Friday, January 31, 2025

Calling all decent Alba members - please help put a stop to this vile personal abuse, which in one case seems to be coming from a very senior Alba figure

As has been well-rehearsed, the "reasons" Chris McEleny came up with for my expulsion from the Alba Party were almost comically vague - his disciplinary referral document dated 30th September was an absolute embarrassment.  However, one detail (of sorts) that was later specified by Corri Wilson is that I was expelled partly under the terms of the Alba social media policy.  I therefore pursued that point in my appeal, because it was far from clear to me, or to others I checked with, whether the social media policy actually has any constitutional force as a set of hard-and-fast "disciplinary rules".  In many places it reads more like an aspirational or motivational document, with lots of flowery language.  For example, here's an extract - 

"We are direct, confident, and proud in what we have to say – we speak boldly and with clear intention."

How would you actually go about enforcing that as a rule?  Would you take disciplinary action against Alba members for not being "bold" or "proud" enough?  It's clearly a nonsense, and yet the Appeals Committee showed no interest whatsoever in engaging with the questions I raised about whether the social media policy is enforceable.  Therefore it must be assumed that it is enforceable, and these other extracts must be taken very seriously indeed - 

"if comments become abusive, we will report them"

"Special care needs to be taken by members who have chosen an ALBA party logos or pictures as a cover photo or profile picture as they may appear to the public as representing the ethos and values of ALBA."

"Social-Media Platforms like Twitter can be fast and furious but being abusive to individuals online should be regarded as a red line whether it is in an exchange with fellow members or those outside the party."

I am now outside the party, but as you can see that makes no difference - the position is apparently that Alba members can and should be disciplined for abuse of someone like me.  I have today been abused on Twitter by someone who is almost certainly an Alba member.  He calls himself "Bill Under Colonial Rule", and he prominently displays the Alba logo in his account's cover photo.

If there are any decent Alba members reading this, I'd be grateful if you would report Bill for this blatant breach of the Code of Conduct and social media policy.  Because Chris McEleny has an absolute veto under the current rules on whether complaints ever reach the Disciplinary Committee, I'm afraid the complaint will need to be made to him in the first instance.  Please let me know if you do that and what the response is (if any).  Incidentally, it doesn't matter if you don't know Bill's full name, because according to the Colin Alexander precedent, McEleny should still investigate to discover the man's identity and then take action against him once his Alba membership status is established.

I believe it may be technically the case that non-members can lodge complaints too, so if all else fails I'll try to do that myself, but it'll almost certainly be a waste of time, because McEleny's modus operandi is to completely ignore emails if he feels he can get away with it.

However, there's an even more serious case than Bill that urgently needs to be raised.  A Twitter account popped up a couple of weeks ago called "Alba 2026" to support Kenny MacAskill in the leadership election.  It has posted extreme personal abuse about me, Denise Findlay, Leanne Tervit and several others, but by far the worst tweet, which undoubtedly should result in disciplinary action in any political party, is this one mocking Eva Comrie's disability - 

That tweet was hastily deleted a few hours ago, and now the whole account seems to have been deactivated.  I believe that has happened because people started to clock who was behind the account.  The writing style and set of preoccupations are obvious giveaways, as indeed is the retweet about Imran Khan - not a subject that most Alba troll accounts would take much interest in.  I believe this person is a very senior member of the Alba Party, a former NEC member and a former national office bearer. 

So if you're a current Alba member, I'd also be grateful if you'd lodge a complaint with McEleny about "Alba 2026" and invite him to establish her identity.  And please let me know what the response is.

*  *  *

I launched the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser for 2025 at the weekend, and so far the running total stands at £581, meaning that 9% of the target of £6800 has been raised.  If you'd like to help Scot Goes Pop continue with poll analysis and truly independent political commentary for another year, donations are welcome HERE.  Direct Paypal donations can also be made - my Paypal email address is:


  1. James, I've e-mailed you and asked for your assistance multiple times in the comment section of the last blogpost.

    I have a pathetic scum impersonator posting comments using my name and I'm disappointed that you've allowed that to continue. It's turned into a madhouse but you don't seem to care... sort it out!

