Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Survation poll offers glimmer of hope by suggesting the SNP are only four points behind

After the disappointment of the Redfield & Wilton numbers a few hours ago, a new full-scale Scottish poll from Survation has offered a bit more hope by putting the SNP just four points behind Labour - the smallest gap any polling firm has shown since John Swinney became leader.

Scottish voting intentions for the UK general election (Survation / True North):

Labour 36%
SNP 32%
Conservatives 17%
Liberal Democrats 9%

Seats projection: Labour 28, SNP 16, Conservatives 8, Liberal Democrats 5

So there are two important points about the slenderness of the gap.  Firstly, it gives the SNP hope that they might still be able to overhaul the deficit, although ideally they'd want to do that in the early stages of the campaign before postal votes are cast.  But secondly, even if they don't get back into the lead, the seats projection (which was calculated by John Curtice) shows there may be a reward for keeping things close.  Sixteen seats for the SNP is twice as many as we saw in the projection from the recent YouGov poll.  While slumping to sixteen seats would be seen as just as big a disaster on election night as slumping to seven or eight would, after a year or two things would look different, and the importance of retaining a substantial presence in the Commons would seem obvious.  It would still be a better position than the SNP had at any point prior to 2015, including the 1974-79 parliament when they had only 11 seats out of 71.

The fact that the Tories are actually gaining a couple of seats on the projection also suggests the SNP have an opportunity to squeeze out more than sixteen seats if they can get an anti-Tory tactical voting bandwagon going in the several Tory-SNP marginals.

There's also a touch of bad news from the poll, which is the first poll since the change of SNP leadership not to show John Swinney as more popular than his Labour counterparts.  Incomprehensibly, Keir Starmer has a net positive rating, albeit a modest one of +3, while Anas Sarwar is on -3 and Swinney is on -7.  But everything is relative - that's a small gap which is nowhere near as much of a problem as would exist if Humza Yousaf was still leader.

Unusually, the full range of Alba leaders are asked about, and the results are a mixed bag.  Neale Hanvey's net rating is respectable enough at -12.  Ash Regan's rating is poor at -24, but that's only fractionally worse than the Greens' Patrick Harvie (-22) and Lorna Slater (-22).  But Alex Salmond remains the least popular politician asked about, with his rating of -45 being seven points worse than Rishi Sunak.  As I've noted multiple times before, this is such a dilemma for Alba - in normal circumstances it would be obviously suboptimal to have a leader with a rating of -45, but it may well be that Alba only attract as much media attention as they do because of who their leader is, and that if they replaced him in the pursuit of better ratings, they'd end up being completely ignored, which is the worst outcome of all for a small party.

By the way, if anyone from Survation happens to be reading this (not impossible on past form), could I just point out that you're still spelling Ash Regan's name wrong.  In fact, it's got even worse - you're now calling her "Ash Reagen".

I've previewed Stephen Flynn's constituency race in Aberdeen South for The National - you can read the piece HERE.


  1. I would always ask any polling company when they produce a poll “who is paying you?”. That would then inform me better as to whether the poll reflects the past more accurately or is really there to try and influence the future as click bait for sections of the media.
    Either way, I would always recommend to anyone to use their vote even if I don’t like how they may vote. One thing the tories in particular are good at.

    1. There's no mystery about the client in this case - it's True North, which seems to be run mainly by people associated with the SNP.

    2. Jk thanks for the information. Still it reflects the past so I hope on the day pro independence wins.

    3. What was the sample size James?

  2. It is very encouraging to see in this poll that the gap is now down to just 4% which is a narrowing of the polls so that the SNP's campaign has so far been very effective under John Swinney. The SNP if it keeps doing so are still able to close the gap and recover. It is after all a marathon and not a sprint.

