Wednesday, May 15, 2024

A major polling silver lining for the SNP: their leader has a positive net rating, something that would have been unimaginable during the Yousaf leadership

As you'll probably have seen, the Redfield & Wilton poll over the weekend was poor for the SNP, but there were two notable silver linings.  Firstly, support for independence continues to hold up astonishingly well in the context of SNP decline.

Should Scotland be an independent country?

Yes 48% (-3)
No 52% (+3)

The apparent 3-point swing to No is almost certainly just margin of error noise, because the Yes lead in the previous poll was unusual for Redfield & Wilton, so we're probably just seeing a reversion to the mean. 48/52 or thereabouts has been fairly typical.

Perhaps even more important is that John Swinney has a positive net approval rating of +7.  That's pretty extraordinary if you think about it, because we've seen a number of polls over the last year in which every single politician asked about had a net negative rating.  Because perceptions of the leader are so important to election outcomes, that offers a glimmer of hope to the SNP.  Humza Yousaf consistently had dismal net ratings with Redfield & Wilton, so if anything, the assumption had to be that the SNP might perform worse under him than standard voting intentions suggested.  It's now at least possible to construct a scenario in which the moderately high regard that the public hold Swinney in could help the SNP perform better than the polls currently suggest.  The popularity of Kate Forbes should also help now that she's been made deputy in a blaze of publicity.

One important caveat is that the wording of the question about John Swinney was different from the one that has been used for Yousaf over the last year, so it may be that once people are asked about Swinney's actual performance as First Minister, he'll slip into negative territory.  However I doubt his ratings will be as bad as Yousaf's, and as I've said before, I'm pretty confident that when Redfield & Wilton start asking the head-to-head question about whether Swinney or Anas Sarwar would make the better First Minister, Swinney will hold a good lead.  It's also encouraging that 35% of respondents support Swinney becoming SNP leader and First Minister, with only 18% opposed.

I was asked on the previous thread whether Reform UK's 4% showing in the poll is implausible and therefore casts doubt on the rest of the results.  The simple answer is no.  There's been a consistency to the way Reform UK have crept upwards in recent Scottish polling, but they remain below their UK-wide numbers, which is what you'd expect based on how their predecessor parties performed.  Remember that Scotland proved itself perfectly capable of electing a UKIP MEP on one occasion, so there is a natural constituency for Reform here.  They could actually do the independence movement a favour by splitting the Tory vote and helping the SNP to win one or two key seats.

*  *  *

After the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday, right-wing nutters were lauding the UK public for supposedly backing Israel, while left-wingers were bewildered and expressed disgust that the British people had indirectly backed a regime that is committing genocide.  The reality is that both groups are wrong, because the ordinary UK public probably had very little to do with the UK giving maximum points to Israel.  There was a determined internet advertising campaign, seemingly originating from the Israeli state itself, to persuade sympathisers across Europe to vote for the song up to twenty times each, which is the maximum allowed under the rules and would cost as little as £2.  The likelihood is that the vast majority of votes that Israel received in the UK came from a relatively small number of Israeli and American ex-pats, plus those politically sympathetic to Israel.  Just 2000 people could have generated as many as 40,000 votes, and remember with the non-political votes split between 25 different songs, it wouldn't necessarily have taken all that many votes to push Israel into the lead.

How would you prevent that kind of manipulation, which is tantamount to vote-rigging?  The obvious way would be to restrict each person (or each phone number) to only one vote.  But that would ruin the fun for a lot of people, myself included, who like voting for more than one song.


  1. Encouraging ratings for John Swinney.

    1. He has not put a foot wrong so far in his leadership.

    2. If he's that popular how come he didn't win the Eurovision?

    3. Sureness-of-footedness.

  2. John Swinney to most of the public has a few advantages
    1. He’s known and to a lot people that can be comforting
    2. Although political insiders know his true nature to most of the public he’s a pleasant, nice guy.
    3. There is nothing against him in the public domain - he’s managed to slippy shoulder blame for anything.
    I imagine he will get reasonable ratings for these reasons.
    He is obviously trying to ditch gender ideology and good luck with that

    It’s often been said that Scotland is a socially conservative country so partnering with Kate Forbes should work.