    1. David, I have been incredibly patient with you but please take this on board. The moderation policy on this blog is a matter for me and not for you or for anyone else. Comments demanding that I take certain moderation decisions, or attacking me for the moderation decisions I do or don't take, will usually be deleted. One thing that is clearly forbidden by the moderation policy, however (and has been even when that policy was more liberal in 2008-15) is excessive and extreme swearing, and you were certainly guilty of doing that yesterday. I do believe that was you and not your impersonator. So please stop doing that.

    2. this is not the real dave francis
      I am the real dave as you can see I dont do paragraphs which is how you can tell

    3. no

      Im dave francistacus

    4. James, that was NOT me you were responding to.
      It was one of the seemingly numerous impersonators I seem to have collected recently and perfectly highlights the very problem I stated in my email to you.
      It is bad enough having to deal with the various Anons on here, but it becomes even more difficult when other posters steal/use my own name for a series of posts.
      I suppose I should feel flattered that they have considered me 'lmportant' enough to actually take the time and trouble to be my doppelganger - I must really annoy those irrelevant wee cruds, which pleases me no end.
      However, I will renew my call for some action to be taken against those who deliberately impersonate others on here.
      It simply should nog be permitted on any blogsite.

    5. How can I possibly take the action you're demanding, when as has just been demonstrated, it is utterly impossible to tell you apart from one of your impersonators?

    6. You really cannot tell from their contents?
      I would have thought it was pretty obvious.

    7. No. If you're saying the comment at 2.41 that I initially replied to was not you, I do not see how I could possibly have worked that out from its contents. It reads exactly like you. Doubtless he'll be along in a minute to insist you're the imposter.

    8. Who to believe David Francis or David Francis? An enduring mystery.
      “ It should nog be permitted on any blog site” - well this David doesn’t seem to be able to understand this sentence by James in his post above.
      “ The moderation policy on this blog is a matter for me , not for you or anyone else.”

      James really couldn’t have spelled it out much clearer for David but still he persists.

    9. As my family keep reminding me, I am definitely NOT 'tech savvy' so I take it that, as I am now posting from my own Google account, it solves the problem about proper identification on here, from now on?

    10. Ffs I've got imposters setting up fake Google accounts now... is there no end to their obsession with me!?

    11. David Francis@4:11,
      I strongly suspected straight away the “David Francis “@3:45 was your imposter who had created a Google account.
      Unbelievable the lengths trolls go to.
      I understand your annoyance David, but you’ll just have to ignore it as best you can.

    12. I'm confused. Is the official David Francis not the real one then? I can't tell the difference.

    13. Jakey the imposter is so like David Francis you would think he has a twin. Doesn’t augur well for the future of this blog having two David’s posting.

  2. James pretty disgusting stuff by Bill and alba2026. That tweet by Bill under colonial rule is also the sort of stuff David Francis posts on SGP but here he is above ( assuming it is him) whining away about you not sorting it out for him on SGP.

    1. Ifs - you have no evidence but it doesn’t stop your allegations.

    2. Anon at 3.06pm the evidence for David whining is above at 2.41pm or look at the btl on the previous article. Surprised you missed it all. I suggest you check your facts before posting in future.

    3. Prize deflection, IfS

    4. IFS.
      You are a Blatant Liar and you are also a Coniving Coward hiding behind a made up name.
      Would also not surprise me in the slightest if either you, or someone at your behest, is impersonating me on here - such is the snivelling, cowardly, underhand and spineless nature of creepy wee nonentities like you, pal.

    5. That wasn't me... just another pathetic scum imposter.

    6. Assuming you are the real David Francis who claims to be a member of the SNP - what branch is that again David? - Independence for Scotland is not a made up name it is an expression of my desire. Is David Francis a made up name you say it is real but you cannae say what branch you are a member of to prove it. I feel sorry for anyone having to attend branch meetings with you. You are the SNP equivalent of Chris McEleny.

