Thursday, July 4, 2024

EXIT POLL: SNP projected to win 10 seats

Exit Poll results (number of seats for each party): 

Labour 410
Conservatives 131
Liberal Democrats 61
Reform UK 13
SNP 10
Plaid Cymru 4
Greens 2


  1. Not the wipe out that so many unionists had wrongly predicted.

  2. Are exit polls accurate?

    1. Its never usually as accurate in Scotland due to a smaller sample of data; BBC just caveating that just now.

    2. They are not accurate

    3. No. We should not wait for thr true results before drawing conclusions.

    4. Oor Nicla said it's 'broadly right' on STV. Maybe her sister can see the future after all.

  3. Ooft. My hunch of 8-15 looks to be accurate. That's awful for the SNP. My feeling is that a bit like 2017 that turnout will be down significantly.

    Still let's hope that it gets better for the SNP.

    Surprised at the Tories being as high as that and I would expect that Rishi Sunak keeps his seat.

    1. Turnout being Scottish turnout above.

  4. Turnout in Scotland will be the most important figure.

  5. 10 is a lot better than 1, which Labour got in 2015 and 2019. It's also more than Labour got in 2017. It's a low point but we're still in there and we'll be back.

    1. Great result then

    2. How precisely? Becoming an independence party instead of a gender fetishists one, or what?

    3. You are in a dream world Caltonian or just another English lackie. This loser post of yours is why Sturgeon managed to sabotage Independence for over 10 years. There is no Labour dummy in Scotland. Only ENGLISH LABOUR Owned and controlled 100% by the backers of sir Starmer. Get educated and stop making an idiot of yourself.

  6. They're already crowing that its the end of independence.

    1. Ha ha, it really isn’t though! Maybe Labour’s high point is a few percent above the SNP at its lowest ebb, but they have to deliver now. Let’s see what they manage.

  7. Oh my. That's just so sad. Thats an unnecessary blow. Independence voters voting Labour is baffling and wildly disappointing. Chaneil iad cho glic, na mo bheachd.

    1. If Alba or any true Independence party or group would tell all Scots what the benefits are in SPECIFIC terms and why, no Scot would vote ENGLISH LABOUR . You see there is NO Scottish Labour.

  8. I always said that SINGLE figures would be resignation territory. So on this Swinney should NOT resign.

  9. The more interesting thing for me will be vote percentage. Under FPTP we know that both the SNP and Labour are just a few percentage points from either a stunning landslide or a terrible defeat.

    If the figure of 10 is true, let’s just hope some of the more useless MPs are facing the chop. And if anyone good is gone, let’s hope the talent is retained, perhaps for Holyrood 2026.

  10. Can anyone confirm the first constituency to declare in Scotland could be Rutherglen and Hamilton West? Interesting if true.

  11. Oh Declan? Where are you?

    1. He's out punching the sky while he counts that increase in SNP seats he promised us😁

  12. A great result for Scots who want independence.

  13. I hate their politics but that’s some result for Reform.

  14. Fascism surfaces in England with a bang.

    1. By voting overwhelmingly for a left of centre party?
      Is education really that bad SNPland?

    2. What do you think "surfaces" means in this metaphor?

  15. Now, finally, will the complacent SNP hierarchy realise they can't take indy supporters for granted any more.

  16. This is good for holyrood 2026. Labour will have achieved nothing by that point, except pander to reform

  17. Unfortunately Labour may well still be in a honeymoon period in May 26 , Sarwar now has a much better chance of being FM.

    1. Unlikely. Sunak didn't go this early because he expected good times on the horizon

    2. Honeymoon 100 days max

    3. I can’t see that happening
      But the SNP need to get rid of their smug b*llsh*t attitude of the last few years.
      We’re now gonna have smug idiot Labour MP’s…… sounds familiar

    4. Labour has a lot on the in tray, doubt honeymoon will last long

      Nhs strikes over pay
      Business's unhappy over import fees
      Economy tanking over brexit ( see starmers procalam@tion, nomsingke market in his lifetime)
      Expectations on labour delivering on child benefit, bedroom tax etc

    5. The compliant unions will sook up to labour to the detriment of their members

  18. And so it begins. If the exit poll is true, independence isn't dead, but the 2026 election starts now.

    1. I think 2026 will be all or nothing. Over to the geniuses who are convinced the SNP are useless. They can lead us to freedom. I'm not long in from doing polling duty and I'm frozen. Turnout is low in our constituency btw.. So time for the armchair critics' to do the lead work and show us how it is done. I will watch with interest.

    2. Yep, low turnout is not good for a westminster election. Well done for your efforts. Don't let the trolls and the nutters get you down.

