Tuesday, August 27, 2024

More analysis of the Norstat poll

Just a quick note to let you know I've written some more analysis for The National about the weekend's Norstat poll, showing the SNP ahead in Holyrood voting intentions.  You can read the article HERE.


  1. "because Norstat have weighted their results according to how respondents voted in July."

    I'm going to have to go along with the "SNP doing fine" fingers in ears gang a bit on this one, for two reasons.

    1 - I think a lot of SNP voters stayed away, who could be tempted back. The poll won't show that.

    2 - There could be voter regret already, seeing the shambles that is the PM called Starmer unably assisted by Reeves. People who voted Labour saying something else.

  2. Lord of the SlippersAugust 28, 2024 at 4:49 AM

    I'm really struggling to stay engaged with politics at the moment as it seems the SNP have sunk into a fear induced stasis post GE.
    I still have hope they can snap out of it before the run up to HR26. Labour becoming less popular is a given and it's encouraging to see that happening already in polling.
    Let's see what the mood is like after the SNP conference. It's the most important few days of John Swinney's political career, I believe.

    1. Looking at the rest of them the only chance is Swinney becoming the great leader Scotland really needs.

  3. Your blog is so much better informed than James's, isn't it?

  4. Absolutely , we should be bowing doon tae oor colonial English masters. They hae oor interests at heart.

  5. Anon at 9:03 ... Rubbish! Your hero "Stu" goes completely off the rails himself, eg about the trans community. His btl comments section became a closed shop on that subject and on independence, with anyone offering even a reasonable comment contrary to his view being immediately leapt on by his disciples. Most reasonable-minded people gave up WoS ages ago as the Phoney Reverend is just that ... phoney.

  6. Don't read it, then. Start your own.

  7. Whilst clearing out old papers I find July's copy of the Community magazine for Newton Mearns, Clarkston & Busby and what do I see on the back page - a full page advert for Kirsten Oswald saying " Only Kirsten can beat the Tories here". She also has a bar chart showing the 2019 result and says Labour " can't win here" .

    Well Labour did win Kirsten. Not only that it was that prick from Better Together Blair Mc Dougall. What a useless campaign focussing on beating the Tories. Oswald a perfect example of a useless self serving careerist member of Sturgeon's gang. Not a word in any of her leaflets or adverts about independence.

    Glad I voted ISP.

    Only muppets would vote Labour under Starmer thinking they would be better than the Tories. Labour are Tories and the SNP are unionists favouring devolution. Both parties have been fully infiltrated and taken over by people not aligned with their original values.

    1. You voted Tory, we all know it

    2. Wouldn’t surprise me if he did.

    3. Who is ISP? Is it Inez Silverstrina Punche?

    4. Anon at 7.11pm and 7.51pm - you know shit.

    5. Anon at 7.11pm and 7.51pm you are wrong. I voted for the ISP leader Collette Walker and proud of it.

  8. Anon at 9.12am - care to give us a list of the anti English stuff that offends you. Don't want to accidently upset you.
    A wee reminder that England elected a PM called Boris Johnston who published an article saying Scots are vermin who should be exterminated. Can't say I have ever read anything saying the English are vermin and should be exterminated.

  9. Anon at 10.18am - you are so ineffective in your post you cannae even make it clear which post you are referring to.

    1. Anon 10.18. I agree wi IFS in this. We're not daft enough to think we are making an impact on the general voting public but airing views among politically active indy folk can help us see things clearer and thus help decide where we go next.
      I disagree wi IFS in that I still think the SNP is the best vehicle we have. However, he is right about some of the careerists and Indy next century lot. We do need a clear oot.

      Personally I think the SNP should get out of government in HR and let the unionists implement Labour/ Tory cuts or precipitate an election. An election this year and/ or 2026 would then befought on an anti- austerity Independence ticket.

      I ken fine this is wishful thinking but the mair folk actually in the SNP making a noise about it would increase the possibility .


    2. Realistically though if the SNP loses power at Holyrood there will be a battle within the Party.

      There's calls to put independence on the back burner now after the General Election result, those calls will be louder if they lose Holyrood. It won't be pretty or easy, but that fight could hopefully result in genuine independence supporters regaining control of the Party.

  10. Anon at 9.12 am - it would help if you could do a list of the anti English stuff you don't like. We wouldnae want to accidently upset you.
    A wee reminder that England elected as PM, Boris Johnston, a man who published an article saying Scots are vermin and should be exterminated. Anti Scots comments by the English disnae seem to offend them.

    1. There is no comment at 9:12am !!!!

    2. Anon at 3.06pm - could you not apply a bit of intelligence and note that James has been deleting posts and perhaps he has done this to the post at 9.12am. Was this really beyond your capabilities or were you just desperate to have a cheap dig at me.

    3. Was just confused as couldn’t see the comment you were supposedly replying to, and not having a “cheap dig” as you put it.

    4. Oh Mr Rude and Mr Angry rolled into one. Glad you voted ISP, really?- guffaw! There worst than ALBA, Still always got nice flags at events.

