Monday, May 7, 2018

Saturday's march in pictures

I know you've already seen hundreds of these over the last 48 hours, but just for the hell of it, here's how Saturday's march looked from my vantage-point(s).  One thing I enjoyed about it was the chance to see Glasgow with fresh eyes - although I'd been on almost all of the streets before, they somehow knit together differently when you take an unfamiliar route.  You also have more time to look around you and take it all in when you're walking right down the middle of the road very slowly.

As you can see, I was sporting some designer stubble and a hangover for the occasion.  (NB: Not really a hangover - just lack of sleep.  11.30am on a Saturday, guys?  What were you trying to do - finish us off for good?)


  1. What a great set of pictures. Thanks.

  2. Wonderful. And such a friendly and united gathering. It reminds me of the march against going to war in Iraq. There was no bad language or nastiness from the crowd just determined good nature . I remember looking at the street bins which were full and people had placed their rubbish beside them rather than toss it away. I thought it said a lot about the marchers.

  3. I appear to have snuck into one of your pictures :)

    What a great day it was. So good-natured and happy. A Sheryl Crow song entered my mind as we passed the wee coterie at the bottom of Union Street

    If it makes you happy
    Then why the hell are you so sad?

    That tiny cluster of anger aside it was such a joyful day. So much so I am considering either Bannockburn or Dumfries as a fun day out.

    1. Knickerless nat sis like waving flags. As long as there's blue in them. EU Tory lovers.

    2. Too weird.

    3. I like the idea of going to Dumfries, Bannockburn and Inverness. It would be great to meet in different towns every month, mainland and islands.

  4. James, you looked a wee bit glum, not a good advert! Stay aff the vino collapso. I do hope you enjoyed flagwaving day.

    1. State of this and its cringing envy.

    2. "James, you looked a wee bit glum"

      I was thinking about your contribution to this blog.

    3. Kudos, sir. Kudos.

  5. James, Did you happen to see the Alan Carr impersonator with the other Union Jack wagglers? I don't suppose Alan Carr would be overjoyed his fan is also a fan of nazi salutes.

    1. Dear Herman Taylor it was just camera work and the paper did say 'alleged'.
      You will note he was not standing to attention like you nat sis do!

    2. And Mister German Herman fan, forgot to say we saw you nat sis goose stepping in Glesgae and waggling your jockey natty flags too.

    3. State of this racist gibberish.

  6. Seig heil to you too Herr Doktor Geobbels who hasn't even got a name. Probly Adolf.

    1. Getting the practice in, I see...

  7. I see the wee resident troll is aye here.

    1. Pretty much. I don't think it has anything else going on in its life to occupy it. This site fills the void of human contact for it.

    2. The nat sis standing out in the void in a public park in Glasgow with their flags almost made me feel sorry for them moreso with the mental heath issues that seem to prevail in Scotland.