    1. I would not read too much into that favourability of Swinney as the key thing is if **swing** voters like Swinney.

  3. Its mainly MOE changes. I wouldn't read too much into it.

  4. YouGov Westminster voting intention, Scottish sub-sample, field work 27 - 28 May, population 185, prediction model Electoral Calculus, (change from 2019).
    Con 10% seats 1 (-5)
    Lab 36% seats 31 (+30)
    LibDem 6% seats 4 (+2)
    SNP 33% seats 21 (-27)

    1. So the Labour lead further narrows to only 3 percentage points.

    2. Electoral Calculus is pretty rubbish, to put it kindly. I’d trust Professor Curtice over that.

    3. Should take sub-sample's with a larger grain of salt than full Scottish polls though.

    4. James: are you thinking of publishing a poll of polls (aka tracker) for this election once the baseline is established?

    5. "So the Labour lead further narrows to only 3 percentage points."

      No it doesn't. The previous YouGov subsample (which I reported) had an SNP lead of 3.

  5. Be interesting to see what the doom-mongers on here say about this poll. We have went from 10 behind in a recent poll to only 4 behind with 5 weeks to go. My predictions that the snp will not lose any seats is looking better by the day.

    1. “My predictions that the snp will not lose any seats is looking better by the day.”

      Let me bookmark this so we can check back in on the 5th…

    2. Declan - still waiting for you to give us an insight in to why you think Swinney after a few weeks in the job is the second best FM after Sturgeon.

    3. Bit quieter today after seeing that poll?

  6. Surprised Salmond is so low. I mean most people would say he ran a competent government. They really have done a number on him. They were waiting decades to do it.

    1. They really did do a number on him working with the Britnat media. The big question is why?

    2. Because, unlike Sturgeon, he was a genuine threat to the status quo?

    3. Precisely. Scottish independence is the greatest existential threat to the UK. Unlike convenient, imaginary threats like war with Russia, independence very almost happened. That scared them to the core.

      As the architect of indyref, and clearly not a broken man in 2015, Salmond was target number one for them to destroy. So they did, in just the way that would make him a useful warning to others, too.

      Similarly, I really do think they went after Sturgeon as well. Her initial popularity and aura of determination was a continuation of Salmond’s threat. Quite how they manipulated her to do their bidding will be a fine reveal someday, I’m sure.

      They really wouldn’t be doing their job if they didn’t interfere with us. Defence of the realm, dear.

    4. Salmond did 'a number' on himself.
      # sleepy cuddles.

    5. The jury didn't think so.

    6. Anon at 2.28pm says:- " Quite how they manipulated her to do their bidding ....." I don't think they had to try hard.

    7. Anon at 2.30pm - the Judge didnae think so either - " unfair, unlawful and tainted by apparent bias " pretty much summarises Sturgeon. Will the judges opinion be in her work of fiction she is working on?

    8. They can't accept that Salmond was cleared in court so they hang on to this 'sleepy cuddles' remark by his lawyer like grim death. Thankfully, the jury who actually heard the case against Salmond saw through his 'victims' claims.

  7. One piece of good news today.
    Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed she intends to join the SNP general election campaign from time to time.
    Should give a welcome boost.

    1. Is she bringing her husband along as well? I'm sure activists would be excited to see their former CEO out campaigning.

    2. Will the Murrell's be fund raising? Will Mathieson be fund raising?

    3. IFS, full of positivity as usual.

    4. Lord of the SlippersMay 29, 2024 at 1:23 PM

      Skier must be more or less funding the SNP election campaign himself, the number of times he's claimed to have donated recently.

    5. If Skier doesn't get the result he wants, he'll be demanding a refund as James can testify.😄

    6. Anon troll at 1.16pm - full of trolling - no wait correction - full of shit. Sticking your head in the sand for years about Sturgeon's gang have delivered independence - no - scandal yes. You cannae fix a problem if you do not recognise it in the first place and numpties like you cannae see anything with your head stuck in the sand.

    7. Ifs, back to numpties again!
      Yesterday we were all tossers,

    8. Anon at 2.42pm just a special gift for you - tosser and a numpty full of shit. Did that make your day.

    9. IFS, what a charming guy you are.

    10. Why don't you leave IFS alone if you don't want him to insult you?

    11. Anon trolls love playing the victim card - it's part of their tactics.

    12. It just annoys me. He's made three comments here and all of them have been to snipe at another poster, nothing about politics. What's the point?

