Monday, March 24, 2025

Navel-gazing stats post: Scot Goes Pop solidifies its position as Scotland's third most-read political blog

When I changed this blog's masthead a couple of months ago to say "one of Scotland's three most-read political blogs", I thought it would be a one-month wonder and that I'd quickly have to change it back to "one of the five most-read", but in fact Stuart Campbell's favourite comparison site has shown further progress for Scot Goes Pop since then.  Now, to be clear, that comparison site may not be especially accurate - a couple of years ago it claimed that Wings was based in Glasgow (as opposed to, say, Bath), had around 15 "employees" (as opposed to, say, zero), and had an "annual turnover" of around £15 million (as opposed to, say...well, I'm not sure if the exact figure is publicly available, but even Stew's crowdfunding doesn't extend to the multi-millions).  However, as the Wings disciples treat the stats as gospel, I may as well embrace them when they're favourable, and here's how they stand at the moment...

Estimated visits for the 28 days up to 21st March:

1) Wings Over Scotland: 221,110
2) Wee Ginger Dug: 89,576
3) Scot Goes Pop: 60,830
4) Grouse Beater: 38,042
5) Talking Up Scotland: 26,721
6) Robin McAlpine: 25,824
7) Bella Caledonia: 23,558
8) Munguin's Republic: 14,586

Now, I realise that anyone who hasn't kept an eye on these numbers will probably think that's still quite a healthy lead for Wings, but in fact it's come down dramatically.  When Stew last mentioned the numbers himself in November, the monthly visits for Wings supposedly stood at 559,284 - so his readership appears to have fallen by well over half since then.  That in itself is a good reason to be sceptical about the estimates, but Stew has repeatedly insisted in the past that they're extremely accurate, so if he still believes that, I suppose it's up to him to explain why his site's popularity appears to be collapsing at lightning speed.  He also used to repeatedly boast that the non-Wings blogosphere was essentially irrelevant because Wings had more visits than all of the others combined - as you can see for yourselves, that's no longer the case (if it ever really was).  And he specifically used to boast about having around ten times as many visits as Scot Goes Pop - that's now come down to less than four times as many.  So I'm delighted to say we appear to have a somewhat healthier and more balanced blogging ecosystem these days.

Incidentally, I left Craig Murray out of the list because since October his blog has been almost exclusively about international affairs, and he's only mentioned Scottish politics once.  However, if he was included in the list, he'd be in fourth place with 55,660 visits.  In practice that may give a slightly false impression because he now duplicates his blogposts on a Substack site, so that might be artificially reducing the numbers on his main site.

To get back to the subject of Stew, he actually posted a screenshot of one of my entire blogposts on Twitter the other day - 

If he carries on like this, I'm going to have to start charging him for royalties.  But I suppose I should be grateful to him for bringing such a cracking blogpost to a slightly wider audience, even if they're mostly comprised of bots.

What does take the biscuit, though, is that within 48 hours of the above tweet, he was back to his usual schtick of "I don't stalk James, James stalks me".

Twice all year, Stew?  Well, let's look at the evidence, shall we?  Exhibit A - 

Exhibit B - Exhibit C - Exhibit D (with added paranoia) - Exhibit E - Exhibit F - Well, you get the picture. On and on and on and on it goes.  And let's not forget about "Scot Goes Pop Night" on the main Wings site back in January, when Stew lovingly archived and annotated no fewer than sixty-four posts from this blog.

It's stalking, Jim, but exactly as we know it.


  1. Wings refusal to acknowledge the Alba situation means that he’s no longer to be trusted. Craig Murray’s revelation that Stew knew about Salmond’s interference in the last NEC elections is telling. We need the whole truth, not just the bits of it that suit his own agenda

  2. Unrelated but was wondering: Have you ever considered switching the comment system on the blog to something like Disqus?

    Essentially giving you more control over it with features like IP blocking, Keyword filters, Flag/spam reporting, a login system, better engagement features etc?

    1. Indeed - I think that the comments on your blog, or at least the repetitive, off-topic ones, are detracting from the value of your blog.

    2. I happen to agree.

    3. This. Surely better moderation tools would be useful?

      Reducing the trolls and promoting genuine discussion and debate would be nice. Disqus I believe can be integrated with Blogger.

    4. disqus is an apalling idea- it facilitates masses of user tracking and has been convicted for selling out user privacy. :-(

      A better comments system would obviously be welcomed. But not disqus!

