Thursday, March 20, 2025

Find Out Now! Find Out How? Find Out ZAP! WHAM! POW! Labour deservedly slump to just 22% in the first GB-wide poll since society's most vulnerable got thoroughly Kendalled

We all know there are people out there, sometimes quite poor people, sometimes even quite left-wing people, who resent anyone that doesn't work and regard the 'workshy' as the source of all society's ills.  When I was growing up, I had a great-aunt who was born in the early years of the 20th century, and who I always assumed to be a lifelong Labour voter, and her catchphrase (well, one of several) was "they neither work nor want".  In my view it's faulty thinking caused by what's in front of people's noses - anyone on a low income will know lots of people who are 'economically inactive', but very few of them will know any billionaires, so it's quite hard for them to visualise the fact that if you just got a few fabulously wealthy individuals to pay their fair share, the funds raised would dwarf anything you could get by hammering the disabled or those with mental health problems.

Nevertheless, the fact that the faulty thinking exists has given Labour hope that they could get away with savage cuts to benefit payments that not even the Tories ever attempted.  I've even seen the "Scotland isn't really more progressive than England" brigade on social media predicting that Liz Kendall's announcement would go down better in Scotland than elsewhere in the UK.

That presents us with an interesting test case, because it's unlikely the numbers are going to lie to us - if forcing the most vulnerable people to choose between work and starvation is something the typical man or woman on the street approves of, we should now see Labour's poll ratings start to recover.  But I must say that anecdotally, everything I've heard from the people around me has led me to conclude that the complete opposite is likely to happen - I've heard nothing but shock and outrage at what Kendall has done.  The first GB-wide poll to be conducted since the announcement is consistent with that interpretation...

GB-wide voting intentions (Find Out Now, 19th March 2025):

Reform UK 27% (-)
Labour 22% (-2)
Conservatives 21% (-)
Liberal Democrats 14% (+3)
Greens 11% (+1)
SNP 3% (-)
Plaid Cymru 1% (-)

22% equals Labour's record post-election low across all polling firms.  It's little more than half of the 40% vote share that the supposedly "unelectable left-wing extremist" Jeremy Corbyn led Labour to in the 2017 general election.

*  *  *

I launched the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser for 2025 in January, and so far the running total stands at £1661, meaning that 24% of the target of £6800 has been raised.  If you'd like to help Scot Goes Pop continue with poll analysis and truly independent political commentary for another year, donations are welcome HERE.  Direct Paypal donations can also be made - my Paypal email address is:


  1. You reek of desperation, disappointment and anger. How are things in Alba/WOS land? The news on N S must have hit you hard, like a devout Christian being presented with irrefutable evidence that there is no god. Oh dear. Take time out to recover. Meanwhile, Indy and SNP support on the rise, Labour in free fall, and all to play for.

    1. To avoid confusion, the above is a response to a deleted comment from the ever-more-unhinged Reform troll.

  2. SNP support on the rise?

  3. Absolute comedy gold meltdown over on Wank over Scotland. They cannot cope. Samaritan’s hotline will go into logjam. As for Alba, reach out to these poor souls. And of course the usual suspects on here will be in emotional turmoil. A search party is going out at first light to look for IFS. He has been posted missing, at least under that username. Please send money to the rev. He needs therapy, and it’s expensive. Will all this change his voting intentions in Holyrood 2026? Oh wait, he doesn’t live in Scotland, and even if he did would never vote for an Indy party anyway. But send him your money. Ta.

  4. The verb is Kendall used.

  5. Time and again the usual suspects on here were cautioned. Don’t allow yourselves to be the useful idiots of the unionist dirty tricks smear campaign against Indy and the SNP. Time and again they paid no heed. IFS, useful idiot in chief, has abandoned his usual calling card, and is posting as an anon. If only they had listened. Instead they are left looking like the useful idiots they are. But will they come on here and apologise? No chance. Five minutes reading the comments on WOS lets you see the levels of ignorance and stupidity these people wallow in. As for Alba? Cosying up to Trump, a convicted felon and a danger to women. And of course, besties with the rev (please send him money). WOS/Alba/SNP Baaad brigade. What a crew.

