Saturday, January 4, 2025

That unusual sound you can hear is jaws dropping to the floor across Scotland as Chris McEleny - that's CHRIS MCELENY - chooses this moment of all moments to pen a newspaper article about the vital importance of *due process*

For confidentiality reasons I won't reveal who this was or what the circumstances were, but during the Alba Party's McEleny Purges last year, one of my fellow members of the Disciplinary Committee had clearly been briefed by the leadership in advance of one of the show-trials (possibly by Mr McEleny himself) on a supposed flaw in the defence put forward by one of the Alba members facing punitive disciplinary action.  When he was building up to asking what he imagined to be his killer question, he unintentionally did a Lieutenant Columbo impersonation: "you see, I'm a little confused here, because..."

That very much sums up my own sentiment today as I ponder Mr McEleny's extraordinary decision (and extraordinarily timed decision) to write a newspaper column in The National about what he apparently learnt about the vital importance of due process during his legal battle with the Ministry of Defence a few years ago.  I'm a little confused here, Chris, because if you're just so darn passionate about due process...

1) Why did you abuse your position as General Secretary last year to push (successfully) for someone's expulsion from the Alba Party because he made an irreverent joke about you on Twitter?

2) Why did you ignore that individual's emails saying that he wished to take up his right under the rules to attend his disciplinary hearing?

3) Why did you instruct your deputy to falsely tell the Disciplinary Committee that the individual had expressed no desire to attend the hearing?

4) Why did you not immediately resign as General Secretary after your lie was brought to light, and why did the party chair instead threaten myself and two other members of the committee with disciplinary action for raising strong objections to your lie and to several other procedural irregularities?  (In true Orwellian fashion, the points of order we raised were reframed by Tasmina as "misogynistic bullying of the committee convener", and I'm genuinely not making that up.)

5) Why did you apparently ignore the expelled member's emails stating that he wished to take up his right to appeal against expulsion - a right which is absolute and unconditional under the Alba constitution?

6) Why did you (successfully) demand that the Disciplinary Committee take punitive action against a courageous whistleblower who brought to light potential evidence that the December 2023 NEC elections were partly rigged, rather than doing what you're supposed to do by ensuring that whistleblowers are fully protected?

7) Why were you not suspended from the Alba Party when you were facing a criminal trial for threatening behaviour, bearing in mind that you have shown no compunction whatsoever in arbitrarily suspending other Alba members for weeks or months on end because of trivial and unproven allegations?  Shouldn't due process preclude such blatant double standards in the treatment of different categories of members?

8) Why did you ask the NEC to remove me from my directly elected position on the Constitution Review Group, when there is no provision in the Alba constititution allowing the NEC to remove someone from a directly elected position on an a la carte basis?

9) Why have you just got me expelled from the Alba Party on secret charges that were sent to my fellow members of the Disciplinary Committee but not to me?  (To this day, all I know is that, at a minimum, the secret charges related to fourteen blogposts on Scot Goes Pop, but I have no idea which fourteen posts were being referred to or what the hell was supposed to be so wrong with them.)

10) Why was it possible for a secret witness to be called at the hearing which decided on my expulsion, without me having any knowledge of a) the fact that a witness was called at all, b) the identity of that witness, and c) what that witness said?  Why was I given no possible opportunity to challenge or dispute what that witness said?  (In case you're wondering, I found out the identity of the witness, but only by complete accident because a committee member happened to mention it in one of his questions to me.  The committee convener, the leadership loyalist Josh Robertson, clearly had absolutely no intention of even informing me that a witness had been called.)

11) Why did your charge sheet against me reference the section of the social media policy relating to "abusive behaviour" on social media, but without giving a single example of me behaving abusively on social media?

12) Why did you ignore my emails asking you to either specify examples (if any existed) of me being abusive on social media, or to delete that section of the charge sheet?

13) How was it even possible that the "abusive behaviour" section of the social media policy was one of the three grounds for expulsion the Disciplinary Committee cited in reaching their decision, when you had failed to find a single example of abusive behaviour on social media?  Is "look, take my word for it, guys, he's said some awful stuff" really sufficient for expulsion in the Alba Party?