  3. I have read many of these websites and enjoyed them at varying times. I haven't seen the Wings one for a few years because it seemed to have become an online safe space for people with social problems and best avoided. Of course it is up to the proprietor what s/he does with her/his website, but it is rarely edifying (though often amusing) to read personal, disturbingly revealing ramblings.

    1. I’ve commented to similar effect a good few times. He is a magnet for what are now, at my unintended prompting, referred to as mouth frothers. Much of it is highly amusing although there are some comments that would warrant police attention if repeated in more public settings. He makes readership claims that are palpably absurd. He has a small core of readers/donators, who send him money in return for being stirred into irrational hatred of N S, SNP, Gaelic, “Woke” (whatever that now means), and gender issues. He really does the Indy cause a favour by keeping these people away from mainstream Indy. Even the BBC don’t reference him any more to try to discredit the SNP. Long may he continue.

    2. I should reveal myself to the Wingsters as a Gaelic speaking SNP voting non-binary hipster who admires Nicola Sturgeon greatly.

    3. On you go. Reveal yourself.

    4. OK then. Is mise Stiubhart Caimbeul.

  4. Wings is a Scottish blog ? I didn't realise that Bath was part of Scotland !

    1. To be fair to Campbell, he did a lot during the 2014 referendum but after his case against Kezia Dugdale didn't go his way he seemed to completely lose the plot. When he declared last year that he was intending to vote for the tories at the UK general election he lost all credibility in my eyes. His figures seem to indicate that's also been the case for many other people as well.

  5. What? Nae Bawheid Boy ? There'll be greetin on the streets of Barcelona 🤣

  6. IFS is threatening to lock up toddlers. Disgraceful. He must be keeping bad company. Lock up your toddlers.

    1. You need locked up.

    2. One of his little helpers wants to lock everyone up. Alba, Trump, IFS, his little helpers. All becoming very sinister. It was only a matter of time. Last week was just to much for them.

    3. The above anon poster is deranged and scary. A weirdo person making up stories about locking up toddlers.

    4. More absolute shit from disgusting anon trolls. I have never threatened to lock up any toddlers. It's you who is thinking about this in your nasty mind. What another piece of lowlife troll.

    5. You categorically did. You said I was a toddler and should be locked up. Fact.

    6. 2.38pm pissof with your blatant lie. I read that post he told you to pissof. Not a toddler - are you now claiming you are a toddler.

    7. Wee helper boy. He categorically posted what I have said. That is beyond doubt. You allowing yourself to be drawn into his lying strongly suggests that you are either irredeemably stupid, or you are IFS. Don’t really care either way. Simply not allowing the usual suspects to lie and misrepresent. You are dismissed.

    8. 5. 42pm so you are now claiming you are a toddler. You have serious mental problems. This is just appalling stuff from these trolls. Sturgeon’s self ID cult showing itself up for what it is. A poster claiming to self ID as a toddler.

    9. The deranged troll says " Fact" at 2.38pm. Facts are things this troll avoids. Spin and lies are his stock in trade. A new low for this lowlife. He is self IDing as a toddler so he can claim I wanted to lock up a toddler. What sort of disturbed mind does this? I did say he should be locked up both for his own good, the good of SGP and the good of society in general as he is far from normal and not in a good way.

  7. Mike Thurston of Thurston Air Handling SolutionsMarch 24, 2025 at 8:38 PM

    Wouldn't it be for the best if we realize how lucky we are to have good, committed, regular bloggers supporting Scottish independence who offer differing viewpoints and, between them, cater for all shades of Yes?
    Enough of the 'he said, she said' stuff.

    1. Well, no, because if the "he said, she said" involves Campbell saying he would vote Tory and abstain in an independence referendum, that negates the part about "bloggers supporting Scottish independence", of which he is no longer one.

    2. Exactly. There may be many valued shades of opinion within the independence movement, but unionism is not one of them. Campbell is not on the "unionist wing of Yes", he's just a unionist.

    3. The problem is in part the catalogue of lies and disinformation put out by the usual suspects. Look at their reaction to N S being vindicated. There is no chance of dialogue with these people. I offered an olive branch to IFS and his followers after the tragic death of A S. Vitriol and personal abuse ensued. And they consistently disrupt any ongoing conversations.

    4. 9.38pm - the trouble anon is all you anons look alike. Hard to to tell one anon from another anon. Can you not even add a number after anonymous to distinguish yourself from other anon nutters. Is that too much trouble for you.
      Aye right you offered me an olive branch. I've told you trolls before I do not have followers but you keep on repeating it.

      I have already posted why she was not vindicated. A decision was taken not to prosecute her.