    1. So we're still pretending it was a unionist conspiracy and they dropped it a year before the Holyrood elections where it would make sense to keep it going until to cause the maximum amount of damage?

    2. They did the damage during the Westminster election last year. They succeeded in removing Nicola Sturgeon aided and abetted by ALBA. They remove Yousaf with Regan in the Wings (pardon the pun) to take over the snp. The independence purists have been found wanting as well as aiding and abetting the britnats.

    3. Um, wouldn't they want to use it to remove the SNP from power?

    4. And hee comes anon at 9.21 to prove the point. Is that you IFS or just one of his wee helpers?. It’s staring you in the face. £2 million and counting. Police sent papers in and sent away to try to find something . Still couldn’t. Then the unprecedented public washing of hands by Police Scotland. And finally the admission. But hey, nothing to see here. You could be IFS. Certainly stupid enough. Back to WOS you silly billy.

    5. "Police sent papers in and sent away to try to find something . Still couldn’t."

      Are we forgetting that Peter Murrell has ended up in court? That wouldn't have happened if they didn't find anything.

      Can we please drop the tinfoil hat wearing nonsense about British conspiracies.

    6. No conspiracy theory silly billy. It’s all there, in the open. The cost. The time. The convoluted process. The public Pontius Pilate moment by Police Scotland. All there. Fact. Confirmed yesterday afternoon. And unlike you I agree with the principle of innocent until proven guilty. The Murrell “prosecution” is a face saving exercise. Only those disappointed and embarrassed at yesterdays events claim otherwise, like you.

    7. That anon at 11.44am lies like Trump and then denies what he said just like Trump. He is the liar calling everybody else a liar. You cannot debate anything with people like that.

    8. Anon at 11:44 AM & 1:28 PM are tying themselves in knots trying to rewrite reality.

      First, they blatantly lie about the police not finding anything. Then we get a dramatic, invented narrative about some “unprecedented public washing of hands” by Police Scotland.

      But the best part? The moment the actual prosecution of Peter Murrell is brought up, they suddenly pivot to calling it a “face-saving exercise.”

      So when the police don’t charge anyone, it's proof of a conspiracy; when they do charge someone, it's still proof of a conspiracy. Brilliant. Totally unfalsifiable logic.

    9. Anon at 1.51. They are all pretty consistent comments. Which part of “successful prosecution” do you struggle to understand. I understand your disappointment and your anger. You, and others, have been exposed as liars and fantasists. You made up and promoted a narrative that has just been blown out of the water. That is self evident. So, simple question. Where is your retraction and apology?

    10. Mate you initially tried to say that the police couldn't find anything & tried to wash their hands of it.

      "Police sent papers in and sent away to try to find something . Still couldn’t"

      You keep spouting that work of fiction.

  6. Next stop Bute House

  7. Do you think anon at 237am is in the us of a eating his mojo’s?

    1. I read that sneaky troll's comment before James took it down. I'd suggest that they need help, but they'd only turn it down. People like that are to be pitied, not least because they think that our generous host should have to put up with personal insults.

    2. I read it and replied to it. If you were being blunt he is just a complete wanker and thick as mince. Sorry mince, you don’t deserve that comparison.

  8. "SNP support on the rise?"

    They SNP are polling between 31% and 33% for Westminster, as opposed to the 30% they got in the election. Factoring in the typical margin of error what metrics are you using to back up the claim that their support is on the rise?

    1. You're making the Stuart Campbell error. If the SNP vote is fairly consistently above 30%, that indicates a genuine increase regardless of whether any individual result is within the margin of error.

    2. Anon at 9.27. Leave this to the adults. SNP support is on the rise. You just don’t like it. Got your retraction and apology ready to post? If not, feck off and get on with it. What’s that all over your face?

  9. So many racists in reform and many it seems are immigrants from down south?

  10. Forget watching TV, listening to the Radio or reading the Papers, this morning.

    Instead..........get yerselves over to the Bath Balloon's wee site and take in ALL the seething hatred, ALL the conspiracies and ALL the frantically frothing imbecilic inhabitants of that stinking little microcosm of utter irrelevance.

