Friday, October 4, 2024

Dundee DEVASTATION for Sarwar as SNP humiliate Labour TWICE in by-election double-header - they don't call it Bash Street for nothing

Strathmartine by-election result, first preferences (3rd October 2024):

SNP 35.0% (-10.3)
Liberal Democrats 26.9% (+8.2)
Labour 26.9% (+4.0)
Conservatives 4.2% (-1.7)
Greens 3.6% (+0.2)
TUSC 3.4% (+2.7)

Lochee by-election result, first preferences (3rd October 2024):

SNP 37.3% (-5.9)
Labour 35.6% (-0.2)
Conservatives 6.8% (-1.6)
Alba 5.5% (+2.4)
Greens 5.5% (+1.3)
Liberal Democrats 4.8% (+1.7)
Workers Party of Britain 4.4% (n/a)

Local by-elections are often mainly about symbolism and momentum, but these two really did matter because the SNP's overall majority on Dundee City Council was at stake - and has survived.  In fact Lochee is technically a gain from Labour, although the SNP were defending a lead in both wards from last time around.  The SNP's 1.7% lead on first preferences in Lochee was tight enough that Labour could potentially have won with transfers from other unionist parties - the combined vote for the Tories, the Lib Dems and the Workers Party exceeded the combined vote for the Greens and Alba.  So it's intriguing that it didn't happen, and it'll be interesting to find out why from the detailed numbers.

Can the SNP still be considered to have had good results even though their vote fell?  Yes.  The percentage changes are measured from the 2022 local elections, when the SNP's national lead over Labour in the popular vote was 12.3%.  The average swing from SNP to Labour in the two by-elections was 5%, which would leave the SNP about two points ahead nationally.  That's not too shabby only a few weeks after finishing five points behind Labour at the general election.  In practice it's probably even better than it appears, because the SNP's vote share in local elections is often on the low side compared to other elections.

For the second week in a row, Alba have had an OK-ish result in a by-election, although I suspect that's mainly about improved organisation and a more effective get-out-the-vote effort rather than any increase in Alba's underlying national support, which probably remains at roughly the very familiar 2% level.  Indeed, there's a potential danger in getting half-decent results in low-turnout local by-elections, because Alex Salmond was very quick last week to suggest that Alba's 6% showing in Perth meant that they were on 6% across Scotland and were therefore on course for list seats.  That's plainly not the case, but many Alba members are all too hungry to believe in that kind of statement.  If the party effectively hypnotises itself into thinking a breakthrough is just around the corner, the deep-seated problems that in practice will prevent Alba from winning any list seats at all may not be tackled or resolved.

And it can't go without note that Lochee is yet another election in which the Workers Party of Britain, for which Craig Murray stood at the general election, put up a candidate directly against the Alba Party, of which to the best of my knowledge Craig Murray is also still a member.  Let me reiterate yet again that this is not a jibe against Craig personally, and in fact I have the highest admiration for both his politics and his personal courage.  The point is about Alba itself.  Craig has driven a coach and horses through the most important commandment in the Alba rule-book by standing for a party in direct competition with Alba.  And yet somehow it's as if that never happened - Craig's membership remains untouched and no disciplinary action has been taken against him.  By contrast, my own Alba membership is currently arbitrarily suspended on the whim of one man (Chris McEleny, the non-elected General Secretary), which is preventing me from exercising my right as a paid-up party member to stand in internal elections.  Later this month, I will face a so-called "disciplinary" hearing in which I could be expelled from the party altogether for essentially two things - a) using my elected position on an internal Alba working group to push for democratisation of the party's internal structures in a way that the leadership apparently has no intention of tolerating, and b) making certain limited criticisms of the leadership in posts on this blog.  I am far from being the first member to face this kind of treatment - other expulsions and lengthy suspensions have already occurred.

The double-standard, and the difference of treatment for the favoured and the unfavoured, is blatant.  It's overwhelming proof of a disciplinary machinery that is not functioning as advertised, but is instead being shamelessly abused as a tool to suppress dissent and deter the free expression of views within the party.  I will be taking a stand at the disciplinary hearing and at the likely subsequent appeal hearing, because frankly Scotland has no need of a carbon-copy of the authoritarian party that expelled Grouse Beater for no good reason, that suspended Neale Hanvey for no good reason, and that bullied Denise Findlay into a public resignation for no good reason.  Alba needs to be a lot, lot better than that, otherwise what is the point of it being there?


