Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Power-crazed McEleny pushes Alba to the brink of destruction by launching yet another bogus "disciplinary" action - this time against the party's ACTING LEADER

As you've probably seen, The National have published a dynamite exclusive from which only one conclusion can be drawn.  Chris McEleny has recognised that he made a potentially career-ending blunder by betting the house on Ash Regan winning the Alba leadership contest, because the Salmond family's backing of Kenny MacAskill makes it almost a nailed-on certainty that MacAskill will win.  As the pound-shop Machiavelli that he is, McEleny now knows that only a major disruptive incident can rescue Regan's campaign and therefore his own career, and has decided to engineer one by yet again abusing his own powers as General Secretary.  He has launched another bogus "disciplinary" action - this time against the acting party leader himself.

As can be easily discerned from the National piece, the charges of "bullying and harassment" McEleny has lodged against Mr MacAskill are totally bogus.  They amount to nothing more than special pleading on behalf of the Regan campaign because they didn't like the implications on social media that they were flirting with fascism by aping Reform UK rhetoric.  It looks like Mr MacAskill has seen off the bogus action for the time being, with him commenting - 

"An unauthorised and unconstitutional attempt was made to allegedly suspend me, Kenny MacAskill, by an individual acting outwith the limits of their powers."

However, those words create a massive problem for MacAskill too, because the words "unconstitutional" and "acting outwith the limits of their powers" have a specific meaning here.  McEleny did not suspend Mr MacAskill's party membership pending a disciplinary hearing (which he would have had the power to do under the Alba constitution) but instead sought to suspend Mr MacAskill from attending Alba committee meetings (which he has no constitutional power to do).  He specifically said he was empowered to do this due to the precedent of the action he took against me in September, when he initially did not suspend my party membership but instead suspended me from attending meetings of the Constitution Review Group, of which I was an elected member.

By definition, then, if MacAskill is saying that the action taken against himself is unconstitutional and exceeds McEleny's powers, he is confirming that the action taken against me in September was also unconstitutional and exceeded McEleny's powers.

I would suggest it is now incumbent upon Mr MacAskill to clarify whether he voted for or against the unconstitutional action against me when McEleny took it to the NEC.  If he voted in favour of it, I would suggest that in all good conscience he should now be considering his own position - not only for knowingly breaching the party constitution, but also for sheer hypocrisy.  At the very least, he should be pondering the old verse - 

"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
     Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

McEleny, for his own utterly selfish ends, has now driven Alba to the brink of either civil war or total destruction, and those who have sat back and allowed him to abuse his powers for the last four years, simply because they were not personally affected at the time, must accept a large share of the blame for that.  Morgwn Davies, Alan Harris and myself all did our level best as members of the Disciplinary Committee last year to stand up to McEleny as he maliciously sought the expulsion and suspension of numerous Alba members who had done absolutely nothing wrong - and what support did we receive from senior people in the party who should have been both protecting us and speaking out against McEleny's abuses?  None.  Absolutely none.  We were hung out to dry.


  1. Alba are gonna need a 'Bigger Sack'.

  2. I have decided to impose a 25% tariff on Kenny The Mooth's vote.
    We can get by without his lawyering.

  3. Unbridled arrogance on show from McEleny.

    The intelligent are the most self-aware.

    He shows no self-awareness.

  4. Will Regan and Tamina rush to McEleny’s position or remain silent?

    1. Has Regan ever actually acknowledged McEleny?

      It kinda seems like his support is poisoning her but she hasn't actually linked herself to him?

    2. Kenny’s camp are trying to link Regan with Chris McEleny but there is now reason to and I don’t know why James insists on doing this. Regan had nothing to do with his expulsion

    3. I never said she had anything to do with my expulsion. McEleny certainly did, though, and the evidence that he is her éminence grise and 'strategic adviser' is overwhelming. He was the one who got her onto the front page of the Record a few days ago. He is the 'disgruntled employee' who briefed against Kenny MacAskill to the Sunday Mail. He is the instigator of her extremely unwise Reform-style rhetoric. And the General Secretary of a political party does not try to suspend the acting party leader in the middle of a leadership electon unless he wants the other candidate to win.

    4. James, you say the evidence that he is her eminence grise and 'strategic adviser' is overwhelming. But, didn't Ash Regan appoint an ex Salmond Scot Gov high profile professional aide as her 'strategic adviser' and presumably as JCherry was her supporter and mentor for the pre-choreographed SNP leadership contest, isn't J Cherry still her mentor/adviser? With these people it's hardly likely that McEleny is of the calibre to be part of that backroom team - or that Ash Regan would by-pass their advice and defer to McEleny?

      I won't mention the name because they mean nothing to me, but another Alba person said that McEleny himself did not brief the Sunday Mail - and that it was someone a tad more professional in experience in such things!

      Is there no possibility at all that McEleny is in some ways being stitched up here - in order that MacAskill gets the victimhood narrative into the media to bolster his leadership/justice for Alex support? Worked for Salmond.

    5. "it's hardly likely that McEleny is of the calibre to be part of that backroom team"

      I'm not sure "calibre" is the word I'd use given the foolishness of some of the things she's said. It's not just the Reform UK style rhetoric, it's also the delusional claims in her Record interview about bringing down Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell, which have been widely mocked as "Thermometer: The Sequel". The advice she's received has actually been of strikingly low quality. It's of McEleny standard, not Cherry standard.