    But the real problem is that it is probably too late - the shift has happened and voters have ‘gone back to Labour’ .

    I can’t see an outcome other than a Labour win in the GE which wouldn’t be a disaster
    But the win would be a launchpad for a Labour/Unionist Holyrood maybe for a decade.

    What can be done to change that?

    1. Nothing.
      These charlatans have had their day. The country desperately needs change.
      Vote Labour.

    2. I think 'socially conservative' is probably over-egging it. But it's by no means as progressive as a lot of young trendies like to believe.

      As for what can be done to avoid a Labour Holyrood, there's not much Swinney can do except continue trying to steer the party back towards steady, sensible governance.

      I do somewhat suspect though that the shine will come off a Starmer government quite quickly. A super majority will likely become a millstone round his neck if, as he has given ever indication of, he intends to continue with the bulk of Conservative policy. He's in the position currently where people can attach all sorts of centre-left delusions about the way he will govern once he gains power. The truth will be quite difficult to reconcile for Labour.

    3. The Church of Scotland has been weak and too inclined to adopt popular liberal views.

    4. The Church of Scotland has been weak because its membership, like all church memberships, has been rapidly declining. Taking hardline stances isn’t going to improve that anymore than taking liberal stances has.

      The Scottish public are simply much more secular than they were generations ago. Nothing is going to change that. If anything, the rate of irreligiousness is likely to increase.

  3. I don't mind the idea that you can vote for more than one song, but I do object strongly that you can vote more than once for a song, certainly from a mobile. I guess that households with multiple occupancy or family members can use the same land line, but more than five votes should not be permitted.

    1. Eurovision needs the Single Transferable Vote !

    2. Eurovision was on BBC not STV!

  4. Swinney has announced a national emergency on housing - he deserves praise for taking this issue seriously as anyone trying to rent a home in Edinburgh will appreciate.

    1. SNP voted against Labour motion for this recently

    2. That Labour motion was just a stunt aimed at embarrassing the SNP government.

    3. Well they’ve embarrassed themselves now with their double speak

    4. Swinney declaring a crisis is also a stunt

    5. I see the housing crisis is so important to Labour that Keith has forgotten to mention it in his top six priorities. Whoopsie.

      According to the pledges Keith’s due to set out later today, setting up a Boaty McBoatface Task Force is far more important than measly issues like housing.

  5. To all those people in Scotland who are considering voting other than SNP you should take a reality check and read the report in the news today about Alistair Jack , a tory that has never ever been voted into power in Scotland , declaring that a nuclear power station will be built in Scotland even though wedont want one and dont need one.If this alone does not persuade you to vote SNP you have an absence of common sense , forget ALBA forget Labour , they wont stop this .Terence Callachan Dundee

    1. Sorry Terence, I will never vote SNP again (and I've been doing so since the 90s) after all the betrayals. No amount of changing the deck chairs on the Titanic will persuade me otherwise. You can go down with the ship if you want to but I won't be joining you.

    2. Terry, did you read the National’s interview with Emma Roddick? The continuity wing of the SNP has crossed paths with Better Together in their search for cosy “relevance” beyond the movement which created them.

    3. Emma was only saying what Alex Salmond has said.

    4. He’s the elected MP for Dumfries and Galloway, which of course is in Scotland.

  6. Boring white middle class accountants is what Scots like.

    1. So there's hope for you yet.

    2. Anonymous at 8.14. You forgot to mention 'male' and 'heterosexual'. Next time stick to the London script.

  7. This is the proof that capitalism has failed.
    How is it possible that Scotland, one of the lowest density of population of the civilised countries, has a housing problem?

    1. Scottish Government policy is to blame. None of these people have had a proper job so don’t understand how the real world works.The recent £200m housing budget deduction doesn’t help.

  8. All those who vote other than SNP are letting down the cause of independence and will let in Labour or Lib Dems or Conservatives.

    1. And those who vote SNP will elect Brit Nats, too, like Lord (presumptive) Wishart.

    2. I can understand those who are not happy with all aspects of the SNP.

      But the perfect political party does not exist.

