Thursday, June 20, 2024

SNP hold steady in Savanta poll - and the polls showing Reform UK in second place across Britain no longer look like outliers

Again, although this is not great news, the fact that the SNP are not going backwards is reassuring to an extent because Westminster elections are really tough 'away fixtures', and even a few points behind Labour there's a decent chance of retaining a respectable number of seats - although admittedly it's also dangerously close to a tipping point where the electoral system might start to really punish them and reduce them to single digits.

Scottish voting intentions for the UK general election (Savanta):

Labour 38% (+1)
SNP 33% (-)
Conservatives 15% (-2)
Liberal Democrats 7% (-)

The seats projection has the SNP on seventeen seats, which is almost like a halfway house - it's much worse than anything the SNP have had since 2015, but it's also much better than anything they had prior to 2015, including even in 1974-79.  It would be their fourth best general election result in history, both in terms of seats and popular vote share.

Meanwhile, the latest batch of GB-wide polls is pretty remarkable.  One has Reform UK nine points clear of the Conservatives, and most of the others have Reform UK and the Tories within a couple of points of each other.  Only one (from the relatively untested More in Common) has the Tories in a comfortable second place.  I'm not convinced there's going to be a swingback to conveniently get the Tories off the hook here - there's now a very real chance they could finish in third place in the popular vote behind Reform UK, and also in third place in terms of seats, most likely behind the Liberal Democrats.  Oh, the Starmer v Davey encounters at PMQs will be so thrilling.

*  *  *

I've previewed the constituency races in Edinburgh West and Falkirk for The National - you can read the articles HERE and HERE.


  1. Surely Stammer vs Davey?

    1. Or even Starmer v Davey. Corrected now.

    2. I am astonished in the above James (usually so savvy on polls) swallows whole the People Polling poll showing Reform ahead of Cons by 9%. Not only was this a massive outlier, it was a poll directly conducted for Farage's TV station by Farage's right hand man and chief cheerleader Matt Goodwin. Moreover on hos site you could not even view the data (or I couldn't on the link offered). Fortunately even the Refiom -supporting Telegraph was not fooled and the poll has been largely ignored except here. True Reform has made headway but so far only to draw level in some polls not, as here to pull ahead. Farage will be desperately hoping this happens now but the last poll published as I write had Reform 9% behind!.

  2. A "halfway house" SNP would be the worst result of all. Swinney and the devolutionists would stay in charge of the party and would still refuse to do anything meaningful on independence. If the SNP can't get
    a majority and be forced to get radical on independence then it would be better if they were wiped out completely in Westminster, Swinney booted out and a new leadership installed which actually wanted independence.

    1. There is no planet on which being wiped out is preferable to keeping the flame alive. I don't think you'll realise quite what the consequences of a wipeout would be until it happens. It would be a 1979-type event that would finish the cause off for a generation or longer.

    2. You mean like the guy who got a free referendum then tanked it
      The guy who can't get anybody in Scotland to vote for him
      The guy who's less popular than Nigel Farage

    3. "He won the only absolute majority in the history of devolution" is an interesting definition of "free referendum". And "tanked it"? I don't know who the hell you think would have done much better than 45% in the context of ten years ago.

    4. Anon at 11.34pm is WGD nasty Dr Jim. A sad liar and a man who thinks it is ok to assault woman. That's right ain't it Jimbo.

    5. Supposedly in August 2014, Salmond and a few others had a debate about changing tactics, but the projections showed a YES on September 18th, so they left them the same. What tactics, don't know, perhaps currency. In the event one poll the weekend before showed a YES majority and along came the Vow to give hesitant people the easy way out to vote NO, which supposedly some regretted.

      Anyone who says Salmond's heart wasn't in it is a plonker.

    6. Yesindyref2 - so are you going to tell Dr Jim he is a plonker on WGD then?

    7. So James asks Dr Jim at 11.26pm who he thinks would have done better than Salmond in 2014. In Jimbo's mind the love of his life Sturgeon would have given us an 85% yes vote. Jimbo tends to forget Sturgeon was there, played a significant part in the referendum and signed the Edinburgh Agreement. Jimbo also forgets how many times Sturgeon promised a referendum and delivered nowt. She did deliver a referendum DATE.

