A few hours ago, I sent another email to the powers-that-be in Alba to make a number of points. I won't quote the whole email in case somebody tries to argue that doing so indirectly reveals confidential information. But what I am going to do is quote a few lines from my opening paragraph, because there's nothing confidential in them, and they contain a point that very much needs to be put firmly on the public record -
"As far as any patience on my part is concerned, my view is that the delay has been of such excessive length that it was self-evidently indefensible to leave me suspended from the party on one man's whim pending the delayed hearing. I appeal to you and Mr McEleny to belatedly do the decent thing and lift that suspension immediately. I have no doubt that appeal will fall on deaf ears, as all appeals for fairness, due process and constitutionality invariably do when Mr McEleny is making the decisions, but I would nevertheless like it noted that I have made that appeal and that I did not at any stage accept an arbitrary suspension of almost *two-and-a-half months* as remotely reasonable or acceptable."
Since Alex Salmond's tragic death, it has been claimed a number of times, and by a number of different people, that Mr Salmond was so profoundly affected by his own brief expulsion from the SNP in 1982 (for membership of the proscribed 79 Group) that he ensured that essentially nobody at all was expelled from the SNP during his combined total of twenty years as party leader. The one and only exception was apparently Bill Walker, the former MSP for Dunfermline, who was well on his way to being convicted on twenty-three charges of domestic violence.
And yet as someone who has served as an elected member of Alba's Disciplinary Committee since January, I'm as well-placed as anyone to know that expulsions have been taking place in Alba, and for much, much less serious reasons than domestic violence. In fact, I would go so far as to say that people have been expelled from Alba despite having done absolutely nothing wrong whatsoever, unless you count displeasing the leadership as a form of wrongdoing. That would suggest Alba is a fundamentally different beast from the Salmond-led SNP. It's much more authoritarian. Much more illiberal. That's a very odd path for a much smaller party to choose to go down, and I'm not going to pretend to fully understand why it's happened.
Until recently, I would have been cautious about making any reference to Mr Salmond's "no expulsions" policy in the SNP, because I didn't know for sure whether it was true. However it's mentioned as a key point in a recent article written by Professor James Mitchell, and while I often disagree with many of Professor Mitchell's views, I don't think anyone would dispute that he knows his modern Scottish political history - not least because he's witnessed much of it first-hand. So it's probably safe to assume the "no expulsions" policy was indeed a real thing.
In which case it's reasonable to ask why on earth I find myself in my current situation, and in particular why Yvonne Ridley boasted that she had inside knowledge that the Alba leadership made a secret decision to expel me from the party several months ago. For those who have not been following this saga, it's important to stress that I am not accused of violence, or racism, or any of the other very serious things that might normally lead to expulsion from a political party. Instead, I seem to be facing potential expulsion simply because the leadership bristled at this blogpost I wrote in April, which criticised the undemocratic impulses that I had detected within certain quarters of the party. I would encourage you to read that blogpost and see if you can spot anything at all in it that would even begin to warrant the most severe sanction that any political party can impose on any member, and that would justify putting me in the same bracket as *Bill Walker*. I must confess that I am totally baffled, and deeply hurt.
On a separate matter, you might remember that I recently wrote a blogpost expressing my disquiet that the Alba leadership were taking a leaf out of the authoritarians' play-book by cancelling the party's internal elections, and by instead holding a plebiscite on extending the current NEC's term of office by several months. Members were practically instructed to vote Yes to the proposition, with no viable alternative option presented. I predicted that this North Korean style tactic would produce a North Korean style vote of 90%+. That turned out to be an underestimate - Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh apparently announced today that it was 94%. If anyone thinks that's some sort of "achievement" to brag about, they couldn't be more mistaken. Alba now finds itself in a very dark place, with Alex Salmond's death being used, frankly, as an excuse to put practically all aspects of the party's internal democracy and internal politics into the deep freeze for an indefinite period. I'm not sure there's any real intention to ever reverse that process, or at least not in full.
