Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Memo to the Daily Record: you cannot say "this election is not about independence" just 24 hours after your own political editor angrily insisted that Westminster elections are the ONLY elections in which anyone is allowed to vote for independence. That is a direct and total contradiction, and you are treating your readers like idiots.

On one of the previous threads, someone posted about focus group findings suggesting that voters who were swithering between the SNP and Labour were most concerned about whether it was better to bolster Labour's majority and have Scottish MPs from the governing party, or whether it was best to have SNP MPs as an independent Scottish voice in the House of Commons.  I found that encouraging in a way because it strongly implies that nobody buys into the line that Labour are at risk of not winning in England and that Scottish votes might be decisive and that "this is an opportunity that Scotland can't afford to miss" and all the rest of the standard Sarwar guff.  But clearly the Daily Record, the most contemptible newspaper on the planet (a view I've consistently held since before I even started blogging in 2008), still think trying to treat Scottish voters like idiots in that way is a promising strategy, and in their front page endorsement of Labour have basically instructed the Jocks to "eat your cereal, stop thinking about independence and give the Tories a kicking".  As a visual aid for this Orwellian-style "two minutes hate", a rogue's gallery of Tories with demon eyes is presented so you can see who you're supposed to be kicking.  And what makes this truly Orwellian, of course, is that the real motivation for the endorsement of Labour is the Record editorial team's undying hatred of the SNP and burning desire to see the SNP defeated and humiliated.  They don't give a monkey's about the Tories and could quite happily tolerate living under Tory rule - as they proved in 2014 by helpfully arranging another ten years  of Tory rule by backing the No campaign in the independence referendum with the fraudulent "Vow".

In their tweet tonight, the Record claim that it's been fourteen years since they last backed Labour.  Anyone who follows their output may reasonably conclude that they've kept their supposed non-support for Labour over the last fourteen years exceptionally well-hidden.  If they've refrained from making an official editorial endorsement during that time, it was only due to a worry over sales, because they knew that many of their readers had become passionately pro-independence and pro-SNP during the indyref campaign and would probably instantly walk with their feet if the Record reverted to the explicit "be a sheep, baa-aa, vote Labour" stuff.  The editorial team have been gagging for the earliest possible moment that they could get away with resuming normal service, and they think they've found it - but you can tell they're not quite sure and are nervous they may be miscalculating and jumping the gun.  The giveaway is that the opening words of the endorsement are "this election is not about independence", imploring independence supporters to absurdly believe that they can somehow take a holiday from what they believe in and can vote against independence by voting Labour without that having any actual effect or consequence.

But wait - is this election really not about independence?  How can that be, given that only yesterday the Record's political editor Paul Hutcheon told us that John Swinney has no credibility in claiming a mandate for an independence referendum from the Holyrood election of 2021, because the Supreme Court had "ruled unequivocally a referendum is a matter for Westminster, not Holyrood".  In other words, he is not just saying that Westminster elections are about independence, but that Westminster elections are the ONLY elections that are about independence.  According to Hutcheon, you are literally NOT ALLOWED to vote for independence or for a referendum on independence in any other type of election - you have to do it in a Westminster general election, because that's your one and only shot.  If you're an independence supporter, Hutcheon is telling you that when a general election comes up, by Christ you do not muck around - you clear your diaries and use that election for the purpose God has ordained, namely to express your view on whether Scotland should be an independent country.

So the Daily Record is factually wrong to tell its readers that this election is not about independence, and we have that on the Highest Authority imaginable - no, not God, someone far more senior, it's Mr Paul Hutcheon, political editor of the Daily Record.  Congratulations, chaps, you managed to pre-contradict the entire thrust of your logic for endorsing Labour.  That takes some talent, and we salute you.

(And yes, we know what the get-out clause will be - although general elections can be about independence, not all of them are, and this is one of the exceptions.  You can tell it's one of the exceptions because the Daily Record says it is.  Don't even bother to try to think for yourselves, guys - you are sheep and that's why the Record exists.  If you're ever allowed to vote for independence, the Record will inform you in plenty of time.  However, don't wait up for that, because the Record have decided you will never be allowed to vote for independence.  They just haven't told you yet.)

*  *  *

I've been continuing to write constituency profiles for The National, and here are the links for Glasgow South, Glasgow North East, Glenrothes & Mid Fife, and Gordon & Buchan.


  1. Welcome back James. Great to see the fire in your belly again.
    The arrogance of the Record to tell people what an election is or isn't about is frightening. Gaslighting people into thinking voting Labour is anti Tory when in reality the only way to get rid of Tories in Scotland is to vote SNP.

