Saturday, October 19, 2024

All of the last six GB-wide polls have put Labour in the 20s - that's the sort of unpopularity associated with Michael Foot, John Major and William Hague

A new GB-wide poll from Techne shows that Labour's lead is down to just three points, which is the lowest that any firm with the exception of More in Common has shown since the Trussmageddon of autumn 2022.

GB-wide voting intentions (Techne, 16th-17th October 2024):

Labour 28% (-1)
Conservatives 25% (+1)
Reform UK 19% (-)
Liberal Democrats 13% (+1)
Greens 7% (-)
SNP 2% (-)

And although the changes from the previous Techne poll are well within the margin of error and thus statistically insignificant, there's no real doubt that Labour's popularity has taken a further significant hit within this calendar month.  Until early October, all but one poll from every firm had put Labour at 30% or higher, whereas all of the six polls conducted since 4th October have put Labour on 29% or lower - that's well below anything Jeremy Corbyn scored at a general election, it's closer to the levels of unpopularity suffered by Michael Foot, John Major and William Hague (although even Major and Hague managed to just about stay in the 30s, at least in general elections).  

Again, the fact that Labour are nominally still ahead with such an abysmally low vote share may be almost irrelevant, because it's hard to believe that the right-wing vote will still be as heavily split in four or five years' time - one way or another, it's surely going to coalesce more behind one particular political force.

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SCOT GOES POP FUNDRAISER 2024: I took a prolonged break from promoting the fundraiser during the general election period, but I'll have to make some serious progress over the coming days and weeks if the blog is to remain viable.  Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far.  Card donations can be made via the fundraiser page HERE, or direct donations can be made via Paypal.  My Paypal email address is:


  1. SNP appoints former council boss Carol Beattie as interim chief executive.

    Aye, me neither.

    1. Surely cannot be related to the ex Treasurer Colin Beattie who is under Polis investigation for embezzlement.

    2. Yesterday’s news; “Mr Foote will stay in the role until his successor is appointed.“
      Today’s news; “Carol Beattie, former chief executive of Stirling Council, will take over immediately until a permanent appointment is made.“ “The decision was made at a meeting of the SNP's national executive committee …”.
      Looks like they changed the locks on Jackson’s Entry while Foote was away for the weekend.
      To paraphrase Morrissey 🎶 Panic on the streets of Edinburgh. Panic on the streets of Glasgow🎶
      But why?

    3. " But why " - Did Swinney's spies see him going straight to the local police station ?

    4. Yes, they are of course married! The plot thickens.

    5. Gotta hand it to the SNP. They really do keep *all* business in the family.

    6. "Beattie is married to former Midlothian Council leader Lisa Beattie.[16] He lives in Dalkeith, Midlothian."

      But hey, conspiracy theories are so much better than reality.

    7. Yesindyref2 you are a spoilsport. I was wanting to see how far they would go with this. " Lisa Beattie (16) ?? Surely Beattie isnae married to a 16 year old. All these SNP puritans will be appalled .

    8. Sorry about that IFS.

      Yes, there are indeed only two people with the name "Beattie" in Scotland it seems so they must be married. Those several around where I live don't count.

    9. Curses, AI, you had me going for a bit!

      Still an interesting mistake to make: two different Scottish councils run by women from the same party, with the same surname, to him.

      You'd think this was Iceland…

    10. I don't really know who anybody is these days. They're everywhere

    11. Colin Beattie hasn't been seen in public for a few months and now 'Carol' Beattie appears pretty much out of nowhere.

  2. Labour not so popular now but still not as unpopular as the SNP, that’s for sure.

    1. Yeah, sure, KC, that's why the latest MRP poll has the SNP on 48 seats and Labour on 3.

  3. What an insult.

    North Macedonia treating Salmond better than the Scottish government.

    Sturgeon's gang insulting him even after his passing. Is it not enough that they hounded him for six years to his dying day - obviously not.