  3. Salmond lifted independence support from 28pc to 45pc during the run up to the 'free' referendum. As for popularity - it's not a good way to choose your politics

  4. So I'm back from holiday and I didn't get far in catching up on SGP and find WGD nasty numpty Dr Jim is still at it lying about Salmond and Alba.

    So looking through all the party leaflets pushed through my door I find the following:

    1. Tory guy MSP Dr Sandesh Gulhane has the biggest leaflet with the biggest font size. Must be because he thinks all his voters are ancient. As before on his leaflets Gulhane forgets to tell us he is already an MSP. All of his leaflet is moaning about the SNP being obsessed with independence and how only the Tories can beat the SNP? No policy is mentioned and the Conservative party name is minimised and Sunak is blanked. "It's either Dr Sandesh Gulhane or the SNP " his leaflet screams at you in a big bold font.

    2. Batter Together's Blair McDougall laughingly seems to think it is a selling point to say he worked for Jim THE EGG MAN Murphy. He also claims he is the only one who can beat the SNP in East Renfrewshire. At least he includes a couple of token socialist promises that are so vague they really are meaningless.

    3. Fatface Oswald says, in turn, " only Kirsten can beat the Tories here". Now Oswald does include some policies but the only problem is she will have no power to actually implement them e.g. " After the Tories crashed the economy and sent costs for families sky high, Kirsten Oswald will take action to lower your household bills and protect your income." Aye so you will Kirsten. Like you told me You and Nicola were on top of the independence strategy. Does her leaflet today mention the word independence - nae chance from a right chancer.

    4. John REDACTOR MAN Swinney disnae mention independence in his leaflet either. No new policies mentioned. He does say " leading for Scotland, not led by Westminster". This is the guy who got next to nothing out of the Smith commission.

    5. I have left smallest leaflet from the smallest party ( the best ) to last from Colette Walker, ISP.

    Does your party tick all the boxes?

    Independence first.
    Direct Democracy
    Liberation Movement
    Anti-freeports & SEZs
    Save Grangemouth refinery
    Women's rights

    ISP ticks all the boxes.

    My vote will go to Colette Walker ISP a party for Scottish Independence unlike the other parties mentioned above.

    1. She can say what she'll do all she wants cos she knows she'll not actually have to implement them. What a waste of a vote and people are easily taken in.

    2. You can't complain the SNP won't be able to inact their policy but then praise another candidates policies that they will have no influence on either. That makes literally no sense.

      And "fat face" what a classy thing to say. No wonder people are put off independence with people like you going I'm to bat for them.

    3. Tattie Howker, you can say the same about the SNP. They can promise anything they want too because they're powerless to do anything about it at Westminster. Isn't that a waste of a vote? How easily SNP voters are taken in.

    4. Back to your bedroom in your pants again talking shite I see

    5. Holiday? Someone said you were in the clink.

    6. And so the bullying and abuse of IFS resumes straightaway. We really have some adolescents on this site who can't cope with an opinion they don't want to hear.

    7. TattieHowker - I agree Oswald can " say what she'll do all she wants cos she knows she'll not actually have to implement them."

      I also agree that the SNP is " a waste of a vote" and " people are easily taken " in by the SNP.

    8. Anonymous at 6.05am - it makes perfect sense. Osawald is saying quite clearly in her leaflet she will " take action to lower your household bills and protect your income". She has been an MP these last 5 years so why hasn't she done it before then. Walker on the other hand lists policies and has not been an MP. Try engaging your brain before commenting.
      Fatface is the mildest comment I could post as I detest the SNP charlatans in Sturgeon's gang. It's an accurate observation. What's your problem got a fatface yourself.

    9. Anonymous at 8.49am - would that be someone anonymous just like you who said that.

    10. Not so anonymous at 8.28am is nasty WGD numpty Dr Jim. Jimbo too scared to post under his WGD moniker. What a coward.