      "another Alba person said that McEleny himself did not brief the Sunday Mail"

      That person was described in the Sunday Mail as a "disgruntled Alba employee" and as "senior". That in itself is sufficient to narrow it down to two people - McEleny or Corri Wilson. As I understand it, the so-called Corri Nostra are all backing MacAskill and would scarcely be briefing against him.

      "Is there no possibility at all that McEleny is in some ways being stitched up here"

      No. Not unless the email published yesterday was an outright forgery - and if that was the case, we'd have heard a denial by now.

  5. Presumably if Kenny MacAskill wins the leadership it's highly unlikely Chris McEleny will remain in any position of influence (if he even remains a member). Could this be the turning point?

    1. No.There are many ways to fall from a cliff.

    2. Regan employs mceleney through SG parliamentary budget.

    3. That’s a lie Regan does not employ McEleny

    4. Ask any Holyrood staff who sends out emails from Ash Regan’s parliamentary office -Mr Chris McEleney - it’s not a secret - it’s a fact. He is a regular fixture in the garden lobby.

    5. McEleny was sent to help Regan by Salmond. He was GS and Regan the only MSP. It does not mean McEleny worked for Regan. He worked for the party and was appointed by Salmond

      The Kenny camp is using McEleny to smear Regan

  6. What an utter shit show Alba are. Can Alba ever recover to be a positive force for independence now - very unlikely.

    The only game in town for independence is to get rid of the SNP leadership and replace it with people who actually want independence. If the membership cannot or won't do this it will just be another decade at least of vague statements designed to keep giving the membership a tiny little bit of hope. If they don't get a move on the leadership will have totally captured the party for a long time to come. That means the British state have successfully carried out the only sensible strategy to stop Scottish independence.

    1. Maybe this'll be a creative crisis.
      Here's hoping...

    2. That's up to the SNP not the 1%ers

    3. IFS: John Swinney's leaderhip of the SNP is good. It has been marked with a steady hand.

    4. Most people are far more interested in his leadership of the Scottish government than the SNP.

    5. They're banning the cats!

    6. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3.37pm that’s exactly what ifs said in his post.

      Also what is all this Swinney steady hand stuff from posters. You really have to question their mentality.

    7. Steady hand - like dead people and those in a coma. Not the best compliment by these silly anons. Hope the SNP are not wasting money paying these posters.

    8. @4:36 Swinney made a great speech at conference. We can all agree.

    9. I guess that few of the >one in three of the electorate who seem to wish to vote SNP think that Swinney having a rigour mortis hand on the SNP tiller and having made some speech to SNPers is of any import.

      That minority may well think that the NHS crisis/housing crisis/climate crisis/council funding crisis/higher education funding crisis/all the other crises are entirely the fault of Covid/Westminster/The Martians.

    10. Ho, ho. Rigour mortis hand- what insight, what humour. Not. Martians don’t exist but the greedy exploitation of Scotlands resources and wealth lies in London and the English government.

    11. “They're banning the cats!” Well at least they're not eating them 😱

    12. I used to think the SNP cared about hurt felines.

    13. Jeez you dont half talk a load of crap. Getting rid of the SNP leadership! And just what will that achieve? And who brainbox are you suggesting to replace them with? Grievance merchants and malcontents. The SNP are not just its leadership. Do you honestly think we will just accept some nutjobs that people like you think should lead because they have some naive notional quick fix path to Independence. There is no magic quick fix.

  7. Ifs- why should the leadership change for someone who is not in the SNP or has any influence on any party or anyone.

    1. Is it not obvious to you. The answer is for Scottish independence.

    2. But if you're not an SNP member - the SNP are no business of yours whatsoever. There are some in the independence movement these days who stop around like wee generals who think they have some divine right to take over everything and everybody - because they don't have the guts or impetus to start their own party, do the hard slog of standing their own favoured candidates - and convince the public to vote for them. Instead they think they have the right to push around and dictate to everybody else. That's demagoguery in action - it's not about doing anything to get independence. If you really want independence, you'd be out there yourselves showing how your superior to the SNP skills and favoured allegedly better independence candidates can win over the Scottish public, wave your supposed magic 'we can do it better' wand - and get the job done. You're half a job independence supporters if you just want to piggyback other people's work and plot and plan to bring them down thinking in doing so it will somehow elevate you to being anything better.

      'Scottish independence' has become an excuse for any under the radar dirty tricks these days to just knock down people you personally don't like - or have pathetic personal grudges against. All these anti-SNP leadership dirty tricks just to mug your way into the SNP and take over what isn't yours in the first place - is exactly the old colonial way of operating - and even if you succeed - nobody but nobody will ever forget how you've gone about - and oh boy - if you manage to drum out these SNP people by this tacky lazy means - your replacement favourites had better give a five-star performance and prove from the get go that they are there for 'independence' and get that result pronto.

      Sometimes it looks as if people like yourself who think yourselves so deserving of just getting what you want just because your dirty tricks will get you want you want - will deserve plaudits or be admired for it. You're the people who declare you are the ones who operate with transparency, integrity and all those nice fluffy little attractive terms you use to pedestal yourselves as being better than anyone else. But it's not true is it. You're a bunch of wee generals who think you own Scotland and deserve to rule Scotland and everybody should just bow to your 'well look there, we're going to replace those bods and take over'. That's the British colonial strategy right there. That's exactly how they made their empire and you're after making your own wee Scottish empire.

      If that's how you operate to get what you want - it's going to be some wee independent dictatorship you will be setting in motion. The original yes movement was a genuine independence movement. You are displaying entitlement traits which were everything the original genuine independence movement stood against. Those values which were supposed to be what the independence movement was all about.

