Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Aaaaaaargh! Is there ANY way of saving Our Precious Union in Aberdeen North?

UPDATE: A few hours later, the Tory candidate for Aberdeen North turned up and joined in the chat too.  Lesson: if you want to grab the attention of our imperial masters, just mention the words "pro-UK tactical voting" to them.  Works every time.  The Lib Dem will be along shortly.

*   *   *

I've written three more constituency profiles for The National - Orkney & Shetland, Paisley & Renfrewshire North and Paisley & Renfrewshire South.


  1. All joking aside, James, it looks like you may be right that the Tories are the only hope of defeating the SNP in Aberdeen North. Don't let Kirsty Blackman in through the back door by voting Labour.

    1. If the answer is voting Tory then it was a bloody stupid question.

      Don't do it, you have to live with yourself afterwards. Just say No to Conservatives...M'Kay.

  2. This seat is a guaranteed SNP because of the Unionist vote split. I would suggest Unionists get behind Labour and give them a solid second place showing to serve as a springboard and make it more clear cut for the next WM election.
    Incidentally, Kirsty Blackman is as thick as mince and lot or more worthy SNP MPs will lose their seats while she is guaranteed to hold on.

  3. For the life of me, why would any Labour voter tactically vote Tory to keep the SNP out?

    1. Probably because a big Labour win is all but guaranteed in the GE, and one Tory seat isn’t going to make a jot of difference, and they’re as sick fed up of the SNP as they are the Tories.

    2. KC strikes again @ 6.49pm.

    3. Why?
      Because for Labour Tories the Great British union is the most important consideration. Just as it is for the Conservative Tories.
      And next to no difference on policy and ideology.

  4. Conservatives all the way to stop the SNP in Aberdeen North. Not even a contest. The Labour candidate says otherwise, but then she wouldn't, wouldn't she?

    1. In your dreams Dougie the linesman.

  5. I would have thought that Conservative is probably the tactical vote here.

    1. Yeah, certainly looks like it. 2500 is a big gap.

  6. So glad I don’t live in Aberdeen North , there’s no way in hell I could vote for Blackman. She is the ultimate caricature of everything that’s gone wrong with the SNP. Absolute hateful character
    Luckily I can hold my head high whilst voting for Graham Leadbitter in Moray West where I think he will win

    1. Yes, if a unionist wants to vote tactically to ensure independence doesn't happen then they should vote for Blackman.

    2. Hate is a bad emotion. Control your impulses as a unionist

    3. You....sir... are not a supporter of Scottish Independence.

  7. Blackman the blue haired shocker.

  8. Yes Blackman is incredibly stupid. She is the prime example of the daft wing that took over a good party. I left because of dimwits like her. But still better SNP than any unionist eejit who insist on having union Jack emoji. I detest that flag.

    1. The saltire is a third of the Union Jack.

    2. Definitely the worst bit

    3. Some would say the turd of the Union Jack.

    4. Especially the Irish.

    5. Anon@9:27,
      So sad and pathetic.

    6. anon 729 sounds like ifs. Insulting britnat

  9. Survation MRP with SNP on just 10 seats. Based on an 11 point Labour lead in Scotland. They have their own data of course. But it seems out of step

    1. Pretty grim I have to say.
      However one small crumb of comfort, the SNP predicted to take 2 of the 6 Tory seats.

    2. It is grim indeed.

      Here's the forecast:
      LAB 484
      CON 64
      LD 61
      SNP 10
      RFM 7
      PC 3
      GRN 3
      Sample size was 34,558

      That's actually at the lower end of my 8-15 seats prediction for the SNP.

      I hope that it's wrong, especially since there seemed to be a wee up tick for the SNP in the regular polls and downward trend for Labour at UK level.

    3. Hiya Tom Harris (still not over 2015).

  10. Lord of the SlippersJuly 2, 2024 at 8:03 PM

    If Blackman were to lose I would put good money on her jumping on any available Labour bandwagon that has the correct blend of batshit crazy idealism and micro minority appeal. Independence is the thinnest of red lines for her.

  11. Anon 9.06 an 9.17= fud

  12. Swinney says he won’t campaign with Salmond. Not surprising as Salmond campaigns for independence and Swinney campaigns for a strong voice for
    Scotland and other such meaningless guff.

  13. Salmonella is a busted flush.

  14. I don't know what ALBA hope to achieve by having a leader who looks like a puff pastry but good luck to them.

    1. Apart from split the pro indy vote and potentially hand seats to unionist parties, they ain’t going to achieve anything.

    2. Anon at 10:33 pm ... and what do you look like?

  15. Have just printed off the “SNP wipe out” bingo card from Silvio Tattiesconnie on X” can’t wait to repost on Friday completely blank. Go SNP!
