Friday, June 7, 2024

Photos from Alba's campaign launch

I went to the Alba campaign launch this morning.  I was a bit surprised that it was being held in Sloans, where I'd only been twice before (once for one of the "separatist dinners" back in the days when it was still possible for future Albaists like me to share a table with the likes of Jack Deeth). I remembered it as being just a pub, but all became clear when we were directed into a small ballroom at the top of the building.

My misgivings about the scale of Alba's intervention in a first-past-the-post general election are no secret, but there were plenty of specific points in the speeches today that I could heartily agree with. Passionate points were raised about Grangemouth, the housing situation in Glasgow, the decaying state of Aberdeen city centre, and lots more besides.

It's widely thought that one of the main reasons Alba are standing so many candidates is to qualify for a Party Election Broadcast, which we were shown a preview of.  It's certainly a slick effort, and the music is very well chosen - it reminded me a bit of the inspiring music from the SNP's 'rhyming couplet' PEB from 2021, which I regard as one of the best Scottish political ads of all time.  Alex Salmond only comes in at the very end, and until then it's narrated solely by three women: Christina Hendry, Ash Regan and Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh, presumably to emphasise Alba's credentials as a party of and for women, and to de-emphasise any macho impression given by a Salmond-led party.  That's a good idea, although I suspect the media will raise two objections: a) one of the three women featured is Mr Salmond's own niece (I believe), and b) if women are so important to Alba, why aren't women being put forward as candidates rather than just fronting the PEB?  There's a danger of it looking like window-dressing rather than substance.  Is it four female candidates out of nineteen? I may be overlooking one or two, but it's certainly a relatively small minority.

To my mind, the most interesting point Alex Salmond made (and he made it at least twice) is that Douglas Ross will get his comeuppance for betraying David Duguid.  There is no Alba candidate in Aberdeenshire North and Moray East, so that can only mean one thing - he thinks Ross will lose to the SNP.  I'll be fascinated to see if that prediction comes true, because if it does, the humiliation for Ross would be so severe that I suspect it would bring an immediate end to his leadership.

This may be a dangerous request in this day and age, but if I can be forgiven a harmless joke at the expense of my own party, here it is.  For half an hour before the campaign launch started, Big Country were playing on a constant loop: "If there's one great thing to happen in my life, if there's one great day, if there's one great height...", to which I couldn't help but feel the unspoken conclusion was "let it be Alba retaining its deposit in Dundee Central". OK, joke completed.

* * *

I've previewed the constituency race in Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk for The National - you can read the piece HERE.


  1. "let it be Alba retaining its deposit in Dundee Central"

    That's a sound ambition, and a good way of counting success - the number of retained deposits. But in any case it gives exposure for the party.

    If there was an STV system Alba could do better, and for those who want to abstain even or spoil their ballots - they could put a 1 there, 2 against Alba, 3 against SNP. If only Estrella made elections.

    1. Sorry, taht was me, forgot to put the name in.

  2. Speech is free. But missing the queue for brains was your mistake.

  3. Deleted Anon at 9.25: I've no idea what your problem is, or even what your point is, but kindly take it elsewhere.

  4. I heard Salmond on Times Radio yesterday speaking to Andrew Neil. He said his intention was to be part of a coalition Scottish Government in 2026. Presumably he thinks that this will be with the SNP. Does he seriously believe that standing against SNP candidates in the 2024 UK general election - and by doing so probably help unionists to be elected - is going to incentivise any SNP supporter to give Alba his or her second vote in 2026? I persogally hope they lose every deposit in the seats where they are standing.

    1. They probably will. Hanvey might get some sort of residual incumbency bonus in Kirkcaldy but even he will end up shocked by how little support there is.

    2. Lib dems, greens have been in coalitions with parties standing against them in constituencies.

    3. Any party standing takes votes from other parties.

      Green votes do the same thing. Doesn't mean they can't form coalitions afterwards.

    4. Indeed.

      The hatred the SNP has for Alba is something quite beyond mere competition. They despise everything they and Salmond stand for. They want him dead in a ditch.

    5. "Does he seriously believe that standing against SNP candidates in the 2024 UK general election - and by doing so probably help unionists to be elected"

      How do you feel about the Scottish Greens standing not 19 candidates but 44 candidates and costing the SNP seats? Will you be giving the Greens your second vote?

    6. Someone elsewhere suggested Labour will spell the death of devolution.

      Oh, I so dearly hope so…

      All devolution has done is turn the once pro-Indy SNP into a junkie, hooked on Westminster’s cash injections, and in a state of such dependency as to never be able to deliver independence.

      Devolution was intended to kill off Indy.

      It failed.

      But it succeeded in killing the SNP’s desire for Indy.

      We need to see an end to both devolution AND the SNP in order to achieve Indy.