      The SNP are the best available vehicle to stop Labour winning.

  9. The SNP have achieved a lot. Nicola Sturgeon's handling of the government over 9 years was very strong when she took the SNP to higher levels of support particularly in terms of her strong communication skills at the Covid pandemic.

    1. Did we have the promised referendum - no - so shut it with your crap propaganda.

    2. Nicola Sturgeon couldn't get a referendum because they knew she'd win it, David Cameron gave one to Salmond because he knew Salmond would lose it
      You really are a silly wee boy constantly sniping for a toxic loser like Salmond
      Get real, Scotland doesn't like him doesn't want him won't vote for him and he knows it, that's why he uses numpties like you that'll fall for anything to the job he can't
      Salmond's current plan is to help Labour win Scotland, he's a user plain and simple

    3. Welcome back to our favourite Britnat, Ian Funcan Smith. Good to see you back. How's Chipping Norton these days?

    4. Dr Jim at 1.55am. I thought I was a Tory but now you say I am a silly wee boy. Not very good at this are you Jimbo. Your idol Sturgeon is a crook and a pretty horrible person. Unlike you I am not daft enough to idolise any politician. So as ever you post a load of pish. Sturgeon could have called a de facto referendum at Holyrood in 2021 or any date thereafter. She didn't because she is a Britnat just like the rest of her gang.

    5. I always thought Ian Funcan Smith was a great worshipper of Theresa May.

    6. IfS: Nicola Sturgeon deserves praise for increasing SNP vote share at a difficult time for the party when you might have thought support would ebb away (after Salmond lost the referendum). She was extremely popular with ordinary people, who turned out in their tens of thousands (12,000) to see her at the Hydro Arena in Glasgow soon after she took over the leadership. This is a remarkable achievement for Nicola Sturgeon.

    7. Which she then remarkably squandered.

      Judge politicians by their actions, not their words. She wasted a decade full of opportunities and left the party in the gutter. That's her legacy.

    8. Anon at 9.26am - as a Murray Foote propaganda minion you aint very good. 12,000 is not " tens of thousands " - that marks you out as a numpty Foote drone.

      You also say "Salmond lost the referendum" in the SNP on line history it blanked out Salmond and said the referendum was run by Sturgeon. You lot cannae even get your lies to be consistent.

  10. Heeeeee’s back. Mr angry. Provides nothing positive. Happy to greet, happy to complain but no suggestions.

    1. Anon at 10.24pm - stop your lying. I have always proposed a de facto Holyrood referendum.

    2. Hows the whistle and bowler hat bang the drum

  11. Celtic for the league!

  12. Up the workers and down with capitalist exploitation. And Fuck Craig Murray.

    1. He's your man in Blackburn. Better sharpen up your pitch for him on the doorstep!

  13. Anon at 8.35. Liar. Pure and simple

    1. I'm not a liar, probably voting for independence longer than you've been alive, but you have nothing to offer as a counter but abuse - just another example of how hateful and intolerant the SNP has become with unthinking drones like you in its ranks.

    2. Curious what your solution is to getting independence then. Any thoughts?

    3. Even your reply gives you away. You are not very good at this. Away read the Herald.

  14. Independence for

    If you do not vote SNP in East Ren that will help Labour get in simple as that!

    1. I'll tell you what anon - blackmail is not very nice. Labour did the same for decades. Hard to see any diffference between Labour and the SNP these days. Both Unionist parties.

    2. How much is a Herald these days, you silly billy.

    3. Youve the right colour icon

  15. Independence for Scotland

    Do you not agree that John Swinney will garner more voted for the SNP as he has a nicer style of politics and has united the party?

    1. He's the clapped out Gordon Broon to Nicola's Tony Blair. Caretaker, duly beaten out of office.

  16. Independence for Scotland is a Tory plant and always has been
    Every vote not SNP is a Labour vote, whether you like the SNP or not it's a fact

    1. That doesn't actually make sense.

      Talking of plants, are you a triffid? Heavy plant crossing?