I mean, I could go on and on here, but if you could answer those questions for starters, that would be grand.


  1. Obviously a lot more going on here than meets the eye. It would seem to me that his intention to "step down" when a new leader is appointed for ALBA is more about saving face and prevents him being sacked. As an employee? he maybe has more rights than as an office bearer? Murky waters being muddied!

    1. He'll perhaps jump ship to the ISP or Reform 🤔

    2. Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh is likely the politician who most desires to jump to Reform. But will she have the brass neck? - Each time she performs her political chameleon act it looks more and more opportunist (with diminishing returns)

    3. That would be her fifth party, wouldn't it?


      She's a record breaker of sorts. When do the Lib Dems get their turn?

    4. Variously a member of the SNP, Alba Party, Labour and Conservatives - adapt to thrive!

    5. Yes.

      Anon at 6:37 beat me to it (I am the same person as at 6:39 above), that would be her 5th party.

    6. I suspect that McEleny is reacting to the reorganisation of the Alba Party announced by Kenny McAskill which dispensed with the roles of General Secretary and his Depute. The former will require a change to the party constitution, but the latter won't, because it was an unconstitutional position. On top of this, he was the line manager for the other employees at Party HQ, although the constitution states that the party chair has day to day management of those employees. It may be the case that McEleny will be kept on as an employee, albeit in a more lowly and less well remunerated role - although the funds have dried up and it is perhaps more likely that cheaper, more proficient employees will be kept on. As McEleny makes extensive use of ChatGPT, he is more easily replaced. If Ash Regan were to be elected as party leader, he may be given the role of party chair.

    7. Tasmina's had more parties than Frank Sinatra 😏

    8. KP
      All Tasmina's moves have been leftwards, so why should she now turn to Reform? Even seen opportunistically, Reform is no real threat in Scotland. Scots are internationalists who opposed Brexit; we are social democrats who deludedly voted Labour, thinking it differed from the Tories. There's no percentage in Reform

    9. There's a few impressionable types, particularly in the north east who fall for the Farage baloney.

    10. "All Tasmina's moves have been leftwards"

      Really? So the Greens next, and then the Communists?

    11. Anon 10.27 Alba are to the left of the SNP? Pull the other one !

    12. SNP are closer to the Greater Byres Road and Bella Caledonia, right enough.

  2. Are there no other office bearers in ALBA with a voice?

    1. Of course they have a voice. It's McEleny's voice.

    2. Nope! All the office bearers who made their voices heard were subjected to a whispering campaign or won their places in the NEC elections only for it to be declared null and void and rerun so more subservient folk could take their place. Anyone who still managed to scrape through on the membership vote resigned in disgust or was subjected to a campaign of intimidation and false accusations by McEleny so ended up resigning as well. They got the NEC they wanted in the end, one where nobody speaks up.

  3. Maybe I should rephrase. Is there no other office bearers willing to speak up? If they all have the same view as the Secretary they really are in the mire.

    1. Remember the NEC elections were fixed. So office bearers and ordinary members who would have caused trouble / resigned / spoke out, if Alba was acting unfairly and undemocratically were all removed one way or another
      I guess that James likely beat Daniel Jack for membership Convener but they cheated
      All that’s left are nodding dogs devoid of principles

  4. Sean Davis was ignored by the General Secretary and the Deputy general secretary lied about never having complaints Sean had made.
    That young lad put everything into the party and was bullied by CM and CW.
    Alex liked Sean a lot, but the chair, dgs and the GS tried to poison Alex against Sean.

    Witnesses saw and heard what Alex thought of Sean.
    Someone should interview the boy and he will tell all.
    I talk to him regularly and he's hurting due to all this.

  5. Why don’t you tell all?

    1. Who is "you"? What is "all"?

    2. James can't tell all as yet since he is still fighting his party expulsion & needs to avoid sinking any remaining chance he has of pulling that off.

    3. Anon at 6.42 p m. Do you not understand how this btl works? I replied under the heading Reply to the comment preceding the word Reply. It’s not difficult. Except for you it seems. Try harder.