    13. It was aimed at your critic who has made three comments against you in this section at 1:16, 2:42 and 2:56. I should have made it clearer.

    14. Anon at 5:27, too late, Ifs has already got you down for a numpty.

    15. Anon at 5.31pm - clearly you need to get yourself down to Specsavers as I do not say he is a numpty but just for you until you sort out your eyesight - YOU ARE A NUMPTY!

  8. They need to go full square after Labour, not the Tories. This Tory free malarky is meaningless.

    Go after the charlatan Sarwar and Starmer who have offered Scotland nothing, support Brexit, and go after them on free tuition, prescriptions, all the good stuff the SNP has done.


    1. Striking that they haven’t done that, isn’t it?

  9. KC, I've got an idea for you. Why don't you set up your own blog and then you can have these exciting conversations with yourself to your heart's content? It would save me having to delete 200 of your comments per day, so win/win. You could even give all your alter egos names, like Keith and Penelope. So much more fun than Anonymous agreeing with Anonynous about how right Anonymous is.

    1. I'm still struggling to see what the issue was with the posts about the shoe question.

    2. KC, read my lips: I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE "SHOE QUESTION" IS.

    3. Have to say James, this KC character seems a right pain in the arse.

  10. Was the shoe question asked in this poll, James?

    1. That's exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about. What does that even mean? What the hell is the "shoe question"?

    2. KC’s coming blog will be a rip roaring success with all our favourite characters cracking splendid jokes like this. What does

    3. It’s the cosy slippers question that’s on the line in July.

  11. Biden wants a two state solution for Israel and Palestine in the same way Starmer wants to abolish the House of Lords and Sturgeon wants Scottish independence.

    Well done to Spain, Ireland and Norway for standing up to the bully boys - Biden and Netahanyu.

    1. It’s almost like people acting in good faith can take meaningful action NOW…

    2. Ifs, you’re way off topic.

    3. Anon at 2.45pm I didn't realise James had appointed an anon as a moderator.

  12. The disconnect between independence supporters and political partys who use it as a vote-net in lieu of anything much to do with people's main concerns is the new normal.

  13. I'm voting for Crocs.

  14. James - anon 2.51 is suspected concern troll. Suggest deletion.

  15. Survation Holyrood voting intention, field work 23 - 27 May, sample population 1,026, prediction model Election Polling, (change from 2021).
    SNP 33%
    Con 17%
    Lab 32.3%
    LibDem 9%

    SNP 29%
    Con 15%
    Lab 33%
    LibDem 10%
    Green 8%

    Seats summary (before regional variation *):
    Lab 48 (+26)
    SNP 42 (-22)
    Con 17 (-14)
    LibDem 13 (+9)
    Green 9 (+1)

    Unionist block 78 seats
    Independence (notionally) block 51 seats

    * ALBA at 6% in Highlands & Islands, 5% in Mid-Scotland & Fife.

    1. Snp still leads constituency poll.

  16. Sounds like Swinney's popularity is going to take a big hit this afternoon.

  17. Alas independence voters that vote for unionist parties, pretty ghastly unionist parties at that, will have a long time after to reflect on what they did.

    1. Indeed they will. As will independence voters who abstain or spoil ballot papers.
      We can only hope some of these people come to their senses before polling day.

    2. If you vote for British parties you ain't an independence supporter. You are voting to remain a colony.

    3. Touchy, aren’t we, colonising Brit?

  18. Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments

    Terrible tribal politics in Holyrood over Mathieson affair. Hard to believe that Yousaf backed him, got egg on his face and now Swinney is doing the same. You would have thought any sensible politician, bearing in mind the polis investigation, would have closed this down right away. But this is Sturgeon's gang and their priority is looking after each other. They don't seem to care how many votes will be lost over this. But people on SGP are pleading with people to vote SNP - you seem to care more than Sturgeon's gang.