    11. The website was doing so well until IFS returns with the abuse and vitriol. If I was a candidate I would disavow this individual. How many folk did you attack on a personal basis in one email?

    12. Anon at 8:54 am, it's not his political opinions, it's his offensiveness that pees off some folk. Your own need to defend him on that possibly says more about you than you realise.

    13. His 'offensiveness' as you call it stems from the fact that after his first post in days, he is told he is talking shite and was probably in jail. If you want to provoke him, don't start crying when he retaliates. Indeed, it says more about you that you feel the need to attack me, a poster other than IFS, because you don't like what I have to say either. As I say, adolescent behaviour more fitting of the school playground.

    14. Aye bullies/trolls just don't like people standing up to them - that's you anon at 3.23pm and anon at 2.29pm. Funny how you do not complain when Dr Jim spouts his vitriol about Salmond and Alba.
      What have you two posted to contribute to this blog? Who knows if you are even two different people never mind what you have posted previously.
      Anon at 2.29pm - what email? - dimwit.

    15. ISP !! What is the point of voting for them? Effectively a vote for the union, I’d say.
      Time for people to come to their senses and vote SNP, before it’s too late.

    16. Anon at 5.09pm - Labour used to say that about the SNP. You sound like Labour.

    17. Anon at 2.29. So true. And his little helpers all pile in to defend his behaviour and attitude. Prevents debate and discussion.

    18. What debate and discussion are you offering here?

    19. 'His helpers all pile in' says the latest greetin' faced moaner to pile in with complaints about IFS! You don't do irony I take it, you bell end🤡

    20. They don't like the fact that we're not all snowflakes and some of us rather enjoy IFS' caustic commentary. It's certainly more entertaining than the 'contributions to debate and discussion' offered by them which amounts to a never ending cycle of moaning about one individual and nothing about politics.

  5. Lord of the SlippersJune 21, 2024 at 5:46 AM

    I've been genuinely impressed by Swinney so far in this campaign in his role as patcher upper. It feels like the SNP have bottomed out and are tentatively rebuilding. That said, they still won't be getting my vote as their messaging on indy is even more insipid than I feared it would be.

    1. Honestly, I'm not.

      He just seems to be going through the motions, he's definitely not bad and probably an improvement on Hunza Yousaf but just "meh" overall imo. Stephen Flynn has came across as more inspiring and a more effective debator thus far in this campaign.

    2. They are different skills IMO. You occasionally get someone who has both (Salmond or Sturgeon).
      Swinney looks statesman like. His speeches hit the right balance between detail and sound bite. But in a debate he can struggle to get his point across. Part of that is due to his ever so slight stutter. He can appear to be talked over.

      Flynn is brilliant at debates but in a standalone speech doesn't have the gravitas of Swinney.

      As I said.... the SNP have been very fortunate to have probably the best two politicians at this kind of thing in Salmond and Sturgeon.

    3. Agree about Sturgeon being good not so sure about Salmond.

    4. Alex Salmond handed her a Party with its membership on the rise, was over 80,000 members by the time Sturgeon took over (eventually reaching 125,000) but she handed her successor a Party on the decline losing over 50K members (being generous with that estimate).

      Hardly a success.

    5. And she 'lost' 600k of a 'ring fenced ' referendum fund and a promise of a 'no ifs or buts' referendum last October on the way. Success like that we can do without.

    6. Did Swinney never ask Sturgeon/Beattie/Murrell - where is the money? Or is he playing the daftie like the ex esteemed SNP President Mikey.

    7. The money is in this same place as his Covid WhatsApp messages!

    8. The money was used for SNP campaigning.

    9. And a nice shiny motorhome for the Murrells😁

    10. Anon at 5.27pm - do you even know and understand what ' ring fenced means?

  6. Not sure if anyone watched the Question Time interviews last night but looking at it objectively it really surprised me how well Ed Davey came across.

