Saturday, March 8, 2025

Labour's uncertainty transformed into despair using empirical strategies: Reform UK take the lead for the first time ever in any "Freshwater poll" (nope, me neither)

I'm slightly baffled by this poll, because it's billed as the latest in a monthly series of polls by a firm called "Freshwater Strategies" on behalf of City AM, but I can't find much trace of the previous polls in the series.  Freshwater are not listed as a member of the British Polling Council (although amazingly there are members called "Walnut Unlimited" and "Yonder Consulting").  They appear to be an Australian firm, albeit with a secondary office in London, and their Twitter self-description is soul-destroying corporate gibberish: "we transform uncertainty into opportunity using empirical strategies".  Of course you do, guys.

GB-wide voting intentions (Freshwater Strategies / City AM, 28th February - 2nd March 2025):

Reform UK 27%
Labour 24%
Conservatives 23%
Liberal Democrats 15%
Greens 7%
SNP 3%

Whoever did the write-up for City AM was fairly clueless, because they described the SNP as being on "just" 3%, whereas in fact that's a healthy showing for the SNP in a GB-wide poll.  It's clearly stated that Reform UK have "surged" and are in the lead for the first time in the monthly series, which is surprising, because other firms are suggesting Reform may have dropped back just a touch recently.

*  *  *

I launched the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser for 2025 in January, and so far the running total stands at £1661, meaning that 24% of the target of £6800 has been raised.  If you'd like to help Scot Goes Pop continue with poll analysis and truly independent political commentary for another year, donations are welcome HERE.  Direct Paypal donations can also be made - my Paypal email address is:


  1. A massive "nobody is winning" again then.

    1. Not at all. It's pretty clear who is losing, at any rate.

    2. I put a reasoned respond to your comment and you deleted it. Why?

  2. Swinney NEEDS tae GET A GRIP and stoap this before it gets introduced here. Or maybe not if there are some votes for the SNP in the offer. Two tier Kier is going to introduce a requirement for pre sentence reports if you are an ethnic minority.

    How will this apply to Polish or the Gypsy community for example who tend generally to be AS HUMZA SAYS "white" What about trans people (men who get a certificate that turns them into a WOMAN). A lot of them are white, as per the BBC. Trans people are a minority group but a lot of them seem to be white according to the BBC.

    What are we going to do. Maybe Nicola has the answer?

    1. Or maybe you shouldn’t post after you’ve been on the bevvy?

    2. The pubs open early in Bath.

  3. James, have you any comment on what is happening in Syria? I was there 50 years ago. A lot has changed.

  4. "Freshwater Strategies" on behalf of City AM. Have a look at who funds them. Ah think marmalade man.. is he up tae something?

    Trump, yon Musk laddy and yon lassie VONDERLION is behind this I tell ye. It's awe dugs baws. There is NO WAY Reform can be the leading the nationwide polls.

    WE need tae get the election in 2026 all aboot INDY, get it on the ballot in 2026 as if Farage gets in we will get DOGE, sensible governance and INDY indy OVER THE LINE.Yon Reform, they will dress that up as NEW deal for Scotland and the ordinary Scoatish voters will suck that up ( they are thick after awe).

    They dinney waant inflation, the value of their hoose put at risk, heating bills goin through yon roof. The Chinese and everey other fanny seeling us oil and gas at toap prices when we have oor ane a few miles aff Aberdeen.

    Indy will be ok, trust me.

    1. "nationwide"?

    2. I hope people are putting 10p in the False Consciousness Swearbox every time they say "Brit Nat".

    3. "nationwide"?

      There are always so many tells when people try to be Scottish

  5. Yon Nicola hus faily "chunked up" Swinney needs ta get a JUICE tax to protect the weans. Where LORNA fails Swinney will prevail.

  6. City A M sees itself as part of the “disruptive media sector”. Farage views himself as a “disrupter”. It’s an agenda driven publication, not a newspaper. Join the dots. Newspapers no longer exist in the U K. They all have an agenda driven editorial policy. Any poll instructed and funded by City F M should be looked at accordingly. Loaded questions can determine poll results. Reform are already in decline.

  7. Would anyone care to set a time by which a major switch from Tory to Reform will happen if it's going to happen? (That's really in a UK context, with a view to 2029.)
    And meanwhile, the blog may like to note a McEleny / Alba cash consequences story in the Record:

    1. Given Reform are ahead from nowhere that has already happened wouldn't we say? Do you mean even more of a switch?

    2. Anon 8.09 That applies to England not Scotland.

  8. In macroeconomics, freshwater refers to school of thought that said that economic fluctuations were rational/optimal and any government attempts to mitigate them would just make things worse. Named after institutions on the great lakes like university of Chicago, as opposed to saltwater institutions like MIT in Boston, who favoured more interventionist policy... Freshwater vs Saltwater can be read almost as thatcherite vs social democrat on economic policy... Not sure if that's relevant here