    A debate on standards and there I saw Swinney chatting away on the front bench with Somerville. Two people whose standards are extremely low never mind Mathieson.

    Most of the 11k was spent on the 2nd of Jan - that was documented - bloody obvious it was the football. Only the sense of entitlement from being part of Sturgeon's gang and seeing others in the gang getting away with wrongdoing stopped Mathieson from being sensible and paying the bill immediately out of his personal funds.

    1. Well said Ifs, excellent post.
      For once I agree with you. There you go, you weren’t expecting that were you😄

    2. To be fair to John Swinney he has shown leadership by standing up for Michael Matheson, highlighting potential biases in the investigation process.

      Swinney's actions constitute an island of fairness and parliamentary integrity, in a sea of petty political point-scoring, and showcase his dedication to justice and loyalty to colleagues, reinforcing the principles of due process and equity.

    3. Anon @ 4.49pm….what utter nonsense! Whether the investigation was subjected to political bias or not is irrelevant to Matheson’s blatantly improper actions and subsequent failure to accept responsibility by resigning.. They are two separate issues. I’m afraid John Swinney has diminished himself by appearing to defend Matheson. Anon @ 5.56 pm is completely correct in saying in real life he would have been sacked after his admission.

    4. It is amazing that posters here such as IfS and anon 5.47 are taking the side of Douglas Ross in this matter. Shame.

    5. Anon at 6.17pm it is shameful that you and others support crookedness.

    6. I'm scared to think about robot pish. Is it toxic and could it cause the robot to rust. I have environmental questions that demand an answer.

  19. Completely agree with IFS on this one. Mathieson’s failure as a Scottish Government Minister to immediately accept responsibility, apolities and resign was incredibly disappointing as was the way his colleagues subsequent attempts to defend him. Just don’t understand why he didn’t just pay the money himself in the first place. If a Scottish civil servant had acted in the same way he/she would have been dismissed.

    1. Anon at 4 .35pm says:- " Just don't understand why he just didn't pay the money himself in the first place" - yep why risk your career and now his job? and also damage the SNP and independence to a lesser extent. I gave my explanation in my post above - other explanations may be available but I ain't seen them.

    2. It's obvious: Matheson is either criminally greedy, stupid, or both. Now he is never going to get elected by anyone, ever. But presumably John Swinney would still vote for his pal.

      I am astounded by how far removed from reality Holyrood is. In real life there would be no need for two committees - he would just be sacked, and possibly reported to the police for attempted fraud.

    3. Agreed. But there is the small matter of his personal mandate (I know, but technically…) from voters to hear in mind when giving him the sack for criminal behaviour and calling the poileas to be present when you do.

      Since the “norm” is over that made politicians resign when they were caught doing criminal deeds, we sorely need a public prosecutor charged with monitoring the lot of them, and stepping in to investigate when appropriate, suspending that MSP.

      Good luck with that, I suppose. Corrupt turkeys don’t vote for Christmas.

  20. No doubt you would love a big blue tent outside his door and his sons dragged off to some home. Really ? You obviously have no concept of friendship. I may be wrong about that your pals are Annie ( I’m impartial) Wells and I’m am above prejudice Baillie.

    1. Please please PLEASE, we beg you, vote SNP to keep Scotland’s crooks in parliament. They will all face justice after independence honest.

      How low must these criminals go before you finally will not VOTE for them? Hypothetically, of course.

    2. They’re not just charlatans, KC, that’s just your lot. The SNP group is worse than that: they are squatters on Scotland’s hopes and traitors to their voter’s cause.

    3. Traitors? Does that apply to all SNP supporters too? Away you go britnat.

    4. What would you call someone who claims allegiance to a cause, asks for and receives money and campaign volunteer worker support, is elected, then slurps all the gravy they can while doing BUGGER ALL for independence? A jolly good chap?

      They are worse than useless. They are BLOCKING the road.

