Saturday, October 12, 2024

Alex Salmond, 1954-2024

Hopefully it goes without saying that my earlier blogpost today, which briefly mentioned Alex Salmond, was written before I heard the awful news.  I went out for a walk a few minutes ago, and my phone started buzzing with Whatsapp messages from Alba members in a state of complete shock and bewilderment.  

I have no problem at all in concentrating on the positives in this post, because I can pay no finer tribute to any politician than that they were the person who originally converted me to the cause of Scottish independence.  I'm sure I must be one of tens of thousands of Scots, perhaps hundreds of thousands, who can say the same of Mr Salmond, which speaks volumes about his communication skills and powers of persuasion.  I can pinpoint the exact moment of my conversion - it was an edition of Election Call presented I believe by Nick Ross, during the 1992 general election (when I was still too young to vote), and Mr Salmond was given the chance to answer viewers' questions about independence at unusual length, which he did very fully and convincingly.  At some point towards the end of the programme, it was as if my objections just suddenly ran out and I said to myself "yeah, I agree with that", and I haven't changed my mind since.

In the years afterwards he was my political hero, running rings around Labour politicians in knockabout debate but also courageously going where others feared to tread, saying what needed to be said about the Kosovo and Iraq conflicts, and saying it in pitch perfect terms.

I was devastated when he stepped down as SNP leader in 2000, and I literally punched the air in delight when I heard he would be standing as leader again in 2004, just hours before nominations were due to close.  I knew that might make all the difference, and by God it did.  Without his comeback the SNP would never have taken power in 2007, we would never have had an independence referendum in 2014, and the extra devolved powers would never have come to Scotland after the referendum.  If Donald Dewar was the father of devolution, Alex Salmond was the father of its post-2014 deepening.

For my money the crowning glory of his career was his unforgettable performance against Alistair Darling in the second referendum debate, which came so close to winning outright independence for Scotland.  You can see an excerpt below.


  1. Absolutely gutted. Could post James

  2. It’s really quite shocking. He was already SNP leader before I was born and has been a huge figure in our country’s politics for my entire life.

    And without any warning he is gone.

  3. I'm deeply saddened that Alex never lived to see the dream he campaigned and advocated so hard for his whole life realised.

    He also never got the justice and vindication he so rightly deserved.

  4. Will that vindictive witch Sturgeon have the brass neck to make a statement on Alex's legacy? Nothing would surprise me from that horrible harpie.

    1. Of course she will and given her prominence it is only right she does.

    2. There is no need for a comment like this.

    3. Are you the new moderator or just the usual Sturgeonite drone?

    4. She did what was right in her position as FM
      Nicola and Alex were not on good terms long before the court case

    5. Vindictive? Witch? Horrible? Harpie? Which word has upset your delicate sensibilities? They all seem pretty tame when compared to accusing someone of being a rapist.

    6. She's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. If she does make a statement, people will call her a hypocrite. If she doesn't make a statement, the same people will be outraged at how cruel and callous she is for ignoring it.

      I see Bath's angriest man is already losing the plot with a series of creepy, unhinged, tacky diatribes. He's already had to delete one of his own posts on X, because he decided that it came off as too threatening. A bad day indeed when even he realises he's gone too far on the aggression and menace.

      This is much more earnest and dignified blogpost from James here. Of course, I expected no less. The big man leaves a hole in Scottish political life that will be very hard to fill.

    7. It didnae take long for the nasty nicophant Dr Jim to turn up at 7.22pm.

    8. That is bang out of order

    9. Oh dear, some of the posters on here need to reign their comments in. Have some respect if not for yourself then for Mr Salmond’s family.

    10. I agree with myself

    11. Why would any decent person feel the need to try to make this about Sturgeon?

    12. Why would Nicola?

  5. A profound loss for Scotland.

  6. Well said, James. I have been a member of the SNP for 40 years. Back in the early years of the 1990's I had a couple of 'run ins' with Alex on matters related to policy. He did not hold back on making his displeasure known to me but despite that, it never prevented me from regarding him as anything less than a political giant. Despite the split in recent years there are very many of us insude the SNP who are deeply saddened by this news tonight. We have list a true champion.

