Friday, May 31, 2024

Luke Akehurst: Labour's pro-genocide election candidate and wannabe Robespierre, who has more loyalty to Israel than to his own country

The Labour leadership have been behaving oddly in recent days.  At a stage of the election campaign where you'd think they'd be going out of their way to avoid any whiff of controversy or disunity, they've instead been openly carrying out a factional purge of left-wingers, including Britain's first black female MP, Diane Abbott. They've also been provoking fury by stitching up Labour selections at the last minute for cardboard cutout backroom boy Starmerite loyalists.  

Whenever it's been pointed out how reckless this behaviour is, a leadership apologist has popped up to insist that ordinary voters simply don't care about internal party machinations.  Which amounts to a boast that Starmer can do the most horrendous things in plain sight, in the full glare of publicity of a general election campaign, and suffer no penalty at all.  The only rational response to that is to redouble our efforts to make sure that voters do know about what's been going on, because it's actually not that difficult to understand, and it touches on something people really care about - ie. you don't want to put bullies and cheats in positions of power, because if they treat their own people so badly, how are they going to treat the rest of us?

The veteran journalist Michael Crick likened what right-wing members of Labour's NEC have been doing to schoolboys breaking into the school tuck-shop and gorging themselves sick.  These are the people who were the minority faction on the NEC during the Corbyn years and at that point were doing everything they could to undermine the leadership.  They couldn't believe their luck in later finding themselves in effective control of the party, and have abused that position at every turn by purging left-wingers in an orgy of revenge, and installing their own mates instead.  Having seen that there is nothing that will stop them doing exactly as they please, they've now gone even further by installing themselves, literally themselves, as Labour general election candidates.

The most notorious example is Luke Akehurst, who has ludicrously installed himself as Labour candidate for North Durham even though he lives hundreds of miles to the south.  Akehurst's main claim to fame is as Labour's number one fan of Israel's genocide in Gaza (although admittedly the competition is stiff).  There are numerous on-the-record comments from him in which he opposes a ceasefire and makes extremist claims such as that the UN is anti-semitic and that videos showing Israeli atrocities were staged by actors.  To my mind, though, this is his most damning comment - 

"Personal opinions, not those of WBII: I'm in favour of the major West Bank settlement blocks becoming part of Israel, and a new Palestinian state getting compensatory land swaps from pre-1967 Israel territory. I want the Golan Heights to remain part of Israel."

The Golan Heights cannot "remain" part of Israel because they are not part of Israel and never have been.  They are Syrian territory which has been militarily occupied by Israel since 1967, and they are internationally recognised as such by the UN and by virtually every country in the world.  Apart from a very recent US decision made by the Trump administration, the only country to recognise the Golan Heights as being part of Israel is Israel itself.  Simply by using the phrase "remain part of Israel", Akehurst is revealing himself to have greater loyalty to the State of Israel (or perhaps to Donald Trump) than he does to his own country, or to international law.  That alone should make him unsuitable as a candidate, before you even get to the fact that he thinks Israel should be awarded another country's land by right of conquest.

Imagine there was a Labour candidate who was going around saying that "personally, I think Donetsk should remain part of Russia" as if "personally" is an all-purpose get-out clause (Akehurst also says his opposition to a ceasefire in Gaza is a "personal" view.)  That is the precise equivalent of what is happening here.

It used to be said in relation to Cold War espionage that agents who were motivated by money were more reliable than those motivated by principle or personal loyalty.  Akehurst always stresses that he is not part of the Israeli diaspora, so it's not unreasonable to wonder what personal reward is motivating his obsessive, unquestioning loyalty to a country thousands of miles away that is committing genocide.

If Russia had bought absolute loyalty from a Starmer aide who was standing as a Labour candidate in July, that would be considered a problem.  In fact, it would be considered an absolute scandal.

*  *  *

I've profiled the constituencies of Aberdeenshire North & Moray East and Airdrie & Shotts for The National - you can read the articles HERE and HERE.


  1. Looks as if Labour think they can get away with anything, and they are not even in power yet. Or, have they overdone it; will their treatment of the likes of Diane Abbott and Faiza Shaheen backfire?