  5. Anon at 12:25 am ... You really are a funny wee chappie!

    1. Anon at 1:03, who is this “funny wee chappie” ?

  6. Fuck it I'm voting Alba. Vote for what you belive in.

    1. Alba started as a list only party and that makes a huge amount of sense. It is now a party that is splitting the Indy vote in a G E while the unionists are actively engaged in tactical voting. The results for Westminster elections are going to allow the BBC and the MSM to run an Independence is Dead narrative, and this will be especially damaging in persuading No voters and Maybe’s to change over to Indy. Giving SNP a bloody nose is a short sighted approach. Loss of a majority of the MPs will see Labour row back even further on the powers of the devolved parliament. Indy will be set back for at least a decade. That’s not something I’m prepared to vote for.

    2. I agree with Anonymous at 1.19. Tactical voting is undemocratic and demeans the voter who has to set aside his/her true beliefs.

    3. Anon at 6.04

      All well and good but the MSM doesn't dictate my vote. I'll vote for what I believe in, thanks.

      It's upto the SNP to win my vote. Not take it for granted.

    4. If SNP don't push independence why shouldn't Alba do it?

    5. The SNP are pushing for independence.Read their manifesto and election literature.For example ,my SNP candidate states that:
      With independance we can build a prosperous economy,provide our people with opportunities they deseve,and offer the support they need during difficult times.
      The problem that the SNp have is the legal challenge from the UK government.Critics of the SNPs failure to deliver independance,conveniently forget that.I have no problem with Alba,or any group that want independence,but so far none of them have explained how to get around the roadblock presented by the UK government.I do hope that all strands of the independence movement can work together and produce some creative thinking to overcome the roadblock,rather than attacking each other.We all want the same thing.

    6. I've had one left through in East Ren from SNP and many from other candidates. Only the unions candidate literature mentions independence.

    7. Deary me, autocorrect!!

    8. My comment above rejects your view about the literature. The only leaflets I've had mentioning indy are unionists ones.

      Oswald sat on NEC, I believe, and didn't raise any issues with the finances. I have to ask what her role was supposed to be.

      I don't trust her and won't be voting for her.

    9. I'm the same, not a word about independence on the SNP leaflet. Tells you all you need to know about them.

    10. I'm a fan of voting for what you believe in. I will be voting SNP but I would expect Alba members to vote Alba. If you are a Labour supporter and vote Tory just remember that for the rest of your life you can never say I have never voted Tory. A vote for the Tory party or Reform or whatever is a vote for that party's values and beliefs. Nothing else.

    11. K P. Tactical voting was a cornerstone of Alba’s hopes when it was set up. Do you not know this?

    12. We all vote as we see fit, but you need to step up annd own the consequences. Vote Alba, get unionist policies. Own it.

  7. I would probably give ALBA my list vote in a Scottish election but for a UK election, any vote for ALBA would serve to help Labour.

    1. You assume it's an SNP voter changing to Alba. It would help the SNP and Alba if it was a Labour voter changing to Alba

  8. Lord of the SlippersJune 8, 2024 at 7:54 AM

    Good to see this. A serious alternative indy party is a must. The stale, stagnated SNP are living (just about) proof of that.
    James, as you've been there from the start, do you feel Alba are getting better at presentation? It's really important they evolve in this area.
    If they are slowly shifting away from Salmond as front and centre that's probably sensible. They still have a whiff of being a 'pub function room' outfit but smart marketing can get them over that.
    The Ross thing is a bit of a sideshow, I know. However, being careful what we wish for might be prudent. Ross is a naturally hapless individual. A gift for indy really. If he loses the leadership it'll be Meghan Gallacher who takes over and she appears to be a lot more capable.
    Can't vote for Alba myself so I'll be on the allotment on July 4th unless Swinney does something markedly out of character and announces a full strategy for indy.

    1. Ross maybe a sideshow but it may depress the Tory vote, and/or make Unionist tactical voting for him less likely.

    2. There is a strategy for Indy. Convince an obvious majority, request a referendum on that basis and a defacto vote if they refuse.

      In that order.

      This is obvious to anybody paying attention.

    3. Sadly I've missed the high-flying career of this Meghan Gallacher character, but I'm sure she bakes a lovely sponge.

    4. Anon at 8:46, you are spot on. The big problem is, of course, convincing a majority.

    5. Agreed. Not necessarily a problem...we're not so far off..but it is a challenge.

      Problem is keeping it alive as a live issue and seeing middle aged people continue support and grow support through the age groups. It's a slow burn but as long as the fire is lit, it's still on.

    6. "James, as you've been there from the start, do you feel Alba are getting better at presentation?"

      As some people seem to conflate 'professionalism' with being ruthless towards rank-and-file members, more professional presentation might be a double-edged sword. But reassuringly, there were still glitches yesterday - the PEB didn't play at the first attempt, and Big Country started up again while George Kerevan was in the middle of branding Douglas Alexander a war criminal.

