Sunday, January 12, 2025

Where would the independence movement be after six more years of not particularly doing anything under John Swinney?

So a few thoughts about John Swinney's announcement that he intends to stay on until 2031, assuming the SNP win the Holyrood election next year - 

* This shouldn't necessarily be taken ultra-literally.  In many ways it feels similar to when Tony Blair  announced that he was going to see out a full third term, but of course in the end Blair stepped down midway through the third term.  The feeling is that a leader has to say they intend to serve a full term otherwise they're already fighting the election as a lame duck.  But the logic still points to Swinney stepping down before 2031, otherwise the question would be - will he stand down one month before the 2031 election or one month after?  Neither of those options makes any sense.  You'd always want to give your successor time to bed in, and then face the electorate, so some time between 2027 and 2030 would be much more sensible.

* Swinney has done better in the polls than I expected him to.  That may be partly due to his good sense in semi-dispensing with Yousaf's factionalism and appointing Kate Forbes as his deputy, but nevertheless it's fair to say a few more years of Swinney doesn't fill me with quite the dismay it once would have done - except of course for the elephant in the room.  It's great that the SNP are recovering in the polls, it's great that they now have a chance of rescuing the pro-indy majority in 2026, but the SNP were not set up to seek power for its own sake.  Their purpose in seeking power is supposed to be to use it to deliver independence.  Swinney did not say, as far as I'm aware, that he wanted to stay on for six more years to deliver independence.  He seems to be imagining himself handing on the baton of devolved government to someone else in 2031.

* Swinney of course has long since surrendered to the Westminster argument that a simple majority is not enough for Scotland to become an independent country - he says that will only happen if there is "overwhelming" support.  But even if we give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he imagines himself to be genuinely working towards that "overwhelming" support, what will he actually do with it once he's got it?  Suppose, for example, he gets lucky, Farage becomes Prime Minister and tries to abolish the Scottish Parliament and drives support for independence up to hitherto undreamed of levels.  I've never bought into the argument that the way to win independence is to go over the heads of Westminster and seek international recognition, for the simple reason that other countries would shrug and turn away - but the abolition of devolution might just be an exception to that general rule.  Although theoretically devolution is an internal matter for the UK, there are precedents (for example Kosovo) of countries taking a dim view of long-standing autonomy being stripped away from a stateless people.  But would Swinney be assertive enough to try to nurture that and exploit it?  Given what we know of his character, it's hard to imagine.

* The one good thing that might come out of this announcement would be if it gives Stephen Flynn pause for thought about whether it's worth his while to switch to Holyrood and trigger a totally unnecessary by-election in Aberdeen South.  I don't believe that Flynn would be a sensible choice to replace Swinney anyway - he's a bit too belligerent for some segments of the electorate.

*  *  *

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  1. The only problem with waiting for a Farage like scenario is two-fold. One, it may not actually happen - polling this early in a parliamentary cycle is subject to the laws of politics generally. The second is that exploiting these opportunities requires the wherewithal to do it - and it is very much like the Brexit scenario, where the popular will was briefly there but left on the table for some reason.

    I think these are fine scenarios to bear in mind, but I wouldn't be relying on them - so the question is what else needs doing or are we going to be waiting for the stars to maybe align?

    I'm not disagreeing woth you James, or saying you are saying anything different, but people shouldn't rely on non-guaranteed events to secure their desired outcomes

    1. Maybe if we just keep sitting on the pot, something will come along…

  2. Former SNP adviser Geoff Aberdein recently pressed Swinney and Forbes on their strategy for achieving independence. Forbes offered little more than vague platitudes about inspiring hope, while Swinney chimed in with, "In a democracy, Westminster cannot stand in the way of the people of Scotland determining their own future […] that is just a logical democratic inconsistency that cannot be sustained."

    That rhetoric is the same narrative that's been recycled for over a decade. At this point, they're not just flogging a dead horse; the horse has long since decomposed into dust.

    Is it any wonder why so many people are pissed off when that's who's supposedly meant to lead us?

