Obviously a week late, but this is, hand on heart, what I put in the sweepstake form that I always end up filling in for my sister's work. Actually, it shouldn't be too hard to believe that this was my genuine prediction, given that I've already got the Ireland v Wales result wrong!
Weekend 1 :
France to beat Italy by 20 or more
England to beat Scotland by 1-9
Ireland to beat Wales by 1-9
Weekend 2 :
England to beat Italy by 10-19
France to beat Ireland by 1-9
Wales to beat Scotland by 10-19
Weekend 3 :
Ireland to beat Italy by 10-19
England to beat Wales by 1-9
France to beat Scotland by 1-9
Weekend 4 :
Wales to beat Italy by 10-19
Ireland to beat Scotland by 10-19
France to beat England by 1-9
Weekend 5 :
Scotland to beat Italy by 1-9
Wales to beat France by 1-9
England to beat Ireland by 1-9
France 4 Wins
England 4 Wins
Wales 3 Wins
Ireland 3 Wins
Scotland 1 Win
Italy 0 Wins
Believe it or not, we actually finished fourth in the Rugby World Cup sweepstake back in the autumn, and won the princely sum of £10, which just about covered the cost of the entrance fee. I later discovered that there's an ironic £5 prize for finishing last, which sounds like a lot less effort somehow.
It will be interesting to see how this works out. It adds a little spice to waiting for the results. Thanks.