That said, I welcome the rescheduling of the disciplinary hearing, if only because I strongly suspect Yvonne Ridley's boast will prove to be well-founded. If expulsion has already been decided upon, it's better that it happens in December, rather than me being left in purgatory for several more months. And if the Alba leadership are hellbent on forcing me to make a fresh start in a new political home (and they would be forcing me to do that, because I didn't ask for any of this nonsense to happen), I look forward to finally getting on with that process by January at the latest, once my appeal is presumably rejected. To be honest, though, I'm still genuinely 50/50 about whether I will apply to rejoin the SNP in that circumstance, or whether I will try something completely new.
"To be honest, though, I'm still genuinely 50/50 about whether I will apply to rejoin the SNP in that circumstance"
ReplyDeleteI cannot imagine how you could even consider that, knowing what little you and I clearly know about the SNP at this point in time.
Well, give me a realistic alternative, then. I've looked at every small pro-indy party I can find, and none of them look viable. ISP seem to be obsessed with abstentionism, even at Holyrood - it's just not credible politics.
DeleteI would join the party started by Celine Gottwald. The ISNP. Everyone is ignoring her but apart from Winnie Ewing and Hector Simpson nobody has done more to advance the cause of independence.
DeleteAnon at 3.35. I cannot find any info on ISNP nor any online presence. Any references or web info?
DeleteIt's just KC, 10:02. He bangs out the same guff over and over, it's his thing.
DeleteRe: re-joining the SNP. Given the dearth of alternatives, I think it's your only choice, James. Keep us appraised of your experience as a high profile returner from Alba. Personally, I hold the SNP leadership in deep contempt, but many of the lower down folk in the party are decent people, and I'd like to hear how they handle this.
It's also going to be an interesting time for the SNP in general regards their finances crisis.
Anon at 10:02
DeleteCeline and ISNP avoid the internet like the plague. Activists use the tried and rested method of canvassing door to door and manning info stalls on busy streets and shopping centres. I wouldn't be surprised if Celine makes it as Deputy FM in the next coalition. Its the Gottwald Effect and it works.
James. Politics is tough. You are picking the wrong hill to die on here son.
ReplyDeleteYou have integrity. I don’t always agree with your views but wish you all the best.
What hill am I actually dying on? I don't think being expelled from Alba is the end of the world, and as I said in the blogpost, if I am expelled I expect to be in a new political home by the end of January. But it's important to go through the process to demonstrate that I wanted to stay in Alba and wasn't allowed to for reasons that only other people can explain. Nobody is going to be able to accuse me of walking away, as has happened to several people who were effectively forced to leave in order to preserve their mental health as a result of severe bullying.
DeleteThe hill is known as Big Hill it is a hill and it is big. It dies exactly what it says on the tin. Big Hill.
DeleteI get 11:51's point, but James is right that it's his stand to make, and doesn't really lose him anything. It's not like he's likely to need Chris McEleny on board to support him in future projects! Might as well burn that bridge and enjoy the fire.
DeleteI admire your tenacity and your attempts to change things within Alba, James - but it simply will not work, going by your own observations.
ReplyDeleteLike the vast majority of us Yessers, you are now left with the choice of being a member of no Pro-Indy Party at all, or (re)joining an actually- electable one with at least a credible chance of getting to the end goal we all want.
That narrows it down to SNP and Greens.
This site seems to be pretty full of haters of both those parties, so I can imagine the majority 'advice' you might get on that.
Unlike myself, you are relatively young and have much more to contribute to the Indy cause, so the question for you is whether you can do that better within or outwith a party structure.
I made my choice decades ago and, with all its present turmoil, I will stick with the SNP as the best hope for Scotland's Independent constitutional future. I see absolutely no better alternative being available in my lifetime.
You may take a different view.
Whatever you decide, do NOT let your undoubted talents fritter away in the obscure long grass.
The Indy Movement certainly needs them.