    2. Dr Jim at 1.57am is a Sturgeon worshipping numpty who disnae like people telling him the truth about Sturgeon and her dodgy behaviour. Dr Jim's " facts" are often lies.

    3. Totally agree with anon at 1:57am, people need to get a grip and get behind the SNP before it’s too late.

    4. Anon at 11.50am - present your evidence that I am a Tory or mark yourself as a idiot who just agrees with any rubbish without engaging any brain cells. Numpty.

    5. I doubt very much the guy's "a idiot"

    6. Anon@11:50 You totally agree IFS is a Tory plant trying to persuade us to vote Labour? Does your brain hurt?🤡

    7. Ifs and Anon at 3:12, what I was agreeing to was that people should get behind the SNP.
      Pay attention!!

    8. "Pay attention" - says the idiot who cannae even clearly post what he means to say. F*****g idiot. I have NEVER advocated anyone voting for any party that wants to keep Scotland in its current colonial subjugation.

    9. Severounce BlônzetteMay 16, 2024 at 5:22 PM

      Yes, you have, Mr Ian Funcan Smith. When you were leader of the Conservative Party and used to sing with the Swingle Singers you were always raving on about colonial subjugation. I remember you composed a catchy little number about it which your old pal Jimmy Young used regularly to play on the BBC Light Programme. The other Britnats loved it when you and Bunty used to waggle your union Jack's and tell jokes about Taffies, Paddies and Jocks. And now you're a freedom fighter. Golly!

    10. Another troll that should have the men in white coats knocking on his door.

    11. - Knock knock.
      - Who's there?
      - Ian Funcan Smith.
      - Ian Funcan Smith?
      - Sir Ian Funcan Smith OBE.
      - Come in and collect your expenses, your British magnificence.

    12. You worship the flute whistle and orange drum..

  17. Sad to read so much negativity towards SNP on here when they are the best option for Scotland.

    1. True. The SNP are the best party in Scotland. John Swinney will do a great job as he is a unifying figure and is very well liked among the Scottish people as this poll shows with its positive favourability rating for him. All in all the SNP are now in a good electoral space.

    2. Stop speaking to yourself.

  18. Five sleeps ‘till the release of the next tranche of 2022 census data. This will include “Ethnic group, national identity, language and religion”. With polls indicating a 4% margin of victory for No, this data should allow us to make an assessment of how things stand with autochthonous Scots.

    1. Is that you again, Hugh? Ever tried to say "Autochthonous" at a Scot's doorstep?

  19. Now we are all extremists I suppose we can have a “I’m Spartacus “ moment with t-shirts embossed with “I’m an extremist” with a saltire proudly displayed when on marches.

    1. The few that bother to go to marches nowadays anyway.

    2. AUOB has temporarily wrecked independence marches because of its connections to Alex Salmond
      Scotland has made it clear they don't want anything to do with the man, he damages the cause of independence
      Ditch Salmond and the numbers will rise immediately

    3. Dr Jim at 1.24pm - just how does Salmond damage the cause of independence? Go on Jimbo explain your assertion and then compare and contrast that with your idol Sturgeon and her husband being investigated by the polis for embezzlement. Does a charge of embezzlement of funds that were ring fenced for Indyref2 help the cause in your warped mind?

    4. Jimbo goes silent when challenged. The sign of a coward.

    5. IfS the charges against Murrell are only at this stage charges. Nothing has been proven one way or the other. Nicola Sturgeon is viewed positively and deserved praise for how she has conducted herself at a difficult time and is viewed positively in opinion polls. On the other hand Salmond is now viewed negatively in opinion polls.

    6. Anon at 9.47am - I was referring to Dr Jim. I don't need a lesson from some anon on the obvious fact that there has been no court case but people like you seem to think it is ok to say that but then support Sturgeon ( who lost two court cases against Salmond) and continually on TV told more lies against Salmond and questioned the judgement of the jury only because it was her pals (gang) involved - no other evidence. Sturgeon and her gang are despicable ugly people. People who lie before a High Court criminal jury and are put up to do so by the Murrell's.

      Where is the missing money anon?

