Wednesday, March 12, 2025

No, of course Sturgeon's departure doesn't end the independence campaign for a generation. Don't be silly.

Iain Macwhirter has concluded his (predictably scathing) Spectator piece about Nicola Sturgeon's departure from the Scottish Parliament by declaring that hopes of independence are now finished for the next generation.  That's obviously nonsense, and it reminds me of the STV reporter who concluded his report on the Livingston by-election in 2005 by declaring "the SNP's dreams of taking power at the next Holyrood election now lie in TATTERS".  Of course the SNP did actually take power at the following Holyrood election less than two years later.  The lesson is that pundits are often extremely bad at predicting the medium-term future, not least because it's not as simple a task as just crudely extrapolating from present-day trends.  Those trends can often go into complete reverse (as we've already seen in the last few months), totally unexpected events can occur and the prevailing political mood can turn on its head.

It's not even clear that Nicola Sturgeon doesn't still have a role to play in bringing independence about.  She's occasionally been touted as a potential figurehead for a future Yes campaign, and she could just as easily do that from outside parliament as from within.  Such a prospect wouldn't even particularly fill me with horror as long as she wasn't making strategic or policy decisions and was just lending her immense communication skills to the cause.  However, whether it would be a good idea or bad idea depends on whether her reputation recovers.  Polling a few months after her resignation as First Minister suggested her popularity had plummeted.

There are two potentially positive aspects to her departure: a) it might draw a line under the Salmond v Sturgeon war and allow the schism in the independence movement to be at least partially healed, and b) it might bring an end to her 'overlordship' over the present-day SNP and ease the sense that the faction she controls never truly left power.  Obviously those two points are linked, because the Salmond v Sturgeon war will never be truly over if one of the main combatants is still pulling the strings.  There's no guarantee that the Sturgeon Raj will end simply because she is no longer in the debating chamber, but we've seen in the past that backseat drivers can only drive for so long, especially from outside parliament, so perhaps this is the defining moment when John Swinney and Kate Forbes can start to fully break with the shackles of the past and shape the Scottish Government in their own image.

Ironically, there are negatives to that, because towards the end of her tenure, Sturgeon had it basically right on independence strategy (backing a de facto referendum) while Swinney, Forbes, Yousaf, etc all had it wrong.  But the chances of Sturgeon returning to the top job on a platform of radicalising the independence strategy were always negligible, so perhaps there's nothing to really be lost at this point as she vacates the stage.  And of course it neatly shields the SNP from any fallout if she and people close to her run into any legal complications.  


  1. First Question on Debate Night from Cumbernauld-

    " What will Nicola Sturgeon's legacy be?

    I would sum that up by saying she over promised and rarely delivered.

    An audience member ( an independence supporter but no longer an SNP supporter ) described the comments by the panel on Sturgeon's legacy as " polishing a turd ". Pretty crude comment for television but hard to say he was wrong.

    1. You are a disgrace to Scotland IFS

    2. Any particular reason for you holding that opinion?

    3. Set up— I used to be snp but now. Usual lies and ifs repeats them

    4. Ifs the poor man’s traitor.

    5. 11.45pm - just how do you know the guy was lying ? You don't do you. Fulton MacGregor SNP on the panel was just terrible at trying to big up Sturgeon's legacy. You would have thought she could have handed out a script to her colleagues.

      11.50pm - typical troll. I support Scottish independence you on the other hand are an anonymous troll.

    6. Ifs you are Anonymous but still traitorous.

    7. You are right IFS, I think Sturgeon will be remembered in history as the criminal she is. She should be in jail. Perverting the course of justice should get you 2 years in the pokey. even Jack McConnell has more legacy as FM than she.

    8. Idiot for Scotland rightly being called out. If I had a euro for every time I heard “I used to be….”. Aye right. There are serious issues to be discussed moving forward. We need to get De Facto referendum right back to the top of the agenda. E mail J S and K F and make that point. In the meantime IFS can GTF.

    9. 908 ifs trying to be anon!

    10. Anon at 9.14am - I have been calling for a de facto referendum on SGP since 2020. You have taken 5 years to catch up and agree with me but you call me the idiot. It's seems you are a very slow learner - like a lot of SNP loyalists - you suffer from learning difficulties. The fact you do not even recognise your problem suggests that posting on a public forum is best for you as an anonymous poster.