    1. Former adviser in place at the 2014 debacle.

  3. Scotland’s John Swinney is becoming more and more important and popular among the voters, no flash, no sweeping statements, no bravado, just a serious individual talking slowly and seriously like a man who does the work before he opens his cakehole and blurts out drivel

    He might seem slow and uneventful, but his serious approach is grindingly and undeniably positive, more and more people are liking it, and his numbers just keep going up because of it

    As an aside, the use the SNP is making of Nicola Sturgeon at the moment is brilliant, she says something, John Swinney is asked about what she said, she writes something, John Swinney is asked about what she wrote, that’s how you keep the agenda you want to push at the front of the news instead of constantly listening to England’s drones and Bawhieds every five minutes

    1. So Sturgeon saying that independence is off the radar and keeping the focus on Alex Salmond by sticking the knife into a dead man is being helpful?

    2. Very helpful indeed, to her puppet masters down south.

    3. Jimbo in the wild - a lot of people like you also liked Sturgeon's approach as well. What did that amount to on independence - nothing positive but she split the movement so that is a great big negative.

      Sturgeon claimed she intervened to stop Salmond bullying but she never intervened to stop Salmond sexually assaulting her pals because presumably she didnae know it was happening is what she would have numpties believe. She didnae intervene because it wisnae happening.

    4. sturgeon claims she didn't know people who worked for her

      who is that person in my office, she would say


  4. James, I agree with the overall thrust of your article. You just put it in softer terms than me. I ran out of patience with the SNP on Jan 30 2020 when Sturgeon delivered her surrender speech and nothing but can kicking has happened since then.

    Swinney's concept of a democracy does not match mine. Westminster put in their special idea of democracy in the 1979 Referendum and Swinney is just doing the same for them. It's colonialism and racism. There is no way the English would accept the notion of an unspecified overwhelming support for them to do anything - see Brexit - never mind if England wanted a vote on ending the UK.

    Forbes may be a more effective FM but I see no drive in her for independence and she seems to have bought in to this " overwhelming support " dead end. I can only hope she is hiding her true thoughts until she gets the FM position. Unlikely.

    1. Can kicking? Kicking the independence mandate down the long, long road to nowhere.

      With leaders like these, who needs unionists?

  5. I don't believe a PM Farage will have any more effect on %Yes than Brexit, Johnson, Truss, Gaza did. Waiting for this fabled overwhelming majority is a nonsense, it will never happen. It shouldn't matter anyway, where the polls have been since 2014 is perfectly good starting point for a referendum campaign.
    And anyway, it's too late now. I think Farage is probably going to demonstrate to the SNP how to exploit an opportunity. He has been underestimated his whole political career. Vilified by the liberal left, his supporters dismissed as racist morons, Scotland still trying to pretend it is above the global lurch to the right. Reform will make big inroads at HR26 and Scotland will finally wake up to the fact that many of it's citizens want fundamental political change, not just a feeble nationalist party that seems less interested then ever in pursuing it's primary objective.
    The world is a very different place than five or ten years ago. Sturgeon sat back and did nothing when the stars were aligned in 2016-2019. That was the chance to get out, we're stuck now and at the mercy of events largely outside our control.
    If Alba is absorbed into a heavily funded Scottish Reform, I wouldn't be at all surprised.

    1. Reform will make inroads into Holyrood 2026 ! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. What precisely is the Reform party, going to reform? it sound s bit like "Change" Just another slogan for the gullible.

    3. Cameron described UKIP as loonies. fruitcakes and closet racists, and for once he was correct. Same epithets applies to Reform.

    4. Anon 9.19 Farage wants to scrap the NHS, drag us out of the ECHR, have a Truss like budget. And jump whenever Donny and Elon say jump.

    5. Reform are taking advantage of how fed up the electorate are with the status quo and all the main political parties though.

      When things are shit & hope for the future at an all time low it's understandable for people to gravitate to those advocating for any kind of shakeup to the system.

      Question we should be asking: Why hasn't the SNP utilised that same resentment people feel for the status quo to drive home independence? Instead they're seen as just another establishment Party responsible for how shit everything else.

    6. 'Farage wants to scrap the NHS'. From what I have seen of Reform's policies, their main NHS policy involves massively more NHS spending than any other party.

