Monday, October 7, 2024

Netanyahu fans on Twitter claim with a straight face that they might have voted Alba if it hadn't been for me. If I've single-handedly cost Alba the pro-genocide vote, my humblest apologies.

There are numerous ironies to my potential forthcoming expulsion from the Alba Party, which if it happens will ultimately be due to a blogpost I wrote in April arguing for democratisation of the party's internal structures - something which the leadership were seemingly more hellbent on thwarting than I could ever have dreamed possible.  Many of those ironies relate to Alba's scathing reaction to disciplinary action that the SNP has taken against its own members - for example, Fergus Ewing's one-week suspension from the SNP parliamentary group.  However unjustifiable the action against Mr Ewing was, and I do believe it was wholly wrong, a one-week suspension plainly pales into insignificance compared to the draconian action taken against numerous Alba members recently, including expulsions and lengthy suspensions. I myself have already been suspended from the party for longer than one week without even having faced a disciplinary hearing yet, and that's been purely at the arbitrary whim of one man - Chris McEleny.

However, as far as the ironies were concerned, nothing could have prepared me for what happened last night.  I got into an exchange with Nicole Lampert, a London-based "journalist" specialising in pro-Israel propaganda and genocide apologism.  She was going off on one about the fact that a pro-Palestinian counter-demonstration was audible during what she described as a "vigil" in Glasgow to "mourn the dead" of October 7th last year.  "Give us 24 hours to mourn our dead in peace!" she histrionically demanded.  My question to her was whether pro-Israel counter-protests should be banned for the next year to allow Palestinians to mourn their dead in peace, because of course almost every day for the next year will be the first anniversary of atrocities committed by Israel.

She then claimed that the pro-Palestinian protesters in Glasgow had been shouting anti-Semitic language, which left her on fairly weak ground, because she had already posted what she clearly regarded as a "damning video", and yet all that could be heard in that video were the familiar slogans "from the river to the sea" (which cannot be anti-Semitic because Netanyahu has used it at press conferences) and "free free Palestine" (which is perfectly consistent with support for Palestinian freedom in the context of a two-state solution).  Oh no, that wasn't what she was talking about, she clarified. She was instead talking about anti-Semitic language that couldn't be heard in the video.  She alleged that "Scottish Jews" had been called "genocidal scum and baby-killers".  Did I think that was acceptable, she demanded to know.

I pointed out that she had supplied zero evidence of that language having been used, and also that even if she could find any evidence of it, she would have to establish that it was actually being directed at "Scottish Jews" rather than at the genocidal Israeli government - because of course if it was the latter, the language used would not only be acceptable but entirely accurate. That was the final straw for her - unable to grasp any distinction between Scottish Jews and Benjamin Netanyahu, she hilariously 'reported' me to Chris McEleny and Neale Hanvey, having noticed on my Twitter profile that I'm an elected member of three Alba committees.  "You and I have our differences on Israel/Palestine but this guy claims to be one of your lot and SURELY THIS CAN'T BE ALBA POLICY!!!!" she screamed.

Desperately trying to keep a straight face, I explained the irony of her reporting me to someone who already has me suspended from the party, albeit for radically different reasons from the ones she might approve of.  But over the next few hours, Ms Lampert was followed by at least four pro-Netanyahu accounts all claiming earnestly to have seriously considered voting Alba but declaring that THEY WOULD NEVER DO IT NOW BECAUSE OF THE VIEWS OF THAT BASTARD JAMES KELLY, THE ALBA COMMITTEE MEMBER.  By that stage, I didn't even bother pointing out the comical irony of them saying that about someone who is suspended from the Alba Party, because there comes a point where all you can do is step back and quietly marvel at the sheer absurdity of a situation.

I must say I had no idea there was such a potential groundswell for Alba among pro-genocide voters (didn't they think to check party policy?), and if I've single-handedly managed to screw that up in what may be my last few days as a party member, what can I say.  I'm so, so sorry, guys.

So were the pro-Palestinian protesters right to audibly disrupt the Glasgow "vigil"? I probably wouldn't have advised it, but there again you have to take into account what the true nature of the event was.  Jackson Carlaw posted a photo of himself making a speech at the "vigil", in which he apparently argued strongly against any end to Israel's genocidal actions until the hostages are released.  The fact that a right-wing politician was even invited to make such a speech suggests that there may have been an agenda that went a lot further than simply "mourning the dead".