    I'd respect them more if they just said they hate the SNP and Indy.

    1. Then they’d just be the Express.

      With Continuity Swinney at the helm, however, is Indy really on the table at all? Securing independence takes guts, determination and inventiveness. He and his party seldom show they’ve got much of it.

    2. The description of continuity Swinney is more than disrespectful,it shows either an inability,or a disinterest in understanding the roadblock to independence caused by the UK governments refusal to allow a referendum.In response to that the SNP manifesto asks voters to vote SNp to make Scotland an independent country.If succesful they will negotiate withe UK government in order to have a referendum.If that is not succesful.,they will make the next election for the Scottish Parliament a defacto referendum.The cause of delay is the UK governments refusal to accept the will of the Scottish people.Pro -indepence people attacking the SNP is a case of firing at the wrong target and must be a delightful bonus for our unionist opponents.I am getting sick and tired of hearing that the SNP have given up on independence,especially since no alternative strategy is proposed.It seems that some people know what the problem is,but dont have any answers,other than to attack the only party that can deliver anything for them

    3. It's not up to others to provide an alternative strategy unless they themselves are standing for election. It doesn't remove their right to criticise SNP for its inertia.

    4. Anon at 8.33 and 2.23. Why is it always up to someone else? On a personal level you can increase support for Indy, but you just carp from the sidelines. Get positive or get tae.

    5. It's up to those who are elected to do the job. Otherwise what's the point of them? If you're so full of brilliant ideas why aren't you standing for election instead of criticising others?

  2. The Redcoat Retard has always treated its moronic readers like idiots. You have to be a moron to buy any Brit Nat rag in the first place.

  3. Some Tory minister (well ex) was on tv last week and threatened , to vote Labour would mean 'a generation' of voters having to live under Labour rule .....now since parties generally rule for ten to fifteen years that means we are about due for another independence referendum if we go by the unionist mantra that Salmond and Sturgeon said it was 'once in a generation' .......

    1. Interesting thought experiment: what ultimately brought the last labour government down? They lasted a political generation: 1997 to 2010, about the same length as the Tories before and after them.

      Iraq was their first real dent. It took a while to really drag them down, though, as they even held Holyrood in 2003 while the war was the biggest thing on the news. In 2007 they lost here by a sliver, and so Scotland began to slide beyond their grip.

      The financial crash is what got them out of power at the UK level. Arguably the same thing that finished off Major and Truss. When you give them a financial scare, you lose the English people and you’re done for.

      Notably, Scotland voted for Brown in 2010 in a big way. It was the English who dumped him for Cameron.

      So this unnamed Tory is quite likely right. Unless Starmer does something monumentally rash and stupid, he probably does have a decade or so in office ahead of him.

      Not that the Scots will get any opportunity to hold another referendum. That would be monumentally rash and stupid of him…

    2. Democracy doesn't work like that. The Tories thought they had another term in the bag after the size of their 2019 win. They're applying that same flawed thinking to the size of Labour's upcoming majority.

      Ok, if the Tories in opposition believe they can't win, they won't really try and therefore it's a self-fulfilling prophecy on their part... Don't threaten us with a good time and all that.

    3. Though this time is a little different that your typical election.

      The projections for how badly the Tories will lose... if they come to pass it will be their worst defeat in living memory.

    4. Makes little difference, so long as the Tories are ahead of the other opposition parties and can maintain their pride of place on every BBC talking head lineup and cosy couch.

      And then even if they don’t! James brought up that possibility in recent weeks and I stand by my comment there that the BBC would still treat the Tories as co-equal with labour, even if their excuse comes down to the numbers in the Lords! Anything to help a dear friend.

  4. A free press should be a wonderful thing but for the most part in this country it is a god awful thing. Vultures feeding on misery, delighting in kicking those who are down, obsessed with hating Megan Markle, worshipping Farage, constantly trying to terrify their readers with imminent asteroids, immigrants, WW3, plagues, killer rabbits, evil SNP voters etc I'm convinced they sap the heart out of people and make life more miserable.

    The Record may not be as ghastly as say The Express but it is pretty awful, I haven't had anything to do with it since the Vow. Looking at recent circulation figures neither have most of Scotland. Apart from one or two exceptions the press are not a source of information they are a source of propaganda, bias, and entertainment and the boundaries are deliberately blurred.

    Other than the above, the press are great. 🙂

    1. We do not have a Press in the UK. We have lickspittle lackies and cap doffing liars writing what they are told to write.

  5. The Britnat newspapers and Britnat politicians in Scotland are unacceptable to any decent person.

  6. Long overdue end to the brutal punishment of Assange. Well done to all who campaigned for Assange - well done Craig Murray. Governments and politicians do not like actual journalists. In Scotland we just have propaganda writers like the Daily Redcoat.