  7. A true hero of Scotland's cause. RIP Alex.

  8. In his last post on social media this afternoon Alex Salmond said ''Scotland is a country not a county'

    Hopefully his words are taken to heart!

  9. That big blob of lard Blowhard Blackford on Sky slagging off Alba and bigging up Sturgeon. What a truly disgusting character.

    I'll be getting out my bottle of 18 year old Highland Park to toast Salmond's contribution to freeing Scotland from Westminster rule. The dream will never die no matter how hard people like Sturgeon and Blackford try to destroy it.

    1. Grow up for God's sake.

    2. It might be difficult but have a bit of dignity

    3. Indeed, Alex's dream of devo max is gone now, and he destroyed his own legacy without any help from anybody as you're very soon to find out

    4. Have some dignity? Tell that to yourself at 7:25.

    5. Will you give it a rest? A man has died. His family and friends will be in shock. The last thing they need is to see you using his death as an excuse to drag yourself through the gutter with a series of spiteful personal attacks.

      That sort of behaviour may not be beneath you, IfS, but it demeans Alex Salmond - whom such conduct was certainly beneath.

    6. Pretty shameful to read negative comments about Ian B and Nicola S at this time. Criticisms of these two are out of line after what they have contributed to the SNP.

    7. Anon at 7.24pm - tell that to Blackford. Using Salmond's death to state Alba is dead and boast about how good Sturgeon was as FM is pretty despicable and lacking dignity.

    8. That does not require you to sink to his level, IfS. Although clearly you have never met a low you wouldn't stoop to. Rein it in and show a bit of decorum for once in your life.

    9. Anon at 7.36pm - tell that to Blowhard Blackford. Tell that to Dr Jim at 7.25pm. Anon at 7.41pm - criticisms of Blackford and Sturgeon will always be valid. How do you know that the stress of Sturgeon's gang persecuting him didn't contribute to his early death.

    10. You are out of order!

    11. It's my anon troll again at 7.51pm who just loves to tell people to stop posting but never has any ability to argue on anything at all. Just ad hom attacks while hiding as an anon. Got that egg off your face yet for making a fool of yourself.

    12. I get that your whole schtick is to double down when challenged, but now is not the time or place, IFS.

      I know members of Salmond’s family who certainly used to frequent this blog. And knowing how much of a toll it took on them to watch the SNP factionalise the last days of Alex’s life, it would not give them any comfort at all to watch you trying to factionalise his passing, too.

      Blackford can answer for his own tactlessness. That does not require you to match his lack of grace with a whole load of vented spleen. It’s neither the time, nor the place.

    13. Some disgraceful comments from Ifs regarding Ian Blackford and Nicola Sturgeon, at this sad time.

    14. Anons telling me what to post - my reply is f**k off.

      Anon at 8.22pm - it's nothing compared to using your power as FM to put together a plot to try to send your predecessor to jail for life based on false charges peddled by your gang.

    15. Salmond was all for arguing your point of view. He had no time for the cancel culture and people trying to shut people up. people

    16. Salmond would not have viewed this subject in terms of 'cancel culture', which shows how little you actually knew of the man.

      Alex Salmond was a deeply religious man, as all who knew him will tell you, IfS. He believed in the sanctity of life, and respect and dignity in the wake of a death. He would have, it is not a stretch to say, been quite repulsed by many of the comments you have made here tonight, and would have rejected you out of hand if you persisted with your characteristic vulgarity in the wake of someone's passing.

      That was the measure of the man - a good, decent man of faith and conscience.

      You, by contrast, are giving us the measure of the mouse with each new tawdry comment. Do not attempt to smear his memory in the same fecal matter in which you yourself wallow.

    17. Anon at 9.42am - pissof with your characteristic misrepresentation and ad hom attack. It is not a stretch to say you are an utter prick.