  1. Otherwise what's the point of Alba being there?

    As a top-down, arbitrary, intolerant fan-club for Alex Salmond, because he feels he deserves one too.

    I mean, judge them by their actions.

    1. The 178 votes would have to be tripled in the Lochee ward in 2026 to give Salmond a chance of getting back into HR
      Then that feat would have to be repeated in the 40 other wards in the North East region when you consider Alba didn’t even stand in the Strathmartine the other Dundee ward up for election last night then that seems unlikely.
      However , Salmond will pretend it’s all on course because he needs credibility so that people will continue to fund his grift and buy into his narratives.
      Salmond has been Chasing his Loses since he left the SNP and formed Alba
      Still only 18 months or so to go before reality bites

      People like Alan Ross, Robert Reid, Josh Robertson think they are young enough to ride out the Salmond years and assuming the party still exists post 2026 get their chance for a well paid career in politics then

  2. Stephen Noon, former head of strategy for Yes Scotland, has been appointed as a special adviser to John Swinney.

    In January of this year Noon argued that voters have lost interest in Scottish independence and insisted the country is about to enter a “more normal political period”.

    1. "…of colonisation."

    2. Judge Swinney and the SNP by their actions.
      Judge devolutionist Swinney by his appointment of Noon.
      Swinney is Westminster’s colonial lackey.

    3. That's the thing with Swinney. He's not a lightweight diddy like Humza, easily distracted and out of his depth. Swinney knows what he's doing. He's not even blinded by the fiery glare of his own ego, like a certain other predecessor. He doesn't look like a man with his eyes on a career *after* politics.

      So, do you want independence, John, or not? You know what you need to do. Make the case, do the work, and trigger the event.

      Or were you just a House Jock all along? Like it or not, your actions will answer that question, sure enough.

    4. Swinney looks like a man with his eyes on the nice ex FM pension he will get. The same as the one he got for his pal Yousaf. Yousaf one year in the job and a fat pension for life. Not as bad as Liz truss but similar.

    5. I mean one of the first things Swinney did as Leader was stupidly back Michael Matheson in the iPad scandal, he led the SNP to their worst electoral defeat since the last time he was Leader, didn't use the SNP Conference to announce fresh new ideas to turn the parties fortunes around and is appointing people to advise him who claims that Scots are no longer interested in independence and will likely advice not to prioritise indy in the 2026 election.

      It's not looking great atm.

    6. Depends, really, on who Mr. Caretaker is taking care for.

      He's not exactly watering the plants, let's put it that way.

  3. The idea that John Swinney is a a lackey to Westminster is so pathetic and is laughable. You would think the detractors would be on the the front foot leading the country but know they sit barking from the shadows with their Union Jack collars on.

    1. Does anyone have a clue what this comment is supposed to mean?

    2. It's what happens when "Both Votes SNP!" tries to engage with the argument: what's Swinney actually doing? The result's not pretty!

    3. mad dog swinney has taken down some heavy hitters - the bad guys know his name and they fear him

    4. “ mad dog Swinney” more like Westminster’s poodle.

    5. Well, he did help take down Salmond, who was the heaviest hitter of all, until then. Swinney served his masters well.

    6. Swinney stared down Steven Seagal in the strangers bar in 1997 - the place was abuzz for days talking about it

    7. The steeliest jani in all of Scotland.

  4. Just how did Noon get the job advising Swinney - answer - multiple tweets praising Yousaf eg Yousaf has managed continuity and change. Lavish praise of Yousaf’s speeches. In other words a boot lickin crawler.
    Is this Swinney’s new handler?

    1. Stephen Noon is settling into the rôle, on this we can all agree.

      (Gies a job! I'll bring the lube.)

    2. As with many of the devolutionist Alex Salmond gave Noon his first job in politics
      Sometimes you have to think about the company he keeps and who really is responsible for the state of the SNP

    3. Recruitment's a bitch!

    4. Alex Salmond and Stephen Noon, the devo max double act
      Now have a think about who got rid of Stephen Noon the first chance she got

    5. Anon at 4.19pm - do you think Sturgeon walks on water or are you only half mad.

    6. Anon at 4.19pm - Sturgeon had the well know gradualist Swinney who advised her against going for indyref2 as her deputy for many a year. What does that say about Sturgeon then!

      Then the SNP appoint the well know gradualist Swinney as FM. What does that say about the SNP!