    5. Anon at 10.18am has also disappeared so anon at 3.28pm It was a reasonable assumption you would notice James was having another clear out.

    6. Anon at 3.32pm I take it you are one of the Britnat muppets who voted Labour thinking they were getting a change from the Tories.

    7. IFS,
      And what do you think you achieved by voting ISP?

    8. Anon at 3.54pm - I thought that would be obvious but Britnats are well known for a lack of imagination and intellect. Here are three for you to mull over and reply with your standard lowlife
      " nonsense " or " embarrassing " from your limited vocabularly.

      1. Not voting to remain a colony of England.

      2. Not having the blood of innocent Palestinian children on my hands like Labour/Tory voters.

      3. Not giving colonial supremo Kid Starver Starmer a mandate to morph in to the iceman and freeze to death pensioners.

  11. When Campbell said he would not vote for Independence and encouraged others not to, that was him being pro Indy? I didn’t realise.

  12. I see the mouth frothers are continuing their little excursions from WOS HQ. Sadly, they actually think people don’t know. Laughable.

  13. IFS at 10.29. It’s glaring obvious he is replying to you, and only a complete idiot would think otherwise. You must be really annoyed at how well SNP are doing in the polls. Why do you think they are doing as well?

    1. Only a complete idiot would think the SNP are doing well in the polls. Oh and that's in reply to you anon at 11.39am.

      I am annoyed at the SNP betraying the parties long held commitment to independence and any idiot who has been reading my posts over the years would know that. Only SNP party drones focuss on polling figures being the most important thing.

    2. I'm just waiting on the same people who insisted that everyone was wrong about the SNP's General Election prospects and even went as far to suggest that they'll gain seats now telling us how brilliantly the SNP are going to win the 2026 election.

    3. Anon at 10.53pm - that would be the poster Declan ( Skier) who disappeared as soon as the results came in. The other people who disappeared were the posters who said Swinney must resign if the SNP do not get double figure MPs. 9 isnae a double figure but the man with the ongoing track record of multiple losses in elections remains in post.

    4. Dear Idiot for Scotland. It’s a matter of fact that SNP are doing better than their opposition in polls and to any sensible person that means they are doing well in polls. Tell us all why they are doing better than you want them to. And I see you are actually replying to your own posts. Take a wee break. Go outside in the rain.

    5. Anon troll at 9.38am - replying to your own posts is your gig. I suppose " take a wee brake " makes a change from your usual "toddle off " stuff. You are just a pathetic lying troll who contributes zero to SGP. " Any sensible person" knows the SNP regularly polled in the high forties and reached 50% and 45% in previous elections. You are not very good at gaslighting.

  14. Nonsense , the comments were referring to the notorious English football fans. Only Britnats would be continually making an issue of such a minor issue.

  15. If I reflect on the last 10 years or so , I now realise that we Indy supporters have put up with a lot of abuse. Called Nats , separatists and much worse . Little wonder that we have started to fight back and call out these people for what they are : Britnats and colonists. You reap what you sow. Even the worm turns!

  16. Stuart Campbell an "investigative journalist"? LOL. Is he a monk too? ROFL.

  17. Independence.

    In the words of the late great Roy Orbison “It’s over”.

    1. Roy Orbison ? Surely not , he was a great fan of Gaelic and Scotland generally. What ever he was talking aboot is not relevant here. You britnats will sink low!

    2. Britnat Anon at 2.13pm you have posted this before. Try something new. What you are posting isnae working. Independence is normal and normality will be resumed sooner or later. Only the SNP is making it later because they are full of incompetent Britnats like you.

    3. Roy Orbison was born on a ferry heading to Arran.

  18. Plenty o hate coming from the British nationalists . Disparaging comments even more so. They've always put us doon. Scots language is only a dialect , Gaelic is a unsophisticated language o the peasants etc etc. We're too poor , too wee and too stupid to run oor ain country....

    1. Farabouts did ya get that wierd inflection fae? Was it a Broons Xmas annual?

    2. I doot you can even read.

  19. We hardly need the Britnats...

  20. Cannae see the Irish coming back to the UK .

  21. No no no.
    We want complete separation and full independence.
    Vote Alba

  22. Are they standing in elections? Zero chance. Busted flush.

  23. I haven't seen much anti English stuff on here.

  24. Eh? That maks nae sense. Onywye , we want independence because it's NORMAL. Scotland would be average sized for a country and better resourced than maist.

  25. Devo max is what AS wanted as a 3rd option in indyref 1.

    1. Was used as a bargaining chip to obtain concessions like votes for 16/17 year olds & EU nationals in the referendum.

      He traded away something he didn't want in the first place for what he actually wanted.

  26. Anon at 4.18pm - are you a mind reader or do you just believe that weirdo Dr Jim from WGD who is a proven liar and certainly not a mind reader or he would have read Sturgeon's mind and seen that she would run away from delivering Indyref2.