  1. James, it didn't surprise me what you said about Carlaw. My MSP is a pretty disgusting character whose opinion re massacring thousands of Palestinian women and children can be summarised as they had it coming to them.

    1. Why are you not naming your MSP?

    2. He did. His MSP is Jackson Carlaw.

    3. To the incredibly persistent troll who will simply not take the hint, I'm sorry but you are simply wrong. IFS has given his location umpteen times and his MSP is indeed Jackson Carlaw. You don't get to "correct" something that is accurate.

    4. Ah, the troll's latest constructive contribution is to accuse me of *being IFS myself*! Crikey, where do I find the time?

  2. You’re always quick to criticise Israel, which is fine.
    What’s your view of the Hamas and Hesbollah terrorists though?

    1. Both organisations are products of the illegal Israeli occupations. That doesn't excuse any targeting of Israeli civilians, but the number of Israeli civilians murdered by Hamas and Hezbollah is a tiny fraction of the number of Palestinian and Lebanese civilians murdered by Israel.

      Hope this helps.

    2. The difference in numbers of deaths is several orders of magnitude - thousands or tens of thousands time as many Oalestinian &arab deaths as compared to Israeli deaths.

    3. James, just stick to Scottish politics.

  3. Tbh I think it's common place for people on social media to claim that they would have voted for a political party but will never do so now due to a particular person or viewpoint.

    It's all nonsense.

    1. Exactly. I'm not even entirely convinced they were all in Scotland.

    2. Maybe McEleny will troll you by adding this one to your rap sheet. Wouldn’t put it past him.

    3. Well, if he does, good luck to him trying to explain away his defence of Yvonne Ridley's outright support for Islamism.

    4. She’s not getting expelled though, so it won’t come up, even if she is exactly what these Zionist diddies are claiming James to be.

      Kafka didn’t have to invent institutional injustice from whole cloth.

    5. My guess is James would make very sure it comes up.

  4. Now I have read a lot over the years about Sturgeon being some sort of Messiah/Saint Nicola etc from the nicophants but that well known liar and SNP propagandist Scottish Skier has a new far out take on things.

    Skier says:- " They need her to go down for something serious. If she walks, she's a martyr for Scottish Indy and the entire Branchform effect could be unwound.
    Just pinning something on hubby around dubious accounting or something isn't enough, if she's cleared, that's it, martyrdom awaits."

    That's right Skier thinks she may be a future martyr for Scottish Indy and embezzlement is just dubious accounting. These nicophants are like Trump supporters they will accept anything and do their best to minimise it or excuse it completely.

  5. Ifs- had you already prepared this? Just asking, cos it doesn’t relate to which this particular blog is debating. Your fixation on skier and the previous First Minister probably requires some clinical support.

    1. Anon at 3.26pm - when did James appoint you as a moderator? Your obsession with me is clearly normal in your mind and disnae require clinical support.
      Do you agree with Skier that Sturgeon would become a martyr for Scottish independence? Are you like a Scottish Trump supporter?

    2. Agree with IfS. Skier is the (unpaid and unheard of) Tucker Carlson of the Dug House. Whatever master wants, master gets. The bigger the lie the better.

    3. You 2 must stop agreeing with each other-? Split personality. You may have ignored my point that the issue was about the Israel/ Palestine issue- still Nicola Sturgeon and Skier fills your fantasies.

    4. Anon at 8.28pm who the hell are you to tell anyone what they can and cannot post! Ignorant and arrogant troll.

    5. Science fiction Jambo.October 7, 2024 at 10:10 PM

      Campbell disnae like Skier either.

    6. I did think the responses reminded me of WGD.

  6. I think any reasoned person accepts the killing last October was wrong just as the State of Israel’s illegal occupation ( UN position) and bombing and killing of tens of thousands of men, women and children is also wrong. Is the perpetual killing of each other the future for the rest of this century? If I was an Israeli, Palestinian, Syrian, Lebanese and others I would despair. As a Scot stuck in this unequal union all I can say is “ not in my name” and for god/ all/ omnipotent being or just plain humanities sake “ give peace 1/2 a chance”.