      You say I am a " blatant liar" - well tell me what I am lying about - this should be interesting. You have been whining away to James pleading with him to do something about posts you don't care for. You have been doing that ever since you appeared as David Francis the Mr ANGRY of SGP who loves to use CAPS.

    7. Ifs is a made up name. What does yir mammy call you? Wee tadger?


    8. 4.50pm it clearly is not a name. Just as anon is not a name. So what is wrong with you that you feel the need to post in this way.

  3. Well done and well said James! What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Alba seem to be very selective about ignoring some people whose social media accounts are allowed to spew vitriolic hate against others and in particular former members, and by the same metric target folks such as yourself for what amounts to criticism of policy and not of personalities.
    It’s actually incredulous that they continue to target folk who have actually left the party and have no interest in Alba other than as an objective observation of any party and its policies. Almost as if they cannot look to their own behaviour and take responsibility but have to deflect the failure of the party to progress on those who have left.

  4. I think the likes of the wee fat unicorn and her dad are just as bad as the others. Hide behind a screen, taunting people. Great blog post as usual. This is why we left or got suspended/expelled. Standing up for a democratic way to run a party.
    To stand up against bullies. It's like a school playground.

  5. Is it wise to idolise politicians?

    I hope a lesson has been learned here by all those who support Scottish independence - do not idolise politicians - creating an environment where independendence supporters idolise one or another politician is at the root of the problems we experience now.

    I have stated this years ago on SGP. I saw strong evidence of it at George sq Nov 2019 when people were queuing up to get selfies with Sturgeon as if she was Beyonce. She is not Beyonce and is not even an independence supporter but blind hero worshipping means they cannae see what is staring them in the face. She is just a politician and it's what politicians do, not what they say, that counts.

    1. IFS - St Nicola is one subject that I can 100% agree with you. Self-absorbed and self-regarding, she manifests “I love myself better than you, I know it’s wrong but what can I do?” more vividly than any other politician I can think of.

      Yet she was a terrible FM, responsible for so many bad decisions, wasted public money, illogical and self-defeating public policy, and general mismanagement. Now she rears her head again, taking public pops against (nearly equally useless l, it must be admitted) Yousaf. Get thee to a book festival, preferably abroad, and stay there oh Sainted one!

    2. How dare you criticise Nicola...

      WE were LUCKY to have her lead the way during the pandemic. You imbeciles should be kissing her feet!

    3. Right KC I know it's you impersonating Francis - it's the type of thing you do and you have been missing recently with your inane Nessie type posts. Britnats like you were lucky that numpties like Francis idolised Sturgeon and couldnae see she was on your side.

    4. KC is trying to save the Union.

    5. IFS,
      Sorry to disappoint you, but once again you’ve got it wrong.
      I can assure you I’m not the one impersonating David Francis.

    6. Well you would say that KC wouldn’t you.

  6. Why the photo of Jimmy Reid ? Jimmy wouldn't have touched Alba with a bargepole.

    1. Ridley is an admirer of Jimmy Reid.

  7. Scottish budget - “ ALBA Party Holyrood leader Ash Regan MSP has come to an agreement with the Scottish Government to back this year’s budget”. on the same ALBA web page SNP held hostage by Lib Dem’s, The 2 candidates for ALBA’s lead place should maybe have a wee chat. The party just looks silly.

    1. Ash is the party whip at Holyrood.

    2. Ooh err, Ash with a whip. Oooh matron.

  8. I’m the David Frances who doesn’t spank the Bobby.

    I use paragraphs and don’t use caps to make a point even when really, really angry.

    I have no idea who this KC person is by the way.

    1. He has a Sunshine Band.

    2. I'm the monster of Loch Ness! Och aye, och aye, oh yes!

  9. Are you David FRANCIS Ryan....of Iowa?

  10. Yeh the disrupter(s) are at full blast today. I suppose the good thing it shows how worried they are. Still the “leaders” of ALBA could make a statement condemning the actions of some members.

    1. It actually shows them taking the piss with impunity and rendering the btl almost unworkable.

  11. I posted a suggestion about a system to successfully ID and therefore successfully differentiate between posters. Why did you delete it?
