Sunday, June 23, 2024

Two more constituency previews

No polls today as far as I can see, and no decent football results either, but I can at least offer you two more constituency profiles that I've written for The National. Glasgow South West is HERE and Glasgow West is HERE.

*  *  *

Although it's too late to register to vote, it's not too late to make sure that people who are registered also have the correct form of photo ID ready for 4th July.  If you know any independence supporter who may not have a passport or a photo driving licence, send them HERE to check if they have another type of acceptable photo ID, and if turns out they don't, send them HERE before the deadline of 5pm on Wednesday to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.


  1. Quoting Luke Tryl:

    "A consistent theme emerging in our (focus) groups between those who haven't yet made their minds up between the SNP/Labour in particular - what is the best Scottish contingent, is it bolstering Labour's majority and having MPs from the Governing party. Or is Scotland served by having SNP MPs as a distinctive Scottish voice in Parliament. That seems the key tension, obviously the reason they're wavering in the first place is because of SNP woes, but the decider of where they land is weighing up which delegation is best. Given how many seats that could break either way in Scotland if i were either the SNP or Labour i'd be spending my closing arguments trying to make the case that their delegation would be able to deliver the best."


    1. The BBC and MSM are doing the job of unionist labour in spreading their lies and disinformation. The Indy message is wilfully suppressed or distorted. That is in large part why labour are doing as well as they are in Scotland. Add to that the contingent of Indy supporters who intend voting labour for no reason other than their hatred of SNP, and their refusal to acknowledge the reality of YES not yet being the consistently majority position. They also run away from accepting responsibility for the consequences of how they vote, and resort to personal abuse when you hold them to account. Truth can do that to people.

  2. It seems the only people who hate Scotland more than Rangers fans is Alba

    1. Says the supporter of a Party who thinks Scotland is such a hateful bigoted country new laws were required to stop a supposed rising tide of hatred?

    2. 9:06 Typical of an SNPer to think that Scotland and the SNP are one and the same.

  3. Different game or don’t you know that.Curling doesn’t use balls. Of course curling only becomes important to the news media when it is the Winter Olympics and England claims any medal as its own.

    Congrats to Glasgow Warriers going to South Africa against all the odds playing with another shaped ball.

  4. I'm glad you posted that. It does let people see that there are people posting here who are not Scots and want to see Scotland fail. That is fine. No one is saying you have to like Scotland. However, people just need to remember that when they see the negative comments about Scotland's independence aspirations and parties.

  5. Well done Glasgow Warriors winning in South Africa at altitude - the Moss Heights flats being about the highest point in Glasgow. And not much mention on the media.
    Anon June 24 9.06am: I have been an Independence supporter, leaflet folder and deliverer, street stall staffer, campaign rooms staffer and money donar since the mid-60's. I am now an Alba member. Can you match my dedication to and work for Independence covering a period 60 active years? Please stop insulting those who worked for decades to promote Independence and the SNP. Too bad we believed in similar dedication from people who used the last ten years to trash the SNP. Thankfully the Independence movement is still alive and well.

    1. That's all very well Grouser but were you at the Edinburgh Pride march yesterday with our glorious new leader Honest John Swinney or were you one of those independence obsessive types
      wasting your time at the AUOB rally at Bannockburn?😉

    2. What do we want? FURRIES
      When do we want it? FUR!

    3. Another middle-aged baldie waving his rainbow flag. I thought it was Patrick Harvie at first.

    4. Never seen Swinney at an independence march.

  6. Anon at 9.40. That is simply a bare faced lie. You reveal yourself. Bare faced liar. Back to the Mail for you.

    1. I feel you are a vampire 🧛‍♂️ leading the faint into a dance of death in a a farrago of a Strindbergesque disaster.

  7. Anon at 9.40 has just disappeared.

    1. It wasn’t negative news about the SNP. It was bared faced lying, claiming Indy supporters are anti English.

  8. A possible explanation is that the SNP is running its campaigns with a lot of relatively inexperienced people who do not know the rules governing elections. There has undoubtedly been an exodus of experienced campaigners since 2021.

