Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Who's an unpopular boy, then? It's all gone wrong for Anas Sarwar, says shock Ipsos poll

Before I forget about it, let's take a quick look at the "Ipsos Scotland Political Pulse" poll that was published last week, because it contains yet more positive straws in the wind suggesting the SNP may now have a good chance of winning in 2026 - or at least "winning" if that is defined as remaining the largest single party and possibly remaining in power without an overall pro-independence majority.  For the uninitiated, the Political Pulse is very different from the regular Ipsos polls for STV, because it's conducted via online polling panel rather than by telephone, and there are no outright voting intention questions.  However it does contain personal ratings for leading politicians, and we know those are often more predictive of election results than standard voting intention questions anyway.

Net ratings of leading politicians (Ipsos, 18th September 2024):

Kate Forbes (SNP): -11
John Swinney (SNP): -11
Anas Sarwar (Labour): -16
Keir Starmer (Labour): -23
Rachel Reeves (Labour): -27
Douglas Ross (Conservatives): -47
Rishi Sunak (Conservatives): -53

OK, these numbers don't exactly demonstrate enthusiasm for the SNP, but you only have to defeat what's put up against you, and both John Swinney and Kate Forbes appear to be considerably less disliked now than any of Labour's top team.  And if you're a bit underwhelmed by the depth of Starmer's unpopularity at -23, remember the fieldwork is already a couple of weeks old and he's almost certainly slipped further since then.  

Other polls asking about leadership in the alternative way, ie. a head-to-head question about who would make the best First Minister, have almost always shown the SNP leader ahead in recent times, regardless of whether that person was Humza Yousaf or John Swinney.  So whichever way you look at it, the question of leadership does still seem to give the SNP a clear edge, even after all their travails and even after losing a phenomenon such as Nicola Sturgeon.

This will probably be the last poll in which Douglas Ross is rated, so it's nice to see him getting such a lovely send-off.  (Or should that say sending-off?)

Just as crucial is that Labour as a whole no longer have a superior rating to the SNP as a whole.  It's essentially level-pegging now with the SNP on -12 and Labour on -13. Respondents also have slightly less confidence in the Labour government's plans for the economy (-37) than they do in the SNP government's plans (-33).

And although the SNP government is perceived as having performed poorly on every policy area that is asked about, the perception of respondents is that Labour would do even worse - with the sole exception of education, where there's a tie between those who think Labour would do better than the SNP and those who think they would do worse.

In all honesty, I think anyone looking at these numbers totally objectively, say an observer from a foreign land, would come to the conclusion that the most likely outcome of the 2026 election is a modest SNP win.  But of course there's still a lot of water to pass under the bridge.

*  *  *

SCOT GOES POP FUNDRAISER 2024: I took a prolonged break from promoting the fundraiser during the general election period, but I'll have to make some serious progress over the coming days and weeks if the blog is to remain viable.  Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far.  Card donations can be made via the fundraiser page HERE, or direct donations can be made via Paypal.  My Paypal email address is:  jkellysta@yahoo.co.uk


  1. Frankly, I'm astounded that a person of Anas Sarwar's calibre is rated so highly.

  2. Very anti politics electorate out there.

    Silver lining is even at a low point, which is always inevitable, the SNP aren't at 20%.. they could very well win.

    I'm not even looking at 2026 particularly. I'm looking further ahead. What is best, an snp in opposition just behind Labour or minority snp winning another term? For the next wind to occur, hard to say

    1. I don't have the slightest doubt: an SNP win. Labour in governmrnt would be a generational setback.

    2. But we're at a generational set back just now.

      A zombie snp administration limping on will keep the SNP in power but independence at arms length. A clear out and a starmer esque majority is required to change the dial

      I want the snp to win but I want independence more. Taking a step back I just don't see how the mojo for independence comes until they win big from opposition

    3. I really don't see the SNP and their supporters doing anything different from previous elections tbh: Insisting that we all need to vote for the SNP on both the Constituency and the List in order to keep the independence dream alive and people getting annoyed at how heavily they push that messaging.

      I hope I'm wrong but unless there's a strategic shift, something tangible beyond just keeping the dream alive I can even see many struggling to give the SNP their first vote next time. There's a considerable amount of apathy out there, that really needs to be addressed.