    3. Self-indulgent overripe molasses.

    4. Who is that rant at 11.11pm directed against? Is it me because some anon referenced me above or is it Alba or is it just a rant against the world. If it's me then I have no clue what you are going on about but you seem pretty angry.

    5. "But if you're not an SNP member - the SNP are no business of yours whatsoever."

      Oh right, aren't we allowed to vote for them then?

      I might not agree with IFS on everything, but he and I most certainly have a right to an opinion about any political party, its leadership and its politicians, and a right to express our opinions, including who we think should or shouldn't, be its leader.

      You really need to go back to the basics and fundamentals of democracy and do some intense reading. And if you're a member of the SNP with your attitude, you really need to brush up on your "hearts and minds" ambassadorial skills.

    6. Yesindyref2 - I agree with the point you make but the downside is some morons will claim you and I are the same poster

    7. Yesindyref2 - some other moronic posters will claim we are besties. We are neither. You still owe me an apology.

    8. No. You misquoted Swinney as I proved with the actual transcript which you should have done, so you owe me an apology - one of thousands. Nice try but no cigar.

    9. IFS and YIR2. Never seen together in the same room. Had a wee hissy fit fall out recently but appear to have kissed and made up. Mmmmmmh. We will never know.

    10. YIR2 is The Bathtub Admiral. IFS is trying to occupy the high moral ground.

    11. Yesindyref2. - I never misquoted Swinney because I didn't claim to be quoting him. As you well know If I am quoting someone I always make that clear by saying eg that Pratt yesindyref2 says:-
      " Nicola will deliver independence" that of course is an example. It's called using quotation marks to quote someone. But you prefer your unfounded lies and are not big enough to admit you were wrong.

      I summarised what he was saying. James also was happy to describe it as overwhelming support in his articles.

      So you are a pratt with no integrity.

      Another pratt is 3.43pm. I could have put a bet on you coming out the woodwork with an inane post.

    12. Oh dear, even now you can't see you GOT IT WRONG AGAIN.

      You said:

      "Swinney clearly said nothing would happen on independence until there was overwhelming support. He said it on television."

      but what he actually said was:

      "because it's only when Independence, becomes an overwhelmingly popular concept in Scotland, that we will be able to make progress on that journey and that's what I'm hoping to do."

      Big difference, massive, enormous! He's hoping to do that which means he's going to do something, which means something will happen not nothing. Do you see that now? Do you get a dim glimmer of comprehension?

      Anyways, if I'm going to tutor you any more on remedial English I'll have to charge you. Continuing this exchange will be your acceptance of your commitment to pay me the going rate, which for you is a very reasonable mate's rate of £30 per hour.

      Thank you and goodbye. Have a nice day!

    13. Yesindyref2 - more deflection and rubbish.

      You post some right pish to try and convince yourself you are right. I've seen that before from you.

      Read it back you diddy in your own post. I never said he said he was planning to do nothing as you say in your post above. I said he said nothing would happen UNTIL there was overwhelming support.

  8. A brilliant blog James. Your closing paragraph is apposite. Unless Kenny McAskill sorts out the very things that the 'wee gang of malcontents' were trying to implement through the party's internal processes - amendments to the constitution, policy development, organisation and disciplinary and complaints processes - the party is finished.

    1. Kenny, let's remember, came 8th when he defended his seat in the general election.

    2. He didn't defend his seat, though. He switched to standing in a different constituency. It never made any sense.

    3. Hi James. I suppose the choice of standing for Alloa and Grangemouth in 2024 seemed logical at the time if Kenny and Alba felt their support Grangemouth campaigning was so strong it could not fail to win him the seat. Although - his wanting to be back in Westminster as opposed to waiting and instead aiming for Holyrood surprised me.

      The only reason I could think the attraction of Westminster would have been, would have been the collaboration with David Davis and continuing to get more sympathetic Westminster intervention clout to progress the 'justice for Alex' intent. That more so than assuming any progress in Westminster could realistically been the route to guaranteeing saving Grangemouth.

      I'm assuming it's logical that the Salmond family will need Kenny to be Alba leader first and foremost because being party leader would guarantee him more media exposure - which in turn will further enable many more opportunities to keep 'justice for Alex' in the forefront of the media's awareness - and to keep that fire burning in the public consciousness. (I have no idea if this is perceived as being helpful to Alba as a party in terms of winning votes or not).

      In the same way I question whether the Ash Regan article about her being influential in bringing down Nicola Sturgeon and Peter Murrell - was to be considered a vote winner as part of the anti-SNP/anti-Nicola Sturgeon/anti-Peter Murrell narrative and if this was actually Ash's idea - or if her coach convinced her this was a smart move.

      Is all of this not just headline grabbing stuff to stir up interest in the Alba leadership contest and therefore the party and therefore 'justice for Alex' - to keep the troops and media interested and engaged after the loss of Alex?

      Is somebody jealous of Ash Regan that they feel they have to be seen to pit her against Kenny MacAskill but in such a way that Kenny is seen to be the man of integrity in all things white knight - and Ash is to be made to look as if she was some self-centred vacuous opportunist merely hanging on the coat-tails of Alex Salmond? Which can't be the case - or surely Joanna Cherry wouldn't have mentored her, stalking horse or not, for the SNP leadership contest?