    11. Anon at 10.28am - not me at 9.08am. Your obsession with me is very disturbing. Get a hobby before your problem gets worse.

    12. There are some disturbed and quite frankly scary posters on SGP these days who refuse to address basic facts.

      1. The SNP has lost approx 70,000 members in recent years.

      2. The SNP has seen its vote share decrease from 45-49% to 30-35% in recent years.

      3. Independence has remained approx at 50% of the vote.

      Yet these weird and disturbing posters on SGP seem to think I am the only person dissatisfied with the SNP. They imagine other anon posters are me. They imagine anyone who says they used to be an SNP supporter but still are independence supporters are unionists or traitors. Are these people plain mad or just as thick as anyone can be?

  2. Given what sturgeon has done for the independence movement and what IFS has done you are a sad person.

    1. It's very sad that so many people are dumb enough to be taken in by the devolutionists in the SNP leadership - past and present since 2014 - Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney.

    2. Spot on mate, IFS is an absolute disgrace of a human.

    3. But surely IFS's legacy is clear for all to see. He/she has achieved ... eh ... give me a minute ... oh, is that the time ... later

    4. Sturgeon did fuck all for independence ya balloon

    5. Anon at. 9.05. How are things in Alba land?

    6. If it was a choice between Sturgeon and IFS being catapulted unto Bute House tomorrow I'd be happier with IFS.

    7. Catapulted into? What does that mean, and would it not hurt a lot?? Seems cruel.

    8. There's one of those two that would do something positive for Scotland.
      And he could be house-trained later.

  3. What's Salmond's legacy? In the end he lost the referendum he didn't ask for, he wanted devo max and Cameron wouldn't give it to him, got himself embroiled in sex scandals and came out of that badly, then he tried to get rid of get rid of Nicola Sturgeon and couldn't do that either
    So probably the biggest failure in Scottish politics ever was Alex Salmond

    1. 1151 mysogenist, homophobe should fit well with reform.

    2. 8:30, Uses big words like misogynist that he can't spell. Should fit in well with Reform🤣

    3. IFS has a wee pal on with him today. That’s nice.

    4. Tomlin @ 11.51am

    5. Anon at 9.12. When you say “like” do you mean “such as”? If you are going to try to be a smart ass try not to end up being just an ass. Silly billy.

    6. 10:40, What's the matter, pet? Was it you who couldn't spell misogynist? I notice you didn't try a second time.🤣

  4. Kate Forbes will never be FM now, she blew it during the leadership contest so the party won't be giving her the chance of that job again
    Following John Swinney's term it's more likely to be someone like Jenny Gilruth
    Independence will not come as a result of Holyrood now since Nicola Sturgeon educated Scotland by exposing the English control of the supreme court and its rulings

    1. I'm sorry but that's complete rubbish. A Forbes v Gilruth contest would result in a Forbes landslide.

    2. It's mad dog Dr Jim again at 11.38pm so it's no surprise it is rubbish. Gilruth is just another member of Sturgeon's gang and you would be as well electing Kezia Dugdale as leader of the SNP.

    3. I am permitted to confirm that the liklihood of Kezia Dugdale's proposing herself as leader of the SNP is low. As Baroness Szapská expressed it with her noted vim and vigour, and not without an element of dark humour given her family's tragic history: As likely as lobster on the menu in the gulag.

    4. Anon at 8.25. Zzzzzzzzz. Kate Forbes would win if a leadership contest was held tomorrow. And would need to be pressured to bring Indy right back to the top of the SNP agenda.

    5. Tomlin @ 11.38

    6. James Kelly might wish to consider the following quotation
      'The lesson is that pundits are often extremely bad at predicting the medium-term future, not least because it's not as simple a task as just crudely extrapolating from present-day trends. Those trends can often go into complete reverse (as we've already seen in the last few months), totally unexpected events can occur and the prevailing political mood can turn on its head.'

    7. I doubt there would be any landslide if Forbes was asked if she thinks that Gilruth's sexuality was Satanic. And she would be.