  27. Anon at 3.54pm - devolution is acceptance of colonialism and the the choice of collaborators and grovellers.

  28. Very true that Salmond wanted devo max and had no intention of trying to deliver independence, Cameron called his big fat bluff

    1. By giving Salmond the timing and voting franchise he wanted?

      Votes for 16 & 17 year olds for example had to be agreed to so other things he didn't want in the first place were "conceded" to make it happen.

    2. Dr Jim at 7.16pm - you have been pitching this stuff on SGP for a long time now. It's time you provided some evidence for your assertions or just be thought of a nicophant making up crap about Salmond.

    3. Anon 7.16 you know you are lying. If you're a troll fair enough if you're for independence then you should be ashamed of yourself

    4. WT - Dr Jim is for Nicola first, SNP second and independence third. Jim knows no shame he boasted about assaulting women.

  29. And your evidence is…. You voted isp allegedly so how come your so up ALBA. 2 failed parties who can’t get 2 people out of 100nto vote for them.

  30. Everyone knows why Salmond wanted Devolution Max on the ballot. At 28pc for independence he wanted to encourage hard Nos to this option. It was a good idea and it was for the same reason that Cameron wouldn't allow it. Anyone who says that Salmond didn't want independence is a liar not only to those they say it to but to themselves. Anyone who thinks that Sturgeon did more to advance independence than Salmond is delusional. And anyone who thinks Sturgeon did a good job on COVID hasn't been paying attention to the independent COVID enquiry. There's two things you can do in life find the truth or live the lie it's up to all of us which we choose.

    1. Scotland had less deaths than England but still had to deal with Johnson taking too long to react as UK PM. Fully accept he had a lot of parties to attend too and to give his ministers to set up lucrative deals for his aparat-chicks and dames

    2. Anon@12:18,
      Sturgeon was a disgrace throughout Covid. Grandstanding every day, trying to score political points out of a tragedy, making out we were doing better than England when clearly we weren’t. Usually taking the same measures as Boris Johnson but always tweaking it slightly to try and make out she was doing better. This was the only time support for independence has been above 50%, as obviously thousands of fools like you were taken in by the nonsense. Thankfully most now see it for what it was ie political grandstanding.

  31. Anon at 10.49pm - what crap are you going on about now - " so up Alba " gibberish - " allegedly " allegedly you are a functioning human being but........ you cannae carry out the simple tasks of addressing your reply properly or writing a cogent post but talk about failed parties. You fail at the very lowest basics.

    1. so mr angry -you have no evidence just your spite. As for cogent posts you must try harder.

    2. Anon @ 12.30pm - where have you told ifs what evidence he is supposed to provide? Evidence for what? IFS is correct your posts are not cogent.

  32. Of course, James Kelly has done far more to advance independence than Salmond and Sturgeon combined.

  33. Certainly more than Sturgeon

  34. People were saying that the SNP would magically improve after a defeat. They lost 80% of their MPs and half a million voters, and they have John Swinney, who might make a decent bank manager, surounded by people who couldn't run a bath.

  35. Anon 1.20.
    I'm an SNP member. You're really not telling us anything we don't know . Yes JS is short on charisma, yes we're not moving forward.
    Nevertheless , as was pointed out before the 4th July , loss of SNP MPs set us back.
    Notice now Scotland is barely mentioned on the media. Unionists are consolidating for a push at HR2026. And they will undermine even our limited devolution.

    JS for all his faults is better than Snarmer.

    However, I do think the party needs to replace JS and bring Indy up the agenda. Use the conference to push for HR election to be an independence election and refuse to implement WM austerity . I know it is not likely as we're now short of radical members who will push for this.

    Your tone suggests that you are actually one of the many Britnats on here that are so feart of an SNP comeback that they continually snipe without any positive suggestions.


    1. As an SNP member is there any feeling within the Party that those who left and maybe even those in Alba etc may have had a point in the things they were saying? Many warned that the SNP would face that kind of result in the General Election but instead of taking any feedback/criticisms onboard the response was often more of a rage that everyone was "attacking the Party" and didn't have anything positive to say.

      Imo one of the biggest issues the SNP has faced in recent years has been the attempts to ignore problems, not cause dissent, shutdown and attack anyone who criticised the direction the Party was headed in and instead advocated for the head in the sand approach of "Just shut up, back the SNP and then all will be well" which clearly hasn't worked.

      Even now the silence after that kind of result has been deafening.

  36. I think you may be a bit silly thinking that a decorated human-rights lawyer is worse than someone who might have filed my corporation tax return. And that's it - he's in charge of the Scottish government. His government has managed to fuck-up most weeks while he has been 'in charge' and he had an amazingly disasterous election. Nationalism isn't more important than the people of Scotland.

    1. Anon at 11.10am Starmer is assisting the IDF in murdering thousands of Palestinian children. So no matter how rubbish Swinney may be he isnae murdering children. A "decorated human rights lawyer" - what a joke - what about the human rights of the Palestinians or the human right of self determination of Scots. Starmer is the biggest phoney of all Britnat politicians.