  21. Steph Brawn at the National:

    THE SNP’s deputy leader at Westminster has said she has not "heard any particular detail" on the party’s independence strategy

    Even deputy leader hasn’t seen THE SUPER SECRET INDY PLAN. Must be hot stuff then, eh?

    1. You want to see the super secret plan for independence? Hold on dear. Close your eyes…


    2. As far as I can make out, The Plan is to get about 25% of the vote in Scotland then ask Kier Starmer for a referendum. Lib Dem dentistry is more interesting.

    3. Hello Keir, congratulations on the election! Aye, you fair spanked us, but how about those Tories! Goodness me, how we laughed. It was quite a night.

      Now, formalities first. May I officially ask you to kindly grant us a Section 30 to fulfil our mandate—ahem, look I know but this is business, if you’ll excuse me Keir—a section 30 order to hold another referendum on independence. Well, will you?

      A chuckle’s not a legal answer, Keir. Could we get that No in writing?

  22. You have to laugh at the double standards of those SNP MSPs complaining about Wells having already made up her mind about Matheson. On the Fabiani parliamentary farce looking in to the actions of Sturgeon and her Special advisers each and every one of the SNP members had made up their mind beforehand that Sturgeon had done no wrong. Indeed some of them used the Inquiry into Sturgeon and her advisers to attack Salmond again. The actual title of the Inquiry said to investigate the actions of special advisers - not one was called before the Committee chaired by the SNP's Fabiani.
    Tribal politics ignoring decency, honesty and wrongdoing.

    1. You are taking the side of Douglas Ross in this matter.

    2. Anon at 6.35pm just proves my point - tribal politics and no sense of integrity.

    3. Your either with the terrorists or your against… Rummy, what’s my line here?

    4. Of course he agrees with Ross, he's a notorious Tory troll who's been pretending for years that he's an independence supporter, this is the only site that has allowed him to remain, which should tell you the purpose of this blog

    5. Hamas! Hamas! All those people were Hamas!
      —Israeli propaganda ministry

    6. John Swinney differs from Douglas Ross on how eager he is to talk about independence, I’ll grant you that. 😉

    7. I used to think independence supporters and politicians had higher standards. That disappeared years ago. SNP MSP Marie McNair talking in a debate about someone trying to defraud the public purse starts ranting about Waspi women and two child benefit and all the terrible things the Tories have done - embarrassing. What was also embarrassing was Tory Stephen Kerr, he looked and sounded as if he had consumed a bit of alcohol. Old habits from Westminster probably.
      What a spectacle!

    8. I’ve always suspected IFS is a unionist. I think it’s beyond doubt now.
      Whether he’s Tory or Labour or LD for that matter, difficult to tell.

    9. You’re so dull, anon. Why don’t you follow your own advice and leave? You’re beat, mate, and have nothing of your own to say. You’re not even KC!

    10. Inspector Closeau strikes again at 7.06pm. It's beyond doubt Closeau says. I wouldnae like you as my lawyer - numpty.

  23. Dr Jim at 6.51pm tries to kid on now and again he is a decent human being but every so often his desire to inflict violence on people pours out in his posts. Apart from that Jimbo is a notorious liar and nicophant. Jimbo a coward who posts as an anon then runs away back to the dughouse.

  24. Very very hard to take these anonymous posters who have a go at somebody but don't say who it is. Complete and utter diddies. You know who you are.

  25. Won’t someone PLEASE think of our tribal loyalty!

  26. SNP MSPs prattling on about Matheson making a mistake. A mistake is me not noticing my earlier posts were spelling Matheson's name wrong. Defrauding the public purse of £11k is way beyond that.

  27. It's difficult to think that someone actually claimed £11,000 on their expense account for mobile data whilst on holiday for a week when they could have bought a mobile data sim in Morocco for £10. And they thought no-one would notice.

    Apparently that's the standard of person that is ultimately in charge of the NHS in Scotland. I feel sorry for his constituents - they must want to eviscerate him with spoons.

  28. As for John Swinney - he is so far removed from public sentiment he might as well be living on Saturn.

    What an election campaign.
