Monday, July 11, 2016

Mother Theresa

Just to prove that this blog can match the respect for democracy shown by those whoopin', cheerin', laughin', seamstress-mum-lovin' Labour plotters, I am delighted to report that these are the results of a poll I've just run on Twitter...

Should the title of my next blogpost be 'May Day' or 'Mother Theresa'?

'May Day' : 76%
'Mother Theresa' : 24%

Congratulations, Theresa May, on being confirmed as the next Prime Minister of your country. Just a gentle reminder : we no longer want to be part of your country.

* * *

I'm sure we were all moved by the constant claims during the US primary season that "only in America can the son of a penniless Cuban immigrant become a candidate for President". But frankly, who cares? Surely Britain is the only country in the world where the daughter of a seamstress can front an establishment coup. This is the real land of opportunity.

* * *

Clarification is being urgently sought on whether Theresa May's mother was a seamstress. Her position may yet be untenable by the end of the day.

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Nigel Farage declared on the morning after the referendum that a "Brexit government" was required. Odd that he then declared his life's work to have been achieved and vanished in a puff of smoke before bothering to find out whether there was even going to be a Brexit Prime Minister.

* * *

Until today, there were real concerns that the Tory party might end up looking fractionally more democratic than Labour by the end of the summer. Happily, that calamity has been averted.


  1. Bumblefuck tories for unityJuly 11, 2016 at 2:16 PM

    Andy Hearn ‏@AndyHearn09 11 minutes ago
    Surely we can't hold credible General election in 2016 until cheating in General election 2015 is properly addressed? #toryelectionfraud

    mutable joe ‏@mutablejoe 52m
    join us next week on "British Politics" for more drunk mud wrestling in an unlicensed clown abattoir

  2. One Nation Tories! The one nation being England. May's first act: more WMD for Scotland - against Scotland's wishes. Thatcher II right enough.

  3. Yeah, what happened to the election fraud stuff? That seems to have fallen by the wayside ever since the UK decided to turn itself into the world's court jester.

    1. westminster bubble buffoonsJuly 11, 2016 at 2:57 PM

      I'm sure the BBC and Tory Kuenssberg will be along any minute to do some actual reporting for a change.


  4. I'm confused here. Surely the procedure should be that the last person eliminated gets to go to the ballot.

    1. There was a lawyer on Twitter who said that Gove should have been reinstated on a strict reading of the rules, but we all know that the Tories make up the rules as they go on. They're even worse than Labour in that respect.

    2. Glasgow Working Class 2July 11, 2016 at 6:56 PM

      And you have the Nat si leadership handing out edicts like we will remain in NATO and we will keep the monarchy and the little Nat sis comply. Whatever did happen to the Nat si left!
      The Nat sis are are probably the most controlled party in the history of the UK. Herman Joseph Go balls would be proud of them.

  5. Then again perhaps they've had a heads up about the electoral fraud thing not going their way so want a change of leader out of the way before they lose their majority.

  6. Its OK, don't panic!, don't panic!-----RuthieCult* and Mundellino think she is the bee's knees, even though her attitude to non-straights is not exactly the best.
    Cant quite figure that out.

  7. The 27 will have only so much patience. I would imagine by now that it is wearing pretty thin.

    Does anyone think that the Commission Negotiation team is quivering in their shoes at the prospect of having to deal with these numpties?

  8. So, snap election to exploit Labour's shambles and get a cast-iron majority to let them do what they want? (Reminder, they want to roll back the state, privatise everything in sight and destroy civil liberties and human rights).

    1. The Chicken ToriesJuly 11, 2016 at 5:33 PM

      "So, snap election to exploit Labour's shambles"

      I doubt anyone could be certain at this point May wouldn't then quit since it appears to be so many tories hilarious kneejerk response to any election at this point. (Should the tories be dumb enough to rush to the electorate of course.)

      Labour and the tories are a complete laughing stock though it's only the westminster bubble incompetents who somehow don't appear to have noticed.

  9. Gove for Dalai LamaJuly 11, 2016 at 5:22 PM

    Nice to know the Tories are keen on Theresa May's womb. Is the other mad woman still an MP?

  10. Glasgow Working Class 2July 11, 2016 at 6:45 PM

    James, how do you justify usuing the term 'we'. I want to be part of the Union along with two million others. And when we brexit from the corrupt EU and the economy stabilises the Jocks will know where their bread is buttered.

    1. Glasgow Working Class 2July 11, 2016 at 7:24 PM

      The above poster has demonstrated limited vocabulary and is a narrowback Nat si who probably thinks the world began with the birth of christ. As well as being an erse tae boot.

  11. Glasgow Working Class 2July 11, 2016 at 9:41 PM

    Your Nat si attempts at ridicule are pathetic.

    You Jocks are a lesser form of life and unfit to take part in democratic suffrage, that's why you cling to your totalitarian, one party state ethos.

    Nat Si scum.

    1. The poster above is a far-right racist troll

  12. Glasgow Working Class 2July 11, 2016 at 11:07 PM

    Oh by the way, did I tell you that I am a wanker?

  13. Glasgow Working Class 2July 11, 2016 at 11:11 PM

    Mummy made me do it.