      British Nationalism seems to be more important to you than the people of Scotland as Westminster rips off Scotland.

    2. IFS,
      Change the record!

    3. Anon @ 12.48pm. Change the record to what exactly? Murdering children is ok?

    4. I guess that that guy Angus Robertson hasn't been legitamising genocide as some kind of bilateral educational collaboration. Like last week. I think the last time that Keir Starmer met with the Israeli ambasador or deputy ambasador might have been never, although he is under pressure to expell them from the UK.

    5. Sir Kid Starver lived up to his nickname when he stated it was fine for Israel to withold water, food and fuel from the Gaza strip. Not content with that his new nickname is The Iceman as he helps to freeze pensioners in Scotland to death.

  37. I'd say that Stephen Flynn looks more capable, but that's only because he is second-rate rather than third or fourth rate.

    1. Mind you, if Stephen Flynn had to face another election in Aberdeen he might come third.

  38. AnonymousAugust 29, 2024 at 10:29 AM: You are sniping at the SNP, yourself, and you are responsible for it. What we see is your fault.

  39. There’s a comment towards the end of the previous thread that is deeply concerning. I just don’t understand this anti English rhetoric, and in some cases, hatred for the English. It’s nothing short of disgraceful
    It does the independence cause no favours whatsoever, and in my view is detrimental. People who are undecided on Indy are more likely to change to No than Yes after reading stuff like this. The people who post comments like this certainly don’t have much between their ears!
    Maybe James has been busy or not noticed the comment in Question, but if he has and decided not to delete it, considering the amount of comments he does delete, this is even more concerning.
    With comments like the one I’ve highlighted, independence is going nowhere, and there are some who need to grasp this.

    1. Anon at 12.09pm says: " With comments like the one I've highlighted" - sorry but you haven't. Provide details date time etc.

      If " independence is going nowhere " it is not down to some post on SGP it is down to the SNP members who keep supporting Sturgeon's gang.

    2. Your perpetual " SNP BAAAAAD" comments are worse .

    3. James’s decisions on what comments are deleted or not are very revealing.
      Thankfully this blog is not widely read so the damage is limited.
      It does however demonstrate that the independence movement has become nationalistic rather than civic.
      I’m going to reconsider my thinking on the cause.
      I won’t be returning to this theatre of hate.

    4. Anon @ 1.56pm. Well the SNP have been pretty baaad. Multiple mandates for indyref2 chucked in the bin and ring fenced money for indyref2 vanished. If you think that is fine then you are a Britnat and a crook.

    5. Hello IFS, I’m anon@12:04pm. I suspect you know fine well the comment I was referring to.
      However for your information, it’s on the previous thread titled “Poll disaster for Anas Sarwar…………”. Anonymous @11:54 Aug 28th.
      Hope that’s specific enough for you.

    6. Genuine question! Do you believe IFS has any self awareness? Lol

    7. Genuine lol! Do lol believe lol has any self lol? Lol

    8. Anon@12:04pm,
      Pretty much agree.
      Furthermore, it seems posts like the one you highlight are allowed to stay up, while some perfectly reasonable comments get deleted.
      This site really is something else.

    9. the english are a generous and well loved people - the whole of the mediterranean just luvs em

    10. I like how they offer their opinions on any subject whatsoever

    11. Anon at 4.32pm. Thank you for specifying a post you are concerned about. First of all you suspect wrong. I had not read that post until you pointed it out. I agree it is not a post I would ever make using these words but I do understand where it is coming from - do you?
      Plenty of citizens subjugated and oppressed by the British Empire hold strong views against England and the British Empire. Some turned to violence to get their freedom. Harsh words are preferable to violence - don't you agree.

  40. I see the labour administration has given up control of West Dunbartonshire. Earlier in the “Summer” Argyll and Bute- Tory liberals gave up also. Is this a tactic before Holyrood elections. It wisnae us?

    1. Good to see Brendan back in his seat @ Argyll & Bute.

  41. A poll that shows Labour in front in Holyrood and Westminster shows Labour in front in Holyrood and Westminster. It doesn't come with fanciful biased spin.

    1. But your spinning aren’t you

  42. There was a really big poll last month.

  43. While John Swinney and that seriously inadequate Shona Robison contemplates the disaster of untargeted universal benefits mostly for the rich doled out for a generation Keir Starmer contemplates what his new cat might be called.

    1. Anon 8.00pm
      That's right wing crap-
      Universal benefits are much better than targeted benefits . The rich pay mair in tax and get a wee bit of it back in the benefits when appropriate ( eg when state pension age for winter fuel). The better off feel they're getting something back and there's less cost to administer the benefits.

    2. A Thatcherite. Bless

    3. Universal benefits are the only way to ensure quality and fairness. "A service for the poor quickly becomes a poor service."
      I remember the distribution of school dinner tickets on Monday mornings. Those paying full price paid the teacher and it was done in a few minutes. Those getting free tickets or the reduced tickets for the children of farm labourers were called out by name and had to parade in front of the class to receive their charity. Anyone who thinks universality in Thatcherism presumably thinks Labour is left-wing.

