Friday, February 28, 2025

Spain had the "Caudillo". Italy had "Il Duce". Is Chris McEleny planning to set himself up as the "Primus" of a new Alba Party (Continuity Salmondite)?

A number of seasoned McEleny Watchers set up a quiet vigil yesterday to try to pinpoint the exact moment that the great man gave in to the inevitable and altered his Twitter profile to acknowledge that he is no longer General Secretary of the Alba Party.  That's now happened, but perhaps more significant than the timing is what he's replaced the old wording with - 

"Chris McEleny.  General Secretary Primus of Alex Salmond’s Alba Party."

"Primus" of course means "first", so this could just be a particularly ungracious way of acknowledging that there is now a second General Secretary and it's not him.  Alternatively, he could be drawing a distinction between what he sees as "Real Alba" or "Salmondite Alba" and the version of the party that he regards as having been overrun by interlopers (you know, interlopers such as Moira Salmond).  Perhaps in some strange, metaphysical, almost 'telepathic' way, he regards himself as *still* the General Secretary of the Alba Party, authentic Alba, Salmond Alba.

Maybe this novel distinction will even become formalised, and an "Alba Party (Continuity Salmondite)" will soon be registered with the Electoral Commission, and with one Christopher McEleny listed as the party's "Primus".  Such fascist-sounding titles are perhaps not quite as outlandish as they sound given the ongoing flirtaton between McEleny's faction and Reform UK.  I know some Alba members were determined to believe yesterday that Sky had stitched up Ash Regan, but actually if you watch the video of her comments in their proper context, it's obvious that they were permeditated, well-rehearsed, and carefully calculated to generate an "I will work with Farage" headline.  The intention seems to be to get Reform voters, or Reform-curious voters, to look at Alba afresh and realise that it's the one party that doesn't sneer at the far right or its values.  If this was Germany, Alba would look very much like the guilty party that has "broken the firewall".

Contrary to the perceptions of some, there are quite a number of old school socialists within Alba, and they are absolutely furious with Ash Regan for what she did yesterday.  But admittedly there are also other Alba members who have some growing sympathy with Donald Trump because of his stance on protecting women's spaces and women's sport, and who see Regan's comments as a welcome recognition that left/right distinctions are becoming less useful.  That cultural divide within the party is arguably unbridgeable - and it occurs to me that Ash Regan can count, that she must know Kenny MacAskill is going to defeat her for the leadership, and that her flirtation with Reform is therefore going to make it hard for her to play a prominent role in a MacAskill-led party.  So why is she doubling down and making the rift even worse?  

I still can't escape the conclusion that she's looking beyond her time in Alba and is preparing the ground for when she and McEleny strike out on their own in some form.


  1. Well Calor me purple! Chris has stove in to the inevitable and now thinks he's cooking with gas.

    1. Very funny - except the originals worked on paraffin. One of Sweden's best exports.

    2. Well, there's no regulator to take care of sins like that, so no pressure!

  2. McEleny appears to be losing the plot. Alba Mark 1 and Alba Mark 2? Further vote splitting. Further ammo for the BBC and MSM to use when we get closer to Holyrood 2026. Come on Swinney, get your act together. This next election is crucial. Low SNP support could conceivably see the death of Indy. We have been warned that a unionist majority will neuter Holyrood and they want to make campaigning for Independence a criminal offence. These bastards are mad and bad enough to do it. They need our natural resources, and like their mate trump, have no compunction in continuing to steal them from us.

    1. Did he ever have a plot ?

    2. Lomax Alec do you ever have anything useful to say?

  3. Or it could be that Ash is planning on winning the election. I’m not as sure as you are that nepotism is a winning pitch.

    If Reform win MSPs then assuming Alba have some they will make common cause on women’s rights and child safeguarding
    If Farage becomes UK PM and OKs a second indyref will Alba really say no ?
    The old left/right distinctions do no longer hold with Reform having more in common with the old Labour left than David Cameron’s Conservatives

    And It depends if Alba members prefer success to failure.
    Alba did not succeed with Salmond as leader. What will be different with Kenny?
    I think members might see Ash as a fresh start
    Ash as an MSP has a platform to lead Alba into
    the crucial 2026 elrction. And her approval rating is much better than Salmond’s was.
    Members might realise the best thing they could do to remember and honour Salmond is to win seats and be part of taking Scotland to independence.

    1. "If Farage becomes UK PM and OKs a second indyref will Alba really say no ?"

      That question is right up there with "if Benjamin Netanyahu OKs East Jerusalem as capital of a Palestinian state on pre-1967 borders, would Abbas really say no?" Of course he wouldn't say no, but the offer is not going to be made, so what's the point in the question?

      "with Reform having more in common with the old Labour left than David Cameron’s Conservatives"

      What are Reform's left-wing policies?

    2. If the SNP MPs held the balance of power at WM you think Farage wouldn’t deal with them to be PM?
      Never say never

    3. Held the balance in what form? So that a Reform-Tory alliance couldn't get into power without them? If so, both Reform and the Tories would need to agree to a deal with the SNP, and that's highly unlikely, bordering on impossible.