    18. You have no decorum!

    19. Ifs - you feign upset but spout bile. You must be one lonely individual.

    20. This not the time for the comments you have posted today, have some respect.

    21. Anon at 10.55pm I refer you to my post at 8.34pm. I have no respect for you anons. I have no respect for Sturgeon and her gang nor any of the hypocrites.

    22. What a small man you are, IfS. I only hope Alex’s family don’t still frequent this blog to see the bile you’re spitting in his “honour”.

      I’m no fan of the Sturgeonites, they drove me out of the SNP. But you have really, really shown yourself up today.

      How crass and inappropriate Alex would have found you. How far, far beneath him. How wretched and pitiable and small.

    23. My anon troll who trolled me only days ago for not criticising Salmond enough to keep him happy now presents himself as a spokesperson for the Salmond family and complains I am smearing Salmond's memory. You are only using this to attack me - pathetic stuff from the troll who keeps making a fool of himself due to his patently unstable psyche. Wipe that egg of your face and stop posting your lies and acting as if you are Salmond's best pal. Put simply you really are a bit of a psycho troll.

      Oh oh psych troll please forgive me I am so so so so so small and so so wretched and pitiable and you are a giant of morality, standards, integrity, humility, honesty. 😂😂😂😂😂😂Psycho troll just keep on coming. It's entertaining on a sad night.

    24. I know this is difficult to grasp, IfS, but Alex Salmond's death is not all about you. I know this will also be hard to hear, IfS, but you're really not important enough to have a cult of devoted trolls.

      Nobody is using Alex Salmond's death to attack you. Querying your lack of tact is not the sustained and feverish vendetta you like to obsessively imagine that you're subject to.

      I mean this genuinely: perhaps a period of quiet reflection away from your keyboard would be best for your mental wellbeing.

      You're clearly unwell, friend.

    25. So says the psycho troll now pretending to be my friend. More made up lies. You are the one claiming to be Salmond's pal but you make up stuff about me somehow claiming to make Salmond's death about me - wow an inverted lie that time.

      Troll says :- " I mean this genuinely" - nothing genuine about you.

      There is no " cult of devoted trolls" - just the one psycho troll - you - who even uses Salmond's death and anything else you can think of to troll me. Oh like I am McEleny or I am Campbell or all that stuff from your troll mind.

      There is only one person unwell and it is psycho troll with egg on his face. Your gaslighting fails.

    26. IfS, these don't read like the comments of a well man. Whether you choose to accept the sincerity of that, the objective reality of it is that your comments consistently read like those written by someone who has lost control of their aggression and obsession. I don't say that to be cruel. I say that in the hopes you'll take it on board and invest in your own wellbeing. Step back and get some perspective.

      Nobody is pretending to be Salmond's pal. Some of us are acquainted with him and his family though. That shouldn't come as a surprise. Scottish politics is a much smaller arena than American or even English politics, for example. The owner of this very blog has personal experiences with Alex Salmond and his family - as have most people whose tributes have poured in today.

      I would just gently suggest to you, once again, that here is neither the time nor the place to air your many legitimate grievances with the SNP and its leadership over the past decade. Nor is it the place to indulge in tacky, personalised, vitriolic rhetoric.

      If you choose to take that comment and use it as a vehicle for personal persecution and paranoia, then the problem lies with you.

    27. "I would gently suggest to you" - now that really is entertaining.

      " I don't say that to be cruel" - more entertainment.

      "Nor is it the place to indulge in tacky, personalised, vitriolic rhetoric" - says the troll doing just that - highly entertaining.

      Cracking bit of attempted gaslighting mr troll but it disnae work on me but it is entertaining.

      Keep it up.

  10. A giant of the independence movement. He took us nearer to independence that we maybe realise.

    For that he had to be taken out and the sex case against him tried to do just that.

    Over recent months it was becoming apparent that Alex's ongoing legal action would reveal actions by dark forces. The consequence of any such exposure would be immense.