      Difficult time you say as if it has nothing to do with Sturgeon. Sturgeon deserves praise you say - unbelievable. What sort of morals, if any, do you have. The SNP were warned by many people that a husband and wife leader and Chief Exec of a political party is wrong and unacceptable.
      Opinion polls are not everything in life anon - they change when people become aware of more information.

    7. Sir. Mud falls off an old bike

  20. I think that may improve.i hope.

  21. Setting up Alba was a masterpiece stroke by Salmond. Take all the bigots, racists, and extremists out of the SNP and split the vote. Resulting in no chance whatsoever of indyref 2 ever. It's almost as if Salmond had to set up Alba by request of UK authority, I don't know to get out of criminal allegations or something. If you don't set up Alba, you'll go down for something you didn't do.

    1. " Resulting in no chance of Indyref2 ever" - now that comment seems a lot of pish to me but hey explain your logic (🤣🤣🤣) and I may change my opinion. Otherwise, you are just another anonymous numpty.

    2. With every day that passes Alex Salmond is exposed for what he is
      Just like his Alba representatives, a thief and a liar out to steal the votes of others by lying to them
      Those are the tactics of Labour and Tory, decide which of these Salmond works for, but it's not for Scotland that's for sure, and never was

    3. You can't steal votes, the SNP doesn't own them. Only people of the hive mind think voting SNP is compulsory.

    4. You're right the SNP doesn't own my vote. Independence does.
      The SNP, not Alba nor greens, is the only realistic way of getting that in a FPTP vote.
      differently in scottish parliament votes. Vote for whoever is pro indy and likely to win.

    5. Dr Jim at 1.21pm - the only person charged with stealing at present is Sturgeon's husband. You know the guy who when he was SNP Chief Exec you vehemtly claimed he was telling the truth about the SNP membership numbers. Jimbo you get everything wrong all the time.
      The Sturgeon/Murrell partnership are proven liars. Time will tell if they become proven embezzlers but people like you will claim it is all a British state plot. You Jimbo are an embarrassment to the cause of Scottish independence.

    6. If you vote for a political party representative or spend your money campaigning for them only to have your constituency transferred to another party after they're elected then your vote was stolen, it's an undeniable fact and no different to when Labour or Tory do their crossing the floor dance, it's theft from voters who voted for one thing and were cheated by those who changed party without a by election to offer the voters their choice again
      Everybody knows not one Alba rep is ever going to be elected again following their behaviour, they're toast and they know it

    7. Dr Jim at 6.31pm - we know you don't like Alba or Salmond but you never say why.
      The reason is that Salmond showed what Sturgeon and her gang truly are - despicable human beings who lied in two court cases and lost them both. A judge and then a jury gave their verdict on Sturgeon and her gang - liars. John REDACTOR MAN Swinney was involved in trying to cover up Sturgeon's actions and failed as he has failed all his political life. Sturgeon's gang - full of low life low talent people.

    8. If you vote SNP for independence and nothing is done about it year after year, has that vote not been 'stolen'? It has certainly been obtained under false pretences, not unlike a certain 600k 'ring fenced' referendum fund.

    9. Felix - raising monies under false pretences can also be described as a scam. You have got to be a real numpty if you keep voting for and giving money to the same people who have already scammed you.

  22. IFS is absolutely bad news and a turnoff for any new readers that want to support independence, it's just a stream of bile every day

    1. Utter diddy at 1.31pm - " a stream of bile every day" - I haven't posted for weeks ya complete numpty. I support independence - not a politician or a political party.

    2. We are all sure you will make up for your absence. You attract zero votes for the britnats

    3. Anon at 4.28pm - who is " we are all sure" - is that you and your wee ginger dug.

    4. She's hilarious 😂 !

    5. Foul mouth, foul mind.

  23. This “Independence for Scotland “ character who’s turned up the last couple of days seems to have a very high opinion of himself.

    1. This anonymous character seems to have a very low opinion of himself as he has to hide amongst the anonymous crowd. These pathetic trolls have no imagination.