    1. I've just read that Assange is released. Great news that the UK government acting for the US government is no longer torturing him. A shameful reflection on the Justice system as operated by a corrupt judiciary and corrupt governments.

    2. He’s not quite out of the woods yet, he’s going to the Marianas so he’s on US soil (seized from Japan in world war 2) and in their custody. The deal he’s agreed to is to plead guilty then be released to return to Australia. But who could stop the US government from just pinching him anyway? I certainly wouldn’t put it past them. They know there’s no repercussions for their treachery.

  7. I see the trolls have mostly been deleted, but to answer their question: is the National better than the Record? Yes, of course it is. It offers a better standard of journalism on what must be a fraction of the budget. And James' constituency profiles have been first class.

  8. ENOUGH WITH THIS OBSESSION OVER INDEPENDENCE! cries the latest fib dem leaflet I just tossed in the bin. A parade of three SNP leaders on the front, not one of which lifted a finger for Indy.

    Where is this vibrant, daring, darkly terrifying party on a mission to restore Scotland’s nationhood? How I’d love to vote for THEM!

    1. How about you get up off your arse then and do something?

    2. He doesn't know. It's his stock answer to everyone on this page he disagrees with.

    3. “Hullo. I’m John Swinney. I wear this disguise to keep my adoring fans off me. Oh, eh, thanks. It’s true the TV cameras are very aging.

      The reason I’m chapping your door is because I am, as I’m told the young folks call it nowadays, pure gagging for Indy.”

    4. Anon at 5.55. I do know and I’ve spelt it out on countless occasions. You know that but can’t cope with the truth. On you go back to WOS. We know who and what you are. Silly billy.

    5. 'We' know? Talking to the voices in your head again? Or is it just the royal 'we' as a proud devolutionist and unionist? Why don't you own your stupidity, to paraphrase another of your favourite mantras, you silly Billy?

  9. 12:23.I disagree.Constructive criticism of the SNP is acceptable,and to be welcomed.My earlier point was that it does not help us to progress unless those who are disatisfied with the SNP do not have any ideas of their own.Saying that I dont like what you are doing ,but I dont know what else you could have done is not helpful.We need to focus on the origin of the problem and work together to solve the problem.Otherwise the achievment of independence will be further delayed.I assume that most people on this site are pro-independence,although some contributors sound like unionist trolls,by the shallowness of their comments.

    1. Then why elect MPs at all if all the leg work has to be done by the voter? Facts are that the SNP has done nothing to progress independence in ten years yet somehow we're to blame as ordinary voters rather than the gravy slurpers we're asked to elect as our representatives.
      It's too easy to dismiss people as closer unionists just because they've become disillusioned with the SNP. You should be asking why so many have lost faith in the party's ability to deliver.

    2. 1:51,the problem with the internet as a means of discussing issues is that a one way communication is prone to misunderstanding.I am not accussing pro-independence voters of bein closet uinionists.What I meant was that I was wondering if some of those commenting were not actually in favour of independence.That was suggested by the content of their comment.I understand that elected politicians have a responsability to sove the problems that we face,.However,iwhen their is constant frustration with the plan,it is not unreasonable to ask a voter,what else could be done.The SNP does have a plan that is based on the assumption that if the constant majority will of the Scottish people is expressed in a general election and?or a defacto referendum,it will be diificult for the UK government to refuse cooperation.That view was also expressed by the Supreme Court.Therefore ,if Scottish voters are disatisfied,they should move beyond objection,and inform politicians about what they would like to see.Wise politicians should always consult the electorate..

    3. The biggest problem we face is convincing more people of the benefits of independence.
      We need to get support over 50%, and for a prolonged period of time.

    4. The biggest problem for independence is the SNP leadership.

    5. Anon at 2.40. Biggest problem is people like you who sit on your arse carping. It is for you and every other Indy supporter to persuade one person each, and there you have it, majority support for Indy. Alternatively, remain seated on your arse sniping.

    6. I doubt you, with your abrasive manner to fellow independence supporters on here, will win over many converts from the no side. They might tell you they agree but it's probably just to shut you up.

