Wednesday, June 12, 2024

SNP *level* with Labour in crucial Ipsos telephone poll

SNP 36%
Labour 36%
Conservatives 13% 
Liberal Democrats 5%  
Reform UK 4% 
Greens 3%

More details and analysis to follow...


  1. if SNP manage to win the majority here even after all this, that does present a different line. albeit they'll have suffered losses.

  2. That would see a wipe out of the Tories. So Ross will stay as an MSP (always a down side).

    Hopefully the SNP can galvanise their vote a little more and ensure a majority of Scottish seats.

  3. The more the public see of Starmer and Sarwar, the worst things get for the Labour Tories.

  4. Also from Ipsos, Yes to Independence ahead at 51%

  5. Let's wait tomorrow for Labour manifesto when It Will be clear more austerity, and all Sarwar lies exposed.
    From now on Labour can only go down

  6. There's obviously been a lot of campaigning by SNP activists over redent weeks and probably people are hearing from the SNP directly for the first time in quite a long time. I wonder if that might be impacting.

  7. 45% of people may change their vote apparently.

    Seems very high

  8. As I've been saying for months now and very few people believed me although more and more are now listening. SNP will gain seats at this election. By polling day it will be a one horse race.

    1. LOL
      Like the Tories, the nationalist charlatans have had their day. For the sake of this country we need rid of the rotten to the core SNP.

    2. We need you Britnat , English interlopers tae keep yer nebs oot.

  9. Although I have misgivings about polling by means of the electric telephone, it is nevertheless a good poll for the SNP.

  10. Anon....:"For the sake of which country"? Mine is Scotland. Not the UK. That's not a country. Maybe you should get out of Scotland if you don't like what people vote for.

    1. Suggesting people with whom you disagree to get out of Scotland isn't good.

    2. Well people can disagree , fair enough but when they disparage and girn aboot Scotland maybe they should move south.

    3. No people have an absolute right to grumble about how a country is governed and while you are free to argue those points to tell someone to get out of the country is a disgraceful comment to make and places you in the same realm as Nigel Farage and the Reform Party. Scottish Nationalis. Is supposed to be progressive and that language is unacceptable.

  11. With Reform only 1 point behind the Tories the SNP should be stressing the need for independence from a Farage future. Labour will win this time, but the prospect of a Nigel-Boris-Suella-Priti monstrosity replacing them at the next election is hopefully appalling enough to get Yes firmly over 50%.

  12. Hopefully the eejits who think that abstaining or spoiling the ballot paper is the best way to achieve independence will be having second thoughts. Every independence supporter's abstention or spoiled ballot paper is effectively a vote for the unionist parties.

  13. There's also an Opinium poll with similar fieldwork dates which has Labour on 35% and the SNP on 34%. That's a statistical tie over both of the most recent polls. Tories down to 13-14% having lost about 4% thanks to Sunak's D-Day debacle. Curiously Reform hasn't benefited.

    So Swinney has a chance to recover the SNP's position. However the final two or three weeks will see Labour goven more promincne and as James always says that favours them over the SNP.

    I'm still split (60/40) on whether to vote or not but if I do it will be for the SNP while holding my nose. My disgust with myself at not voting will need to be higher than voting for the SNP.

    If Reform ties or passes the Tories then I'll *definitely* be voting.

  14. Good to see people accepting that an abstention or a spoiled ballot is a vote for the union. Own how you vote. If you can’t hold your nose and vote SNP you put unionists in power and devolution will be decimated. Indy becomes a hopeless dream. Your choice but OWN IT.

  15. SNP activists are very hard working and their campaigning on the ground has been behind these better polls for the party.

  16. Who’s voting Reform . GTF

  17. John Swinney has rowed back on the SNP's pledge to open independence negotiations after a victory at a General Election

    Instead, the First Minister has said any talks 'should involve a referendum'

    During Yousaf’s time in charge, the SNP passed a motion at conference saying that, should they win the majority of Scottish seats at Westminster, the SNP government would be “empowered to begin immediate negotiations with the UK Government to give democratic effect to Scotland becoming an independent country”.

    However, Swinney has only said the negotiations should lead to a referendum – not independence itself.

    1. Does anyone seriously believe any UK Government would ever allow a referendum they knew they would all but certainly lose?

      No Prime Minister wants to be forever remembered as the one who allowed the breakup of the United Kingdom to happen. It's nonsensical to believe otherwise.

  18. Because many people in Scotland still think general elections have something to do with Scotland it's difficult to convince those people that they don't
    General elections in the UK are one of those moments in time when the UK government pretend that the rest of us count in their sham of being included in their Britishness, we don't and cannot possibly have any kind of importance in English politics, because if Scotland could actually make a real difference in general elections to the way the government of the UK operates, that UK government would immediately change it or England wouldn't vote for them
    The house of commons is the English parliament that tolerates some of us colonials in their building, nothing more
    England cannot run its empire if Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland had the power to change anything, so they make sure we can't , but they do put on a good show for the unknowing public that they are important and loved and cared for by their overseers
    If we want nothing to do with England's fake union then don't help them out by voting for any of their political parties, vote for the biggest party Scotland has whether we want them or not, and that tells England what we don't want, and we don't want them, we'll pick our own when the right time comes when our votes count in our country

    1. There is some merit in what 79 is saying.However,best to focus on the merits of independence how it is relevant to peoples dail life,the importance of being able to make our own decisions and have them respected.It is a natural and normal way of being.

  19. James something bothers me about these polls. How is it possible that independence is at 51% but the only party capable of getting independence is only at 36% in the same poll.

    To my mind something does not add up, could you explain it to me.

    1. It’s 51% according to Ipsos, but sadly not other polling companies.
      Though I imagine if Find Out Now manage to get a poll out, they will no doubt show Yes above 50%.

    2. "How is it possible that independence is at 51% but the only party capable of getting independence is only at 36% in the same poll"

      Should be asking why the SNP have allowed that to happen when in the past the SNP themselves used to poll higher than independence.
