Friday, May 10, 2024

Kate Forbes is upsetting all of the right people

I didn't write about it at the time because I didn't want to tempt fate, but when the announcement was made that Kate Forbes had been appointed as Deputy First Minister, the first thought that went through my head was that the appointment was not automatic, and that it was actually quite hard to see where the parliamentary arithmetic was going to come from to get her approved.  So the outcome yesterday was a tremendous relief, and for that we have to partly thank the Liberal Democrats for constructively abstaining.  

But why did they do it?  Logically they would have stood to gain from an early election.  In the past, when they were led by serious figures like Jim Wallace, Malcolm Bruce or Russell Johnston, there would have been no difficulty in believing they were just doing the right thing and putting the national interest ahead of party interest.  But they're now led by the ultimate cynical opportunist Alex Cole-Hamilton, so it's hard not to believe there was an ulterior motive.  Could there have been an informal deal with the SNP government behind the scenes?  Or are the coffers relatively empty and they don't want to risk fighting two elections in one year?

The most Machiavellian explanation is that the opposition party that has most to lose from an early election is the Tories, so perhaps the Lib Dems were acting on the Tories' behalf, allowing Douglas Ross the free hit of voting against Forbes without having to live with any consequences.  But quite what the Tories would have been able to offer the Lib Dems in return is anyone's guess.  Maybe helping Douglas Ross out is simply Cole-Hamilton's comfort zone, who knows.

Now that Kate Forbes is in harness, she seems to be upsetting all the right people.  That may seem like a brutal thing to say, but given the extremist ideology that many of her critics represent, and their belief that anyone who disagrees with them should be shunned by civilised society and lose their livelihoods, the sign that the SNP was moving into a better place was only ever going to be proper meltdowns from those people.  Kelly Given said in her column that the party used to be a "safe space" for her and her fellow travellers, by which she meant they were able to run a reign of terror in which the SNP was an intolerable space for those with other views.  

The mask really slipped, though, when Given suggested Forbes was not acceptable as Deputy First Minister because she once said she could never conceive of having an abortion herself.  Just think about the implications of that.  The standard pro-choice position is that women have a right to privacy when making reproductive decisions, and a right to control over their own bodies.  That's not really consistent, is it, with lecturing a prominent female politician about how she has no place in public life until she states she would actively consider, as she would see it, killing her unborn child.  That's not only intolerance, it's downright bigotry.

If Given and co will give Forbes credit for nothing else, can they at least give her credit for being a fluent Gaelic speaker who simultaneously holds the second highest office in the land and the post of Minister for Gaelic?  Nobody else, surely, could be better placed to protect the language before it's too late.

I was very pleased to hear that Alba had voted in favour of Forbes while the Greens were busily voting against her.  That will repair some, but probably not all, of the damage to Alba's reputation done by the vote to bring down the SNP government.  It also sets my mind at rest because I was starting to anecdotally form the impression that Alba were lining Forbes up to be the latest designated traitor.  We've already got more than enough of those.  A small party that puts up walls around itself and says in George W Bush fashion "you're either with us, or you're with the terrorists" will not only make itself look ridiculous, it will also quickly discover just how small it is.  Whereas if it doesn't act like a narrow sect, and allows the borders of the party to be porous, it'll find a lot more independence supporters under its roof.


  1. I’m really delighted with the position Forbes has been given, and it was more than I was expecting she would get. Happy day for Scotland and an even happier one for the SNP - who might just have a future yet if it can shrug off attempts at capture by this gang of extremist cuckoos.

    1. I expected she would get Finance back: the big job Humza sacked her from as his magnanimous first move in office.

      I don’t know why she went with the much more junior Economy position. Something to do with the (undisclosed) reason Wings said she didn’t run for the leadership in the end?

    2. You people really need to stop listening to what Toryboy Campbell has to say. His (undisclosed) sources haven’t put a foot right in years.

      He’s been riding off the goodwill of 2014 for a decade (not unlike the SNP ironically).

      Time to put him out to pasture with the rest of the Rees Moggs.

  2. Superb doopery diddly poopery! I'm so happy I could bitter a pancake!

    1. He's growing into the role and showing sureness-of-touch. He made a great speech at conference. We can all agree.

    2. Oh his conference speech will get some folks diddling their poopery for sure.

  3. Excited as to Forbes as I agree she annoys all the right people.

  4. The last paragraph is absolutely key, and should be repeated to Alba members ad nauseum, until they can recite it word for word. Although I think it increasingly suits some people to keep the party small because it means it can be more easily managed to their liking, if actual members wish for Alba to ever see any success at all, what you said their is the only way they'll achieve that.

  5. Lets see what she says and does

  6. With regard to the Lib Dems, I think that what they did has to be taken at face value as a goodwill gesture. It cost them nothing and the SNP now owes them one. Had Ash Regan had the good sense last week to act similarly then Alba might not be viewed with such distrust by SNP members.

    1. To be fair they are a decent party.

    2. With a very indecent leader who insists Scottish identity has no right to exist.

    3. Well done Lib Dems. I would not describe their leader who just helped us out in those terms--let's as John Swinney says now try to get away from toxic politics.

  7. Who will be next on the magic roundabout of devolutionist SNP leaders? Come on Robison has been around a long long time - she must be due a shot and the lifelong pension it provides. That is what the SNP has become - a tool of the British state.

    1. Swinny has addressed this by noting he will lead the SNP into the next Holyrood election.

    2. Leaders always say that. To admit you won’t make it, is to start the clock on your own replacement.

    3. I think we all know who is a tool of the

    4. British state.

  8. Kate Forbes is undoubtedly talented and in my opinion the more people of talent we have in the government the better.

    1. Agreed. She deserves praise for waiting patiently to be brought back into the government and for her supportive commentary from the back-benches.

  9. Away back and sup your Pimm's with Elphicke.

  10. You realise how small you are when you go onto sites like They have 'subreddits' which I am sure are trolled by either the UK government or party activists.

    You can't say anything even a little against the UK, or you will be downvoted.

    Now, I don't care about that. But when posts get downvoted, it means that people don't see them.

    We don't see the conversations behind closed doors.

  11. Anon @11:02, you keep dreaming.

    1. I dream of worlds of wonder. Begone, ye imps and goblins. Leave me with mine elves and pixies. Better to mind the day.

  12. All three of the British opposition parties are for all intents and purposes in Scotland one party, as for Alex Salmond voting for Kate Forbes, no, afraid it does nothing to mend any rift between himself and the SNP, there is not one single SNP MSP that would give Salmond a light in a dark corner, his only chance is his ongoing co-operation with the British to help them bring the SNP down
    Scotland doesn't want Salmond, why don't you show everybody that poll

    1. Dr Jim who gave you the authority to talk for Scotland. Give it a rest weirdo.