  5. "And it can't go without note that Lochee is yet another election in which the Workers Party of Britain, for which Craig Murray stood at the general election, put up a candidate directly against the Alba Party, of which to the best of my knowledge Craig Murray is also still a member. Let me reiterate yet again that this is not a jibe against Craig personally, and in fact I have the highest admiration for both his politics and his personal courage. The point is about Alba itself. Craig has driven a coach and horses through the most important commandment in the Alba rule-book by standing for a party in direct competition with Alba. And yet somehow it's as if that never happened - Craig's membership remains untouched and no disciplinary action has been taken against him. By contrast, my own Alba membership is currently arbitrarily suspended on the whim of one man (Chris McEleny, the non-elected General Secretary), which is preventing me from exercising my right as a paid-up party member to stand in internal elections. "

    Not the be all and end all but I agree with this.

    My support for Craig Murray was fair (in my view) at the time, when we were assured, WP of GB would not stand in Scotland. This commitment has been broken.

    1. Is Craig Murray still a member of theirs? He wrote recently about the vague plans going around for a new left wing UK party centred on Corbyn (who seems to be lumbered with a similar rôle to Caroline Lucas). Murray's real passion is Anti-Imperialism abroad, wherever USA+UK are bombing civilians, rather than our bloodless struggle for freedom here in Scotland. My guess is he'll be campaigning in England again, on exactly that stuff.

  6. The Alba candidate in Lochee was the SNP councillor from 2007 to 2022. John Alexander had a large personal vote in Strathmartine and what happen to that was a mystery. A good enough for the SNP. Labour will be shocked despite at their poor showing compared to July.

  7. "because the SNP's vote share in local elections is often on the low side compared to other elections"

    Personally speaking I rate the candidates in order of how active and how good they are, regardless of party. In my ward the leaflet from the (Indy supporting) Independent was far and beyond better than any other - and I knew it to be true. The SNP guy was 2nd.

    1. You've hit the nail on the head, YI2. Vote for who you want, not just the enemy of your enemy.

      Preferential voting, including STV, is far better for the voter than systems with a forced choice, like FPTP. Voting for an independent is essentially a waste in most elections, where it's all or nothing. But give us the means to state our preferences and you can cast a thoughtful ballot.

      All elections should be STV, in my view. Holyrood, too, where we could abandon redistricting and simply allocate seats to regions based on current population.

    2. YI2 Talking a croc of sh*t again, to claim to vote for a candidate on what they say is bananas, the party leader is what and who counts, what they say goes, not individual MPs MSPs or anybody else, have you never listened to politicians once they're elected? they do what they're told or they're out

    3. Anon at 4:15 PM
      "the party leader is what and who counts"

      Would you like me to explain to you, the meaning of the word "Independent"? Four by two: they rarely have a "party leader".

      Would you like me to explain "In my ward"? This is where I live - I know what happens here, who does what, and I know these people as well, including the Independent, who was on the community council for many a year.

      Would you like me to explain "the leaflet from the (Indy supporting) Independent was far and beyond better than any other - and I knew it to be true"? I know it to be true because I know what he has tried to achieve, achieved, and is campaigning for, because I live here.

      Can you read, yes or no? Do you want to take a 50-50? Ask Jeremy? Call a friend?

  8. I see comments about Swinney appointing Noon as a spad, including the usual false flag ones. Perhaps this is what Swinney wants:

    … what might change if Scotland developed a political discourse where we are striving to always be more attentive, intelligent, reasonable and responsible …

    rather than calling previous NO voters traitors, stupid, yoons, Britnats, tools ...

    I'll wait and see WHAT he does for Swinney.

    1. Your list of insults is better aimed at Devolutionists in the SNP than our fellow voters.

      Sure, No voters lost Scotland its independence in 2014, but it's the false flag nationalists who have run Scotgov since then who have squandered our cause to set that right.

    2. I didn't aim any insults at voters. Voters have the right to vote for whoever they want, and whatever they want. That's called universal suffrage, and people campaigned long for that, and even died for the right.

    3. Anon at 3.12. Ach the ISP (or is it the IPS?) will liberate Scotland !

  9. "there’ll still be halfwits spouting the same nonsense"

    That doesn't make you a bad person.

  10. Anon 4.23 is a poor wee feart Britnat. We should feel sorry for him or her.

  11. Rumours. Still it has been sailing up and down the Clyde according to my son-in-law in Gourock.,Says it is looking good. As far as I am aware the high speed train in the north- Manchester isn’t going anywhere.

    1. It was meant to be in service in 2018!!!

      And we’re to believe this shower of charlatans could run an independent Scotland!

  12. you would still need to pass some exams to reach the status of halfwit