    He seemed to try to resonate with the audience, addressing them directly, admitting previous mistakes and not going off answering a question he wasn't asked. Swinney seemed to struggle at times, Starmer would just keep talking answering different questions to what he was asked and then Sunak was a complete and utter car crash.

    1. Agree. Davey does seem a decent sort. He may well surprise a few people!

    2. Lord of the SlippersJune 21, 2024 at 9:03 AM

      As you say, looking objectively, Ed Davey seems genuine enough. He's got a very short time to drastically raise his profile though. Unlike most people, I have an interest in politics and I'm only dimly aware of who he is!

    3. Same tbh, I genuinely think most people would struggle when asked: Name the leaders of the Liberal Democrats after Nick Clegg.

    4. Davey who was in the austerity coalition with the tories.

    5. Davey wha leads the Lie dems? A party that claim to be democratic? Strange how Scotland canna be allowed tae decide her ain future even when electing a majority of MSPs or MPs. Despite UN chaters , claim of right and a "union of consent"

      He wouldna ken democracy if it hit him on his smarmee face.

      Soar Alba

    6. Trouble with Swinney is he's no new broom and the dead hand of Sturgeon and her acolytes continues to be all over the SNP.

      How do you go, in less than a decade, from 52% of indigenous Scots voting Yes in 2014, a party membership of 120,000+ able to fill the Hydro fit to burst, having 56 out of Scotland's 59 MPs, have party finances in such rude health that nobody notices when things go, ahem, 'missing', to the state we're in both at Holyrood, (legislative failure heaped upon legislative failure heaped upon scandal), and Westminster - Lindsay Hoyle's whipping boys and not much else.

      On paper, we should've been on the cusp of regaining our status as an independent sovereign state.

      But all we have is a fragmented movement, Indy support stagnating in the high 40's, the supposed senior Indy party beset by infighting, leadership issues, scandals, and ongoing COPFS investigations. A minority government beset by legislative failures and missed targets and an opposition elsewhere who fail to make any headway let alone headlines - apart from Cherry giving Boris a bloody nose in the UKSC, but one Swallow doth not a summer make.

      To add insult to injury, those remaining SNP faithful appear to have got to the point where all they can offer, in not too many words, is "Vote SNP or Scotland gets it!" or "You think we're bad - look at the other guys".

      I won't be encouraging or endorsing more of the same from the SNP. It's time for a new sang.

    7. Sturgeon was an exceptional leader. I will not agree with criticism of her leadership.

    8. It's amazing the people who criticise her forget she took the SNP to those hights.

      I suspect she'll be back and lead the country to Independence.

    9. I suspect you’ll be sorely disappointed. Come join the club!

    10. Anons 10:25 and 10:45 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    11. A new song might be interesting but I've yet to hear anyone sing one. So if it is all the same to you I'll just stick with the one we do have.

    12. Anon at 10.45am - with that level of delusional nicophancy you must be a Wee Dogger who has got lost on his way to Kavanagh's blog.

    13. HandandShrimp - another WeeDogger happy to beg for a sec 30 from Westminster. Four English PMs have told the SNP to pissof with their sec 30 requests to date. Swinney wants to make it 5. How many Shrimp will it take for you to think 'perhaps continuity SNP just disnae cut it '. Is it 40 English PMs telling the SNP to pissof? Would that make you think again - probably not as you and all of us will be dead by then. Extreme loyalty and extreme stupidity is a bad combination.

    14. You seem to fanaticise over doggers. You really need some counselling Mr Angry.

    15. Ano at 1.42pm - how many PMs telling the SNP to pissof before you wake up? Answer the question instead of offering silly advice.

  7. "Exceptional leader"? Some legacy! Said it before...none so blind as those who will not see.

  8. The polls or the seats projections can't be both right about Reform, if they're really second in the votes they can't be just on 5 seats

    1. Their vote is spread across England unlike Labour, Tory and Lib Dem which is concentrated meaning they can be second and hardly win a thing.

      THE SNP are in a similar situation here... a couple of percentage points increase and they could easily get 20+ seats. A couple in the other direction and it might be single figure time.