    2. It's more than a couple of days, this guy's been at it for years with different fake names, he even got banned from Wings over Scotland, how do you even get banned from there for god sake
      It shows you must be a right header to get elbowed by Stuart Campbell

    3. These pathetic anonymous trolls have no imagination - same old pish.

    4. IfS is a keyboard warrior. In real life she's a bit like Emily Bishop off Coronation Street.

    5. Ernie55z - well done - you rose to the challenge and came up with a bit more original trolling. Still makes you a prick though.

    6. On holiday I enjoy wearing the national costume of the place I'm visiting. It's a nice nod to the locals and makes them feel included in my holiday experience. Maybe you should try it to learn empathy, diversity and inclusion. Reach out to those around you. Embrace them and say Your lives matter.

    7. Does IFS not know that he is equally anonymous?? What name does he use in the Herald and the Express?

    8. Anonymous cowardly troll at 1.19pm - don't read or buy these papers but you seem to have an interest in them.

  24. Lots of anons here need to learn some basic civility. These ad hominem attacks, notably on IFS, are bang out of order. Disagree with IFS all you like but take a rain check on your own personality before throwing stones. Who do you lot think you are?


    1. I think I'm jilly cooper. But I'm also Queen parky balls at the weekends. That ginger Hewitt is a great guy even though he's lumbered himself with that wellness guru wife. TOP TIP: send her on holiday with Prince phillippe

    2. Is that the same IFS who has just called someone a prick? That’s the problem when you stick up for a muppet like IFS. You end up looking like a clown. Even Campbell sussed him out, and that’s a low bar.

    3. Brian, I'm afraid James has lost control of the blog by allowing all these anonymous posters, many of which are simply a cover for personal abuse. I only visit the site occasionally now as much of it is unreadable below the line. It was a good idea to loosen moderation but people have abused the privilege - it's sad to see.

  25. Emma Rodrick SNP MSP says that she would want Scotland to be in a union with England, Wales and Ireland after independence. This MSP was in Yousaf's government for goodness sake. A perfect example of an SNP politician who really disnae want independence. What sort of independence supporter would vote for someone like her.

    1. Alex Salmond said the same.

    2. Anon at 7.33pm - really that is interesting - what did he actually say and when was that?


      "An independent Scotland would continue to be in five of these unions: the EU, a currency union, the Union of the Crowns allowing the Queen to remain the monarch of Scotland, a defence union through membership of Nato and a social union between the people of the UK, Mr Salmond said. "

    4. There's nothing wrong in being in a union but Scotland isn't in one of them

    5. Independence for ScotlandMay 16, 2024 at 8:40 PM

      I want to be a zoombring funky Spanuard.

    6. Such a lofty aspiration! Sadly you just became a silly faker.

    7. Anon at 8.17pm - thanks for that reply but you don't put a timescale on it. I suspect it was before the 2014 referendum. Don't think that is the same as Roddick was meaning. Salmond says a social union. However, I didn't agree with Salmond then and don't agree with him now if he still holds that view.

    8. Yes, it was during the Indy ref and I thought it a daft thing to say.

    9. This type of conversation is way beyond your pay grade IFS. Back to your unionist comics.

    10. Anon at 1.24pm - what a prick. A prick hiding amongst the anonymous crowd like the coward he is.

  26. A lot of lowlife trolls on SGP these days that have nothing worthwhile to say.

    1. Frivolous tosh!

    2. IFS proving he has nothing worthwhile to say by insulting people again

    3. Your just an orange troll

  27. IFS: would you agree John Swinney did REALLY well at interviews and FMQs. He has said that economic growth is central which surely is a policy we can all welcome!

    John Swinney is proving to be a strong and impressive leader of the SNP.

    1. wow - someone believes in the SNP and isn't a votebot

  28. Alex Salmond and Stephen Flynn on Question Time was interesting. TwitteX was of course full of people, including Gerry Hassan, demanding to know why Alex was there. Well, he showed them why, and it was interesting to see Stephen Flynn nodding approval more than once while Alex was speaking.

    1. Stephen Flynn was very good and I noticed he was popular with the studio audience who gave him a lot of applause which is a good sign. Alex Salmond was not so popular.