    Sturgeon's gang have no low they cannae crawl under. The SNP will not be getting my vote until every one of that gang are booted out the SNP.

    1. Celine Gottwald would never have countenance such heinous actions.

    2. Your hatred is why independence is further away. You are a real tossed doing the britnats work

    3. Aye, Jim. You should have seen the number of times Nicola was on the phone to her trusted senior adviser, IfS, asking if now was the time for indyref2. He sorely let us down. If only she weren't such a perfect saint, she could have told him where to shove it!

    4. Dr Jim at 10.03pm you are going mad if you think I prevented Indyref2. Numpties like you supporting Sturgeon's gang in the SNP are to blame. You just don't like the truth. I told you Sturgeon/Blackford/Swinney would deliver nothing but disappointment 5 years ago but numpties like you kept on supporting them. Then along came Sturgeon's boy Yousaf to get his payoff - an FM pension for life for a year in the job delivering a Hate Crime bill. What was the end result of all that furore over self ID - the law kicked in to touch by the Britnats which I said would happen. All that division for absolutely nothing.

      I guess you really did save the date - 19/10/23. A year on you probably still believe it will happen because Sturgeon said it would.

      Your problem is you want to blame everyone but the real culprits - Sturgeon's gang and numpty SNP members like you. I told you loads of independence supporters would die without seeing independence if you keep supporting Sturgeon. Sadly true.

  4. Britannia loses - aw cry me a river KC 😢 Britannia disnae rule the waves and that is a proven fact.

    1. Cry me a river is a decent enough song IFS, however I much prefer “It’s Over” by the late great Roy Orbison or “It’s All Over Now” by the Rolling Stones😀. Both titles appropriately describe the state of Blighty as Scottish independence approaches!

    2. I prefer Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep

  5. Since the atrocity of 7/10/24 the IDF have taken over 10,000 Palestinian hostages from the West Bank. The occupied West Bank has no Hamas presence. The Britnat media never mention this fact.

    1. Asking AI “ How many Palestinians are there in the world?”

      As of mid-2022, there are approximately 14.3 million Palestinians worldwide[2][3]. This includes about 5.35 million in the State of Palestine (West Bank and Gaza Strip), 1.7 million in Israel, and nearly 7 million in the diaspora, with significant populations in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, and Chile[1][3]. The Palestinian diaspora also includes communities in various countries across the Americas, Europe, and the Gulf states[4].

      So in other words, Israel has to cash in *all* their chips from 1945. You’ll know they’re serious when they’re behaving the same way to Arab Israeli citizens.

    2. I do things but I never bite whippets.

  6. Brexit was an open goal.
    Covid saw us over 50% with no campaigning.
    Now Labour—the last hope for the union—is collapsing at record speed.

    Can’t any of us shoot?

    1. KC - 10.43pm Not as low as facilitating the daily murder of children and babies. How many is unacceptable to you? 20,000 30,000 or is there no limit. Britnats have the blood of children on their hands.

    2. Yip IFS, Nats don’t like to hear the truth, that’s for sure.

    3. As Foote fumbles the baton to Beattie the duggers desperately dig deeper.

  7. Final word on Footes achievements as Chief Exec goes to Scottish Skier

    " I believe Foote was that. Best person for the job." Mind you Skier said the same about Yousaf. Both didnae last long in the job.

    Skier reminds me of someone else who keeps getting it wrong - Declan.

    1. Ski Sunday has come early again I see! What a theme song for him.

    2. According to Skier over the years absolutely everyone and everything about the SNP is always brilliant and perfect and they are all 100% for independence. Yet strangely enough Scotland is not independent. Is this a paradox or is Skier talking a load of mince?

  8. Wide range of views here.
    Very diverse.

    1. Yes, the open debate here is a million miles away from the closed worlds of WGD and Wings.

    2. I'm Bubbles Kampynski and I'm highly diverse

  9. Not a Silver Lining for the Murrell's

    Natalie McGarry got a 20 month prison sentence for embezzling £25,000.