    3. Don't you see it yet? Turnout is low because the SNP no longer inspire people precisely because they ARE useless.

    4. Or they see it as an away fixture, know labour are going to win and frankly speaking, it doesn't matter a fuck what scotland votes.

    5. @ Chalks

      Thanks and Yes, politics is swings and roundabouts. Labour had joy in 1997 and despair in 2019. SNP had joy in 2015 and 2019. Tonight was always going to be about Labour. That was obvious the moment Sunak stood in the rain.

      However, it doesn't take much to lose the crowd. Labour will stumble because that is just how it goes for all parties. The SNP will have another golden day another chance.

      I'm glad the Tories are gone though.

  19. The previous 2 exit polls have overestimated the number of SNP seats. If it happens again it’s single figure time. Hopefully Alba have managed to win a few, if not all, of the 19 they were going for.

    1. Stop taking the tablets

    2. They wont get a single seat.

    3. 2 or 3 Alba seats would be amazing, it would embolden others to vote for them on the list in 2026 HR election.

  20. Don't believe these exit polls for a second, very dodgy. If they are true it's only because snp votes will have gone "missing".

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    2. Missing as in, people Cba voting for the shell of it’s former self that it’s become. Blame falls at Sturgeon’s feet. I voted through gritted teeth for them today. I’m a former member and activist

    3. Stop the steal!

      We need to storm the capitol!

    4. Declan ( Scottish Skier) to be fair has always said on WGD that the polls are all fixed. Now he is on to the next stsge of Trumpism.

    5. I suspect you are correct Declan.I've always thought the party would return anywhere between 15 and 20 seats.

    6. Why would anyone fiddle exit polls? That deception could only last six hours, eight at most.

    7. 10:54 Declan thought a lot more than that, he promised an INCREASE in SNP seats!

    8. Declan just to be clear I don't mean you will be paying a porn star for sex I just mean you will say the election is rigged. No hard feelings Declan - I'll give you a suggestion for a new slogan. Make the SNP great again. There you go - no charge.

    9. 'Scuse me while I punch the sky.🤡

  21. Some of the Exit Poll constituency results are wild. Tories to win Aberdeen South, Argyll & Bute, Angus & Perthshire?

  22. Life britnat peerage for SNP CEO, Mr Vow, Murray Foote.

  23. Exit poll has Tories winning 12 seats in Scotland.

    1. Which if true would be an indication of indy supporters abstaining as they did in Rutherglen by-election.

  24. I think 10 seats will be good for the SNP, keep them honest and revitalise their zeal for indy.

    - there's a lot of dead wood down in westminster; better to have 10 high quality political heavyweight superstars than 38 subsidised port quaffers

    1. That is not how it works under FPTP. Some of the very best SNP MPs are likely to be defeated. Stephen Flynn appears to be at high risk if the Exit poll is correct

  25. If I’m counting correct from Sky website, Tories have 3 NE, 3 Aberdeen, 3 south, Angus , Stirling, A&B. Can’t be correct, surely?

    1. That’s certainly what the exit poll is predicting. The exit poll is usually fairly accurate, but time will tell.

  26. If the Exit Poll is correct then pollsters have got Tories massively wrong in Scotland. Or shy Labour unionist tactical voting? Tories getting more seats than SNP - might not happen - would be catastrophic.

    1. If this exit poll is anywhere near accurate, then clearly tactical voting has hammered the SNP.

  27. identity politics at the expense of nationalism has hammered the SNP

  28. I’d expect 19 not 10 seats

  29. What an idiotic comment I've just deleted. What the hell did that even mean?

  30. No surprises here. All of the Scottish parties (1 Alba) plus all others are quite happy to join with Scottish Labour as they call it. Of course there is NO SCOTTISH Labour it’s ENGLISH LABOUR.
    So all parties are hiding the truth from the Scottish voters who are dumbed down and voted for an ENGLISH PARTY TO CONTINUE RECEIVING HAND OUTS.
    Gutless comes to mind.

  31. Perhaps if the Tories hold or even gain seats in the North East , the oil & gas exploration factor has had a significant influence, where both Labour & SNP have apparently abandoned further hydrocarbon exploration ? There are tens of thousands of highly paid jobs at risk and these voters are very much aware of this .

  32. Latest prediction by the BBC is the SNP will only hold onto 6 seats.

  33. Labour needs to have made real progress on NHS and cost of living before Holyrood 26, otherwise they're toast.

  34. ENGLISH LABOUR will never do anything to aid the NHS. They are ENGLISH. Are you really that f ing stupid?.