    2. Stephen Flynn was excellent last night and good to see him standing his ground when being attacked by Gallagher/Bruce and Dale on NHS Stats. Alec Salmond also put in a strong performance and I particularly enjoyed his rebuttal of Sunak's " Scottish Nationalists are extremists" slur.
      I'm an SNP member by the way.

    3. Salmond thought the pile on of Stephen Flynn was funny

  29. A whole lot of people think that Alex Salmond is a rapist and Nicola Sturgeon is involve with extorion.

    1. What’s extorion? Britnat

    2. Extorion was a leader of Gaul during Roman times. Nicola Sturgeon wasn't involved with him.

    3. No, she's a crook, and a Brit. Get it right, eh?

  30. Very few people think that Alex Salmond is just a naughty boy and Mrs. Murrell isn't involved in financial rip-offs. Can the SNP please fuck off.

    1. Well, that's down to the voters, isn't it anon? Bye bye!

    2. Everybody should vote Labour at the next election, that's Alex Salmond's dream, then he gets his peerage

  31. Alex Salmond looks like a potato, and Alecus Swinney looks like he has been reinturned

    1. Nemo is urging Switzerland 🇨🇭 to recognise a third gender. I thought there was four. Male, female, pansy and butch.

  32. SNPs Stephen Flynn excellent on Bbcqt. SNP has a great Westminster leader.

    1. He has a remarkable talent as a politician. He is one of the best speakers. Potentially a future SNP first minister. He deserves a lot of praise.

    2. Agree he deserves praise but not a future leader for a long time as John Swinney is doing a great job.

    3. He can lead the SNP's London wing for as long as they sit on their thumbs instead of doing their job and breaking the union.

    4. Anon at 11.43 give us your plan.

    5. Doesn’t have one and never will

  33. The positive rating for Swinney is indeed major good news for the SNP. I think this may well make a difference on election day to help retain many seats in the Westminster election. It is not really a surprise as John Swinney is well thought of as far as I can see among a wide range of people in Scottish society.

    1. Hopefully people will begin to realise SNP is the only viable choice and that voting for other pro independence parties will just hand the seat to the Labour party, Lib Dems, or the Conservatives. So vote SNP everyone!

    2. You go chap the doors, then. We're done. Independence or no support from Yes.

    3. Anon at 11.44. You’ve never knocked on doors canvassing for Indy in your life. Fraudulent keyboard warrior. Pathetic.

    4. If I was in the government I would pass a law letting people fly drones outside people's bedroom windows in multistory flats taking photos if people in there underware and doing the oohlala. It's a pest having to use binoculars or stand outside bungalows hoping for a gap in the curtings.

  34. Pretty sure it is the same anonymous lowlife troll who is littering SGP below the line with his inane comments.

    1. Unlike IFS who is littering SGP below the line with inane insults

    2. IFS: would you agree John Swinney did well in the media since stepping forward to become SNP leader?

    3. Your just an orange troll, eat yer beans

  35. As Rachel Reeves laid out her plans for the economy, it was the Boots chief executive, Sebastian James, who stood alongside her.If you watch football on sky tv perhaps you have noticed the adverts at half time by Boots selling private health care several well known english premier league footballers in the advert e.g.Maddison.Labour party , Boots and Sky tv in it together .Dont for a minute think Labour will protect your NHS they wont they are just red Conservative party infiltrators and please do understand that a vote for ALBA lessens Scottish independence power which is still held in the votes for SNP.A vote for ALBA is better than a votefor Labour or Conservative of Lib Dem but SNP is where the real strength in numbers lies so only vote ALBA if you hate SNP so much that it overrides your want of Scottish independencw .Terence Callachan Dundee

  36. The SNP are the only party capable of giving any kind of protection from London, anything else is a Labour vote, and if that happens you can forget about every little thing some have forgotten they have in Scotland and just take for granted
    Last time Labour were in power in Scotland with the help of the Lib Dems they only built 6 houses on Orkney in their entire time in government

    1. Agree fully that the SNP is the best party to vote for in the next election.