    2. They could. Welcome to the magic of First Past the Post, where it's possible for a party to win the popular vote and still win nothing by coming second in every seat to a range of other parties.

    3. Still I'm not convinced, even with First past the post distorsions, a National Total of 20 % means over 30% in Leave the EU areas, also getting tactical voting from conservative voters

    4. 30% may be enough to win a seat and it may not. It's in the name - First PAST the post. In these seats, Labour(or Tories) only need 31% to beat Reform.

      To win seats, Reform have to a) outperform their national vote share locally AND b) the other parties have to split the local vote. That's why they're only up for a handful, because there are usually only a handful of three or four-way races in FPTP elections.

  9. If Sturgeon/Yousaf/Swinney are so good as people say on SGP how come Labour are on 38% and the SNP are on 33%.? A strange measurement of success!!!!!!

    1. 33 is not bad.

    2. When placed in a broader context as James Kelly points out even if SNP gets seats in the teens this would still be better than the important high point of the 1970s.

    3. I shall never vote for Sturgeon.

    4. I’m sure she is relieved considering she isn’t standing in the GE. Didn’t you know that?

    5. In the 2019 election it was 45.0% for the SNP and 18.6% for Labour.
      Anon at 2.07pm thinks 33 is not bad for the SNP but disnae say anything about Labour going up from 18.6% to 38%.

      SNP continuity just disnae cut it. More people are seeing Sturgeon's gang for what they are - charlatans and grifters.

    6. Lose SNP seats at Westminster and watch Scottish Independence disappear from the agenda.
      Idiots like Ifs are beneath contempt.

    7. Scottish independence is ON the agenda? Have you told the SNP?

  10. Although I'm voting SNP this time to keep the message going that Scotland wants independence, I will vote Alba on the second vote in 2 years time. If the SNP lose most seats the only message that will be put out is that demand fae independence is waning.

    However , I thoroughly understand that some folk want to protest. At least a vote fae ISP and other Indy parties will , hopefully , be noticed by the SNP. We don't need to keep slagging each other aff.
    Not voting is nae use and voting SLab or other unionist party means you're a Britnat. Fit are thee daein on here?

  11. I want to know about important Indy stuff like. Who threw the iron that broke the Balmoral Hotel Windae?

  12. John Swinney deserves praise for his conduct in the campaign so far. It has been excellent. The senior members of the hierarchy, in the SNP, that decided to elevate him, after Humza came to grief, were, with the benefit of hindsight, very wise to do so.

    1. Agree 100%. Swinney's leadership of the SNP has so far been absolutely excellent, marked by strategic skill, dedication, exceptional debate performances on television, and keen political acumen. He has strengthened the SNP, inspired unity within her ranks, and advocated strongly for Scotland's autonomy. I have every confidence that his tenure in the role will be long and lasting in term of its legacy, which will demonstrate and underscore his remarkable vision and steadfast commitment to SNP principles.

    2. Anon @ 3:23 PM

      I feel confident that Swinney's tenure as SNP leader will be just as successful as his last one.

    3. Anon 3:23 has to be an AI comment. No sentient life form would come up with such drivel.

  13. Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer has said he would not enter negotiations with the Scottish Government on an independence referendum if the SNP wins a majority of Scottish seats at the General Election.

    First Minister and SNP leader John Swinney laid out his party’s manifesto this week, saying a majority would increase pressure on the incoming government to acquiesce to his demands for another vote.

    But speaking to journalists on Friday during a visit to Scotland, Sir Keir rubbished the idea.

    “No,” he said in response to a question from Bauer Media.

    Sir Keir later told reporters the SNP’s ambition was to be the opposition, while his was to form the government.

    “The ambition between the SNP and Labour is stark,” he said.
    “We say elect Labour MPs in Scotland so they can sit at the heart of an incoming Labour government, bringing about the change that I think so many people in Scotland want.

    “What the SNP says is send an MP to send a message, to sit literally on the opposition benches and shout across the aisle.”

  14. Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad.

    You'd have to be mad, given their ever diminishing record since Sturgeon's reign commenced, to vote SNP...