    4. Anonymous at 10.29. Do you not understand that Labour are dismantling Devolution before your eyes? A labour win in 2026 will see Indy put back by twenty years. The lack of awareness shown by some on here is deeply worrying.

    5. Indy is already back at least ten years bud. I'm looking at the path which can bring the next cycle.

      Labour in charge, then the next cycle.

      Labour doing things in power is part of the case that will be needed. Long game.

    6. I hope there's different messaging used for the 2026 election as clearly the pleading to vote SNP to keep the unionists out wasn't enough to sway many in the election this year.

  3. Swinney and Kate Forbes are doing a great job, managing to turn the tide so quickly for the SNP after Yousaf's disasters.
    And I expect Starmer's and Sarwar ratings to go down even more

  4. More proof that people are fed up of politicians.

    1. It is. And that suggests to me that there's a real window for a party which says that and shows the public that they are different or changed. If the SNP wakes up, ditches Swinney and focuses on sorting out its internal governance and focuses on simple it might manage it.

    2. Nobody cares about internal governance!

    3. The main worry is that people who are sick of the status quo and traditional politicians can easily be taken advantage of to vote against their own best interest.

      That mentality of being sick of the status quo caused Brexit, caused the rise of Trump in the US, the popularity of Reform south of the border. People can end up gravitating to those shouting the loudest that they will shake up the system.

      The SNP is seen as being part of the establishment and thus part of the problem now.

    4. We need the Reverend Campbell to save Scotland. :)

    5. No. Peter A. Bell and his new party will save Scotland !

  5. The parliament electoral system is basically a proportional representation, so a pro independence majority won't be on the cards next time, but the important thing is who wins the most seats and elects the First minister.
    And anyway Starmer would never allow a referendum, so it doesn't really matter

  6. Forbes = Swinney .

  7. Issue is though we're in completely different circumstances from 2007 for example. Back then the right thing to do was to allow the Party with the largest number of seats to form a Government and Bills get passed on a case by case basis through cooperation and negotiation... but there's no bridges left for that kind of cooperation to be possible.

    Excluding potentially the Greens and assuming Alba don't get any MSPs elected every other Party badly want the SNP out of power and will never support them in a formal or informal basis like they did during the 2007-2011 administration. If pro-indy MSPs aren't a majority there's no way the SNP will be able to form a Government next time.

  8. John Swinney deserves credit for stabilisation of the SNP's position. He is very popular with ordinary people.


    2. bad touch, surely

    3. How would you describe his speech at conference?

    4. Yes, he's the best leader in the history of devolution, perhaps the world. Definitely the sexiest.

    5. Very clear touches of soreness.

    6. Stabilised at 9 MPs. A level that posters on SGP
      said was definitely a resigning level. Now they say he is great - isn’t propaganda something else.

    7. Nope, John Swinney is the reason why they don't have 0 MPs!

      That's classed as overwhelming success and a clear sign he was the right choice.

    8. Anon 3.21pm - that's classed as gaslighting and a clear sign you are a prick.

    9. No he isn't. Alex salmond is popular with ordinary people. apart from yoons of course.

  9. This survey poll brings into sad reality the political process in Scotland whereby all of the major political party heads are disliked with no positive approval.

    Put in more earthy language they are all a bag of shoite.

    It's really a case of how folks take their shite,- with or without sugar.

  10. Oh dear. Obviously Rip van Winkle has just awakened from their long, long, sleep. Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May,Truss, Sunak Johnson and now Cardboard Starmer.
    Wars in Iraq - for weapons that don’t exist, Afghanistan, Falklands attacked by equipment we sold to the Junta, Syria Palestine Israel- the war mongers profit at the expensive of children. We had steel industry removed , ship building decimated - what happened to the all the new frigates? Austerity, the theft of our oil gas and now renewables, more austerity, bank crashes and the loss of Scots banking after 300 years, M25 built on our monies, Violence in Ireland, more austerity on the way, Westminster noses in the trough, COVID, Davidson, Mone, Prince Andrew, scandal after scandal, Post office jailing, Brexit - tough Scotland - suck it up. There is a lot to say for sleep.

    1. @10:24,
      Oh dear, talking to yourself! Never a good sign.
      I hope you’re not quite ready for the men in white coats yet though.