    PS - one bag of popcorn won't be enough..........

    1. It’s people like you who advocate the conspiracy that the UK is behind the whole Branchform allegations. Sounds like an unproven conspiracy. So your conspiracy is ok but others is not. Typical Francis stance.

    2. Anon at 11.09. You still here? Post your apology and retraction. And if you don’t think the police investigation was politically motivated you are at best naive but probably a bit thick. WOS is probably more your thing.

    3. Anon@11:55am,
      Deluded bullshit!
      People like David Francis and you are an embarrassment.

    4. Pretending to be posting under his real name? Check
      Reverting to anonymity to support his own half-baked drivel? Check
      Bombastic waffle saying nothing of any significance? Check
      Manic obsession with 'irrelevant' Alba and WOS? Check
      Crude abuse of those with a different opinion from his? Check
      Incredibly thick and using the same template for every post for months on end? Double check!

      I call 'house' and claim my prize the Dave Francis bingo.🥳

    5. Pathetic post. Have a look at yourself, then feck off back to WOS/Alba land. Unless you want to issue your retraction and apology here? No? Thought not. You have been exposed as a liar and a fantasist.

    6. Anon at 12.21. You are a liar and a fantasist. Take your anger and your stupidity back to WOS, where it belongs.

    7. Anon@1:20&1:22 Posting the same thing almost word for word two minutes apart does nothing to convince people you're two separate individuals.🤡

    8. Anon 1.20 and 1.23pm
      is the same madman.

    9. We have to ask which blogger enabled The Catastrophe Of David Francis.

    10. Stu Campbell certainly sends Dave into a frenzy. Strange, given that he's always telling us how irrelevant he has become. You would almost think he's scared.

    11. Campbell is irrelevant to Scotland.

    12. Anon at 3.54. You didn’t think that post through did you?

    13. Oooh there’s a wee group of helpers piling in. No apology or retraction? Give us your thoughts on the announcement relating to N S? Are you pleased? Your attempts at deflection are not working.

    14. Anon@10:11 You don't think, do you? Oh, and your 'back up post' at 10:14 is fooling nobody - we all know they're both from the same person.

  11. Noticed that John Swinney is attempting to reframe the narrative as something that happened within the SNP to something that happened to the SNP.

    So if anything happens with Peter Murrell it will be portrayed as him being the lone wolf and the Party as the victims.

    1. He was restricted in what he could say. Only the SNP Baaad brigade and the WOS/Alba crew still deny the reality of what happened and why. It doesn’t suit their false narrative. They have been exposed as liars and fantasists, never to be trusted or believed.

    2. So are the SNP the victims of a potential embezzlement or is it a British conspiracy? Finding it hard to keep up.


    3. The SNP are not victims. It was not their money to spend as they see fit. It was ring fenced for indyref2 which they promised to deliver and didn’t but they made the money disappear. The victims are the people who donated.
      ALL the money should have been refunded.

    4. Talk none sense. If you donate to anything you give it freely. You guys are now changing the narrative that somehow you had set conditions to this. If that is the case so has everyone else. Can you imagine each Charity been told I want my money back cos I in a huff. You donate it is no longer yours.

    5. It was the SNP who set the conditions you eejit. Does 'ring fenced' for a referendum mean anything to you?

    6. 4.12pm is being deliberately ignorant and stupid. Donating for a “ring fenced referendum “
      is not a charity. Raising money for something you do not deliver on is a scam. All the money should have been returned or it is a fraud.

    7. Anon at 1.42. What are you talking about? Bit early for you to be on the sauce. What do you think of the news on N S? Pleased?

    8. Anon at 4.45. Can you provide the relevant reference to back up your claim? I donated, knowing full well that the money was to be used to promote Scottish Independence. Reference please.

    9. There are other sources but this is one good example. The National, 13th June 2017 "SNP: All the money raised on #ScotRef website is ringfenced to fight a future independence referendum".

      The SNP has reacted furiously to claims they used cash donations destined for an independence campaign to fight the general election.

