Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The recognition of Palestine by three more European countries is a big moment, and is likely to create a domino effect

In the western mainstream media, one of the most common observations about the Russian aggression against Ukraine is that it backfired horribly on Putin, who was trying to stop NATO expanding to include Ukraine, but instead inadvertently caused Sweden and Finland to join NATO, which wouldn't otherwise have happened.  The reality is that Putin probably wasn't as bothered about that side-effect as was assumed, because being technically outside NATO had no effect on the fact that Sweden and Finland were already within the Euro-Atlantic orbit and both had been EU members since 1995.  Whereas Ukraine's basic orientation was and is still in dispute.

But because the "backfire" narrative was so popular, you'd think it would occur to the same media to point out that Israel's atrocities in Gaza have backfired by leading Ireland, Norway and Spain to announce today that they are recognising the State of Palestine.  Instead, the former Sky News political editor Adam Boulton moronically tweeted "terrorism works", providing one of those instant moments of clarity when you suddenly realise exactly who a person is and why they were wholly unsuited to hold the position they did.  It implies that he believes that the Palestinian people are a terrorist people or that Israel's campaign of destruction has been a proportionate response to a terrorist act.

If you insist on viewing today's decision through the prism of what "works" and what doesn't, it would be more appropriate to conclude that it shows "genocide has a penalty" or that "stoicism in the face of genocide carries a reward".  But the recognition of sovereignty and self-determination should really have nothing to do with "rewarding" Palestine or "punishing" Israel, it's simply about accepting an inalienable right of the Palestinian people which exists on an equal basis to the equivalent right of the Israeli people on their own territory.  The State of Palestine was declared in 1988, so today's three countries could have recognised it at any point since then.  Better late than never.

It's interesting that Israel is attacking the Irish decision as an assault on Israeli "sovereignty".  As I understand it, countries that recognise the State of Palestine do so on the basis that the territory covered is the West Bank and Gaza, with East Jerusalem left an open question just as recognition of Israel generally leaves West Jerusalem as an open question.  So unless Israel is claiming the West Bank and Gaza as its own sovereign possessions, what's the problem?  That's probably a question that answers itself.

Today feels like a big moment.  It increases the number of EU member states which recognise Palestine from nine to eleven, but it looks as if eight of the previous nine had made the decision prior to joining the EU, and most had done so when they were communist states.  So the number of countries that have chosen to recognise Palestine from within the EU has just trebled, and that's likely to create a domino effect.  Whenever an EU country happens to be governed by a left-wing or progressive administration, there's now a fair chance it will recognise Palestine.


  1. Tha a'dol le sin- I'm with you there.
    SNP has called on UK gov to recognise Palestine too. Perhaps a wee reason to vote SNP later this year?

    1. Its about time the SNP recognised Scotland as a state and put away its current approach of seeing Scotland as a devolved part of the UK. Anon - will Flynn ever be in charge of the UK government? - no - will the UK listen to him - no - so it is a pointless exercise in grandstanding which is something Flynn is getting good at.

    2. Aye ( I am anon above) Tha mi a'dol leat . Aye , I'm not entirely disagreeing , my point is though that at least SNP MPs are better than Labour eens. The time to vote for another Indy party is in 2026 HR. It's up to everybody to decide but the least worst candidate is often what some of us vote for. Tha mi duilich!

  2. The conflict in Eastern Ukraine is the catalyst that ALLOWED the current generation of politicians in Finland and Sweden to swing NATO membership with their respective parliaments (for the time being at least).
    This is the culmination of decades of propagation of professional, Stepford politicians by the US State Department. We know these folk all too well here. Middle-class, Politics graduates in their 30’s that have never had a job in the real world and lack real life experience.
    The previous generations of Scandinavian politicians would never have agreed to NATO membership.
    The proposition is preposterous. Finland & Sweden managed to remain neutral while sharing a land and maritime border with a notionally ideological and expansionist Soviet Union. The idea that the Russian Federation is about to occupy non-Russian speaking territory is crazy.
    The folk of Finland will pay the price for this Foggy Bottom directed lunacy. Finish defence spending in terms of GDP has expanded by 50% in four years.
    The highlight of the State Department’s interference in Nordic politics was Helle Thorning-Schmidt’s, Prime Ministerial stint in Denmark. This was the period where the Danish Security Services bugged Angela Merkel’s phone at the behest of the American NSA.
    Thorning-Schmidt is married to Blairite ghoul Stephen Kinnock, the epitome of the entitled profession politician.
    Thorning-Schmitd’s résumé is a wonder to behold. Directorships in a dozen international, globalist, Neoliberal outfits. A CV like that ‘I’ll get you a prime seat on the first tumbril when the pitchforks & burning torches appear.
    Thorning-Schmidt and Kinnock possess the must have accessory for these lofty circles; a Trans son / daughter / whatever.