  44. I still remember Thatcher......thats all.

    1. Yes, so do I. You are a complete idiot.

  45. What has happened to this site?
    Why are vile anti English comments being allowed, while perfectly reasonable comments get deleted ?
    Is James Kelly condoning this sort of stuff?

    Surely we’re better than this.

    1. Putting my timer on for the first person here to call you a Britnat for your 100% accurate post above.

    2. Anon at 8:59 am. Do you think James has the time to read all of the comments? A tiny minority may indeed be "vile", but I like to think that most folk see them for what they are and ignore them. Give it a go.

    3. To be fair, nationalist movements don't tend to involve being palls with other people, being unspiteful, and being unembittered. They tend towards taking a heart full of hate to their graves, with independence making no difference to them.

    4. Colonialism ( British Nationist ) is one of the greatest evils the world has seen. Yet in the UK the British Empire is still lauded as a great thing.

  46. Anon @9:14
    Yes - he reads them since he is constantly deleting them. The point is: which he chooses to delete and which he chooses to keep. Revealed - and very revealing - preference.
    Civic, inclusive, nationalism used to be our strength. No longer on here under his moderation, sadly.

    1. Anon 8.59 , 9.11
      We don't need to call you a Britnat but we know you are. Baith o you!

    2. LOL. Knew it was coming.
      Go fuck yourself for all eternity.

    3. You really shouldna be ashamed if you're British nationalists that's what you are and you're entitled to your opinion. But what are you doing on here? As to f☆☆☆☆☆☆ mansel, well , we Scotnats have been getting that sort of abuse for years -
      Water aff a dukes back.

    4. Dukes's back . Or nae doot ma grammar will be picked on!

  47. Anon @9:56 well and truly triggered

  48. James - I’d like to apologise for my swearing above. That was unbecoming.

    Anyway, it won’t happen again since I shall now leave this blog, I know when I’m not wanted.

  49. They really want to keep going on about anti- English comments . I fail to see what they're twittering on about . They seem to think if they say it often enough we will start to believe it.

  50. I love the english; whenever I want to do something I find the nearest random anglo, ask him what I should do

  51. then I suck his cock and invite him home to fuck my wife

    I pleasure myself in the corner while they do the business knowing in my heart I am an equal partner in this union

    1. Anon at 11.44 and 11.45 am is Dr Jim trying to discredit James blog as he hates Salmond/Alba. A pretty despicable character who hails from WGD.

  52. Anon@11:44 &11:45,
    The kind of moronic comments that are really going to boost support for independence eh.

  53. I am English , been here 45 years , 40 years as a public sector worker. My wife and grown-up bairns are Scottish.
    I don't really get what comments are " vile abuse " against English folk. I have seen some comments saying that some immigrants from England are acting like colonists . In my experience there's some truth in this. Some / many are using their wealth from the English housing market to move North . Folk like me , and native Scots , are disadvantaged by this. I can understand the resentment!

    Furthermore, some ( not all) of the recent arrivals are distinctly British nationalist. They have no interest in Scotland or her culture. Worse still , and I know people like this , they constantly disparage the country and anything that's different from down South.

    I do agree we don't want to see out and out anti English abuse but I haven't seen it on here . Telling us the facts or relating experiences is not abuse.

    1. Would you describe the E. side if Birmingham looking like Rawlpindi with bay windows as colonialism, multiculturalism, or monoculturalism?

    2. Anon at 12:27 pm .... well said.

    3. Anon @ 12.39 ... I would describe your comment as deviation.

    4. It's far more pertinent than lamely describing people from Birmingham as colonialists, which is just wierd far-right-wing divisive crap that someone picked-up from social media, courtesy of Elon Musk.

    5. Anon 12:27pm,
      I draw your attention to a post on the previous thread.
      It was posted on 28th Aug at 11:54am.

      You have no problem with the comment in question ???

  54. When a bunch of the people who got sacked from being SNP MP's a few weeks ago are saying stuff like the party they were unquestioningly loyal to 6 weeks ago being 'vain, self-indulgent and out of touch with voters’ priorities', you don't need britnat monsters-under-the bed crap.

  55. It’s going to be very interesting, when James has his next clear out, what comments he deletes from this and the previous thread and what he deems acceptable!

  56. Whether you love or hate Wings he has posted an article about the Salmond case.

    The potential corruption and dishonesty is beyond belief. Off to Tesco for popcorn before it runs out!

    1. Currently THREE police cases underway.
      1. Murrell has been charged and Sturgeon and Beattie still under investigation.
      2 . James Hynd member of the Scottish gov under investigation for wilfully lying under oath at the Parliament Inquiry.
      3. A person who cannot be named being investigated for perjury during Salmond’s criminal trial.
      This is the Scotgov, run by Sturgeon, real shame not ferries etc.