      From previous blogposts James, I have gleaned that there seems to be no shortage of individuals in Alba who are capable of causing others grief, collaborating to get rid of people - but is it really likely that Ash Regan would have gone along with Chris McEleny - in this particular way - in order to better MacAskill for party leadership? Or is it not possible that there are others in situ capable also of setting up McEleny to take a fall?

      All seems bonkers to me - but presumably there is some sense to be made of it. It's not as if there are not other uncommonly astute strategic players in the Alba party to bring about their desired result - whatever that might be. These things never so easily reach the media at the hands of a stupid person - and it doesn't strike many people that McEleny is that well strategically blessed.

    4. Quite a bit of verbal diarrhoea there at 12.09. Whoops!!

    5. I doubt Alba can survive as a memorial party for Alex Salmond and remember Kenny got 1.5% in Grangemouth
      Kenny stood by while elections were fiddled
      Kenny gave No support to NEC members raising same concerns as he raised privately
      Kenny is presiding over this current bin fire

      These leaks are to damage Ash no doubt coming from someone in Kenny’s camp

  9. It doesn't reflect well on MacAskill, Regan or any of the others that they haven't spoken up. Story's in the Herald as well by the way, leaked email.


  10. Wonder if McEleny will run as a Reform candidate, when he gets the boot out of Alba???
    Seems a VERY good fit, to me.

    1. I know some people will say that's far-fetched, but look at it from his point of view. He's highly ambitious, undoubtedly sees himself as a future MSP, so if the option of doing that with Alba is closed off now that his coup attempt has ended in failure, where else does he go? Reform is bound to tempt him because they will get MSPs elected next year.

    2. Why would reform want him?

    3. His lack of intelligence and integrity?

    4. Reform wouldn't want him.

    5. My own thoughts exactly, James.

      Couple of others -

      1. If, as now probable, Sturgeon does not get charged with anything re Branchform, I reckon that will take the stuffing out of the more ambitious Nicky-Hating Alba Zealots in the Party hierarchy and they might well fly-the-coop to Farage's mob as would-be MSP candidates, rather than hang about in Alba's death throes.

      2. The more 'reasonable' Alba Membership, seeing their Party completely implode, will - albeit grudgingly - give their support and votes (if not memberships) to the SNP again.

    6. Reform wouldn't take people from ALBA.

    7. They will, if the primary focus of those ex-Albaists is STILL to 'Destroy the SNP'.
      Reform might well lap them up.

    8. Monster Raving Loony PartyFebruary 4, 2025 at 7:55 PM

      We dont want him either. We have standards

    9. We dont accept anyone with a very low IQ like Chris

    10. Sorry. Too right wing for us

    11. We already have plenty Leeks

    12. Aaaaaarrrrggghhhh

    13. Reform isn't a political party. It is a company whose job is to make money. If you pay, they'll take your business. Like Burger King or Tesco.

    14. So D F now realises what I told you all weeks ago about the absence of any prosecutions. He only refers to N S just now but will indirectly concede eventually that he and others were talking nonsense about something they had no knowledge of. I did caution him on his lack of knowledge but just got the usual abuse. Shouldn’t gloat but in his case I’m going to make an exception.

  11. James, in your honest assessment if Kenny wins the leadership and Chris McEleny leaves the Party would you say that would be a very positive step and could potentially bring the Party back from the brink?

    1. As someone who is now an outside observer, I have been regarding a Kenny MacAskill win as the lesser of two evils, but it has to be phrased that way because McEleny is not Alba's only problem. He's their single biggest problem but not their only one by a long chalk - and some of the other problems can be found in MacAskill's own camp. The list of people supporting him is 'interesting' in places, to put it mildly.

  12. I once compared McEleny to Beria. I see now that I was wrong; I should have compared him to Acting Grand Nagus Brunt.

    1. He reminds me of the Prebender of Culross.

  13. James Kelly deserves a lot of credit for covering what has been going on inside ALBA. His coverage is valuable.

  14. It's just Alba being Alba
    Their reason for existence? the destruction of Nicola Sturgeon incomplete, their leader the massive ego gone, all that's left is to melt away and crawl back to Wings over Scotland for instructions as to their next target to be angry with, or will they just end up supporting Reform because Wingsy tells them "They'reee Greattt" vote Reform and independence will happen the day after

    1. Are you suggesting James joined and fought to stay in a Party with that being the reason for their existence?

    2. Anon at 4.11pm - that is an opinion you expressed but not one that does much to convince anyone to join a political party as it is just tribalism.

  15. Maybe ISP will step up to the mark? Who are they again?

    1. Perhaps one sentence snidey remarks will free Scotland anon @4.38pm. If they do people like you will have made a valuable contribution. Pat yourself on the back. Outstanding effort.

    2. I noticed you couldn’t say who or what they were either.

    3. ISP? I smell pish?

    4. 3.51pm - change your nappy then.

  16. My view is that it is probably better for independence if this latest episode is the final spectacular explosion of the Death Star that represents Alba.
    They have become a shambolic embarrassment. Something to be laughed at. A stick for Unionists to beat us with.
    Enough! The party died with Salmond.
    I say this as somebody who once hoped they would be the alternative force for Indy. A sharp witted, confident list only party that wasn't afraid to push the buttons of SNP careerists and Unionists alike to keep Yes moving along.
    It never came close to being like that unfortunately and all that's left now are the death throes of a nasty, spiteful little private club.

    1. Celine Gottwald has been warning about this for years. "Do not form a Gang of Three, I beg of you," was her heart rending plea.