  9. Rob here, I see there are now five candidates in East Moray and Aberdeenshire North, Reform has joined the contest. No Alba to spare me the discomfort of voting SNP, I'll just have to compensate with expressing my feelings to any canvassers who I catch out in the open.

    I still hold this is a constiuency where only a fool would predict a winning candidate. That said, locally, I have never heard a kind word for Douglas Ross. Not even from Unionist/tory supporters - certainly not from the few who've moved on from the tories. This is Gordon Highlander territory, a chunk of local tory/Unionist support would be retired ex-uniformed services and performative flag-waving fanboys, both resettled and local. D.Day dodging will have gone down very badly with them. Still not saying there's hope for Reform's deposit.

  10. Bbc running Flynn did well in debate.

    But didn't mention scottish independence.

    SNP are tacitly saying indy is on back burner for now. This may be the case but it's not for me. I'll vote for the party that puts it front and centre. Alba

    1. But this is a Westminster General Election and nothing to do whatsoever with independence.

    2. Eh? any election is about whether parties and people vote for. Cheers for telling folk what their vote means though haha

    3. *whatever parties put forward and people vote for.. I should say

    4. I think a founding nation of the union and a third of the land mass might be of interest to Westminster and its elections ffs

      If anything that is the election for it and Holyrood is also about getting your councils funded.

  11. The 2% if at all, have no chance , no hope, no independence. Kidding yourself only. That’s why Salmond isn’t standing in no hope saloon. Delusional.

  12. Can someone remind us. Is it Alba's recommendation that independence supporters should vote for pro-independence parties (such as SNP) where Alba is not standing, as those votes (including SNP votes) should be counted as support for independence?

    1. What do you think?

      Is that not obvious?

    2. If it's obvious, why not say what you think?

    3. No, vote for the unionist candidate lurker

    4. p.s. I don't mean to be contrarian, I just think it would be good to see it written in black and white.

    5. For the record, I don't understand the post by Anonymous at 10:20 AM. Not Idea why I am being urged to vote unionist. On this site it can be very difficult to tell who is a unionist and who isn't, some of their posts are indistinguishable.

    6. It was obviously sarcasm

  13. Just because Alex Salmond says the word Independence a lot doesn't mean anything
    Nigel Farage says the word immigrant a lot and that makes no difference either
    Politicians who know they can't win anything tend to say whatever they feel like because they know they never have to live up to what they say
    Salmond knows he will never be anything in politics ever again so ask yourself why is he doing something he has no chance to succeed at
    then your vote might go to the right people

    1. Salmond was the FM of Scotland and got and stayed there saying independence a lot.

      SNP got power saying independence a lot.

      SNP exist because scottish people think about independence.

    2. Indeed. Voting Alba is effectively a vote for Labour, or whatever unionist party has the best chance of winning that particular seat.

    3. No a vote for a party is a vote for what that party stands for. You can say effectively all you want but it doesn't change what the vote was for.

      Blackmailing people isn't a winning strategy forever. I'm not anti snp by the way. But I'll vote FOR something more readily than be bullied like Labour of old. It's the oldest trick in the book.

    4. Exactly. SNPers on here still attempting to bludgeon us into submission. It's not going to work.

    5. Not sure anyone's 'blackmailing' anyone. You can't blackmail someone if you don't hold anything on them.

      Sounds more like people are putting the case for encouraging waverers who may be losing faith in voting.

      For those with their mind set against voting (for SNP/at all) you are free to do as you wish, but it would help if you spelt out how your strategy for independence (envisaging a meltdown of the SNP vote and seats in the short to medium term) would deliver faster and with more certainty.

  14. Hmmm that's a bit offensive.

    That will be a personal matter

    I doubt its covid related, he may just have a cold. Each to their own.

  15. Those still wearing masks may have underlying health considerations and simply can't afford to take the risk. COVID is still out there. I caught it for the first time a few weeks ago and although I'm ok (sense of smell is still bit impaired) I wouldn't be in a hurry to do it again.

    1. James is a Carer and is protecting someone for whom catching Covid could be a death sentence.

  16. I'm struggling to understand why Alba think that putting a candidate up against Eva Comrie in the new Alloa & Grangemouth seat is a good idea, even if it is the excellent Kenny Macaskill. Surely all this will do is split the non-SNP independence vote. Would it not have been far better for Kenny to stand in his existing seat in East Lothian, where I see that George Kerevan is standing?

    Also if the Alba strategy is to try and help unseat some of the careerist elements of the SNP at Westminster who have done nothing to progress independence, then it seems that not standing a candidate against Alyn Smith in Stirling is a hugely wasted opportunity.

    1. Yes it's absolutely crazy to oppose Comrie, virtually assuring that neither she nor MacCaskall will win. And as for giving the odious Smith a free run...words fail me!

  17. I've deleted the cowardly anonymous insults about mask-wearers. Whoever it was, you are not welcome to post here, so kindly go away and stay away.

    1. Truth be told though, they're only saying out loud what the majority think. A mask wearer the now is an odd bod.