    2. But I thought Salmond just had an axe to grind. Are you telling me there might actually be some merit to what he's saying!?

    3. Look at the verifiable facts that Rev posts.

  57. Anyone have any thoughts on the police now probing whether a senior civil servant “gave a false statement under oath” to an inquiry set up to investigate sexual misconduct allegations involving Alex Salmond?

    1. Yes lots of them gave false statements including Sturgeon and her husband .

    2. Lets be fair now.

      Sturgeon allegedly may not have known about what her alleged husband and Chief Executive of the Party she allegedly led was allegedly doing. The fact that he's been charged means nothing. Even if he's guilty she may or may not have known about the alleged criminality despite giving concrete assurances that no money was missing and that the Parties finances were in a healthy State. It's a heinous accusation to comment on her alleged involvement!

    3. Maybe they are so terrified of each other they don't have a joint bank account.

    4. Or possibly even the same bed.

    5. Anon at 1.30pm - your description of the Inquiry is exactly how the Britnat papers described it.
      The Inquiry referred to was in to the actions of Nicola Sturgeon, her Government and her special advisers regarding the waste of public funds over the unfair, unlawful and tainted by apparent bias investigation into allegations about Salmond.
      It was NOT an investigation into Salmond's actions but Sturgeon and her gang's actions.

    6. Exactly. Same as the way refer to £500000 of tax payers money being given to Salmond for the first failed fit up. What's tax payers got to with it? It's called damages. Damages due to an unlawful process.

  58. Perverting the course of justice/perjury/taking the piss out of the courts usually involves a life-changing sentence

    1. That singer from Little Mix has a huge face! I'd shit myself if I bumped into her in a dark close some night. Scary lady!August 30, 2024 at 5:30 PM

      What's going on? Where is she,?

  59. In the case of prominent public figures, it usually involves enought time to write a couple of novels.

  60. We all want tae ken the whole truth .
    But why is is still going after all this time?

  61. Possibly because the police and the courts are so underfunded by the government. Do you think investigations into stuff like people-traffiking goes quicker?

  62. Honestly, they took three days to find one cadaver and one person barely alive off Scotland's major motorway three days after someone phoned it in. Why would anyone think that investigations into company corruption aren't going to involve geological timescales?

    1. Mmm. Well correct me if I'm wrong but the police sent PM case to the fiscal around April . It was stated then that it would be just a few weeks before a decision was made. Like many others I am suspicious.

  63. Astonishing brass neck by Liz Lloyd, Nicola Sturgeon's English( British) Chief of Staff urges the SNP to be HONEST about the path to independence. Lloyd and honesty!!!!! Thats a bit like Netanyahu urging the IDF to take take it easy on the Palestinians. It just disnae compute.
    Lloyd and Sturgeon are the people who tore up the path to independence and lied their faces off during the Salmond persecution.

  64. I half agree wi IFS but Sturgeon did back a defacto referendum for the GE just gone.

    1. Anon at 4.33pm really - are you that gullible? She spent years trashing the idea of a de facto referendum and insisted on her gold standard referendum which she knew she would never deliver. As she started to run out of road she then gained a bit more time by promising a de facto UK GE. As WT said in his post she then scuppered that by resigning.

      I posted many times on SGP in 2020 that a real party of independence led by a proper independence leader would have called a de facto ref for Holyrood 2021 when her gold standard request was rejected once again by Johnston in 2020. She didn't. She told us one more mandate in 2021 and the democratic pressure would be too much for Westminster to resist. The gullible just sucked it up once more.

      Here we are in 2024 and SNP Britnats like Stewart McDonakd are going on the TV telling everybody independence is off the table for a long time. He actually said independence is the SNP's North Star - aye far away and out of reach is what he really meant and he wants his Britnat bonus for target achieved.

      Sturgeon and her gang are just like the parliamentarians of 1707 who betrayed Scotland.

    2. I don't think I'm that gullible but maybe I am.
      I really don't know how you can be so sure of your facts. How do you know what was going in in Sturgeon's mind and what influences and pressure she was under? I understand your suspicion and you might be right but there are other possibilities.
      I do agree about McDonald he has condemned himself by numerous comments.

    3. Anon at 5.15pm - I do try not to offend people but I'm afraid you are not alone in being taken in by Sturgeon. Most of us were at some point - I mean Salmond was as well - he thought she was a friend but she stabbed him in the back whilst trying to pretend she had nothing to do with it.
      She first stated she was having Indyref2 back in 2017 but still managed to convince people ( aided by the National paper ) that Indyref2 was happening on on 19/10/23. I said it wouldnae happen and was called a Unionist by ignorant trolls for being right.

      I have posted Sturgeon was a charlatan since 2020 and everything I have posted has turned out to be true and that's why all these SNP trolls hate me so much. Britnat trolls as well aren't that keen on me either.

      Incredible the hold Sturgeon still has over people. You say " there are other possibilities" - convince me! Tell me what they are.