    So what could a sentence be for embezzling say £600k? For the mathematically challenged trolls that frequent SGP that is 24 times the amount McGarry embezzled - wow.

    24 times 20 months amounts to 40 years. Let's hope for their children they are both proven to be innocent and nobody continues to claim they are really guilty. We cannae have people ignoring court judgements now, can we, and smearing their reputation. Oh wait that's right they don't have any children - no mitigating circumstances then.

    1. But Dr. Jim would be heartbroken. Won't someone PLEASE think of the muppets!

      Skier meanwhile would take it in his slalom. Aha! Proof, PROOF!, that the master plan is working just as he predicted. But of course.


  10. The poster Eilidh on WGD says:- " As an SNP member I have no clue.."

    Another poster on WGD yesindyref2 says:- " I have absolutely no opinion.."

    Now that is posting quotes out of context but sometimes it can still be accurate. Poor soul Eilidh disnae think anybody in the SNP could possibly be working for the British state. Even if their undercover name was Daniel De Foe she still wouldnae spot them. So that quote out of context " As an SNP member I have no clue" is pretty spot on.

    On the other hand the other quote out of context " I have absolutely no opinion " is most definitely wrong and gives a misleading impression because yesindyref2 has plenty of opinions and they are provided freely.

    Conclusion - do not always automatically disparage out of context quotes they may be accurate.

    1. IFS at 1:37 am ... A serious question ... Why do you insist on writing such utter drivel?

    2. That was funny IFS.

    3. Anon at 4.29am - it's not mandatory on SGP to read my posts. My drivel seems to attract trolls like moths to a flame. Watch you don't burn yourself.

      The serious point is that the independence movement is the greatest threat to the British state. The spooks in London have something like a £3.5 billion annual budget. It is inconceivable that they do not have agents and assets working in the SNP where they can try to control the party's direction and policies but people like Eilidh think they are all whiter than white in the SNP.

      Sturgeon's English Chief of Staff Liz Lloyd, was never involved in any of the preparation of the new " procedure" for framing Salmond we were told by senior civil servants one after the other during the Parliament Inquiry. Yet she was in attendance at meetings and was involved in designing the new " procedure" and they all had to subsequently say they forgot and change their story. John REDACTOR MAN Swinney couldnae keep all the documents secret. He wisnae even very good at doing a cover up.

      Swinney the guy who got multiple votes of no confidence BEFORE he became FM.

      Incredible all these senior civil servants having such poor memories about Lloyds involvement. As it turned out Lloyd was never in front of the Inquiry despite previously being scheduled to appear.

    4. Aye, but what are you doing about Lord Lucan?

    5. Anon at 10.37am - I’m not Lucan for him. I'm Lucan for Scottish independence hence the moniker Independence for Scotland. I thought that would be obvious to all but the seriously dim.

  11. Optimum (client Observer) remain the outlier having Labour consistently on a 7% lead (field work 16 - 18 Oct, sample population 2,050).

    For information, Scottish sub-sample:
    Con 16%, Labour 23%, LibDem 10%, SNP 26%, RefUK 16%.

    Polling in Scotland for RefUK has now been too consistent in terms of time and polling companies to keep referring to this phenomenon as “surprising”. At these levels, RefUK could return MSPs in 2026 in the high teens, perhaps slightly higher.

    1. And render Holyrood ungovernable without a cosying up between Labour and SNP

    2. Sorry anon 931 you forget the other pro independence parties are ignored here. Based in England?

  12. As an SNP member I am absolutely convinced that there will be British agents that have infiltrated the SNP. But who are they?

  13. My take on parties here on the electoral up: RefUK; LibDems; SNP; & Scots Greens. And in the down: SLAB; & Con/ Unionist.


    Where does a HR governing coalition come out of the above?