  6. Swinney, like all politicians, is gonna say exactly that, in relative proximity to another Election.
    His Party are recovering very well, he is the most popular politician in Scotland and his historical main rivals are literally falling to bits around him.
    He will say absolute nothing to disturb that state of affairs and why should he?
    As for the Indy Question - given the legal impediments we face and the fact that NOBODY ( NOT Alba, NOT Wings, NOT Salvo, NOT McAlpine or anyone else ) has an alternative 'plan' which would either garner sufficient Scottish support or EU/International backing to work in the real World - it is my reluctant opinion that Swinney's approach may be the only way to get Independence, albeit at a slower pace than I would wish.
    And I say that, having supported the Yes Movement for over four decades now.

    1. "Swinney's approach"

      That this or a future UK Government will simply give into demands for a referendum for no reason? Seriously?

    2. Ok.
      Give me an alternative 'plan' which would actually work, in that case.
      Should be easy for you, surely............?

    3. The de-facto referendum approach that even Sturgeon was coming round to before she resigned?

      When we have a UK Government blocking one path you look into alternative paths. You don't just keep asking nicely and hope after a certain amount of groveling they'll eventually give in.

    4. UK Govt would simple ignore that, as they have ignored previous Election victories for Pro-Indy Parties, a majority of Pro-Indy Scottish MPs and a Pro-Indy HR Majority.
      What makes you think they wouldn't?

    5. "it is my reluctant opinion that Swinney's approach may be the only way to get Independence, albeit at a slower pace than I would wish.
      And I say that, having supported the Yes Movement for over four decades now."

      Make sure and get someone to promise to dig you up to inform you when John and his numerous successors finally succeed with their "approach".

    6. Ross Greer from the Greens did a full, in-depth count of all votes cast in the Scottish Election in 2021 and showed that the Pro-Indy Vote tally was just above 50%. He published it on social media and, I seem to recall he even spoke about it in a HR debate.
      Had NO effect whatsoever, did it?

    7. In my my view the Supreme Court ruled Holyrood couldn't hold a referendum on indy but it also stated that the ballot box carries "authority" in a "democratic culture".

      At a bare minimum the outcome of that would put us in a different position from the status quo as it would no longer be hypothetical whether or not Scots want independence. That fact alone could also open up other legal avenues to pursue.

      Instead of continuing to flog a dead horse wouldn't doing something like that be a little more productive? Move the dial by changing the status quo instead of waiting around hoping circumstances will change it for us?

    8. David Francis at 7.52pm - I can't believe you actually posted that. Where were you when the SNP were punting the sec 30 gold standard route and it is unsustainable for Westminster to ignore the democratic deficit.

      Westminster may well have ignored a yes result in 2014. Disnae mean the referendum shouldn't have happened. So many years after the SNP punting a referendum as the answer it now just gets ditched and the plan is to hang around waiting.

      Swinney is a surrender monkey if he ever was for indepdndence in the first place.

      " Albeit at a slower pace" - took you a long time to realise this.

      David the simple fact is you just parrot whatever can kicking rubbish the SNP leadership chuck out there as carrots to hopefully keep people in line. By doing so you are the enemy of independence - you just don't realise it.

      Anon at 8.05pm is correct - we will all be dead before the SNP do anything about independence. If you are not angry about this are you really an independence supporter.

    9. IFS -

      You are a slobbering idiot.
      Nothing more, nothing less.
      A slobbering, gibbering idiot.

    10. Anon at 8:05

      Don't worry, pal - I fully intend to celebrate Indy with a good Malt, while still drawing breath.

    11. D Francis @8:47,
      In your dreams.

    12. David Francis at 8.42pm - hope that wisnae the standard of your arguments for independence when out canvassing because if that is what passes for thoughtful debate in the SNP then the overwhelming support Swinney wants to see will be a long time coming.

      I mean, read your post again David - in three simple lines of abuse you manage to contradict yourself.

      Is the use of the word pal a derogatory term in Aberdeenshire? You seem to use it a lot but not in an obviously friendly manner. Do you call your colleagues in your SNP branch pal? What was the name of your branch again David?

    13. Anon at 8.20pm - correct. Good post. Strange how David Francis has ignored your comments.

  7. It's also a sad state of affairs that we're essentially going to be asked to put all of that aside and vote for the SNP purely on the HOPE that they might one day get around to doing something about independence and if you don't like what they're doing in the meantime: tough luck.

    10 years have passed, what's 10 more? 20 more? How much time do we give them to get their act together whilst Scotland suffers?

    The "they're the only viable option" and "it would take too long to build up a viable alternative" doesn't hold much water either. Reform are now a viable alternative to the Tories, how long did it take them to become that?