    2. Who are you talking too?

    3. What on earth is that supposed to mean? It's a list of random events.

    4. Austerity was deliberate not random. As was the Iraq war….

  11. Agree, Brit Nats out.

  12. I see the unionist keyboard warriors are out on manoeuvres. I suspect they really are as stupid as their posts suggest. Difficult to believe I know.

  13. Politics on the telly, sound off - english tory bastards, could be english labour tory bastards, or english libdem tory bastards or english green tory bastards; there is a common thread running here.

    - but "better together", eh?!

    wherever you go in america, there is a macdonalds; wherever there is politics in the UK, it is english tory bastards. Don't let the colour of rosette fool you.

    1. Pathetic nationalist bullshit.
      Little wonder independence supporters are in a minority with dickheads like you posting comments like that!

    2. Little wonder support for independence isn’t increasing, with pricks like you spouting crap like that.
      It’s embarrassing!

    3. what's your point caller?

    4. we need the wise steadying pimp hand of the anglo, they created western civilisation, according to their history books

    5. Anon@12:21.
      Desperate stuff.
      Some of you Nats are an embarrassment.
      And you wonder why more people don’t support independence!

    6. Rule Britannia

      God save the King.

    7. God never saved your Queen even though you sung it thousands of times.

    8. We know what you’re trying to do you moron. Back to the Daily mail for you and have some self respect. What a stupid tosser you are.

    9. Anon 1:15,
      You’re a right smart arse yourself.
      You cannae even say what comment you’re replying to !!

    10. Anon at 8.17. The post has a number of replies to it. Mine is one of them. It is self evident you cretin. If someone wants to pick up on one of the replies to the post, it is then appropriate to refer specifically to it, as I have just done with you. You were trying to be a smart arse and just showed yourself up as a complete dickhead. I think the appropriate word is headshot. Fall down and give us all peace you muppet. Sadly you’re too stupid to be appropriately embarrassed.

    11. Anon10:48am,
      You are an absolute dickhead.
      And totally deluded too of course if you somehow think independence is a good idea. Away and stick a thistle where the sun disnae shine you tosser.
      Clearly not a lot between your ears.

  14. Genuine question - why doesn't the SNP leadership understand that it is in the electoral Last Chance. Saloon and that only plugging in to the pro independence vote can save it ?
    Real answers welcome - not very smart school kid stuff - no thanks.

    1. I'm actually surprised that they're not at least bullshitting that they're going to do something. It's like they've given up.

      Whoever is advising them that independence should be put on the backburner should be sacked as lets face it that's the SNP's unique selling point and without it we're left to focus on how they're handling other issues and that's not exactly a vote winner...

    2. The Swinney/Forbes SNP leadership team does support Scottish independence. It is party policy.

    3. The SNP supports independence in the same way Starmer supports Scottish pensioners.

    4. More like the SNP are treating independence the same way Labour are treating House of Lords reform.

  15. A politician and principles is a rare thing but Starmer talking about principles is an even bigger joke. Politicians on the make have no principles and that is most of them.

    1. To be fair to John Swinney he has been pretty consistent and honourable on such matters.

    2. Did the accountant Swinney ever ask his pal Sturgeon what is this new accounting term “woven in to the accounts”?
      Did he ever ask Sturgeon where is the missing £600k.
      I very much doubt it as he was found wanting in covering up Sturgeon’s previous dodgy actions.

      He has been consistently dishonourable.

  16. Starmer has no say in Scottish independence unless he chooses to send in the english army to be slaughtered.

    We have the power to hold a vote at any time on any subject and declare independence without one if WE so desire.

    When did england get to rule Scotland? it's either a union of 2 (T W O) countries or it isn't.

    1. England and Scotland formed a union in 1707 and it was ratified by a vote in Scotland in 2014..

    2. Strange that naebody mentioned anything aboot act o union being ratified .
      If folk kent mair aboot the said act and oor enforced colonial status the 2014 ref micht weel hae turned oot itherwise!

    3. Anon 10.52 . You're mair o a barrheid!

    4. Anon 11 56 I think the time has come for you to seek help.

  17. Budget coming up. Labour’s popularity ratings should take another nosedive.

    1. In contrast John Swinney has been a much needed safe pair of hands who is liked by ordinary people.

    2. Especially in Aberdeen & thereabouts

    3. Yes, John Swinney gave a rather subdued speech at conference and any activist hoping that he might unveil some fresh new ideas that could turn the party’s fortunes around will have left the conference hall disappointed.