  3. This is what an Independent State like Ireland can do, when will the Scottish people understand this?

  4. I can recognise Palestine on a map. I very much doubt this declaration involves being pals with the Gazan government. The Gazan government really did invade Israel and masacre people at a music festival. With Israel's gross over-reaction, they probably got what they wanted. Hamas (the Islamic Resistance Movement in English) got elected because the 'nice' P.A. guys are seriously corrupt. I doubt the Swedish government will be particularly interested in the terrorists or the corrupt.

  5. GE 4th July. SNP to lose many seats.. Starmer , Sarwar will be crowing..

    1. The sooner Starmer is in No 10 the longer there is for the shine to fade and the reality of government to settle over the vague promises. Two years before Holyrood 2026 is a decent time for the media booting from the English right wing media to dent the New New Labour minibus. It is nice to win the Westminster seats but Holyrood is the important prize.

    2. Every cloud has a silver lining.

    3. Tend to agree, 4:45. The sooner Starmer is installed, the sooner his 'all things to all people' schtick will meet with the cold hard reality of governing. And if he gets a landslide, all the better. There'll be no excuses to hide behind.

      A 1997 landslide met with the 1970s style political crises we're currently facing is a recipe for disaster for Starmer.

  6. 4th July is Independence Day. I await the closet labour/ tory britnats to reveal themself. SNP INDEPENDENCE

    1. yip, if it quacks its a britnat.

  7. Agree. All other votes are against Scotland's quest for Independence. Don't let the britnats in by the back door

  8. Will we see any mention of independence for independence day from the post independence SNP.

    Anyone that wants independence on the ballot needs to vote Alba

  9. I shall never vote for Sturgeon

    1. Go back to sleep, someone will wake you up in five years.

    2. Sturgeon isn’t standing as a MP. She is a MSP. Don’t you know the difference. Quack.

  10. Listened to the announcement on radio 4, what the hell was the racket in the background, a party in No 10?

    1. The Blair theme tune - things can only get better. Starmer way more right wing than Blair- the best you can hope for from Starmer is he disnae start any more wars but I wouldnae bank on it.

  11. Now the time fae SNP to back Angus MacNeil in Western isles. Its folly to stand against him and let in Labour.

    1. MacNeil can let the snp stand. That’s how he got elected.

  12. A vote for the SNP is the ONLY option that makes sense.

    1. Will Swinney ask the polis for his motor home so he can use it for campaigning?

    2. Quack, quack

    3. Was that duck talk for yes? Or will it be Murray Foote that well known Britnat and Chief Exec of the SNP be made to go crawling to the polis to ask for the motor home back.

    4. If a duck could be a moron then that would be you.

  13. For Palestine to actually be recognised as a state there would have to be a unanimous consensus at the UN.

  14. Watching Smarmer , Union flag on both sides....that's what you get wi Labour : Britnat , BRITNAT , Britnat..

  15. Truly there are numpties posting on SGP who still think 4th July is independence day for Scotland - sorry numpties it is for the USA.

    John REDACTOR MAN Swinney has NEVER been for independence in this millennium. He is a gradualist - a very very slow gradualist - in effect a Britnat devolutionalist. Happy to pick up his FM pension for life as his reward for covering up Sturgeon's misdeeds.

    The SNP could have stuck to their promise of a de facto referendum but sadly just like all the other promises of a referendum over the last 7 years it was a lie. Tory lies, Labour lies, SNP lies. I always knew that was another SNP lie because if you really wanted to win a de facto referendum you would have it as a Holyrood one not a UK GE.

    I told SGP readers back in 2020 that the SNP were liars and charlatans but I would vote SNP in 2021 just to show that they would do nothing with their mandate once again and sadly the SNP proved me correct. I also said it would be the last time I voted SNP unless things got better - it got worse.

    I have read nothing in Kirsten Oswalds leaflet to make me vote for her and the SNP. I do not want to be represented in the House of Horrors in Westminster. I will vote ISP who have a policy of abstention from Westminster.

    Tory lies, Labour lies and SNP lies. Vote for the SNP lies they cry they are better than the Labour lies. I have done enough voting for SNP lies. They cannae even tell the people of Scotland the truth that Scotland is a de facto colony of England. If Carlsberg did political parties for the independence of their country the SNP would be spat out as not fit for purpose.

    Independence for Scotland. Colony no more.

  16. Replies
    1. Here we have an interesting specimen - a troll that self IDs as a duck. Wonder how that fits in with the SNPs obsession with gender identity - a duck in the evening and a transnumpty the rest of the time. On balance the quack probably makes more sense than your average WGD transnumpty.

    2. Quack. You hope to help the britnats.

    3. A duck that quacks and can compose a small sentence - wow what intellect - well for a duck anyway. Someone tell Attenborough about this new evolutionary development.

  17. I wish with all my heart, James, that you and your readers would consider the wise thoughts of Salman Rushdie