      The SNP said Kelly had the wrong end of the stick and that the fundraiser was ringfenced specifically for any future referendum campaign.
      None of the money donated to that campaign was used for the general election, they insisted.
      An SNP spokesman said: “Money raised on is ringfenced for the purpose stated on the website".

    10. The SNP insisted on multiple occasions that the money raised on the donation website was specifically intended for any future referendum campaign and would be ring fenced for that intended purpose.

      The narrative only changed later when it became clear that the money wasn't anywhere in the SNP's accounts.

      How certain individuals might might interpreted it doesn't matter. They raised money for one clear purpose and obviously spent it on another. You can't go back and rewrite history after the fact.

    11. Anon@10:09 I was going to reply but I see others have done so already so I'll leave it. Please don't put your stupidity in not understanding what you were donating to on those of us who did. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that your 'donation' is as fictitious as your understanding of the term 'ring fenced'.

    12. Shockingly they've stopped responding.

  12. Isn’t 31% and 33% greater than 30%

    1. Stewart fae SummersetMarch 21, 2025 at 1:34 PM

      I'd say it depends but then I live in a fantasy world peopled by fantasy figures who speak to me in fantasy ways.

    2. Do they tell you lies as well? There are a few liars and fantasists on here, although some appear to be missing.

    3. Such as the liars and cowards who post as anon who try to rewrite history by just posting the same lie over and over again.

  13. Well he is correct isnt he.

  14. "Isn’t 31% and 33% greater than 30%"

    Within the margin of error though.

    Not really much of a difference where you can comfortably say that support is on the rise.

    1. SNP support is on the rise. Small percentages win elections. You just don’t like it. Apology and retraction for N S? Come on. Or feck off back to WOS.

  15. It should be noted that British state agents are immune from prosecution. So is it Beattie or Sturgeon or both who are agents?

    1. The Treasurer before Beattie resigned because he wasn't given full access to the books, wouldn't be surprising if Beattie wasn't given full access either. Out of everyone involved he was the least likely to be culpable of anything.

    2. 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    3. Anon at 11.11 am ... how about neither?

    4. Come on IFS. Don’t leave it to your wee helpers. Having being shown up as a liar and a fantasist your pals are now claiming that N S and SNP are agents for and assets of the U K. Care to distance yourself from that batshit nonsense? And we still await your retraction and apology.

    5. The same posters telling people to feck off are telling ifs to come back and post. Consistency is not their strong point. Assuming they have any strong points.

    6. It's all the same poster if you ask me. The 'silly billy' nonsense for instance crops up with monotonous regularity. Only a cretin could find it amusing and keep using it.

    7. And here come two almost at once, just like buses. The point being made is obvious. After several years of calling N S a criminal and stating (not claiming) that that she had stolen £600,000, it is confirmed that she did not. IFS, and you two at 2.14 and 2.38, (possibly the same person?) should have issued the appropriate apology and retraction. Instead you attempt a pathetic deflection. Here is your chance. Let’s have an apology and a retraction. No? Thought not. Liars and fantasists are not welcome here. So, using the terminology that has clearly impacted on you, feck off back to WOS. They are your kind of people.

    8. You feckin idiot! My comment at 2:38 makes no mention of Nicola Sturgeon or the missing money. What am I supposed to apologise for? The fact that you are too thick to read properly? And your 'liars and fantasists' patter is in danger of becoming as stupid as your 'silly billy' shite. Go and lie down until some semblance of sanity penetrates your thick skull.

  16. The public are not ready for another referendum says John Swinney.

    They will never be ready with people like Swinney leading the SNP. Yet this is the same Swinney that election after election said indyref2 was just around the corner and got votes and money on that basis. So what is Swinney?

    1. Swinney is the brother in law of Spoonetta McGarvey the noted ceramics expert and pastry cook. QED.

    2. Well that took a lot of brain cells. Not.

  17. Re. Glasgow North East council by-election result today. When reform candidate Rob Madison was eliminated, 105 of his second preferences went to Labour while 61 went to the SNP.

  18. Runcorn & Helsby by election in-coming....

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. It would have been better if the comment removed David Francis.