  7. What I find incredibly annoying: If you say one side are doing bad things that must mean you 100% support everything the other side are doing: What?

    Also the insistence amongst some that if you're critical of the Israeli Government that must mean you're antisemitic it's ludicrous.

    1. It’s inspiring. Who else gave the trans activists their magical, debate ending word: “transphobe.” Israel got there first.

  8. Multiple Governments around the world believe the only way the conflict can truly end is via a 2-State Solution.

    If you support Israel in the current Government what are your reasons against a 2-State Solution and what do you believe should happen to the Palestinians?

    Netanyahu has said that Israel "will not settle for anything short of absolute victory" and that Israeli control over all territory west of the Jordan River is a "necessary condition" when the current conflict ends.

    That position will only prolong the conflict and encourage more attacks against Israel. Surely any reasonable person can see that peace doesn't happen that way?

    1. It's a doom spiral, the idea Israelis are going to countenance a two state solution off the back off Oct 7th is difficult to envision. After that massacre where does that take Israeli public and moderate opinion? Not to peace anyway.

      The ground work is already laid for another conflict in 10-15 years time. It's a tragedy sparked by leaders on both sides unable to take the lead for peace.

    2. It was colonialism back in the 19forties and is still colonialism today.

      It was colonialism back in 1707 and is still colonialism today.

      Israeli people are in denial as to how their state was founded just as people in the UK are in denial as to how the U.K. was founded.

    3. Fortunately for us, only one of them is our problem. Scotland can seize independence any day we demand it. Palestine might be as dead as Biafra. The difference is the Israelis have no Israel without stolen land. They need it erased, pronto.

    4. Israel exists and if you think there's going to be a solution which doubts that we've got more death coming. I can see why Israelis and Palestinians can't see peace for war but it's incumbent on those on the sidelines to push peace rather than revenge.

    5. You’re right, 5:06. Israel shouldn’t exist, but we are where we are. 😉

      Besides, Israel’s continued existence relies 100% on the USA’s unquestioning military aid umbrella. The rest of us can pound sand. While Israel pounds children into sand.

    6. in fairness i dread to think what would happen to millions of israelis if that support was taken away too.

    7. Yeah, they'd have to live in peace with their neighbours. Ghastly for them.

    8. Their neighbours back in Europe where they belong.

      Why did the Palestinian people get punished for the Holocaust? Because, unlike the Germans, they’re not white.

      Colonialism, then and now. Shoulder to shoulder.

    9. Majority of SCOTTISH people do want it!

    10. Anon 6:33,
      The majority of Scottish people want what??

    11. INDEPENDENCE, ya KC numpty.

    12. If the Scottish people wanted independence as badly as the Palestinian people wanted it, we would be on our way.

      London wants our resources. Israel wants every inch of the Palestinians' land, as they have none of their own.

    13. Anywhere in Europe you'd forcibly remove born and bred Israelis to?

      Mask slipping a bit here.


    14. It's all pie in the sky as long as America has their back.

      If and when they ever forsake them, and let them fend for themselves, the Israelis would put up quite a fight but would ultimately be overrun. Then their people's fates will be as harsh as they've been to the Palestinians. An eye for an eye.

    15. ashkenazis are from eastern europe with no connection to the middle east; the great imaginary 3000 year old property deal is a crock of shit. Get back to the pale of settlement or even khazaria

  9. A lot of serious bullshit in the Commons with imperialist Tories today.

  10. Lord of the SlippersOctober 8, 2024 at 6:51 AM

    I would've voted Alba if a candidate had stood in my constituency. It would've been a positive vote for indy rather than abstaining. Tbh, I didn't take the other pro indy options seriously enough to vote for them and, ultimately I'm happy to be one of the half a million SNP deserters.
    I've been disappointed to hear about James's treatment by Alba and I'm not impressed with the way the party is behaving. Would I vote for them now? Hmmm, not sure.
    On a different note, I was reading an online article on The Notional (the newspaper which loosely supports an independent Scotland) and noticed that James isn't listed on their page of editors and contributors. Surely, they haven't 'done a McEleny'?

    1. Science fiction JamboOctober 8, 2024 at 11:37 AM

      Sir Keir thanks you !