    Willie MacRae or Dr David Kelly, it's not an unreasonable thing to posit.

    One thing for sure a great man, a political giant, and a true patriot has died.

  11. Nicola Sturgeon has been extremely gracious and deserves a lot of credit for commenting on Alex Salmond in the way she has after all that has happened.

    1. What a pity she wasn't so gracious when he was alive and cleared of all charges.

  12. RIP Alex Salmond and an end of an era which made Independence mainstream and not just the realm of us nutters.

    For me it was the BBC that made me think of Independence, back in the 70s between the 2 elections where the SNP shot up again to 11 MPs. I've changed or at least opened peoples minds just by getting them to see how biased and patronising the BBC is towards Scotland.

    It's bad news for the Unionists who won't be able to stir up animosity between Salmondites and Sturgeonites.

    1. I agree with your last sentence - this is very bad news for Unionists.

    2. Anon at 7.34. It hasn’t stopped some allegedly pro Indy posters on here doing exactly that. IFS and Felix? Scum is not a word I like using but it is the appropriate word for them in these circumstances.

    3. Yes. Imagine calling nasty Nicola names! If only us 'scum' could follow your example.

    4. Nothing to do with names. Everything to do with occasion. Clearly my comment has resonated. Try and behave with some shred of decency, on this day of all days.

    5. Why resort to name calling then? Does that show the paucity of your argument? And why am I obliged to repect the person who ruined Alex's life for the last five years?

    6. Ask IFS. It’s his stock in trade. And behave, show some respect.

    7. Show respect to anon trolls supporting criminals. Nae chance.

    8. Anon 11:35 Respect for who? Nicola? The woman who destroyed Salmond's reputation and the SNP? Don't make me laugh. You sound like the type of party drone who last week would have been on here condemning AS as a sex pest and a mysoginist - save your faux morality for the gullible.

    9. As I had to say. Scum. You should be embarrassed, but you are probably not. How sad, at such a time. Just go away. Even Sunak has shown more class than you. And that’s a low bar.

    10. Still with the name calling I see. Well I suppose it makes up for your lack of a coherent argument. What a pathetic individual you are!

  13. After all that has happened Nicola Sturgeon was under no obligation to comment and it reflects well on her that she was willing to put things to one side and say a few words about Alex Salmond on this occasion.

    1. 'Put things to one side'? Like she did when she used a covid briefing
      to rubbish the jury's verdict at the trial she and her pals arranged for him? Her hypocrisy knows no bounds.

    2. Bile and hate won’t win you any support.

    3. Anon at 10.25pm - so Sturgeon made all those false accusations at multiple Covid briefings out of love for Salmond and not bile or hate.

    4. Anon 10:25 You're quite right - which is why the bile-filled and hateful Nicola Sturgeon lost the support that Alex Salmond had so assiduously built up.

    5. Ifs - you must stop responding to your own silly wee blogs. Your bile is in the gutter if you are looking for it.

    6. Anon at 12.36am - only a rat like you would find bile while crawling around a gutter.

    7. Sure thing, IfS. Whatever you and the voices inside your head say.

    8. Yeah, after she was prepared to let him go to jail for something he never did, and then publicly slandered him, after proven innocent.

    9. Anon at 3.06am - aye they all say you are a scumbag.

  14. Salmond was a true colossus of both Scottish and UK Politics.
    It was mostly because of his vision and charisma, that I joined the SNP.
    He routinely made unionist politicians of all persuasions look like rank amateurs and took immense pleasure in doing that.
    He transformed SNP into the electoral juggernaught it became and, more than anyone else, made Independence the accepted and imbedded popular choice for half of Scots.
    I did not agree with many of his more recent choices and actions, but that in no way detracts from his immense previous legacy.
    Scotland is a much poorer place with his passing.

  15. The dream will never die.

  16. It does feel a little hypocritical seeing the SNP memorising Alex Salmond today especially since they've the same SNP who scrubbed every mention of him from their website and the Parties history.