    2. Dolores Inverarity is guilty of simpering when she posts.

  17. I see "fearless journalist" Stuart Campbell is fearlessly ignoring the Alba story yet again.

    1. Credit where it’s due. Campbell attracts an element that I wouldn’t want anywhere near the mainstream Indy movement, and also manages to extract a tidy sum of money from them. No one outwith the wings bubble knows anything about them and the unhinged opinions they express. Unwittingly that helps the Indy movement.

    2. I just went to the site for the first time in a couple of years. The BTL section was always very insane, but the new rating system makes it even starker, with every critical remark about Alba, Reform or Trump downvoted to oblivion

  18. McEleny is growing into the job and showing a sureness of touch and he made a good speech at conference.

    1. And then he woke up.

    2. McEleny is growing into his tracksuit.

  19. Although it doesn't seem very credible at the moment, if Alba collapses, Reform surges in England, but less so in Scotland, Farage might see some use for an amoral hatchet man like McEleny in Scotland.
    They could invent a new title for him - something like Gauleiter perhaps ?

    1. Absolutely I can believe that might happen. He has exactly the buffoonish self importance to go well in a job like that.

  20. The Benefits system is the end of human evolution.

    Someone too stupid or lazy to have survived and passed on their genes thousands of years ago is now given free shelter, food and healthcare and can have as many children as they want, who will then be tended in the same way their parents were.

    1. I’m guessing you are that superb forecaster called Declan or in other places Skier.

    2. Why have you brought Bojo The Clown into this......?

    3. Anon 831, if you mean the royals you won’t get a peerage.

  21. A very good point regarding how Kenny voted when McEleny came after you, James. My own guess would be that if he opposed McEleny at that time you would have known about it. As well as that, I don't see him voting against Alex Salmond at that point in time. I do hope, however, that a journalist asks him that very pertinent question.

    1. Kenny as usual went along with James’ expulsion and the other 2 expulsions
      Kenny did not stand up on principle he is weak and is happy for people to be hung out to dry

  22. James if your Alba membership expulsion was unconstitutional does that mean you are really a member of the SNP and Alba at the same time. A unique claim to fame.

    1. The expulsion wasn't unconstitutional - it was totally unjustified, but not unconstitutional. It was McEleny suspending me on an 'a la carte' basis from the Constitution Review Group that breached the constitution.

    2. James thanks for putting me right.

  23. As a protest vote I’ll vote SNP to teach ALBA a lesson.

    1. You’re assuming that Alba are capable of learning lessons. That hasn’t been apparent so far.

    2. Anon at 11.57pm. The SNP aint very good either.

    3. Will win HR election. I feel your pain IFS. Your best laid plans and all that

    4. 12.06am - ifs stands for Independence for Scotland. Something the likes of you care little about. All that you care about is your nasty little jibes.

    5. I think the I in UFS stands for idiot.

    6. 3.54pm - well done in proving to everyone you are the idiot. There is no I in UFS and you actually posted that. I don’t think you think much at all.

    7. Whooooosh you Fanny.

    8. There is no I in Fanny either. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  24. McEleny will absolutely try to reach out to Farage and get himself a plum spot on the Reform list. If he manages to do that, I have no doubt that he’ll do what he so spectacularly failed to do in his time at Alba: get elected! He could be quite a gloriously venomous presence in Holyrood. To be honest, he belongs there. We can all name really nasty pieces of work who have reached that place.

    But first poor Chris has to get noticed by uncle Nigel. That’s the hardest bit.

    1. Changed days from when back in 2020, on Twa Auld Hieds, Chris McEleny was considered the one to approach to reach out to Angus MacNeil and Joanna Cherry and her staffers about how to go about replacing Nicola Sturgeon. 7 July 2020. But now it seems Mr McEleny has out-stayed his welcome?

    2. 'Reach out', not 'contact' but 'reach out'. You know, like any 14 year old girl from Oklahoma would say.

    3. I’m sure there's plenty of Oklahoman teens reading up on Alba!

      Reaching out is just a nicer way to say "plead on social media to someone who doesn't know you." I sincerely doubt Farage could name anyone in Alba besides Salmond, let alone holds them in high regard.

      However, McEleny is such a useful simpleton and schemer, if Farage did happen to meet him, they seem like a natural political couple! McEleny could be to Farage what Farage is to his boss Trump.

    4. We don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee
      We don't take our trips on LSD
      We don't burn our draft cards down on Main Street
      'Cause we like livin' right, and bein' free
      We don't make a party out of lovin'
      But we like holdin' hands and pitchin' woo
      We don't let our hair grow long and shaggy
      Like the hippies out in San Francisco do
      And I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee
      A place where even squares can have a ball
      We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse
      And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all
      Leather boots are still in style for manly footwear
      Beads and Roman sandals won't be seen
      And football's still the roughest thing on campus
      And the kids here still respect the college dean
      And I'm proud to be an Okie from Muskogee
      A place where even squares can have a ball
      We still wave Old Glory down at the courthouse
      And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all
      And white lightnin's still the biggest thrill of all
      In Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA

      (Don't miss my tour of Ayr and Inverclyde.)

  25. 'Nasty and venomous' Farage, Tice and that Tory Defector Twat already sit in WM.
    Your 'point' caller???

    1. Dave you've been rubbing your wee solider again and we know it makes you angry.

    2. DAVE is great when angry.

      "As long as a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to the lordship of the English. "

      Keep it up buddy for Scotland.

    3. "As long as a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be subjected to thinking about our party's commitment to independence."

  26. 12:34 AM

    Can I reach out to you. I don't want to contact you, just reach out. I'd also like to lean into a laid back vibe.