    1. Labour's primary opposition will, once again, be itself.

  2. Labour says Abbott is free to stand.

  3. I don't think Abbott is particularly rated by the electorate at large to be honest.

    1. Yeh sure, Keir -that why she has won elections for years. You don't like pro Palestinian candidates.

    2. Not the point. She is locally popular in her seat, and has served the party for many years, and a symbol of diversity and achievement from a minority ethnic political pioneer, whose voice they have tried to silence. Not a good look at all.

    3. Hi im the orignal poster. I support Palestinan rights actually I just don't rate Abbott.

      Her letter in the guardian was ridiculous and it's not the first time she's made stupid comments.

      Nothing to do with Palestine.

    4. there are plenty black people who can take her seat. Her skin colour shouldn't be an attribute.

    5. Ha ha, imagine if you were white, and someone said 'there are plenty white people who can replace you'.

    6. I know none of it makes sense. Imagine being white and someone says "keep them as she's white". What piffle

  4. Abbott has been undermined and humiliated. There has already been a backlash. Whether she stands or not is another matter.

  5. Tel Aviv Keith can’t take a shit without calling Mossad and asking for permission.

  6. Keir Starmer praised Abbot as an important trailblazer.

    He stated that the relevant decision taking committee within the Labour Party has now resolved the issue with the decision that Abbott is free to stand in the forthcoming general election as a Labour candidate.

    1. I trust she will now become an MP and play her part to build a better future for all regardless of race, sexual orientation or gender.

    2. It's the least he could do. He stated blah blah blah... sound like a party press release Missing the point that Abbott has been undermined and humiliated. Sure, they must have felt the backlash and have backtracked.

  7. Encouraging Santana pole came out this morning. Hope JK will cover. Finds Swinney rising and SNP holding its own.

  8. It's the least he could do. He stated blah blah blah... sound like a party press release Missing the point that Abbott has been undermined and humiliated. Sure, they must have felt the backlash and have backtracked.

  9. Dani Garavelli just tweeted "Writing about Diane Abbott and Fazia Shaheen and honestly I don't have enough words at my disposal to convey my disgust."

  10. Regardelss of what Abbott is allowed to do or even wants to do, it remains that Faiza Shaheen has been blocked and not allowed to stand. That one can't be airbrushed away.

  11. Excellent response to the news that Abbott has been allowed to stand from John Swinney on the television news just now.

  12. I wonder what is meant by the "new Palestinian state getting compensatory land swaps from pre-1967 Israel territory"? Perhaps a bit of the Negev desert? A bit of land bordering Gaza or Egypt?

  13. James, sorry to divert a bit from Labour down south but what's the news on the alleged 6 councillors it was rumoured they were bringing up to Scotland to stand in Scottish constituencies? Anyone know how that is going down in those constituencies - or have Labour not finalised anything there yet? Thanks.

  14. Diane Abbot is an idiot and everybody knows she's an idiot but that fact in neither here nor there, there are plenty of idiots in politics in all parties but their lives are not made a misery because of that by their leaders, in some cases Starmer selects idiots to lead the Labour branch in Scotland
    In Starmers case Diane Abbot is not his chosen idiot so he doesn't want her anywhere near his new party just like Corbyn, and the only reason he is succumbing to pressure is because it's making him look the nasty person that he actually is
    England is what counts to Starmer and poor old Diane Abbot lives there, if she lived in Wales or Scotland she'd be promoted to local leader

    1. Let's be better than to refer to people as you have in your first sentence.

    2. You're an idiot.

    3. No your a bawheid

    4. D A may not be a heavyweight intellectually but she has represented a constituency and grown its majority vote over decades, and is highly regarded by her constituents. What you know of her is what the BBC and the MSM tell you. Why you choose to accept anything they say is a mystery.

    5. Do some of you people not understand words?

    6. Well anon@5:47, doesn't understand contractions.

  15. Money it is then...

    Some 13 of the 31 members of Labour’s shadow cabinet have received donations from a prominent pro-Israel lobby group or individual funder, it can be revealed.

  16. Impressive interview on BBC by SNP leader John Swinny here:

    An interview that will not quickly be forgotten.

    1. You said the same about ? what was his name again?

  17. That's interesting (not). Very convenient that the numbers add up to 100.

  18. Foul language. Abbot Nandy cares about all his congregation.

  19. Please watch language, anon.