    7. Arse sitter? Yep.

    8. 4:41 Intelligent? Nope

    9. I say. What a delightful fellow.

    10. Gosh. Great comments from the silly billies. Carry on whinging and blaming everyone else. It’s the Alba way.

    11. Yes. Nowhere near as witty as calling them silly billy is it?

    12. So definitions of words don't count? you just disagree and that's fine? OK I disagree with the meaning of the word acceptable
      You know who else disagrees with the meanings of words

  10. There is no such thing as "constructive criticism" look up the definition of the word criticism, it means the exact opposite to constructive

    1. Hugely helpful to the Indy cause. Thanks.

  11. Constructive criticism involves feedback that includes actionable alternatives to what is being proposed..Unfortunately,many politicians fail to do that.You can observe that in the Scottish parliament during First Ministers questions,where an opposition MSP focuses on a problem,but doesnt offer any actionable alternatives in order to solve the problem.

    1. That's a pile of padoodley. A big pile.

  12. SNP could win 57 out of 57 seat and still Westminster wouldn't give a section 30 and the SNP wouldn't question why not.

    The SNP has been using election after election to con the electorate into the idea that they'll deliver Independence which they never will, party doesn't want too.

    The best option for the voters and the Indy movement is to rid ourselves entirely of the SNP, for good.

    1. And replace it with what 2:22? What is the basis for believing that getting rid of the SNP would facilitate independence,what is the plan? The SNP most certainly does want independence,and and its members have worked their buts off in all weathers to try to achieve it.I have been one of those members over many years.We face a barrier and now is the time for all of us in the independence movement to work together to achieve the goal

    2. Well said Anon@2:22, the SNP are only talking about independence in the run up to the election in order to buy votes. For them it’s all about keeping snouts in the Westminster trough.
      Serious supporters of independence shouldn’t even be considering voting SNP.

    3. Anonymous at 2.32pm - you may want independence but the leadership you have most certainly does not. The barrier is your own leadership. Surprised you can’t see that.

    4. "We face a barrier"

      Issue is the plan seems to just be to keep running into that barrier out of pure faith that one day it will magically disappear.

      Finding ways round that barrier is out of the question, we need to keep running into it!

    5. When you see the party leader at a Pride march waving a saltire defaced with the trans flag when there is an independence rally the same day at Bannockburn of all places, you have to question where the leaderships priorities lie. I'm sure most party footsoldiers are genuine enough but you have to wonder how much longer will it take until they realise, like we who have gone before, that this is no longer an independence party but a devolutionist/unionist imposter.

    6. Trying to imagine any political leader from a proud and functioning nation going to a pride march instead of the birthplace of their struggle on the field of the decisive battle for survival on Independence Day.

      Swinney on an Indy march? Aye, arm in arm with Nicola, you couldn’t keep her away from AUOB!

    7. Shoogle your kilt and wave your claymore. You do know the age group that most supports Indy know SFA about your romantic memories and care even less? No of course you don’t.

  13. "You are treating your readers like idiots"

    Only "idiots" read the record...

  14. Anon 2.38,I can see that nothing that I can say is going to persuade you.However,some of what I say is meant for others.I need to move on just now but I will say one thing before I leave.The SNP is much more than its leaders.Its activists work very for the cause of independence,and we would appreciate working together with all parts of the independence movement.That is something that was proposed by Kate Forbes,Deputy Leader of the SNP during the leadership election last year.Kate also said that there is a need to explain the relationship of independence to all things important to voters,such as cost of living,child poverty,education ,health care,environment,international relations and so on.John Swinney,I have known for many years and he most certainly wants independence.I think that we need to agree to disagree about your opinion of the SNP..We might come out of the general election quite well,or we might not,but the SNP leadership and members, will never give up on independence. leadership.

    1. "we would appreciate working together with all parts of the independence movement."

      Why hasn't there been any genuine attempts made to bring the wider movement together in that case?

      If anything divisions have widened as the wider movement have basically been told to just shut up or hold our noses and get behind the SNP in order to keep the independence dream alive. Essentially emotionally blackmailing us with: "If the SNP loses then indy is dead".

      Actions speak louder than words, and it's not as if other pro-indy Parties and organisations haven't offered olive branches to the SNP that have been slapped away.

    2. Fine words from Kate but remember - she LOST that leadership election thanks to the membership and would have lost against Swinney too because of her Christian beliefs.

    3. Kate was also right last year when she said 'Continuity won't cut it'.

      Sadly though that's exactly what we've ended up getting: Continuity of leadership and continuity of independence "strategy".

    4. Anon at. 3.22. Thoughtful post and thank you for it. The usual suspects on here don’t want to hear it.

    5. Confused posts here.She is deputy FM . Move on

  15. Swinney attends church too.

    1. Yes but he's fully on board with the Stonewall agenda and was out celebrating it at the weekend. Perhaps I should have said Kate's evangelical Christian beliefs but you know the hostility she encountered last year over abortion and same sex marriage.

  16. Come on Slovenia.