Good luck in reaching your conclusion.
I’m with you in most of what you say, but I am no longer of the view that the Greens as a party actually support Indy. I now believe they cynically adopted Indy as a basis for acquiring votes and positions of power and influence within S G. They have shown themselves to be incompetent in govt, and they refuse to acknowledge let alone work in a manner that accepts the very real need for compromise and pragmatism in govt. I resigned from SNP going on two years ago now. I had hope that there was an alternative party structure that offered real scope for a Constituency/List double ticket in Scottish elections but quickly became concerned at the way Alba was being run. James’s experiences seem to confirm my concerns. I, and a small group of others, who left SNP at the same time, are going to rejoin and turn up, “mob handed” at constituency events and meetings to try to re direct the party, at least at constituency level, back onto the Indy path it was once on. Divisive policies need to be sidelined until Indy is achieved. Indy has to be the priority. Like you I agree that this site has become populated by a small group of SNP haters, and their commitment to hating the SNP, and especially N S, seems to greatly outweigh any interest in Indy. N S let us down badly, and I am hugely disappointed by her , but hate does not come into it. I am actually glad that these haters appear to play no part in any party that forms part of the democratic process. We know who the main perpetrators of this are, and I now simply ignore their lies, disinformation, and vitriol. They are not worth the effort. But I intend renewing my active role in pushing for Indy through rejoining the SNP, and I hope James does the same. James is, I think, a touch naive. I was one of the few people who cautioned him a good number of weeks ago not to publicise the fact that he wasn’t going to prepare for his then upcoming hearing, on the basis that it probably wasn’t going to go ahead anyway due to the tragic death of A S. It struck me then that he may be a touch naive. That is not a criticism and I hope that he does not take it as such.
DeleteI urge James to consider rejoining SNP. Work from within. We are not going to achieve anything from outwith. That is unpalatable, but it is the reality.
On the "naive" point, I don't think it was naive to assume that a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee wasn't going to go ahead some five days after Alex Salmond died. I think there was a 99.9% chance that I would be proved right about that, and I was. However, I took advice from people, and they did advise me to not assume anything and to check with the Deputy General Secretary. I did that prior to the deadline for making a written submission, so if I hadn't received a reply I could have reasonably made the point that was the only reason why the written submission hadn't been made (and I would still have been able to make an oral submission anyway).
DeleteI don't think anyone around during 2014 can question Patrick Harvie's commitment to independence or Ross Greer's or John Finnie's.
DeleteDisagree on other matters but let's not pretend they don't support independence.
We each have our opinion. Perhaps you could avoid expressions like “let’s not pretend”. It’s that type of response on here that has seen this site turned into a pretty unpleasant one btl. I listen to Harvie and hear nothing to suggest Indy is currently a priority for him and we do of course have his second in commands “not a red line” comment, which I not heard him contradict. They have also, again in my opinion, been incompetent in their respective remits, and divisive. For these reasons, I have formed my opinion. There are people who showed a commitment in 2014 that is now no longer there.
DeleteI have seen Chris McEleny in action over the last year as a member of three Alba committees, so I am the last person who is naive about the way he operates. Even at this stage I cannot reveal what I mean by that, but let me put it this way: if I could reveal it, it would set your mind at rest on any question of naivety, because you would know that a fundamental penny had dropped for me in the early part of this year. However, I think you're the one being naive if you believe there was any way he could have pulled off the kind of extreme stunt you're implying. Even if he had attempted it, others would have stopped him. There may not be many constraints on his excessive power, but people would have drawn the line at that. You're also failing to take into account the fact that I needed to keep my readers updated. I had already announced I was taking a break from blogging to prepare my written submission, so as I had changed my mind about that, I needed to explain why, otherwise it would have looked very odd.
DeleteOn the question of "what if your oral submission had not been properly taken into account?", that essentially amounts to "what if the hearing is just a sham?" It may well be just a sham, but if that's the case my submission will not be properly taken into account regardless of whether it is written or oral, so in that sense what difference does it make?