      I love the whiney last sentence.

    5. It's also worth noting that on here Alba etc are seen as being a hindrance to indy, supporters best left ignored etc. But they're also the ones who consistently called for a constitutional convention to take place since 2021.

      The only way for the movement as a whole to come back together would be for all sides to actually get in a room together and talk. But we seem to prefer to just stay on our respective sides going "I'll never work with so & so" or issuing demands.

    6. Think logically: Fergus Ewing, Joanna Cherry, Alex Neil, Robin McAlpine, Craig Murray, Angus MacNeil, Kenny MacAskill, Jim Sillars etc all people you likely were happy to stand shoulder to shoulder with in 2014... what's your immediate reaction whenever you see them mentioned now? Why is that?

    7. The way you see them is similar to the way most of them & their supporters likely see Nicola Sturgeon, John Swinney, Humza Yousaf, Pete Wishart, John Nicolson, Angus Robertson etc.

    8. Things change. It is allowed.

    9. If the movement is ever to come back together though both sides will need to find a way to work together.

    10. Anon 10.24 That would be the same Jim Sillars who donated a few grand to Jackie Baillie's political fund ? The same Craig Murray who stood as the George Galloway British Workers Party

    11. If Scotland ever gets independence it will be despite the lineup mentioned by anonymous at 10:24.

    12. If Scotland ever gets independence most of the lineup at 10.45pm will be in the House of Lords wondering how it all went wrong.

    13. IFS at 9.51 effectively confirming he is happy to disrupt debate and discussion. Sad wee self confessed troll. Cue little helpers trotting along. Naw you didnae, aye ye did blah blah. Give us peace.

    14. 5.47pm - you are the same troll posting anonymously all over SGP with your made up comments that are of zero value to anyone.

    15. They must have some value, even if only to elicit a response. After all you responded. Think before you post. You’ll avoid looking silly.

  8. Ifs doesn’t realise that by posting as Independence for Scotland ( a misnomer if any) doesn’t actually give his identity. Maybe someone could explain to that to him. I suspect he just looks at a mirror asking the reflection why they are anonymous!

    1. It's just dawned on me that Independence is her first name, For is her second and Scotland is her surname. Unusual by name, unusual by nature. Now, pass the popcorn.

    2. Same old nonsense from anon trolls. Get a new script. One that is of any interest to anyone.

    3. We tried to explain. He’s too thick to understand. Shame.

    4. So you trolls are back posting this nonsense once again. Only you trolls can understand your motivation for posting this type of rubbish. I do not need any explanation from waste of space lowlife trolls.

    5. This tripe about IFS being anonymous (invariably posted by anons themselves) has been done to death. Find a way to id yourselves or shut up.

    6. Who are you? One of his little helpers. Hi Ho, hi Ho, off you go.

    7. 5.40pm what a moron you are.

    8. 5.40pm is the same troll posting non stop shit all over SGP. Something very wrong with this person.

    9. Very disrespectful to IFS. He will be upset. What did you think of the announcement last week about N S?

    10. And I D yourself.

  9. Maybe that’s why she hates the ex FM?

  10. Now they got rid of Ken, Yir2 and many other genuine YESsers the nasty puppies in WGD are attacking another YESser, sneering he's a fake. Much worse than Wings where some came from. There used to be good postings information and debate in both forums but not any more.

    1. Yes, ifs we see you.

    2. Good grief. That's Iain McG who as an SNP member a few years ago gave us the inside opinion on a Lanarkshire branch. He joins the list of us illustrious and genuine Indy supporters whose ankles they've licked and fawned over, like Cynicus.

      We're going to need more sanitiser.

    3. Anons at 10.10am and 1.16pm - oh no you don't. You are blind as well as stupid. Get yourself a hobby. There must be some hobbies that idiots like you can take up. Your obsession with me is not healthy.

    4. Z for zombie .

    5. And for zoo and for zero.Do you have a point?

    6. Z for zip and I for It . Zip it. 5.36pm

    7. So you didn’t actually have a point? Good to know your debating and discussion skills extend to telling people you disagree with to shut up. You must fit in well with WOS and Alba.

    8. 9.45am - its obvious the point is that the poster who keeps posting zzzzzzzz is exactly what you claim 5.45pm is.

    9. IFS. What 5.45 would that be? There isn’t one. Try again. In the meantime zzzzzzzzzz.

  11. Naw, I think it’s YI2. Was in a bit of a spat on WGD.

    1. That was the previous thread. Where I made a posting pointing out that financial investigations like Branchform can take a long long time, and was personally attacked by thepnr as he's done before, with his sidekicks joining in.