    A vote for the SNP gives tacit approval to the dodgy dealings, the gender madness, the ferries fiasco, the (absence of) highly protected marine areas, EU funding unspent, bottle recycling canned, Curriculum for Excellence meltdown, NHS dental services disappearing, offshore wind energy licences for a song, dodgy party membership claims and even dodgier party expenditure, etc. etc. etc. not to mention the elephant(s) in the room involving the courts.

    Never were more wounds (self) inflicted on Scotland since the days of Thatcher.

    The lunatics are well and truly running the asylum and Sturgeon's faithful acolytes and amnesiacs would have us vote for them???

    Aye, right!

    1. Aye richt ! Plenty o misinformation there
      For a start curriculum for excellence was dreamed up by the lab/lib coalition of the early 2000s. All political parties signed up for it. Really a product of the education establishment- as pointed oot by Prof of Education, Lindsey Patterson , Edinburgh university.

      Ferries, dae ye honestly think any politicians ken aboot building ferries- no , they put the funding up an gie the job tae Calmac/ seamal.
      Your post is full of half truths - a sure sign that you're a Britnat!
      Fit aboot the billions on CANCELLED Royal navy war ships , or HS2?
      Soar Alba

    2. LOL... The Britnat trope , a sure sign you're an acolyte.

      Never been as you claim, nor will ever be. But don't let that stop your self delusion.

    3. Me thinks you protest a wee bit too much! Certainly you havnae got your facts right.

      Soar Alba

    4. Critical of the SNP? You're a Britnat. That's the standard response of Mr Soar Alba as it saves him having to think you might have a point. As regards his proficiency at the Gaelic, I don't think he knows his Erse from his Alba.

  15. O/T I know, but sweet Jesus what a cesspit of xenophobia and homophobia Wings has become. It's now nothing more than an anti-SNP site. It wouldn't be so bad if one of the Alba MPs (and Wings pretends to support Alba) is also gay. Just look at the comments here

    1. Wings has been critical of Alba tbh, he took the side of those who left over that NEC elections thing and rubbished the 'Scotland United' proposal when Alba were pushing it.

    2. Wings has become primarily a gender ID issue site. It is an issue I have zero interest in and so I've stopped visiting it.

      I used to contribute back in the day and have a variety of Wings paraphernalia in a drawer. I even joined the Wings contingent on the march to Calton Hill with Stu. Happy days.

    3. I mostly agree with him on the gender issue - not cos I'm very fussed about men in frocks or even (to be totally honest) really bothered about transwomen in women's sports - I just object to being forced to say that a man in a dress is a woman. Call me a realist, but 2+2=4 and a cock in a frock is still a man - and forcing me to say/pretend otherwise is like asking me to say the sky is red.

      But while I get that he's pissed off about the SNP cos of the gender thing, all he's doing is helping Slab - and they're no different on gender anyway, just gender wrapped up in a butchers apron. Anyway, I hate Starmer the nu-Tory.

    4. I've just had a quick look and fail to see the homophobia you're talking about, unless you're claiming that gender critical views are themselves homophobic which I don't believe they are. Xenophobic? There are always a few on the fringes who harbour anti-English views but Campbell himself has always been critical of 'blood and soil' nationalists.

    5. Also isn't that the fact that the SNP felt that a Hate Crime Act was necessary... doesn't that imply that they think the Scottish public are hate filled & bigoted and new laws were required to combat a supposed rising tide of hatred?

      How insulting is that!? I get why people are pissed off and keep bringing up that kind of nonsense.

  16. The Big Dug in his latest article says this about the SNP: " Sure they're not perfect, but look at the alternative and weep." Pity he supported Sturgeon's gang for many years knowing fine well they were way beyond not perfect. Take some responsibility Kavanagh for this situation. You kept punting the Sturgeon line without fail even though it was mince. You are partly responsible for all these WGD dimwits who still worship Sturgeon.