  5. My main issue atm: For the past year it's been as if Sturgeon has already left. Her attendance at Parliament to do her actual job has been appalling...

    She's still an elected MSP and being paid as such but she seems to prefer to go off into the sunset and shill her book rather than represent her constitutions which should still be doing for the next 14 months. The SNP have criticised others in the past for the role of an MSP not being a part-time job. But Sturgeon is acting like it's behind her already.

    1. She committed her life to independence unlike many posters here. Also under the threat of the political motivated attacks through branchform. Wouldn’t surprise me if one of the complainants is a regular on here.

    2. Anon at 11.54 ... you don't know where she was. Just because she was rarely visible in the debating chamber doesn't mean she wasn't working on constituency matters.

    3. Anon@9:09 And you don't know where she was either (unless you're Big Val McDiarmid).

    4. Nicola is a shameless hypocrite. There is no defence for her appalling attendance in Holyrood. If she’s not up for it any more: quit your seat and let Glasgow elect someone else to represent them. FFS.

    5. Anon at 12.03. Clueless as to the main duties and time allocation of MSPs.

    6. Anon@1:00. Just clueless😁😁😁

    7. Since Sturgeon resigned as FM due to being tired ( or so she says) I doubt you would need more than your ten fingers to count the number of her appearances at Holyrood.

    8. "Clueless as to the main duties and time allocation of MSPs."

      Strange how every single other MSP managed to attend Parliament significantly more. Though I guess few of them had a book to shill.

  6. Alex wasn't a finisher and his big problem was he didn't want anyone else, most particularly Sturgeon, who was the one who really made the decision to go for it in 2014, to finish that job either. You're right, he was wedded to Westminster, preferred it to Scotland, was more committed to devo-max and was a political butterfly who flitted about all over the place and preferred his comfort blanket of playing the occasional troublesome terrier teaser king of the road within the Westminster environment. Pied piper in the small Scotland sea - but Westminster's man at heart.

    1. Not falling for the trolling mate, you can give it up.

    2. That’s nonsense. I think Salmond in the end let himself, Scotland and his party down. He wasn’t behaving as an FM should behind the scenes - but I do not believe for a second that he preferred Westminster to Scotland or that he preferred devomax to Indy. Both Salmond and Sturgeon fought to secure Scotland’s independence when they were FM. I don’t know where independence goes without them. With Forbes and Swinney the SNP is never going to appeal to younger voters - I don’t know what that means for the future. Forbes vision for Scotland may appeal to more traditional no voters but what about the younger voters who want Scotland to become a progressive country like Norway and the other Scandi countries? We’re a bit lost just now politically.

    3. K F appeals to younger voters in my constituency. The tiny minority that hijacked Indy to pursue their own agenda are
      being quietly sidelined and the incompetents in the Green Party have been put in their place. They were the ones promoting damaging narratives against K F based on their arrogant assumptions that their beliefs trump everyone elses. N S let us down badly and tarnished her legacy. We can move on from here. De facto referendum. K F needs to be pressed on this. Get e mailing.

  7. Many people seem to think Sturgeon was the back seat driver of Swinney. I don't think so, I think he's been ditching the diabolical BHA Green nonsense just as fast as he can and doing his best to restore competence after the rubbish Slater and Harvie cooked up at the cost of hundreds of millions maybe billions. Latest being the stupid heat pumps which at £30,000 nobody in an older building apart from on your bike Harvie can afford.

    All that's needed now maybe is to drop the stupid ScotGov guidance on self-id without a certificate allowing full-blown meat and two veg in women's spaces at a potential cost of more hundreds of millions to public bodies. Saying it's their responsibility is just ducking the issue - it's the ScotGov guidance that's at fault and always was, despite their previous promises to observe the 2010 Equalities.

    With all that stupid excessive green stuff gone, it could be plain sailing for the SNP in 2026 as long as Independence is - GENUINELY - at the front and centre of the campaign.

    As for Sturgeon, yes she has a part to play in Independence. But not as head of it or any official position. She should do her own thing, where she could be extremely effective as an ex-FM with the eye of the media. A high profile maverick.

    1. Aye yesindyref2
      And there's the nub o it:

      With all that stupid excessive green stuff gone, it could be plain sailing for the SNP in 2026 as long as Independence is - GENUINELY - at the front and centre of the campaign.

