Tuesday, January 21, 2025

It's "Scot Goes Pop Night" over at Wings, as Stew lovingly archives and annotates *sixty-four* of the finest SGP blogposts of the last six years - join me on a trip down memory lane as we relive the highs, the lows, the triumphs, the setbacks, the laughter, the tears, the joy, the despair - and the renewed hope that Scotland will soon be an independent country

I very rarely link to Wings posts, but I'm compelled to make an exception tonight because I'm profoundly moved by this one.  In order to prove that he's not stalking me, Stew Campbell has run no fewer than *sixty-four* individual Scot Goes Pop blogposts through the archive.is site, thus helpfully ensuring those posts are now permanently there for posterity.  He has then linked to all sixty-four archived pages from a single bumper tribute article, and has even calculated the word count of each individual post, plus the combined word count for all sixty-four.  

All in all that shouldn't have taken him more than a few hours, and I must admit it's exactly what I would have done if I was trying to prove I wasn't stalking someone. This of course follows on from his previous efforts to show he wasn't stalking me by trying to bankrupt iScot magazine because he didn't like one of my columns in it, and by getting his solicitor David Halliday to send me legal threats at the dead of night because someone else was using the Scot Goes Pop comments section to claim that he blames the Hillsborough disaster on the victims themselves.  (It has to be said that's a claim a great many other people have made about him too, so it's just as well no-one in this world ever believes that there's no smoke without fire.)

I'm particularly thrilled that Stew has given an outing to some of the Random Totty From Freedom Square's digital art.  I always felt the binoculars were a touch of genius.  That's nothing to how sensational her proper paintings and drawings are, though - I've always told her she could be world-famous if she wants to be, and I'm not exaggerating.

Of course not everyone will follow Stew's links and read the sixty-four blogposts, but luckily he's provided the full titles of all sixty-four, and some of those are so long that they make the point just as effectively as the posts themselves.  My own personal favourites are - 

'Thousands mystified as blogger claims Yes vote has been flatlining on 52% for the last three years, only a week after he claimed it has been flatlining on 47% for the last six years'

'Campbell appears to want someone in Ohio to be executed, he also wants Kezia Dugdale to “die down a well”, and can anyone introduce me to his “fifty employees”?'

'Stuart Campbell blows his top as he confirms he is now a Tory voter: “I don’t give a s**** and you are all unf***able nutjobs”'

'Now Wings aspires to become death, the destroyer of independence. But he’s not Oppenheimer, he’s just a bog standard Pied Piper, and frankly it’s time to send him packing.'

'Stuart Campbell has not only turned against independence, he’s turned against the rights of women and girls. If anyone is crazy enough to follow his advice today, make sure you hold him accountable for the long-term consequences.'

Thank you, Stew, for bringing these important points to a (slightly) wider audience.

And yes, I'm very proud that the Total Politics Awards named Scot Goes Pop as one of the UK's top 50 left-wing blogs in 2011.  The great news is that if those awards are ever revived, Stew will be in contention in a different category, so there's no reason why we can't both do well.


  1. The WOS crew are in early on this one.

  2. Wings has done nothing but troll mainstream Independence supporters for the past 5 or 6 years. He thought that he would propel Alba into power while destroying destroy the SNP, he has failed and is bitter which is why he is attacking you now that you have rejoined the SNP.

    1. If Campbell actually supported Alba, he had a strange way of showing it. He could barely mention the name without moaning about it being Gaelic. Perish the thought of using Scotland's language!

    2. Then he urged his readers to vote Tory or Labour to defeat the SNP in the general election, completely dismissing any pro-indy alternative.

      That's some strange kind of love.

  3. Lol.
    SO many poor, insignificant Wings Whingers on here tonight.
    Useful to remember how being closely associated with the wee 'Rev' did absolute wonders for both Salmond and Alba, with the voting public 😂😂😂

    1. How many MPs did the SNP lose again? 🤣

    2. Did SNP lose 100% of their MPs and did they also lose their deposit in every single constituency they contested......like Alba did??? 😂😂😂

    3. News just in: it's possible for two parties to be shite at once. Shocker!

    4. The answer that DF didn't provide was a reduction of 39 MPs from 2019.

      The SNP also lost 517,000 votes between these elections.