Huge difference between saying something is the priority and not supporting it, as you claimed.
DeletePatrick Harvie, Lorna Slater and Rods Greer's support for independence is on record. Where it sits as a priority is a different matter.
The let's not pretend could be interpreted as rude but it's also factual and got nothing to do with opinion, like it or loathe it.
Harvie, Greer and especially Slater will leap over fences to join a Sarwar government. "Let's not pretend" they won't.
DeleteStop making things up
DeleteEven if they would, debatable in any case, it doesn't mean they don't support scottish independence.
DeleteHarvie, Greer and Slater support indy about as much as The National does. That is, occasionally when they haven't got anything else to talk about.
DeleteYou're doing the right thing, and virtually forcing them to either mend their ways or continue to do the wrong thing. They've clearly decided to continue doing the wrong thing. It's a shame because their judicial review into the WFP is very interesting, which means they can do the right thing.
ReplyDeleteThis all reminds me of the George Galloway carry on.
DeleteThe "George Galloway carry on" narrows it down to around 348 possible incidents over the last 40 years.
DeleteYou'll have to be more specific.
Suspending members over very little is a power play that gets you nowhere in the long run.
ReplyDeleteThere js a party called Sovereignty out there, but don't know much about them.
Anon at 137am you state that “ I, and a small group of others, who left SNP at the same time, are going to rejoin and turn up, “mob handed” at constituency events and meetings to try to re direct the party, at least at constituency level, back onto the Indy path it was once on. Divisive policies need to be sidelined until Indy is achieved.”
ReplyDeleteDon’t you get that is you that is decisive. You remind me of the Militant party which caused Labours demise. What if those in the constituency do not agree with you? I hope you make your own party up. You seem to undermine wherever you go.
"What if those in the constituency do not agree with you?"
DeleteYou mean, what if they oppose indy? With all due respect, why did they join the Scottish National Party, then?
I think you mean divisive when you you say decisive. The words in quotations marks are for a reason. If the majority do not agree with us, it will be because they do not want to push Indy as their priority and that of the constituency. Is that divisive? It should not be in the SNP. If it is, they would seem to be in the wrong party.
DeleteHow ignorant. Members in the snp want independence. You are some how purer because you left the snp ? Now it isnt working for you outside you are choosing to come back to cause disruption? Dont bother.
DeleteAnon at 12.38. You encapsulate so much that is currently wrong within the SNP. No idea what your intentions or motivation are in such a post. Troll possibly? Really don’t know but not interested in ongoing discussions with you. How sad.
DeleteExactly. I get what drives the careerists in the SNP: money, jobs, pensions, expenses, and even a little prestige.
DeleteBut what drives the regular party members who clap like seals and vote for whatever Nicola tells them? Are they still "waiting for the firing gun" like The National tells them, always for the first and last time? Do they really button up at the back?
Surely there can't be that many Declan's…
The group that seems to look out for Nicola the most is ALBA supporters. Maybe 94% wish she led them?
DeleteJust wait until Tasmina and McEleny are at loggerheads....then we will get the Real Alba Party alongside Alba.
ReplyDeleteSurely MacAskill or their pretend MSP will step in. Cherry keeping the head down
DeleteI reckon Jo Cherry dismissed the thought of joining Alba the moment it failed on first contact with the electorate.
DeleteSome of us dismissed the thought of voting SNP the moment it failed contact with principles. Not so the Wee Ginger Duggers.
DeleteKC - Scot Goes Pop's own Lord Haw Haw.
ReplyDeleteDr Jim @ 10.31
ReplyDeleteLord Naw Naw
ReplyDeleteot- re the weather. BBC News presenter just referred to "edinburghh in Scotchsland". She was speaking form englissshhhlansheer I believe!
ReplyDeleteEat your cereal.
ReplyDeleteOh do shut up Nicola.