      There are many who have no faith that deceitful devolutionist Swinney will grab that massive opportunity and run with it.

      He could be the man remembered for ever as having restored Scotlands independent status.

      A lot of people just can not imagine that he will reverse his established pattern of a life time and DO SOMETHING BOLD!

    2. Agree with you apart from NS . I think she may be damaged goods. I have been pointing out for weeks that J S seems to be neutralising the divisive element. He does however need to bring Indy back to being priority number 1 of the SNP.

    3. Swinney will never do that. He’s a Brit.

    4. Anon at -2.04. Just go away. He has dedicated a big part of his life to seeking Indy. You? SFA.

    5. Yesindyref2 - you continually live in a world of delusion. You continually live in a world where you turn a blind eye to Sturgeon and her gang's criminal conspiracy to send Salmond to jail and Swinney's long list of cover up activities.
      It seems some people will just turn the other way to wrongdoing because they hope the people involved may actually do something about independence. I told you years ago they wouldn't and they didn't because they are grifters/devolutionists.

      Its people like you and anon at 12.10pm that have taken us to where we are now.

    6. You are a self confessed member of the do SFA party. You have never knocked a door, distributed a leaflet or staffed an Indy stall. Nothing. Ever. Nasty wee keyboard warrior and a track record for speculation and on occasion outright lies. Stick to wings. More your style.

    7. Anon at 12.57 - you don't even have the wherewithal to address your post properly. You don't know me so you just post lies. I have never confessed anything to you. I'm not on Wings but been posting on SGP since 2020. You - this could be your first ever post as you are anon but the reference to "Stick to Wings" identifies you as the troll who posts nothing but abuse and gives no opinions on anything.

    8. Yet you immediately replied? Do you find everything this difficult? Life must be hard for you. Take a wee break. And tell your wee pal to do the same.

    9. Anon troll at 3.20pm - easy dealing with numpties like you. All you say is go away😂😂😂😂😂 - been dealing with trolls like you since 2020 - nothing but a vacuum where a brain should be.

  8. On the whole I'm glad that Sturgeon has decided to go. Whatever her abilities, far too politically controlling and faddish.

    Now is the time for an organised and determined campaign, inside the SNP, for accounability to the membership of all elected representatives and an electoral offer for socially inclusive and community well being policies linked to a gradual disengagement from the UK based on a new majority.

    It's unlikely that if any success is achieved by this strategy the present leadership would last. So be it, Scotland needs to replace 'the suits' with a leadership from the Mandela, Zelenskyy moulds.

    1. What lies ahead for Zelensky is nothing anyone in Scotland wants a piece of, sadly.

    2. Gradual disengagement. What do mean you mean by this? Genuine question Alt Clut. Please take it in that spirit. Refreshingly we do have some genuine discussions going on here.

  9. This has been needing to happen for some time. One way or another the Salmond / Sturgeon feud is over. Anybody who still hangs onto that from now on is just making unnecessary trouble.
    I think Swinney needs to rethink too. He's yesterday's man. A final campaign push to endorse KF as leader is the way to go. The blue hairs will froth but they have a natural home at the Scottish Greens.
    I don't really like the idea of Sturgeon contributing anything to independence going forward other than an international ambassador role, which would suit her very well. At a domestic level she has too much baggage and if I'm brutally honest, she never lived up to expectations. I'll never fathom why she allowed the SNP to become so hopelessly derailed by gender politics. Only she can know and it surely must be a matter of great regret for her. I see her like Alec Guinness at the end of The Bridge over the River Kwai: 'What have I done?'

    1. A very sensible post. Wait for the unionist frothers to pile in claiming they used to be SNP/Indy etc.

    2. Yes, an excellent post.

    3. She will actively undermine all efforts towards independence. Mark my words. She’s bought.

    4. Anon at 12.07. Just go away. Some really good posts here. Positive.

    5. I've been here longer than you.

      What's so positive, btw? Is Swinney going to announce the plan Nicola kept secret from us for a decade?

      If you want to die with a British passport and an SNP Scotgov safely in place, sooking up all the juicy union gravy, good for you. Do not, however, mistake this for "independence."