    1. After being in power for 17 years it's extremely worrying if they're using inexperienced staff unfamiliar with Parliamentary rules regarding elections.

  9. I think we just need to accept that, like the Tories, a lot of people are fed up with the SNP and want change. This is going to be a blow for the independence movement, no doubt, but I’m confident the SNP can recover.
    Hopefully things will be better come 2026, with the polis investigation well and truly in the rear view mirror, for one thing.
    With support for independence around 50%, independence isn’t going to go away. We just have to be in for the long haul and not throw in the towel.

    1. Wouldn't it be really bad for the SNP though if there's further charges and/or Peter Murrell is convicted of financial fraud? That backdrop in the lead up to the 2026 Holyrood election wouldn't be great.

    2. I’m thinking someone a little higher up and better known than him, who will overshadow Swinney’s term and then some.

    3. Anon at 12.45 and 1.34, stop making things up. The case against Murrell will not get to court, and no one else will be charged. It’s politically motivated skullduggery off the back of a complaint by one of the increasing number of useful idiots that the unionist authorities are making use of.

    4. Didn't realise we had Anon's here who worked for the Procurator Fiscal's Office. Hope you've let Peter know he's in the clear, don't wont him worrying!

      Can you let us know where that £600K went as well since there's apparently no longer a case to answer?

    5. Now now, we all know it was spent on Nicola's new motorhome...sorry, battlebus for the election campaign.

    6. Anon at 3.49pm you sound just like a Trump supporter.

  10. Finally received some election stuff from parties other than Jamie Stone, one from SNP and one from ALBA. The contrast between the two couldn't be more stark: the SNP was all about gender equality the ALBA centred on independence then issues affecting Caithness and Sutherland. Concise and straightforward. No contest really.

    1. An election leaflet only addressing gender issues? Is that true?

    2. I've had a pack of four leaflets, a newsletter from my MP and a general SNP leaflet in three separate drops and they have covered NHS, Waspi, tuition fees, taxation etc. but I've checked and none of them mention Gender ID. Is it a "thing" with your local candidate?

      I've also had one Labour and one Tory leaflet.

      None of the above had a stamp on from any of the parties. 🙃 Think they were all delivered by local party workers.

      There are eight candidates in total but none of the others have sent anything. Mildly surprised to see the SDP still exist and that Alex Cole Hamilton's wife is standing (for the Lib Dems).

    3. Did any of the SNP ones mention independence by any chance? You don't mention it in your list.

    4. Well I was asking HandandShrimp but I'll take your word for it.

    5. Only time SNP mention Indy is on a campaign leaflet . Funny thing that...

    6. If you read what WT said with care, he said the SNP leaflet was about gender *equality*, not gender *ID*. I would take that as meaning it was about equality for women, not the trans issue.

    7. Yes, several times. So did the Tory leaflet several times just in case people don't realise that SNP stand for independence.

      Labour are vaguer...but then they have been vague and coy about most things. Their leaflet mainly says we are definitely not the Tories. A fair selling point to be fair. .

    8. Thanks for the reply. I know what you mean, the Tories seem to talk about independence more than anyone!

  11. 'Se amadan a th'annad.

  12. Yes didn’t work out but will sail. High speed train to the north will never run despite the fact we paid for it. Sorry the north is really down south. Wish it true labour will shut Fergusons yard ?

  13. And England will get knocked out on penalties….as usual

    Still on sporting matters, what a result for Scottish Rugby on Saturday. Glasgow Warriors, champions of the URC. To win away from home in front of a 50000 strong partisan home support, at altitude in South Africa, when at one point they were 13 points down. Absolutely fantastic.

  14. Wait for Great British energy to cover us in wind farms so Engerland can have cheap " green" energy ; tax our oil to build nuckearpowervstaions

  15. Nuclear power stations and continue austerity.

  16. Football was invented by Scotland (south side of Glasgow to be specific) So pack it in with the football is coming home lie.