    4. It would appear that Mr Kelly hasn't read Reform's policies. One of them is that they would spend more money on the NHS than any other party by an unbelievable margin. They used to be in favour of paying NHS employees tax-free.

    5. Some individuals, by their actions, are worthier of respect and remembrance than others.
      But the best thing for independence is that people should become stronger in their nationalism.

    6. Anon 6.48 Farage has said he'd scrap the NHS. Oh and he also thought the Liz Truss budget was great.

    7. Anon at 6 48 your key word is 'unbelievable '.

    8. Ash is planning on winning the election 😂

  4. Yes, Ash Regan did say that she would work, issue by issue, with any party for the benefit of Scotland. That was very much Salmond's approach. It doesn't mean climbing into bed with Farage or the party he still part owns. However, Ash Regan needs to be far tighter in her control of staff and 'team'. Graeme Spence has undoubtedly caused her problems with his opening salvo against Kenny MacAskill. It was plain stupid.
    A word about the 'women's' issues James: there's truth and material reality - and then there's the 'trans' zealotry, which is now shown to emanate from right wing secret state funding and political support!

    1. "That was very much Salmond's approach"

      That's a stretch. I don't recall Salmond ever extending that principle to the far right, unless you regard Annabel Goldie as the far right.

    2. Salmond met with Richard Tice in late 2023 so Salmond would definitely deal with Reform

    3. Salmond also publicly associated with Stu Campbell. Nuff said.

    4. 3.57pm

      "Salmond also publicly associated with Stu Campbell. Nuff said"

      YOU said! Actually.

      Although I've no idea what you mean.

    5. The Tories have always contained those on the far right. The Overtin window has been shifting for decades. I don't think there will be the possibility of a genuine deal on any issues with Farage, but it's still worth calling his bluff where there are areas of agreement. Not to do so leaves Reform to take ownership of issues that they have done nothing about - such as the gender zealotry.

    6. Campbell was interviewed by Salmond in that Alba conference in Glasgow last year. Campbell got a warm reception by the attendees. Campbell and Alba deserve each other.

  5. If....if.....if.
    Alba are as deid as the Dodo.
    They will win zero seats ...zilch.. not a sausage.

    1. Ash and Chris could win a couple, guaranteed, as Reform’s Scotland branch, mind.

    2. Aye and I could win Euromillions tonight.

    3. A pale white hand reaches down from the heavens…

      “It could be Stu!”

    4. I think Angus Robertson has to be the favourite here.

    5. Angus Brendan has been seen outside Nicola's house in supplication position, but she's moved

    6. Nicola is living with big Val and Dr Jim is full of jealous rage.

  6. Chris, the Primate of Alt-Alba has a certain ring to it.
    But gibbering and pelting people with ordure may be the wrong interpretation of His title. It could reduce his appeal. (although maybe not in "The Port".)

    1. He's certainly the Primus Suspect for all those leaks to the unionist press.

    2. Sounds like yet another episode from Planet of the Apes.

    3. If he knew any Gaelic he’d had be called himself Toiseach instead of the Latin. C’mon Albanach!

    4. We welcome Alba refugees who can't live under a MacAskill who decides to deny the need for political climate change or an Ash who causes the thermometer to soar. (Obligatory 'Phwoarr!!' in compliance with tabloid standards.)
      But you'll have to provide your own atmosphere.

    5. Planet of the ISPs - if you don't want them Peter A. Bell will have them !

  7. Is this now the people's popular front of Judalba?

  8. "Hello, is that Alba HQ? No, you're not fobbing me off with that Corri woman, I WILL ONLY SPEAK TO THE GENERAL SECRETARY PRIMUS! WHERE IS HE????"

    1. But, you know, about the who counts the votes thing, is it now Alba's Deputy General Secretary?

    2. Exactly. They don't even need to tell anyone how many votes they got, because they got away with that one already. Just name The Chosen One and the job is done.

    3. Jose is Scotch?

  9. Someone thinks he is the camping stove of the Alba party. And I thought that Ash Regan was daft... Whatever. Wake me up if they ever get a local councillor elected.

    1. McEleny would be hot stuff at a wild camping expedition. Souper!

    2. He's drifting in and out of reality.

  10. Anyone like to have a guess what time Mr Angry will join us this evening?

    1. You called, darling? I've had gender reassignment and I'm much happier now!

    2. Not long after his daily fiddle.

    3. he appreciates the steady hand of john swinney

  11. Is David Francis the Larry Grayson of this blog?

    1. My Friday night teaser:
      Which comedian had the catch-phrase "Kick that door!" ?

  12. My backdoors always open. Everyone welcome.

  13. I wonder how many tartan fascists there are among YES supporters - my guess is not many. If any part of Alba associates itself with Farage damn them to hell and get them out of our independence movement. No collaboration with Farage and his pound shop brownshirts.
    Mc Eleny can pose in his Gauleiters uniform in the splendour of his own wee cludgie.

    1. There are plenty of totalitarians.

    2. Mr Camping Stove is a YES supporter.

  14. I have a spare Stahlhelm if he need it.