    Hopefully out of respect that at least is now restored.

    1. More than a few of us in the SNP knew and worked with Alex for decades. Despite the split a few years ago, none of us will ever forget what Alex did for Scotland and the SNP.

    2. Hopefully his contributions and legacy are restored on the SNP Party website. That would be a good first step & would back up what many are saying today.

  17. The darkest night of winter has come early this year. Perhaps this is when Scottish independence hit rock bottom. For sure we won’t forget him, our second William Wallace, a hero who fought and died in the righteous fight. His parting leaves us leaderless and looking for our Bruce.

  18. WELL SAID.

    A giant of Scottish politics who will live long in history of this country.


  19. My wife's uncle had been an unsuccessful SNP candidate, but became Alex's accountant. When her uncle died, Alex came to the funeral (as did John Swinney) and gave a wonderful eulogy. That's the measure of the man.
    Nobody is perfect, of course, but in political terms I think he was abune them a' in many respects. I've been rewatching him on BBC Question Time on 23 Oct 2014 (!!) when his contributions got a great response from the Liverpool audience.
    If you don't watch it all, at least watch him on the Andrew Lansley deconstruction of the English NHS, at about 40:10, followed by Len McLuskey describing it as privatisation. You may recall that Len's union was not antipathetic to our independence - or as he describes it here, they had a policy of positive neutrality.

  20. I'm rejoining the cause tonight.

  21. That's Alba finished then isn't it? Shame. Scotland needed a serious voice for independence now more than ever.

    I for one can't wait for the uniquely gormless Ash Regan to turn up with her "Readiness for Leadership" thermometer.

    Unless somebody with two brain cells to rub together (Joanna Cherry) shows up, Alba is over and done with.

  22. I am totally despondent. There is absolutely no way I’m staying in a Alba party led by Chris McEleny. Scotland might still become independent, but I doubt it. Salmond could have possibly just got us over the line. It was a long shot but it was worth a go. I can’t invest any more hope in this, I’m giving up

    1. The only way that McEleny's going to become leader is if he's counting the votes.

      Oh wait...

    2. Alba and ISP should unite.

    3. This tragic event could be the catalyst for change. A S sadly gone. If N S bows out, can we unite under the common goal of Scottish Independence? Forbes and Cherry. Intellect, gravitas and political nous. Meanwhile Labour are busy shooting themselves repeatedly in both feet. It would be good if positivity and respect could underpin comments on here. That would be a start.

    4. McEleny has a higher opinion of himself than anyone else does, so I could imagine him standing for leader. He's addicted enough to power that he'd probably only sit it out if he had a deal with the likely winner, who would be, I dunno...Ash Regan? Kenny MacAskill is held in high enough esteem tha he'd have a chance if he stood, but at his age would he stand?

    5. Indy’s not a long shot. London’s not just handing us bloody dice!

      Right now, Indy’s going nowhere because of lack of leadership. With the right leader, as we saw in 2007-2014, Indy becomes very possible indeed. With the UK in the state it is now, I’d say we’re favourites. But we need the leadership to get us there.

    6. Anon@10:20,
      You’re spot on and there’s no doubt the latest BangAndPollWe poll has given us all a tremendous boost, putting support for indy at 57%. We may be closer than many think, just so sad AS won’t be around to see it.

    7. They're called PollAndBangWe. BangAndPollWe would be a stupid name.

    8. Indeed, just a typo.

    9. Here’s the thing, KC, the next time Scotland votes on independence will be the last. You guys screwed up so hard since 2014. Just look at Labour and Tory alike: the most unpopular prime ministers in history, one after another, both parties just the same.

      There’s nothing left for unionism to hold onto now. When we come, you’re gone for good.

    10. There is no case for Nicola Sturgeon to bow out. She is still young and I could see her returning to leadership. She is a great communicator and very much loved among Scottish people.

    11. Anon at 12.04pm - I agree that Sturgeon is very much loved by the Britnats.

    12. Out of respect can we cut out the nonsense about fictitious polling companies for a few days?

      When people are in mourning you'd have to be a prick of the highest order to continue with the trolling during that time.