ReplyDeleteIn council news: the Lib Dem who took Edinburgh's Colinton/Fairmilehead in a surprise win the other week has been forced to resign by her own group! She's withdrawing from the council entirely, making that lucky ward's next by-election a double-upper.
Edinburgh Lib Dem group leader (an old high school acquaintance of mine) Kevin Lang is rightly furious with her. The Lib Dems were making hay at Labour's expense in Edinburgh South's richest suburb (a certain well-known former ambassador bides there when he's not in Lebanon). It was feeling like a repeat of their heyday with Mike Pringle taking the Scottish Parliament seat in 2003 and keeping it until 2011's payback for the Nick Clegg's suicidal deal with the devil down in London.
There's *nothing* naturally Labour *at all* about the fine, well-heeled, big housed and private schooled people of Morningside and Fairmilehead. They were right there for the Liberal's picking. And then this dodgy winner comes along…
Cringing SNP stooge Marco Biagi has also quit as local councillor from the same ward, forcing yet another by-election, which Spence's resignation makes a two-for-one on the same day. A rare event?
DeleteIt should be very hard indeed for the same party to win both seats.
Mmm, "80% of 107 women agree".
ReplyDeleteSomething wrong with that statement, can't quite figure out what.
Alba without Salmond will collapse in on itself like UKIP did without Farage. Different politics, same big ego amateurs.
ReplyDeleteThat is oh so true.
DeleteCeline Gottwald will provide the Shining Path to the land where all ports are free.
DeleteNever has a hand been more firmly on the tiller.
DeleteChris Cairns has had a go at Bibi Netanyahu in his latest cartoon. Campbell will NOT be pleased with him veering off-message like that.
ReplyDeleteJames, you are absolutely correct to see this through to it's apparently inevitable conclusion. Your expulsion from Alba might well be a fait accompli but it's important to let those responsible make an absolute erse of themselves.
ReplyDeleteWe welcome the forthcoming return of James Kelly to sanity.
ReplyDeleteCombined SNP + Green share is the highest it’s been since April 2024, just a few points short of 2011 landslide numbers, and this is mid term. This is really good as it’s not come from a rise in turnout projection, which remains dismally low; Scots are disengaged, but Brits are answering the pollsters in the aftermath of their national election, and some are moving to Yes/Green/SNP.
Don't try to sound serious, Declan, it ruins the whole effect. We loved your "pure punching the air" posts. Stick to what you're good at.
DeleteNot sure if James was ever insane, as you claim, but you most definitely are Skier and have been for some time.
DeleteThe issue with rejoining the SNP: We all know that there's severe issues with the Party but we unfortunately don't know how deep the rot goes.
ReplyDeleteThe only way to fix something is to know the full extent of the damage otherwise you're just constantly applying sticky plasters to cover the holes sinking the ship.
Many would also see it to be incredibly daft to join a organisation with several criminal investigations/legal action still outstanding against it.
Well, there are tens of thousands of people in that party - are they all idiots?
Delete9.55pm. Well they did vote Yousaf to be FM. So that’s a fair number of them proven to be idiots.
DeleteWhat arrogance
DeleteOptics matter, when the police are investigating an organisation that's like a massive flashing neon sign to stay as far away as possible to anyone not currently in it.
DeleteIt's a key point though, many say to rejoin the SNP and change it from within... how?
DeleteIf it can be so easily changed why were the attempts to do so previously not successful? Why did tens of thousands of people leave? Has there been any internal self reflection to determine the reasons why so many left and what can be done differently moving forward? People left for a reason, those reasons still exist. Has there even been any reforms implemented or bold new ideas after the worst electoral defeat since the SNP came to power?
What many seem to be advocating is to rejoin & hope for the best. Waste time going round in circles doing what you already know will fail as literally nothing of substance has changed. The literal definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over & over again expecting a different outcome.
Yousaf was happy to be FM for a year as all he wanted was the FM pension. Just another politician on the make.