    1. Best of luck with that apporach to David Francis. Touchy
      feely may work. Never give up on a wayward soul. You have a heart of gold Vacant Twat.

  27. Like it or not James is a force for good. Yes he may be a bit of a lefty but he shines a light on the corruption in ALBA.

    The man (on WOS) also has been shining a light on the SNP. Now James has joined the SNP I bet they are welcoming his cleansing light.. I wonder if he will apply the same scrutiny to the SNP as he has applied to ALBA?

    Hopefully between the two they can clean the SNP stables out.

    For me I'm leaning towards reform.. yes I'm the soft faaacist you have all been slagging off. But see if Reform keep clocking up half a point a month.. I'll let you all know.

    But fundamentally I'm a born and breed Scot, country boy too. My family are fishermen (Arbroath) and dockers from Leith. I know we are working class FILTH.. sorry about that. I'm also sorry that I care about Scotland.. but am disgusted about how the SNP have taken us all for a ride to feather their own nests.

    Personally I'm thick as fuck. I only have a masters with distinction in Engineering as my basic qualification, my professional qualifications are UK registered so I can't count them.

    Let's hope for a new political beginning.

    1. 254- Fisherman - you must be worth millions after voting Brexit. Still west coast and islands fishermen with the shellfish and the like were messed bout. I’m working class. I don’t believe that makes me or my kind filth.

    2. I thought James Kelly was A Force For Good when he invited Alastair MacConnachie on to his show.
      Fortunately he wouldn't extend an invite to the vile Wings.

    3. Anon 2.54 - Lee (30 p) McAnderson who cares about Scotland . Bless !

    4. AnonymousFebruary 5, 2025 at 2:54 AM sounds like he is upper middle class. The minimum qualification for working classification is skilled manual worker (which makes an orchestra first cello 'working class').

    5. We don't often mention class in Scotland, thankfully, unlike folk down south. Turn on Radio 4 at any time of day and within three minutes someone mentions "closs".

  28. Good political performance by J S in the budget process in Holyrood. It showed up the tories and labour for the unprincipled chancers and liars they are. Post N S we are hopefully seeing a return to competent SNP governance. Unfortunately the BBC and MSM BBC will continue to distort and lie. The next 14 or so months are hugely important. The implosion of Alba continues. The NHS must be given priority. Greens and Lib Dems were skillfully pulled onside and do not really grasp what has been done to them. Hopefully some within their respective memberships will consider voting in 2026 with an eye to minimising the Labour/tory/Reform presence in Holyrood.

    1. The wee Lib Dems got their unionist concession: Scotgov cancelled all work on independence.

      To be fair, it was handwavy bollocks—have you ever tried to read one of those vague, content-lite "prospective for independence" PDFs so vaunted by the National?—but still a political win for the Brits.

      The SNP is as keen on independence as Alex Cole Hamilton.

    2. Agree John Swinney has approached his job with competence.

    3. Agent John Swinney has approached his job with competence.

    4. Anon at 8.12. The S G is not allowed to spend on promoting Independence. The only thing achieved by Lib Dem’s was to flag up their ignorance. S G (as distinct from S N P) promised not to do something they are not allowed to do.

    5. "The S G is not allowed to spend on promoting Independence"

      We literally had a Minister for Independence.

    6. Where is he now? The spending was challenged as a misuse offS G funding, and the position discretely dropped almost a year ago. Guess why dunderheid. Toddle off.

    7. Slight rewriting of history there. Opposition parties criticised the position and the publications of a series of papers as a waste of taxpayers money.

      Swinney made a choice to scrap the role, he wasn't forced or pressured into doing so.

    8. Also even if the spending was challenged: Who cares?

      The SNP were elected on a manifesto commitment to progress independence. If the unionists have a problem with that: Fuck'um.

      Let them make a fuss of it, see what happens.

  29. Campbell off on another anti SNP rant, although it’s noticeable he is watering down his previous prediction that SNP and Labour will form a coalition govt. Campbell seems to have a real knack of getting predictions wrong. Such is the calibre of his cult followers that he simply denies being wrong and they accept it without question. He has a talent in that respect. And some of the btl is comedy gold, albeit some is slightly worrying.

    1. Lives in England with an England, torygraph view of life.

    2. A Bath resident has a hissy fit.

  30. These polls don't just turn around by themselves. John Swinney has made a huge impact.

    1. Folk want a steady approach. They don’t want Westminster chaos or labour sell out to Trump Musk and co.

    2. John Swinney has cut a sensible course and people now see the SNP in a better light.

    3. But that light it’s still flickering like a dodgy bulb in a pub toilet.

  31. hard-working shannon_hits_outFebruary 5, 2025 at 9:58 AM

    2 steps forward - 10 steps back.. Anyone else sick of putting in time and effort into parties for it to go down the shitter by the action of others? Roll on leader announcement for a fresh start. Over it

    1. Indeed - why did your mum need half a million quid in expenses over 2 years (double that of her neighbour MP)?

  32. Ahh let’s change the leader approach. Just the SNP of course no one else. The underminers return shows they are worried. Things are not going to the Brits plan.

    1. It was the SNP who changed their leader in 2023 and 2024 . Are they underminers.

    2. No change in 2025 as John Swinney is very good.

    3. Anon at 10.35am - are you not the same anon who spouted the same meaningless stuff about Yousaf. Was he not very good. Did he not have a steady hand. Was he not steadying the ship. I prefer the David Francis SNP propaganda to your meaningless and mindless shit. Are you actually a human?