  17. Just to clarify SNP election communication does not mention independence at all. And yes it's about gender equality and women's issues. Headline bits about Cost of living and Education.

    1. That's depressing. There's no doubt independence is low on SNP priorities these days - it's not exactly inspiring you to get out and vote for them.

    2. I’ve got a leaflet today from SNP. It covers Cost of living crisis, soaring energy costs, housing costs, triple lock pensions and protecting the NHS. It calls for rejection of austerity. It talks of a fairer greener Independent Scotland. Which SNP candidate put out a leaflet on only the gender issue?

    3. Your initial post was a wee bit inaccurate it seems.

    4. Well not meant to be. I was talking about independence - the other issues are covered in three sentences each. There's no mistaking the difference between the ALBA and the SNP one. If I was able to show you a picture of both you would see what I mean. I live in Sutherland the SNP candidate is Dr. Lucy Beatie. The MP is Lib Dem Jamie Stone.

    5. Thanks for info. Have to wonder why there is no coordination amongst constituencies. Leading on a gender issue seems self defeating. The party seems rudderless at times. The leaflet I got gets it right.

  18. I've never had a leaflet or any kind of communication from Alba indicating anything, what do they stand for and what are they promising
    That last part is a bit of internet humour, but why should anybody vote for a party of nothing?

    1. Alba isn't my party but calling it a 'party of nothing' is manifestly unfair.

      At its commencement, it attracted a raft of high profile and high calibre activists, many (but not all) of whom have since left the party.

      Alba has consistently (and correctly, IMHO) stood up against the Saint Nicola SGP-aligned faction of the party pushing gender self-ID. Salmond also has a far better understanding of our North Sea oil & gas sector than Saint Nicola and Saint Nicola II ("Yousaf") ever will + you could extend that to north-east Scotland in general. Finally, he understood that economic competence is a litmus test for the Scots general public of any Scottish Government, whether of a YES or NO party.

      It's a real pity, therefore, that he has been so useless in leading Alba. Moreover, the governance of the party under him has been... questionable, or at best uneven. Some other prominent members of the party also come across as preening self-important clowns.

      Anyway, there it is, Alba has ended up on the sidelines when it could have far more salient to our national politics.

      Cheer up folks, Swinney is a massive improvement over Saint Nicola I and II. My vote is SNP.


    2. Wasn't Swinney Deputy First Minister and by Nicola's side during her entire time as leader though?

      He's literally the number 1 continuity candidate who could have replaced her but unlike Sturgeon & Salmond before her he doesn't possess any of the same charisma or ability to inspire people.

      If Nicola was a Saint, then Swinney was her deacon.

    3. I agree with 10:11 and 10:35.

      In retrospect, Alba was doomed from the start thanks to the media’s framing of Salmond as Scotland’s Worst Ever Sex Criminal. To hell with the jury, evidently! His polling remains apocalyptically unpopular. And so the hideously unfair and false narrative that delightful saddo Dr. Jim keeps on frothing just writes itself. Alba is just not a viable vehicle for most folk, and never was.

      Whoever coordinated that hit job on Salmond achieved all their aims magnificently. They got the neutered SNP they wished and poisoned the well of the independence movement, which fails to form a viable alternative. Top notch work.

    4. “Whoever coordinated” everyone knows it was Sturgeon and her husband Murrell.

  19. I've already voted, and the only election communication I got through the letterbox before or since was from the Lib Dems.

    1. Funny, I thought that was just an Edinburgh West thing. The Lib Dems must be minted! My sympathies to the wasted trees, sacrificed to their infamously dodgy bar charts.

      I habitually toss objectionable shite when it arrives, and when it’s unionist shite I don’t even read it. All those liberal ones are already off to recycling. The SNP did send one leaflet here though, small and vague. Haven’t spotted any from any other party.

      TBH, this ultra unionist seat’s so safe no one needs to send a leaflet. Well, besides the indy4indy I’ve heard is running here. There are two independents, and I don’t know which one’s which or what the other stands for. Even a politics nerd cannae tell who you are!
