Tuesday, January 23, 2024

"Get your nukes OFF our shores!" - dramatic YouGov survey reveals huge gulf in public opinion about nuclear weapons between Scotland and the rest of the UK

Last night, YouGov revealed the results of a survey showing substantial support among the British population for the retention of the UK's nuclear weapons - 53% support, 31% oppose.  But what went unmentioned is the fact that the same survey also shows that the country which is actually forced to host the weapons, and within just a few miles of its largest city, takes completely the opposite view.

Among respondents in Scotland, and the usual caveats about subsamples apply here, just 35% support the retention of nuclear weapons, while 41% are opposed.  No fewer than 25% of Scottish voters are "strongly" opposed, which is a much higher figure than in any other part of the UK.  The next highest is London at 16%, and the lowest is the Midlands at just 11%.

The reverse is of course true among those who "strongly support" Britain's nukes - the 16% figure in Scotland is lower than anywhere else, with 22% in the Midlands and the North of England being the next lowest.

Perhaps the risk of hosting these inhuman weapons should be transferred to a region that would appreciate them more?

It's worth reminding you at this point that a Scot Goes Pop / Panelbase poll in April 2021 found by a margin of 47% to 33% that the Scottish public want the UK to join the treaty banning nuclear weapons and then to dismantle its own nukes.  By a margin of 42% to 24%, they also felt that the presence of nuclear weapons on the Clyde made them "less safe" rather than "more safe".

Before we finish, a reminder that the Scot Goes Pop opinion poll fundraiser urgently needs a boost - let's not leave it in limbo for months.  It's important that not all Scottish opinion polling is commissioned by anti-independence clients - we need to make sure that occasionally questions are asked that Yes supporters want asked.  Donations can be made via the fundraiser page HERE.

However if you have a Paypal account the best way to donate is via direct Paypal payment, because that can totally eliminate fees depending on which option you select, and payment usually comes through instantly.  My Paypal email address is:



  1. Put Trident on the Thames. House the subs right besides the Palace of Westminster. They’ll be safe as houses!

  2. In an ideal world there would be no nuclear weapons, but we don’t live in an ideal world.
    Who in their right mind would ever trust the likes of Russia or North Korea?
    We need the deterrent.

    1. "We" being your fellow Tory Brits, I assume?

    2. If so, host your precious "deterrent" yourselves.

    3. "Who?" Ireland, Scandinavia, Japan, every country of the world besides the handful who have the cursed things.

      Seen any nuclear invasions we should know about? Even Russia, which has nukes coming out their ears, hasn't popped one in earnest, ever.

  3. If a nation cannae decide whether to have WMD on its soil then it is a colony. England says we are having them whether we like it or not - Scotland the Colony. The situation will only change when people recognise it for what it is.

    1. Too wee, too poor, too nuclear.

    2. Ifs, spouting your “colony” nonsense as per.

    3. So what else are we then? An overlooked territory? An under-represented possession, perhaps? We're categorically NOT an equal.

    4. Anon at 2.26pm please explain why it is nonsense.

    5. Anon at 2.26pm - no worry take your time.

    6. IFS, obviously it’s nonsense because Scotland isn’t a colony, and fine you know it. We’re part of the United Kingdom.
      Dot too difficult to understand surely.

    7. Anon at 9.31pm that is an assertion not an argument. " Fine you know it" - wrong - kindly don't tell me what I know. I put forward an argument why Scotland is a colony you on the other hand didn't.

    8. Ifs, in saying Scotland is a colony, you’re making a complete fool of yourself.

  4. Sadly for a lot of English it is out of sight out of mind.
    The nuclear bombs are stored in that far off colony called Scotland. They should be glad we give them our nuclear weapons to look after. We give them some jobs and they're still not happy.

  5. Colony meaning - a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers of another country. Sounds like Scotland to me since 1707.

  6. What utter nonsense.

  7. Anonymous at 4.36pm - care to explain what you think is nonsense. Your comment isnae very clear. Perhaps a couple of sentences on why whatever it is you think is nonsense is in your opinion nonsense. Do you live in Scotland the Colony?

    1. I live in Scotland yes, part of the United Kingdom.

    2. Anon at 5.01pm - have you no even got a couple of sentences to clarify and back up what you think is nonsense.
      Well you see anon Scotland was sold in 1707 it was a partner in the UK not a part of the UK. The Bitter Together people in 2014 said Scotland was in an equal partnership.

    3. Not a very "United" Kingdom, judging from this poll, Anon! Oh dear. LOL.

    4. IFS, so says the man who claims we’re not British.

    5. I’ve more time for English who identify as English and don’t confuse matters with this “British” nonsense.

      If you’re Scottish and ID as British: you, my friend, are property.

    6. Independence for Scotland, until we achieve independence we’re all British. To suggest otherwise is bonkers.

    7. DF - British is one of two things 1. A geographical description or 2. an imperial term as in British empire. Neither are national identities. Please join my fan club admission is free.