    1. See my reply to another Anon, above.
      And neither Alba or any other Fringe-Yes Party, is gonna be the next 'Reform', for a huge variety of reasons.

  8. So the achievement of our national self determination is to rest on the expectation of a racist, xenophobic rUK government, with fascistic street mobs supporting it at barely arms length, being swayed by the democratic ethics of us achieving e.g. 60%+ in an election ?

    Might be a good idea to consider what other options such a UK government might have in such a scenario !

    1. I am no happier about that, than you - and you are 100% correct in worrying about just how far a Reform UK Govt would go to protect their 'precious union'.
      However, their extremism might move the entire pitch for us, rather than just the goalposts.

    2. David people like you said the same about Brexit and Boris Johnston and Liz Truss. Independence will not just magically happen some day.

    3. david francis gets our minds right

    4. 'People like me' were out delivering leaflets in the pouring rain and getting the Vote Out for the SNP when it was marginal and completely unfashionable and then, later, for Independence itself in 2014.
      And now, 'people like me' are being honest and realistic enough to openly admit the huge barriers we face in achieving our ultimate goal, in the face of successive Anti-Democratic WM Govts' intransigence. - and acknowledging that there is NO 'magic/clever fix/plan held by ANYONE to overcome that, at a stroke.
      Whether people like you like it, or not.

    5. Sounds rather defeatest. When your aim is big constitutional change if you accept that nothing can be done and that the country you're wanting independence from holds all the cards it'll never happen.

      When they know that they can just keep saying "No" and face no repercussions for it why would they ever say "Yes" especially when they're all but guaranteed to lose? It's not logical.

    6. Ok.
      What 'repercussions' do you think would work and carry majority support up here?

    7. Isn't that for you to answer since you think they'll eventually give in and grant another referendum?

    8. You were the one to bring up the subject, so you are surely the one to expand upon it.
      You have my full attention......

    9. Point was more why issue a demand if nothing will happen when your demands aren't met.

    10. David Francis you are not all baaad. I commend you for your work on delivering leaflets in the rain. If you are now being honest care to confirm that Sturgeon and Swinney and Blowhard and all the rest were lying when they said vote SNP for independence and Indyref2.
      Garnering votes and money based on lies is the sort of thing political parties do but the SNP was supposed to be different.

  9. If there are a million Scots on NHS waiting-lists next year Swinney would be viewed as someone who couldn't run a bath. The SNP would then have been running the NHS for the last 20 years.

    1. Anon at 7.37pm - if you are running a car and your neighbour is dictating how much petrol you can put in the car who is really in charge. If you cannae understand what this means then let me know and I will spell it out in more detail for you.

    2. The English government holds the purse strings. Scotland and Wales can only tinker with what they have. Having full power would improve our lot unless of course you think corrupt Westminster governs better.

    3. We need direct rule from Westminster, Wes Streeting will sort out Scottish NHS ! 😀

    4. Vote Labour and freeze your granny. I think 6 months of Labour ideas is more than enough.

    5. “Vote Labour and freeze your granny”

      Vote independence and bankrupt Scotland.

  10. Present NHS Scotland total waiting list - 690,000.
    Present NHS England total waiting list - 7.48 Million.
    Your 'point', pal???

  11. Swinney inherited a blocked cludgie and an overflowing cesspit of a government and party, but I think we're seeing the bottom of it now.

    1. I'd love it if he'd buy me a button.

    2. "Swinney inherited a blocked cludgie and an overflowing cesspit of a government and party"

      Shame he wasn't in the heart of Government or say a Deputy Leadership position from 2014 to 2023. If he was you could argue that he inherited a mess he had a large hand in creating.

    3. You're talking a lot of crap ... but I agree with you.

  12. You're talking a lot of crap ... but I agree with you.

  13. John Swinney has to say that he'll still be here in 2031. If he didn't he'd be giving the other parties ammunition to attack him with in 2026. I agree with your points regarding independence but it's up to the SNP members to drive that from within the party. That's why people like your good self are needed in the party to keep the fire burning.

    1. Like how members voted for a Constitutional Convention to take place in 2023? When's that happening?

      What's the point of fighting for change from within when at the end of the day the Leadership can just do what they want?

  14. So you just give up and give the britnats a free playing field? I don’t think so.