    These dimwits couldnae even see he referenced " Michael Mone" in his article. So unles she has followed SNP policy and seldID as a man he is wrong. Is Michelle now a man called Michael? Did I miss this on holiday?

    1. We'd all appreciate it if you returned to your holiday and dont hurry back.

    2. Speak for yourself, I welcome his contribution.

  17. I think SNP supporters are now starting to see that a return of Nicola Sturgeon as FM after the Holyrood election is a positive prospect once current trial complete.

    1. Sure. Why not. A bit like having the guy who crashed your house party, drank all your booze, ate all your food, kicked your cat and defecated in your bathtub if he'd like to come around again on Saturday night to watch the game.

      All NS should rightly take credit for is the mess she left in the wake of her and her husband's impromptu departures.

      Rose tinted spectacles, anyone?

    2. I wouldn't mention Oor Nicla and 'trials' in the same sentence, you could be tempting fate! 😉

  18. As an independence supporter, I still see no reason to vote SNP. A vote for the current SNP is an endorsement of a corrupt leadership who have zero interest in achieving statehood for Scotland.

  19. The reason to vote SNP is simply the message , and how it will be spun , to the wider public and the establishment
    If you're p..ed ad with the SNP, the time to protest will be HR 2026..on the list. This is not a difficult thing to understand , hence..

    we really must suspect that all these OTT anti SNP comments are really coordinated Britnat attacks. Probably ( so-called ) Scottish Labour.

    Unthirldom. Soar Alba!

    1. Another "la-la-la not listening" from deepest la-la-land. (Who needs to check his Gaelic spelling c/o the spell check).

      2 x Local Govt. Candidate on an SNP ticket.
      CA Political Education Officer
      Speaker at Annual Conference, televised :)

      Britnat? Nope - Still Yes!
      Still SNP? Nope - and judging by the utterly delusional and blind-loyalty driven, logic-free comments here from those who are, so very happy not to be!

    2. Saor it is. Even a Gaelic speaker , uneducated in his own language can make a typo.
      You're still a numptie!

    3. Aye he is a Britnat.

    4. Britnats and Numpties?

      Oh my. This playground just got brutal.

      A few home truths and the regulars go into meltdown. Question Saint Nicla's stellar performance and impeccable service record and it's Ovaltine and shorty crumbs all over the keyboards.

    5. I'm starting to think 90% of the Britnat stuff is from Mr Sore Arse - he doesn't seem to have any other response.

    6. Sturgeon and Murrell created a cash hungry monster that could only be sustained by the subs from 120,000+ members, the Short Money from 56 MPs, the levies from 69 MSPs plus 56 MPs, the loans from mega rich lottery winners and the donations from those whose commercial interests lay in policies that were far removed from being related to independence.

      Remove these elements and the house of cards comes crashing down - leaving the ring-fenced vs interwoven, the campervan, the loan and the nothing to see here folks, (coz we ain't gonna let you see it) shenanigans exposed for all to see.

      Neither the ballot paper nor the witness box will be the death of the SNP, but rather the bank balance. (Hawking postage stamps now is it? Honestly... nothing surprises me anymore).

      It'll be left to us Yessers in AUOB, ISP, ALBA, SSP, Salvo, Greens etc. etc. to keep the flame burning and repair and rebuild over the coming decade.

      The SNP diehards will just blame the Britnats, and they're absolutely right to do so. But it's not the Britnats who exist outside the SNP who are the problem. They should ask themselves how they've arrived here from where they were in 2015, and "when you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth."

    7. Fallen arch. You miss an important point. the SNP has more members for independence than the greens, ALBA, ISP uncle tom cobbler and all. Maybe a recognition that the largest group of supporters don’t believe in the others. As for the truth we are just as adept at recognising bullshit from wherever it is thrown.

    8. You should be. The SNP has been feeding you bullshit for ten years.

  20. Soar Alba or Sore Alba?

    1. Of course we are sore
      Still need to vote SNP and keep the power dry till 2026.

  21. Farage now blaming the West for the Ukraine invasion. Nothing to do with that nice Mr Putin and his mafia entrenched in power in Moscow.