    4. John Swinney is a good leader.

    5. John Swinney would make a decent bank manager.

    6. Anon at 12.34pm - I don't think so. He is the accountant who couldnae spot a large ring fenced sum of money vanishing in the accounts.

  33. Ifs- go back on your posts as your memory seems lacking. You wanted Nicola Sturgeon out, Humza out, John Swinney out. You’re a disrupter. You do not wish the SNP to succeed and that is your opinion but your continued Haranguing seems over enthusiastic which is strange since you claim not to be a member of anything. Your last post asking the 1035 poster if they were human is worrying.

    1. Why is it worrying? AI posts have been on SGP previously. Ifs wants them out because he believes they are not for independence. If you have read his posts you would know that. Do you actually want independence? To get independence is a disruption and why is being over enthusiastic for independence strange.
      You give the impression that you are only interested in the SNP winning an election.

    2. IFS has great faith in the ISP (Lol)

    3. 12.37pm - I have never said I have faith in ISP never mind great faith. So once again we have another liar posting lies about me. Now if you held that opinion you could have asked me if that was the truth but like so many lowlifes you just post a snidey little lie.

      So if you are not a Britnat why do you feel the need to trash ISP a party that supports Scottish independence?

    4. 11.44am - my memory is not lacking. I want them all out and have said so many times because I believe they are devolutionists.That is hardly news.
      You couldnae make this up - this diddy disnae want me to be over enthusiastic for independence. Neatly sums up the SNP leadership - don't be over enthusiastic for independence but be very enthusiastic to win us elections. You are numpty worrying about all the wrong things.

    5. IFS you should consider looking again at the SNP under John Swinney and Kate Forbes.

    6. Anon 2.33pm - if you are genuine you should say what ifs and others should be looking at. Go on give us a clue.

  34. I b3lieve IFS is a Unionist Plant.
    His/her sole aim seems to be to attack the Pro-Indy SNP/Scotgovt at all costs.
    SNP could change leadership once a week, but that would still not satisfy IFS.
    Make NO mistake - IFS has absolutely NO 'replacement' in mind for the SNP as Scotgovt, nor does he/she have ANY 'plan' to get to Independence.
    I don't believe he/she is really interested in either one of those things.
    The only 'plan' IFS appears to have, it to consistently attempt to persuade Yessers NOT to vote for the SNP.
    And.........there is only one side of the Indy/Unionist divide which would benefit from that.

    1. You truly are an idiot Francis. IFS has posted many times he is male. IFS has consistently promoted a de facto referendum on SGP since 2020 and has told you that but like the liar you are you ignore this. James Kelly has also promoted a de facto referendum. Is Kelly a unionist plant?

      You post a lot of ignorant lies and are a coarse loudmouth who does nothing for the SNP’s reputation. Are you a unionist plant? What good do you do with your bile on SGP - nothing.

    2. Thankfully, plants are staunchly apolitical even if the Labour Party appropriated one.

    3. I think you David Francis are a unionist plant. You claim to be an SNP member who has just suddenly turned up on SGP but will not say what branch you belong to.

    4. Different Anon here: The issue is that the literal definition of madness is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different outcome.

      David, you've admitted that you don't know what the SNP will do to pursue independence if they win the next election, calling it the "million-dollar question." Is it really surprising that some people want a little more reassurance than that—an actual plan from the SNP going into the 2026 election?

      Voter fatigue is real. After voting the same way in multiple elections with no tangible progress, it's not unreasonable for people to need more convincing before they do it again. It’s not as if the SNP haven’t had time to come up with alternative ideas—and there’s still time before the election to do so.

    5. Isn't that a daft question? What’s your alternative plan to no plan? Literally any plan whatsoever would be preferable at this point—at least try something!

      Even the de-facto referendum idea would shift the status quo, as it would no longer be hypothetical whether or not Scots want independence. At a bare minimum that would open up other legal avenues to pursue, which is a far better approach than just sitting around and doing the same thing again for another five years.

    6. David Francis. Anon at 12.48pm has beaten me to it but I will say what I was going to say anyway. You once again accuse me of having no plan but I have told you before that I have proposed a de facto Holyrood referendum since 2020. So you have lied in that post. You on the other hand have stated in a recent post you have no plan and the SNP has no plan. Everybody knows there has been a supposed Holyrood majority for independence since 2020 so it is more than reasonable to ask what will change if there is another majority after 2026. So far the answer is nothing will change. So who really are the unionists David. The people who have the power and do nothing or a poster on a blog (me ) who unashamedly wants independence.

      If MI5 wanted to stop independence where do you think the most effective place to put them would be. The vehicle for independence that's where.

      So David I agree with anon at 12.20pm you are a loudmouth , a liar and an idiot.

    7. Oh dear. A liar! Mr Angry showing his toothless gums. We should all be afraid. We are all devolutionists. Only he and he alone can being independence. He is the toothless.

    8. Dave Francis, IFS has told you more than once that he supports a de facto referendum. You may not agree with him but your 'alternative' seems to be to do eff all! You are ruining this site with your abusive, ignorant posts. It's a pity James has allowed you such indulgence.

    9. We see you ifs!!!

    10. £10 says he ignores all the points being made and posts something along the lines of there being a group of Anons ganging up on him and we're all imbeciles for not unquestionably supporting THE MOST POWERFUL INDEPENDENCE PARTY!

      It's always deflection or outright ignoring whenever these kind of points are raised he's unable to refute.

