, which it plainly did not, is "stupid". That is a ludicrous claim to make, and frankly I'm embarrassed for you. Now go away and do not post on this blog again.

    2. Ah, I see from your follow-up deleted comment that you are KC. Mystery solved.

    3. Now if only IFS would do the same the trolling problem would virtually disappear.

    4. Anon@2:37,

  40. Well well well. The big dug Kavanagh is now saying in his most recent article what I have been saying for years. You are over 4 years behind me Kavanagh. So will the WGD numpties btl now call their big dug a Unionist? Will Skier ( Declan) have a hissy fit and ask for donations to WGD back from Kavanagh like he did with James Kelly?

    No apology from Kavanagh for all these prime years of opportunity wasted for independence by supporting the wrong approach by the SNP. Blind obedience to whatever the SNP said under Sturgeon's gang may have kept the money rolling in for his blog but you did your bit to scupper independence.

    Me - the person who warned you - you called a Unionist. Kavanagh the person who helped lead you down a dead end you gave money to. My description of you as numpties is now indisputably accurate.

    1. But in the same article Skier assures us that the planets are now aligned and we will be independent in 2026! Bet you didn't know he was an astrologer as well as all his other areas of expertise.

    2. Lord of the SlippersJuly 8, 2024 at 8:33 AM

      I check in on WGD occasionally and it's noticeable that SS has become somewhat detached from the rest of them. In many ways I find it a shame that he's gone so far down this Comical Ali, alternative reality path. On the old Netweather politics forum (before the mods got tired of him and shut it down!) he could be a very reasonable, well informed debater open to alternative views but always ready with well constructed, sensible counter arguments.
      Now he flogs away at a dead horse determined not to concede an inch of ground lest it undermines his entire online existence. Like the pub bore who only ever talks about his bitter divorce and makes everybody drink up and leave when he comes in. Genuinely makes me quite sad to see how he's become.

    3. Well. I had a quick browse through the ramblings of the WGD numpties btl. Kavanagh was not called a Unionist for calling out the SNP. It seems if you do It after the damage is done and you have actively contributed to the damage being done you are not a Unionist. On the other hand if you call it out years beforehand to try and prevent the damage you are a Unionist. Aye that's the crazy world these numpties inhabit.

      Talking about crazy - here is some crazy stuff from WGD resident nutter and anon commentator on SGP Dr Jim.

      " Had Nicola Sturgeon not been elected to lead the SNP following 2014 there would have been virtually no SNP survival "

      " Alba did exactly what Alex Salmond designed it to do, take part in the destruction of the SNP

      Toxicity and propaganda worked

      Alex and Anas will be congratulating each other on their part in saving the union "

      I can only hope that Jimbo's early years were not consumed by madness.

      The WGD numpties are all over the place and poor old Shrimp says he will not be posting on SGP anymore. Some people just cannae handle the truth.

  41. I don’t think so lots / ifs . You are on to continue your undermining. Is this how you will go to the Holyrood elections? Nothing to offer.

    1. Troll alert at 9.56am. I posted in 2020 that a real party of independence would make the 2021 Holyrood election a de facto referendum on independence. That was my offer. Now what do you cowardly troll offer - gibberish trolling.

    2. In 2020 I offered a de facto referendum for the 2021 Holyrood election but numpties like you told me Nicola would deliver Indyref2. What are you offering?

  42. Hi James.

    There's no point in appealing to the trolls' better natures, or intelligence. They're not here for debate, they're here to stop debate. British nationalists know that any discussion on the union will inevitability conclude that Scotland will be better off independent, so they can't afford to allow debate to happen. Several of these people are literally paid to do this. They aren't going to stop. The rest are knuckle dragging idiots who pull the wings off flies for entertainment.

    The comments section is virtually unreadable at the moment, which is what they want. There can't be a reasonable, nuanced discussion when people are constantly disrupting any flow. It's not working.

    I think turning on pre-moderation would be better for the conversation, and for you.

    Alternatively, could you allow other people to moderate? I think this is what Craig Murray does on his blog. This could also be done on pre-moderation to speed up the flow.

    We need your blog, particularly at the moment. Don't let them win, and don't let the bastards grind you down.


  43. IFS contributes nothing but insults to people that don't even post here

    1. Dr Jim at 11.41am is a bit upset these days. But claiming you don't post here is a joke Jimbo.

  44. Labour get just over 1 seat for each percentage of the vote, Lib Dems and Tories need 2% and the SNP 3%. A corrupt system of voting underpining a corrupt system of government.