    4. Answer to IFS .
      She doesn't have a hold over me -
      She's gone and we need to move on . But the other possibilities are: 1. Post 2015 she dithered worrying that she wouldn't win a referendum. Later could be better . 2. Others in leadership were against because of risk of failure esp MPs. 3. She / leadership couldn't see an alternative to a referendum and bottled it.
      When she came round to a defacto ref she was undermined by others and so resigned. Or it may be that she knew the polis was after her/Peter and thus resigned.
      I dinnae ken.
      I am for a clear out of present leadership and want a more focused policy on Indy.

    5. Anon at 6.21pm - the problem is she isnae gone. She got flowers from the SNP for being investigated by the polis for embezzlement for goodness sake. Yousaf and then Swinney manipulated in to the FM position - both her boys. Swinney helped her cover up her disgraceful actions re the Salmond persecution.

      "Later could be better" is the mantra of the SNP and Swinney the arch gradualist. Later never arrives.
      She could have called a de facto at Holyrood 2021 when the polls were consistently well over 50%. A de facto at Holyrood is more likely to deliver a yes win but she chose the UK GE. Sturgeon wasted the best years for independence.

      I agree with your final sentence and have held that position since Sturgeon's surrender speech in Jan 2020.

    6. Aye , so in all that matters we agree . The history might become clear at some stage.

    7. I see that opinion , speculation and fact remain confused in the wee mind of Idiot for Scotland.

    8. Anon at 3.22am - I am not confused that you are an obnoxious troll.

  65. History will also show that every word that IFS writes is a lie because he's a Tory troll and always has been
    All he wants is division like all good wee Tories

    1. Is that right Dr Jim at 8.14pm. Is it a lie that you stated yourself that you have assaulted plenty woman? Grabbing them by the neck was your modus operandi. Is it a lie that you regularly pepper your posts on WGD with comments advocating violence to all manner of people you don't like?

      Nope you Jimbo are the liar and nicophant.

    2. You ascribe people as Dr jim, kc and others (thr ginger dug posters) all the time. Why can't they be other individuals? It's like you need them to be specific people so you can dismiss. I happen to agree with the idea the snp needs to change for Independence to flourish but folk like you make me wonder if I'm aligning with zoomers

    3. Anon at 10.36am - you are an anon. Folk like you are pretty annoying with your silly posts. It almost makes me think it's you KC playing your silly games.

  66. Its me again 6.21 , 7.19 etc.
    This is what I'm trying to say
    Last 2 posts 8.14 and IFS . I don't believe IFS is a Britnat , I think he's genuine.
    I an an SNP member , I pay my dues , go to an occasional meeting, take part in Indy marches and help at elections. I absolutely want an independent Scotland.
    I don't believe in ever being uncritical devotees of any leader- not Salmond or Sturgeon . Leaders are a necessary evil , we back good ones ( none are perfect ) till the time comes to replace them.
    I do not know what happened exactly re AS and NS. I do not know exactly what happened with regards Sturgeon and the leadership wi regards Indy and defacto referendums.
    I don't think IFS knows either! Not for sure.

    We need mair light and move on!

    1. Anon at 8.58pm.

      You reference two issues.

      1. AS and NS - do you know who the alphabetties are? I know. Did you read every paper produced during the judicial review and the Parliament Inquiry? I did. So I respectfully say to you I do know on this matter and for sure.

      2. Sturgeon/leadership and referendums. I do not know everything but I know enough that Sturgeon continually promised indyref2 for election after election got mandates and did nothing other than raise money for a ring fenced fund that vanished. She then, after years of promising a referendum, decided to go to a new London court to ask for permission despite having a mandate from the people of Scotland. That is a direct insult to the people of Scotland. Unsurprisingly, the London court said no.
      She is the leader of the party and her SNP Chief Exec husband has been charged with embezzlement and a motor home that nobody knew about is in a police compound. Oh and a raft of professional accountants/ auditors resigned their positions in the SNP due to Murrell refusing them access to the accounts even though their positions in the SNP required them to have access. These people were interviewed by the polis.

      If none of the above is the responsibility of Sturgeon then what the hell is she doing being leader. Is she just a daft wee woman - no she is not - but that is what you have to believe if she is not culpable.

    2. 8.58 again . Yes , yes
      This is the point. I agree with much of what you say. I ken fine there's much tae doot in Sturgeon's conduct .
      But we do not know for sure. I dinnae ken onywye. I suspect the truth is mair complicated .And Salmond was nae angel. You are so sure but there's nae muckle real evidence here.

      So , we are where we are. Elevating Scotland to a proper nation state is what you and I agree on. Independence is normal we don't want to be a colony .

      Hence clear oot the SNP. Move on!
      Alba gu brath.

    3. Starina from BirdcageAugust 31, 2024 at 9:30 AM

      My recommendations for Irene Sylvia Pritchard:
      Go on decaf.
      Drink less alcohol.
      Breathe deeply.
      Be less hysterical.
      Try not to be a drama queen.
      Look at pictures of mountains.