    11. Anon at 4.31pm - I don't see you and are very happy about that.

    12. David Francis on his post 3/2 8.58pm where he admits he does not know what is going to happen if there is another independence majority in Holyrood after 2026 also says “ And there is absolutely NO ‘Fast/Clever ‘ way to get there and anyone who says there is, is a total moron. “

      Reading that sentence you could conclude that the SNP have been acting like morons for quite some time now. Remember the SNP 11point plan. Remember all the times they claimed at elections vote for us for indyref2 and independence. Not the clearest of thinkers is David Francis. Now David makes out it is going to take a long time and it is a near impossible task. Not something Nicola was telling us for all these years and elections.

    13. Let's just all forget Salmond was the ultra Royalist devolutionist, Devo Max anyone? then tanked the referendum to Alistair Darling, it's all coming out

    14. Na we're not deflecting the conversation away to something else.

    15. DrJim at 5.25pm - you have been prattling on like this for some time. " it's all coming out" says Jimbo for years. No evidence. I can only guess he is waiting for Sturgeon's work of fiction to come out.
      Jimbo seems to forget Salmond was in the SNP at the time and the love of Jimbo's life Sturgeon was there at Salmond's side for many years. I doubt Sturgeon will provide a list in her book of all the major promises she made as FM and didn't deliver on - her tune at SNP conferences should be ANOTHER ONE BITES THE DUST by Queen. National Care system being the latest. She couldn't even manage to deliver her priority selfID law. I said at the time it was a waste of time as Westminster would veto it.

      Jimbo has nothing to say about the lack of anything on independence from the SNP other than to blame Scots in general.

  35. At least the SNPbot regards the SNP as an incompetent government that is striving for competence headed by the most boring man in Scotland.

    1. Anon at 12:37 .... so you've met and assessed every man in Scotland? Very interesting.

    2. Surely he is a person too.

  36. The SNP has carried out policies aimed at tackling poverty.

  37. Borderline Guard Of President JamezFebruary 5, 2025 at 2:21 PM

    This is multo importante crisis!
    Recognise that President Jamez can cleanse political operatives from power and renew the nation!

    Salute President Jamez!

  38. IFS

    You should look again at SNP under John Swinney.

    1. He made a great speech at Conference, we can all agree.

  39. Politicians escape because people are too ready to criticise andfocus on one single word like "overwhelming", but fail to look at what they've actually said they'll do. So in the end they can do nothing and get away with it.

    But Swinney was very definite on that 12th January Sunday Show about what he was going to do about Independence. I've put the action bit in bold type from the two actual quotes:

    "because it's only when Independence, becomes an overwhelmingly popular concept in Scotland, that we will be able to make progress on that journey and that's what I'm hoping to do."

    then right at the end of the bit about Independence:

    "... and I need to get the Independence arguments into exactly the same shape and that's exactly what I'm doing."

    What the Indy movement needs to do is hold Swinney's feet to the fire on what he said he will do, and is doing. Don't let him get away with it.

    1. You wouldn’t even have known about that if IFS hadn't referred to it. Is Swinney going to put it in to a 12 point plan this time?

    2. "You wouldn’t even have known about that if IFS hadn't referred to it."

      Absolutely. That and the first post on the article. I was flat out working at the time. But it goes to show how we could be stronger if we all worked together instead of squabbling like starlings - the SNP would get away with far less, and Independence could be that much closer.

    3. Yesindyref2 - get real. You were the person who right away accused me of making it all up just because you were unaware of the interview but here you are punting we should all work together.

      The key difference between you and me is that if some politician like Swinney opens his mouth on independence to try to keep people sweet you like to just believe them even when they have a track record over the last 10 years of being untrustworthy. You specialise in delusional wishful thinking.

      Get back to me when something actually happens that isnae just talk. You fell for it when it was Sturgeon ( I told you so) and now Swinney.

    4. Good example of a meaningless squabble - 10 out of 10!

    5. The lesson for you yesindyref2, and you should have learned it a long time ago, if you accuse me of making stuff up you better have done your homework and be able to back it up - you couldn't but you insisted on going on and on and on with your word gymnastics.

  40. Yi2– aye on you go. It is up to the membership to support or not. Ifs and Yi2 aren’t so shout and jump from the outside and we can just smile at your antics.

    1. Anon at 6.03pm - "it is up to the membership" and that is why I quite rightly hold them responsible for the last 10 years being wasted on independence.

    2. Anon at 6:03 - crap. Swinney is not just the leader of the SNP, he's the de facto of the political arm of the Indy movement. He is therefore accountable to ALL of us. Away with your arrogant self-centred sense of entitlement ignorance. Without the YES movement the SNP have just 60,000 voters and zero MSPs in 2026.

    3. But thanks by the way - that encouraged me to put it on WGD as well. You're a very kind Anon :-)

    4. Swinney is leader of the SNP and since the SNP leads the independence movement he also leads the entire movement.

  41. The policy of Israel re Gaza is a crime against humanity.

    Netahanyu has now dragged the USA in to saying its policy on Gaza is also a crime against humanity. The monster had an evil smirk on his face as Trump delivered his new policy. A policy which breaks Stage 3 of the ceasefire deal which Trump claimed credit for delivering only last month.

    1. John Swinney deserves praise for his comments today on the situation which did not sound an uncertain note and which will not quickly be forgotten.

    2. Anon at 6.48pm if the comments are so impressive why not list them. Don't be lazy and selfish let us all enjoy his brilliance.