    6. Anon at 1.44. Daytime drinking isn’t good for you. Away back to Alba land.

    7. Anon at 3.18pm is the same troll posting his many micro troll posts all over SGP telling people to go away. Reminds me of David Francis he was always telling people to go away somewhere.

  10. Most people are actually relieved she is stepping aside. She had become a divisive figure, and had lost credibility to an extend as ' the First Minister that cried referendum' but never a referendum to be found. It clears the decks to some extend and we now need the wider Yes movement to come back together and devise a strategy of direct action, as winning within the UK rules will never happen. The Trade Unions, pro palestine groups, Alba, Greens, Yes Scotland, SNP, Cairde Na Eireann and others, all came together to protest against Starmer at SECC. The bedrock of a consolidated movement is there, what we need is a Leader.

    1. Exactly. For avoidance of any doubt: Not NS

    2. Anon at 9.34. Well said. The departure of N S may prove pivotal.

  11. Most people? 10 folk in ALBA doesn’t count. So many critics shout udi, referendum now, independence. That’s all they do shout.

  12. Who will IFS and wings pour their bile on now? Doing the britnats work free of charge.

    1. Anon at 10.32am - it's not bile its the truth. You just don't like the truth because it makes you feel like the fool you are for believing in Sturgeon.

    2. What is the truth? Care to narrow it down? It’s click bait for the mouth frothers and it works. Read the btl. Campbell does the Indy movement a favour by attracting an element that I don’t want anywhere near the Indy movement. That element includes you.

    3. Anon at 12.24pm - I have been narrowing it down on SGP since 2020. Where have you been. You do not get to tell people not to support independence. You are just some anon and this could be your first ever post on SGP.

    4. My first? If only it was your last. Now back to WOS.

    5. Anon troll at 3.16pm you don't get to tell me what to do with your repetitive and pathetic "go away or go back to " stuff that shows a paucity of intellect.

    6. He’s a tiresome gobshite, whoever he is. Though, to his credit, he wastes less keystrokes than Davey Francis.

      Anyone really thinks we’re stuck in the UK because of blog comments? Do you need help?

  13. "It's not even clear that Nicola Sturgeon doesn't still have a role to play in bringing independence about. She's occasionally been touted as a potential figurehead for a future Yes campaign, and she could just as easily do that from outside parliament as from within." - No! Please make it not so!

    Nicola, just go retire and drink tea and read novels someplace. Bye bye. You won't be missed.

    We don't want her "Raj" sticking around either.

    Future of Indy requires Saint Nicola and her acolytes to disappear off the stage. They are not wanted.

    1. Oh but they do want to keep the party safe for their pals in London.

      Don't expect them to just fade away. You've seen their proposal to make leadership challenges impossible, haven't you? That's a move you do when you reckon you're still (just about) in control.

  14. Every time I read the comments on SGP all I see is people finding ways to disagree with one another. Scotland will never be independent because you're all weak and easily distracted.

    1. The announced departure of N S has actually resulted in positive discussions this morning, leaving aside IFS. N Sdisappointed me and many others I know. No hatred from me, just relief she has gone.

  15. nikki killed indy

    and she also killed my nana in the old folks home with the covid

    - but I inherited a massive house, mortgage free, so swings and roundabouts, good and bad

    maybe covid was the assisted-dying before we realised we needed it

    maybe lucy letby was just doing her bit for net zero; do you know how much carbon a human being creates in a lifetime?

    selfish weeping bereavement parents need to think big picture

    sturgeon is like the lucy letby of indy, except she got away with it

    1. Sadly true.

      I believed in her too. Every benefit of the doubt. But when she knifed Scotland in the front with her “supreme” court con, she revealed who and what she really was.

      Sterling work, Dame Nicola.

    2. Back to wings for you two.

    3. Other turns of phrase are also available, Mr. Zzzzzz

    4. But not so apt. Try harder silly billy. Zzzzzzzzzz

    5. Nah, it’s you. Away to z!

  16. Good riddance to an era of failure - NS and the whole lot of them.
    Time to start afresh & look forward.
    Kate Forbes is the way.