      You will certainly feel less home-made excitement but you will become a less unhappy wee soul.

  67. There’s mair chance o Ross County winnin the premier league than Scotland achieving independence.

    1. Pish, why bother with this haha?

    2. Britnats rearing their ugly heids agin

  68. The path ti independence is dependent on the Scottish people amd always has been.

    We got a referendum because London feared what would happen if it was refused.

    We didn't get a referendum because Don didn't fear what we would do.

    A majority clear and consistent trumps everything. This is what the SNP should be punting amd what we should all get behind.

    1. You’ll be going to the Nonce party conference this weekend to tell them that I assume?

    2. In all seriousness David Cameron seen the polls at the time, probably thought there was no possibility of independence actually happening and by allowing a referendum the issue could be put to bed. At that point of time in his mind there was little downside to it.

      Now there's no benefit to any UK Prime Minister to ever allow another referendum. If anything the greater the support for independence the higher the resistance there will be as no PM wants the legacy of allowing the breakup of the UK to happen.

      The suggestion that all we need to do is get a consistent majority and a referendum will happen is laughable. That's the position the SNP has used to waste the last decade & by suggesting it you must be happy to waste the next one.

  69. Proud Brit Nat here. Seems my post ref the Rev at 12.58 has got you nats in a bit of a lather.

    Discussion is welcome. That Jim fella and the like probably need to take some time out to delouse their Merkins.

    These court cases are going to run well into next year. There are others too we can’t talk about.

    Anyway to rejoice. The IDF have freed another hostage.. No Jews no news eh?


  70. A few thoughts. call it word association.

    Humzabinshaggin trended on X
    Deek abacus Mcaye trended on X text.

    Patric Graidy trended at the big house.

    Cameron Downing. SNP equalities rep trending at HMP shite ma dream Indy young team is falling to bits.

    1. Gag from the past. Quote to Stuart Hosie. “Stu pull yer breaks up man there is an election coming up

    2. You're making a fool of yourself.

  71. Good for you! Well done! You're wonderful! Let us know how you get on. My ideal Saturday is one spent waiting on you reporting your findings.

  72. Good news indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  73. Anon at 9.39am - I am sure James is quaking in his boots right now with fear.

  74. 9.39 anon . Is this the latest Britnat threat?

  75. Lots to be prood aboot in being British...there's the role in WW2 and , um , er.. .. I'm sure there must be something else?

    1. we gave the hottentots the railroad

    2. Hitler was actually a total fan-boy of the british empire (fave film, lives of a bengal lancer with errol flynn) - he wanted to do a german version on the continent.

      - he saw the english as "fellow germans" who had taken the boat 1000 years ago and would ally with them. The yanks were just english who had taken the boat 300 years ago, thus we are all germans and white men.

      To this day most english are heartbroken about not taking the Hess deal - would have still had an empire.

    3. when you follow the ins and outs, WW2 and WW1 is just one thing with an extended half time, and one thing is for sure, it was Britain who created WW1 - they setup Germany with many diplomatic traps, provocations and relentless anti German stories in the Times prior to the war. So, when we consider the body count of the last century - whose fault was it really?

      even the bolshevik revolution, britain helped the communists because it wanted to take down the czar. You can't kick stones off a mountaintop and then claim innocence for the avalanche hitting the valley. Body count of the empire - who knows, beyond count. Nazis are just, amateur hour wannabes - larpers, as the kids would say.

    4. Churchill, the greatest statesman of the 20th century, saved the free western world from evil.
      We should never forget that.

    5. Churchill the hero who was instrumental in starving to death several million people in Bengal during the war. Well India was only a colony and the people weren't worth the same as Englishmen.

    6. Absolutely , Hadrian's wall was built tae keep the English oot o Scotland .

    7. Anon 1.37 was after somebody rightly pointed out that Scotland was not part of Britannia ( Roman Britain was largely present England and Wales.)

  76. Fool Britannia . Up the Republic !

  77. Anon 2.31 . I agree Britnats are sad. Especially when they deny the right of self-determination to an ancient nation like Scotland. Scotland predates England, and as I said above, was not part of Britannia
    This is historical fact.

  78. Anon 2.31 Aye nats that support Great Britain , UK are a sad lot , especially if they deny an ancient nation like Scotland the right of self-determination. As said above Scotland was not part of Britannia and predates England. Historical fact!

    1. You had your “once in a generation “ referendum in 2014, and the country gave a resounding NO. Despite years of the Tories and Brexit, support is no higher than it was ten years ago.
      It astonishes me that the penny still hasn’t dropped with some, that the majority of this country want to remain in the union.
      Time to give up on the nonsense and move on! Get a grip for pity’s sake.

  79. It appears this read has run its course. Time for a new topic for discussion.

  80. What a relief. I'm sick with worry and think about little else these days. Maybe I'll get some sleep now unless the BBC discovers a delayed bus somewhere.