    4. Not as big a nosedive as the SNP though.

  18. There is an Opinium poll where Starmer rating is below Sunak

    1. LOL

      Even funnier is that expectations of a Lab win in HR 2026 remain inexplicably elevated. Pride before the fall (crash).

    2. Nationalist bullshit.

  19. Lots o Britnats above 1.03 and1.08 . They're really feart that we won't give on on independence and the English will hae tae manage wioot oor resources. They should he braver- an Indy England would manage in time although they might have to tighten their belts somewhat .

    1. For you the “dream” is well and truly over.

      You need to get over it and move on!

    2. Poor Anon at 2:27 pm. She's trying hard to convince herself. Bless the wee soul.

  20. You probably said that to the people of The Chagos Islands too .

  21. @1 08,
    Well said
    Rule Britannia.

  22. Rule britannia - weve nae ships anymair, oor carriers are sinking and hivnae any planes......

  23. Fool Britannia mair like ! And , mind folks , Scotland was never in the Roman province bar the sooth fae a few decades. Mind also the Wall o Hadrian wis built tae keep oot the English.

  24. Britnat bingo



  25. Chagos Islanders defeat England.

    1. but what currency will they use? and they won't be in the EU and NATO; nigel farage won't like it

    2. chagossians have now sold england to russia for a chemical waste dump and bombing range; house prices going through the roof at this improvement to shithole status

    3. chagos islanders have sold fracking licenses for under trinity college, cambridge, 10 downing street and have declared the isle of wight to be a freeport

    4. chagos islanders shutting down all of england's 5 oil refineries, says they can buy the stuff from amsterdam. Says it is a commercial decision, the free market works and anyone who disagrees is a communist and economically illiterate

    5. chagos islands too wee, too poor, too stupid

    6. chagos islanders racist and anti english hate mob says benidorm benny as he tucks into his full english ... they luv us over 'ere

    7. and if they leave they won't get the bbc or sky sports.

    8. a late surge from the silent majority of the chagos postal voters who are worried about losing their pensions will keep the chagos in the most successful political union of all time; ruth davison says so

    9. if the chagos do this they should be made to pay back all the universal housing child benefit they have been claiming

    10. in a late move, with no photograpy or exit polls, the UK has claimed it WON, not the other guys and are you calling me liar, prove it you cant

    11. The Chagos islanders certainly won’t miss seeing that obnoxious cow Fiona Bruce.

  26. Westminster has been saying for decades now that the Falkland islanders have the right to self determination. Westminster went to war against Argentina claiming this. Scotland they say does not have the right to self determination. Yet Scotland is a much older nation.
    Double standards by the colonial bunch in London. Perfidious albion.

    1. the falklands are going nowhere, ahem ...

    2. Anon at 7.43pm - who said the Falklands were going anywhere? Continental drift doesn’t work that quick.

    3. why didn't james 6 incorporate england into scotland and then trash and loot the place

  27. All the Britnats who post on SGP demonstrate is their lack of intellect and their lack of any case for the UK.
    No doubt a Britnat will be along soon to say bullshit.

    Chagos 1 - England 0

    The world is fed up with colonialism. That’s you Westminster and your colonial bully Israel.

    1. Just a pity for you that the majority of the Scottish people don’t share your opinion.

    2. Majority of SCOTTISH people do.

    3. if we don't allow our eternal historical enemies a veto on our self determination, then we are racists - civic nationalism works, just look at the holy land - new palestinians are palestinians

    4. palestinians need to make the case for palestine to the Soft Noes of the IDF

    5. palestinians need to have a national conversation about what it means to be palestinians then really go for it in 2030

    6. but what currency will the palestinians use?

    7. we are all Jibrahim MacTamsonbergsteisn bairns, after all

    8. if the palestinians win another mandate Netanyahu's position will be untenable

    9. did the palestinians obtain a section 30 for their intifada - if not then it's not legal and any results are merely advisory; netanyahu took it to the sanhedrin who concluded - stone him and let his blood be cursed for generations

    10. scots will be the new palestinians once the anglos have their way; skye is like a home counties gymkhana, edinburgh is anglo occupied and the borders will fall next.