    1. I wish.

      Honestly, I'd love for Kate to take over Scotgov and to prove herself the canny, sharp, intelligent antidote to a decade of wasted opportunities. I truly would. Lead us to indy, Kate, give us the date and we will rally together like it's 2014!

      But do I expect it? Does anything she's said in recent times suggest she's interested in going further than "we asked for a section 30 and they said no again"?

  17. I am glad she is gone but the rest of your post is nonsense. Drop the hatred.

  18. Grousebeater on Sturgeon:- " Failed politician who tried to have Salmond jailed for life praised by Sookie Scots"

    1. Stay classy, Grouse.

    2. Salmond’s dead. Nicola Sturgeons going. Who will your bile attach to now? When are you giving us independence. It’s so easy apparently.

    3. Stay accurate.

    4. Nobody was trying to get Salmond 'jailed for life'. That was Alex's in denial get sympathy narrative because he made a pillock of himself and was too embarrassed at himself to admit it how mediocre his idiocy was - so a big conspiracy drama had to be confected so that he looked less of an ordinary man. Nobody wanted him jailed, he didn't even have to go to court - all he had to do was participate in the internal enquiry - but he demanded that Nicola Sturgeon put a stop to that. His knee-jerk umbrage was that as First Minister she didn't give in to his demand and she remained outwith the process - a process which he set in motion and didn't need to.

  19. Ifs doesn’t want independence. He just wants to greet in his own wee socialist red soaked hankie shouting freedom.

    1. Anon at 1.46pm aren't you the same anon troll who said I was a Tory. Please make up your mind. Your trolling is pathetic.

    2. Aren’t socialists and tories the same thing these days?

    3. Anon idiot at 3.33pm - only on planet troll are they the same.

  20. Scotland's decolonisation process has begun with the submission of Scotland's case to the United Nation's Special Committee on Decolonisation.

    Good to see someone trying to get us out from Westminster's clutches.

    All you SNP loyalists - the ones who actually want independence - not the pretendy devolutionists - should ask themselves what have the SNP done in the last ten years other than continually promise a gold standard referendum that never turned up.

    1. When did you lodge your submission? Oh wait you didn’t. You are in the Do SFA Party. Away back to wings.

    2. 2.50pm where does ifs say he lodged a submission. Nowhere. Away back to troll land. You do nothing but troll.

    3. Anon at 3.07. Are you as stupid as your post suggests? You and your mates are getting called out every time. Following the departure of NS we are positive and moving forward. The irony in you calling anyone a troll is apparently lost on now. Now take your wee pal and GTF to WOS.

    4. Anon at 2.50pm isnae happy that a submission has been lodged with the UN. Clearly not just any troll but a British state troll. This troll wants to keep Scotland as a colony of England. You posting from England Mr Troll.
      Simple question for you troll - is Scotland England's colony?

    5. You are a mole age 13 3/4yrs.

    6. I misread "mole" as "psychotic bastard". What am I like!!

    7. Anon at 4.04pm - you are like a Britnat troll.
      Same for the Britnat troll at 3.32pm.

    8. Aw poor wee diddles.

    9. I hear IFS is against first aid because she doesn't like attention-seeking busybodies going around trying to resuscitate people. She's evil 😈 .

    10. Idiot for Scotland is becoming somewhat exercised. The misrepresentation of other peoples comments has started. IFS will escalate fairly quickly to outright lies. Interesting that he accepts that he has never delivered a leaflet, knocked a door or staffed an Indy stall. He is in charge of the Do SFA Party. He has got a wee pal now who comes scampering to his aid each time someone calls out his lies and disinformation and his interminable SNP Baaad narrative. It may be a real person or his alter ego. Who knows? Who cares? Back to WOS you pair of whippersnappers. And don’t let the door hit your lardy asses on the way out.,

  21. It's called a party's single issue election campaign, James.

    There is no such thing a a de facto referendum, James. And a plebiscite is not an election.

    Not brave enough to use the correct words? Because all the opponents in such an election would use the correct words with no incorrect bullshit Latin. I can only presume the Latin drivel came about because the perpetrators were too scared to use the correct term and they thought that speaking Latin looks so clever that a lot of people wouldn't notice that their made-up catch-phrase was wrong and very misleading.