DeleteStarmer is fucking the farmers'
ReplyDeleteI see some morons still push the line that the SNP is somehow unique in having a 'scandal' ongoing and should therefore be shunned as far as joining them is concerned.
ReplyDeleteSuch morons are either completely and utterly ignorant of the scandalous histories of just about every other political party in the UK and Worldwide generally, or have wilful amnesia in that regard.
Politics is frequently a dirty, filthy business everywhere - just look at the Labour UK Govt's continuation of arms sales and intel provision to Genocidal Israel and - on their own estimates - causing the deaths of 4000 additional pensioners this winter, by means-testing their WFP.
Yes, the SNP have serious questions to answer in respect of some monies ( NOT public /taxpayers funds, though), but that mess is not remotely in the same league as the ones I highlighted, or many others - like illegal wars which caused the unneccesary deaths of hundreds of thousands of souls.
If you are looking to join a political party which is 100% squeaky clean, you will NEVER find one.
Given that literally hundreds of millions of folk Worldwide are members of political parties, it is pretty obvious that they join in spite of those parties' 'bad' histories and failings.
Joining the SNP is no different from joining any other political party - scabs and all.
David Francis not only posting utter tripe but dishing out personal abuse.
DeleteFrancis says:- " (not public/taxpayers funds, though ) " heartily sick of people like Francis misrepresenting the missing £600 k as SNP funds. These monies were raised from both members of the SNP and other independence supporters and were supposed to be 'ring fenced for Indyref2' .
The main thrust of your post is completely wrong. The SNP garner votes on being a party of national liberation not just some other "dirty" UK political party. It's the current leadership that have turned it from a party seeking national liberation into just another dirty party and that's why it's membership has dramatically shrunk and it's vote share has also significantly shrunk.
It's people like you just accepting a ' dirty ' SNP full of British state assets that are the problem. You have become dirty by association and seem to revel in it.
Grow up, you Cretin.
DeleteFrancis - I'll take it that is an acceptance that you lied about the nature of the missing funds. I'm fully grown up not in the least bit wee. Some people have values and aren't happy swilling about in the shit of your dirty politics.
DeleteScandals and being under police investigation are quite different categories.
DeleteA politically motivated police investigation. Still awaiting a single prosecution three years in. To avoid the usual suspects embarrassing themselves again, being charged by the police is not a prosecution. When will the first prosecution happen?. Spoiler alert. It won’t, but the police investigation will have achieved its political purpose. And the useful idiots will have played a huge role.
DeleteAh right we're in the tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theory part of the conversation now.
DeleteEven more laughable when you realise that Police Scotland was formed through the merging of the eight regional police forces in Scotland and those reforms were planned by and happend under an SNP Government... there's only really 1 political party who could potentially use Police Scotland for a politically motivated purpose.
Anon at 7.23pm - same question I have asked you many times - where is the missing £600k of ' ring fenced funds'? Which you cannae answer.
DeleteThe only person who has said being charged is the same as being prosecuted is you. Erecting a straw man as you have done here is just the same as lying. You are a liar and a coward.
Sounding desperate you silly billy. Inactive for Scotland. Plumbing new depths of dishonesty and stupidity. No wonder Campbell binned you, and that’s a low bar. Get down to the job centre.
DeleteAnon at 8.46. Oh so there has been a prosecution? Do tell. Oh wait. There hasn’t. Come back when there is a prosecution and I will accept I was wrong. And since that’s not going to happen, give your tinfoil patter a rest. Pathetic.
DeleteAnon at 8.46 clearly doesn’t get out much. Grow up son.
DeleteMate, I'm not the one believing that there's a conspiracy against the SNP involving Police Scotland. A more plausible explanation is that they actually did the shit they've been accused of.
DeleteEven if Nicola Sturgeon herself was prosecuted I'd bet you'd be claiming she was set up and start a #FreeNicola campaign. Saying that she's a political prisoner of the British State to stop independence.