      The SNP's vote share declined from 45% to 30%. That is a proportionate one-third decline.

    5. I am one of those half million voters who turned their back on the SNP after 2019. No independence, no vote.

      There wasn't even an Alba candidate here for me to consider, so I just abstained. Knowing now what they did to James and Eva and Denise and others, though, I wouldn't vote for Alba either.

    6. Only one of those two Parties has already made a very substantial recovery with voters and is on-track, once again, to form Scotgovt.........and it is definitely NOT Alba.

    7. "The SNP's vote share declined from 45% to 30%."

      They're still in the 30% range how is that a 'substantial recovery'?

      They've pretty much barely moved whilst Labour has proceeded to shoot themselves in the foot & Reform eats into the Labour & Tory vote.

    8. SNP Vote share and the gap between them and Labour have both been rising steadily, since the GE - and SNP are now ontrack to be forming Scotgovt once again. Quite remarkable, given they will have been in power for 18 years, by 2026.
      That seems to annoy you, pal.
      Alba are a nothing and going nowhere.

  4. Note: That's an older version of the Wings article? He found 5 more blog posts and added them in a few hours ago.

    1. His commitment to his non-stalking task is so relentless that I simply can't keep up with the man. I freely confess it.

  5. Laughable to see Campbell claim he has only ever mentioned James in three articles. There have been dozens at least (although some of them were passive-aggressive indirect references where everyone knew who he was talking about without him using James's name). And it's on Twitter where Campbell's obsession with James is seen to the greatest extent anyway.

    1. The irony is that some of the posts Campbell has linked to are actually direct replies by James to attacks on him by Campbell that Campbell has forgotten about somewhere along the line. He's unwittingly rebutting his own allegations without James even needing to bother.

  6. i thought he had a soft spot for Kezia Dugdale? I may have misheard.

    1. Her win against him in court certainly hit a soft spot of his…

    2. It seems his ego was bruised at being beaten by a woman. The poor wee soul.

    3. At least his cult followers paid his legal fees. He certainly wouldn’t have wasted his own money on a hopeless, and rather sad wee case.

  7. You're making light of it, James, but his obsession with you is really rather disturbing. I've said for a while that someone close to him in Bath (does he really live in Bath?) needs to have a quiet word with him, and perhaps get him the help he needs.

    1. I agree with you. There's a human story here too, and Campbell doesn't seem to have been well for a long time. The Dugdale incident may have been the trigger for whatever has happened to him. The adoration from the Wings commenters has warped his thinking, but that's not the real world and never will be.

    2. Yes, he lives in Bath. Alex Salmond went down to interview Stu in his rather salubrious Georgian back yard, back on his Russia Today show. Campbell's also done some remarkable investigative journalism regarding the local aquatic birds on Bath's waterways. And no, I’m not making that up. Wings is sometimes literally for the birds and proud of it.

      Everyone needs a hobby, I guess. Some are healthier than others.

    3. And a lot of frothing anons spend a lot of their time here pressing other ones…

    4. You ought to know

    5. I have copyright over the use of mouth frothers and similar expressions when talking about Campbell’s cult disciples. Cease and desist!!!!

  8. I think the wee Rev is one jobby short of a used potty.

    1. The wit. Oh, my sides. P7 kids up late tonight/

  9. "And as always, we’ll leave the final judgement of whose analysis turned out the more reliable – and more pertinently of who’s stalking who – to you, our readers."

    OK, Stu. James' analysis proved to be more reliable than yours (especially on "the graph", where you absolutely humiliated yourself by lying so baltantly). And you are stalking James.

    Thanks for giving us the opportunity to clarify this for you.

  10. 'Thousands mystified as blogger claims Yes vote has been flatlining on 52% for the last three years, only a week after he claimed it has been flatlining on 47% for the last six years'

    LOL. Stuart, stop digging, man.

  11. As Wings admits: "We’re stuck indoors waiting for a repairman today, so we had a little read-around of some of the less popular Scottish politics blogs to pass the time, and noted this:"

    Good to know he reads his own blog.

  12. This blog is a total pathetic whinge fest
    Is this a please feel sorry for me and give me money to keep my shiny new SNP blog going seeing as how my pathetic Alba one fell on its arse
