Monday, April 26, 2010

YouGov : SNP storm back into Holyrood lead

Naturally the headline figures attracting all the attention from yesterday's full-scale Scottish YouGov poll for Sky were the Westminster voting intention numbers, but the SNP will be hugely heartened to be back in the lead for both Scottish Parliament ballots. Here are the full figures -

Constituency ballot

SNP 34% (+4)
Labour 31% (-3)
Liberal Democrats 19% (+3)
Conservatives 12% (-2)
Others 5% (-)

Regional list ballot

SNP 29% (+2)
Labour 28% (-3)
Liberal Democrats 18% (+1)
Conservatives 13% (-2)
Others 12% (+2)

It's particularly encouraging for the Nationalists that the 'Clegg factor' appears to have only limited carry-through into the Holyrood sphere, and if anything seems to be harming the Tories rather than the SNP.

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