    13. If I was PollAndBangWe, I'd be suing the f*** out of you for calling them "fictitious". Disgraceful, and on a day such as this.

  23. Nasty piece by Kenny Farquharson

    1. Agree, he should reread it and then he'll see what Salmond meant when he said 'whatever happened to Kenny Farquharson...'

  24. Wallace was betrayed by Scots giving their allegiance to England to feather their own nest.

    Salmond was betrayed by Scots ( except Liz Lloyd - English) giving their allegiance to England to feather their own nest.

  25. I take you betrayed him too since you don’t support ALBA. Pillock

    1. Anon troll at 1.00pm - I didnae try to send him to jail based on getting friends/colleagues to make up stories. Perverting the course of justice is criminal. Hence a certain person who cannae be named is being investigated for perjury by the polis. No doubt COPFS will still be reviewing the polis findings in 10 years time.

      My loyalty is to Scotland not any politician or party. I vote as I see fit and it is never for a party supporting the ongoing colonisation of Scotland by England.

    2. Neither did I - but be a big boy and go to the authorities with your folder full of innuendo, half truths, fiction and maybe even a hint of some truth. How do do you know COPFS will review records in 10 years? You don’t. More made up stories. Seems to me you are being fed stories by the Polis.

    3. Anon at 2.51pm be an accurate boy and reflect what I said accurately. Anon says " How do you know COPFS will review records in 10 years. " - not what I said. So you are the one making up stuff. Read it again. I'm not being fed anything by the polis unlike Sturgeon's gang who fed a pack of lies to the polis in 2018.

      The polis are currently investigating two people for possible perjury. The authorities know what went down they don't need me to tell them anything they need to investigate and that has started.

      So you make a series of claims - back them up - tell me the half truths then you can tell me the fiction you claimed in your post. Obviously, my comment on COPFS is not a fact it is an opinion.
      This should be interesting.

  26. James Cook carrying on the Kenny Farquharson trait.

  27. A call for unity at 9.23 followed by mostly nasty replies and comments. If this is representative of the wider movement we are truly fecked, but I’m hoping it’s not. Under Forbes and Cherry I’d rejoin SNP, an SNP with securing Indy as its number one priority. I live in hope.

  28. Under Cherry some will leave

    1. Dr Jim at 2.51pm in case you haven't noticed a lot have already left in recent times despite you and Skier saying the membership numbers were increasing. Being the fools you are did you really believe Murrell's lies when you posted that mince.
      So will you leave Dr Jim or will you threaten Cherry with violence?

    2. You are a Mr Angry type 😤

    3. Anon at 5.10pm - I thought I was a destructive influence - whatever that means. Can you make up your mind. Not very good trolling - I rate your trolling as 2 out of 10. You are a Mr Boring type.

    4. That is their choice. I, and five others

    5. ….will rejoin.

    6. Anon at 8.01pm - well good for you. I am sure you will feel at home in a party of devolution. As Salmond said to Swinney - Scotland is a country not a county. Just don't kid yourself on you are joining a party of independence because you ain't.

    7. You cannot tell the difference between verbs, nouns, and adjectives. Please go away, at this, of all times. Show some respect.

  29. Does leave ALBA rudderless and with no one to steer.

  30. The “Independence for Scotland “ character really needs to wind his neck in.

  31. Your response is an example. You are a destructive influence

  32. Anon at 5.09am - destructive influence - bit of a dolly mixture of verbs there anon. Try again and try to make some sense this time

  33. What ! Are you that thick?

  34. Considering the topic matter the comments on this blog post are shameful. We had the opportunity to remember and pay respect to the man who's had the largest impact on the Scottish independence movement and arguably Scottish society in living memory.

    Instead the comment section has descended into argumentative nonsense, abuse and trolling.

  35. Anon at 9.04. Well said.

  36. Another nasty piece - this time from Alan Cochrane.