      But then WGD joined in accusing me of being disruptive. Eh? All I did was make a posting, any disruption was caused by the ad hominems that came in reply. It's not the first time the clown has done that - and he deleted my non-sweary reply having attacked me.

      The irony is, by attacking COPFS, with its boss and deputy appointed by Sturgeon and answerable to the Scottish Government, and Police Scotland, controlled by the Scottish Police Federation and answerable to - yes - the Scottish Government, WGD is breaking his own rule of, let me see:

      "This is your reminder the purpose of this blog is to promote Scottish independence. If the comment you want to make will not assist with that goal then don’t post it. If you want to mouth off about how much you dislike the SNP leadership there are other forums where you can do that. You’re not welcome to do it here."

      The leader of the Scottish Government is Swinney, was Yousaf, was Sturgeon. Attacking Scottish institutions like our judiciary and police clearly does not help Independence. So perhaps he should post his articles on Wings.

    2. Sorry, I forgot this:

    3. These clowns on WGD are all over the place re the Justice System. Like the trolls on SGP they cannot see their own consistency.

      The Police were good guys when they charged Salmond.
      COPFS were good guys when they prosecuted Salmond.

      The Police are bad guys when they arrested and interviewed Sturgeon. They foamed at the mouth at a blue tent which was erected to provide privacy re the Murrells possessions being removed. They would have foamed even more if they had not erected the tent.
      The COPFS are bad guys for taking so long to say Sturgeon and Beattie were not being prosecuted.

      Of course COPFS is under the control of the Scottish Government via the Sturgeon appointed Unionist Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain. Bain says she recused herself from the Sturgeon/Murrell/Beattie case. But does this really work in practice as the people who work for Bain will know her views.

      So should Kavanagh and the WGD numpties be blaming the Scottish Government. Oh wait a minute they CLAIM there is seperation between prosecutions and the Scottish Government. They can claim that all they want but the perception can easily be that there is not.

      The question that should be asked is why has this perception of a conflict of interests never been eradicated by the Scottish Government over all this time. In my opinion the person responsible for prosecutions should have no link to the Scottish government. After all the Britnat media are always pointing the finger at governments abroad interfering in justice decisions for political/tyrannical ends. Why has this issue not been eradicated in Scotland. It's not good enough for Bain just to say she recused herself.

    4. Zzzzzzzzzzz.........snore......zzzzzzzz

    5. There has been a lot of talk that the Lord Advocate role should be split. Mmm: "An expert report on the division of the dual role of the lord advocate is expected in the coming weeks.". 29 May 2024

      Still waiting I guess.

    6. Yesindyref2 - a lot of talk but no action. That’s my point why has this not been rectified. Who has gained from not doing anything about it?

      The trouble with Kavanaghs statement “ will not assist with that goal “ is that it is a personal viewpoint - his - he decides if it doesn’t assist. You need to be able to read Kavanagh’s mind.

    7. IFS proving beyond doubt that he is both an idiot and a liar. Hey Ho.

    8. 5.35pm Well prove it then! If it is beyond doubt it will be easy for you to prove it. Otherwise all you will have proved is that you are the idiot and a liar.

    9. 5.35pm is the same deranged troll posting shit all over SGP. He can’t prove anything because he just makes stuff up. It’s called lying to cause chaos and disruption. A mini me Donald Trump.

    10. It’s beyond doubt silly billy at 5.48. Get an adult to explain to you what you posted.

    11. IFS. Nicola Sturgeons is a criminal. She stole £600,000. Police Scotland and Crown Office investigation ensues. Unprecedented in its length and expense for the type of case. Conclusion? She has done nothing criminal. Oops. IFS a bit of a fibber. “Ah but” ensues.

    12. Lying troll at 9.43am. You will not see any post from me saying Sturgeon stole £600,000. What you will see is me saying as leader of The Party she is responsible to ensure financial probity from her Chief Executive and husband. The Police seem to think she failed in that as they have charged her husband with embezzlement. She was right to resign.

      You have proved nothing anon other than you should stay anon.

  12. I wonder what Clerkin is up to these days ? Surely he's got his MBE by now.

    1. Pity Sturgeon can’t sell her house so she can move down to London to take up her position in the House of Lords. Remember Blackford was paving the way for her. Sturgeon will feel at home sitting beside that other truthless person Truthless Davidson.

      Never mind she will eventually get to sell her house.

    2. Z for Zombie.

    3. And for zoo and zero. Do you have a point?