    4. You should contact Sean Davis. He will tell all. Poor lad.
      Having knowing him since the Greenock conference all the lad wanted was to be involved and help the party.
      Bullied and discriminated against.

  6. You just couldn't make this stuff up. Mine was one of the jaws hitting the floor when I read Chris's National article this morning - at first I doubted whether he was the actual author, suspecting it was a clever piss-take - It wasn't you James was it ? (joke) But the detail included makes it look genuine, and that must truly have been traumatic for Chris at the time. So why adopt the same tactics on Alba members with trumped up nonsense accusations of "damage caused to the party?" - to quote one case that I am personally familiar with. There's probably a deep psychological explanation buried in there somewhere that I'm not qualified to go into. Or is he just preparing the ground so that he is perceived as a victim of wrongdoing , rather than a perpetrator ?

    1. the anonymous comment at 7.01 was me - I didn't mean to post anonymously

    2. My immediate response was to fall on the floor pissing myself laughing at the sheer audacity and hypocrisy. Hilarious from conduct Christopher. Fair made my day

  7. The people taking these actions are bad.
    The people trying to shut you up are just as bad.
    And just as bad as them are the people who know what's going on, who say nothing.

  8. The other side of the equation has already been demonstrated. Removal of individuals with different views, rigging the election process, elites, bad mouthing by the same crowd, taking genuine ALBA supporters for a ride.

  9. Out of interest can the party speak to the reason behind a suspension publicly? Not heard anything from Alba on this at all.

    1. There isn't a single suspension or expulsion over the last twelve months they can really justify, so it's no wonder they've kept a vow of silence about all of them.

  10. Well, at least the relentless troll who seems hellbent on forcing me to permanently reintroduce pre-moderation has finally outed himself as someone who is not just a random passer-by. That always seemed pretty likely, Mr Troll.

    1. Well done for keeping your patience, James. They were not just relentless they were also utterly tedious.

  11. I regard all this as an endorsement of my personal decision to never join political parties.
    Alba are becoming a political irrelevance run by an overbearing village committee.
    Why would I pay to be treated with suspicion and contempt for having a mind of my own? No one party holds a monopoly on wisdom and they certainly shouldn't believe they hold a grip on the Yes movement as many in the SNP do.

    1. ALBA have had their best ever by-election results in the last few months. #ALBARising

  12. O/T but recent polling figures are clearly worrying the unionists. A ferry repairs fiasco story appears today in the Guardian online. Usual stuff rehashed. What is annoying is the failure of N S to lance this boil some four years ago.

    1. Anon at 9 am ... Why shouldn't a Scottish government award a contract to a Scottish company, and how do you know that the majority of people agree with you?

    2. Anon@10.34a.m.
      You're the embarrassment here!
      Your denigration of the Ferguson shipyard workers wont make you flavour of the month in Inverclyde.
      The Scottish Government should be praised in helping to secure the skills of these workers for the future.
      I assume you're in favour of that?

    3. Labour and tories would have shut the yard. Broken promises to the Clyde shipyards is not new. Incidentally bae are having their own issues as the Brit press know but fergusons is taking most of the diversionary flak.

    4. I presume an anon post has been deleted. The decision to award the contract to a Clyde shipyard was the correct one. The failure was not stepping in earlier and removing the inept management.

    5. Anon@11:50,
      “The decision to award the contract to a Clyde yard was the correct one”
      What a clown🤡

    6. I see that the Scotland in Union mob have turned up.

  13. If anything good has come of your membership of Alba, James, it's this: for years, I thought a lot of Alba High Command left the SNP because they could no longer stomach the authoritarian pivot by SNP leadership.

    As your time in the party has shown, it turns out they actually left not because they disagreed with the authoritarian direction of the SNP, but because they were not the ones in charge of that authoritarian direction.

    And I include Tasmina, McEleny, and Salmond himself in that. A bunch of self-absorbed, temper-tantruming egoists whose anti-authoritarian 'principles' turn out to have been a bunch of self-serving rubbish.

    Aside from MacAskill, the whole upper echelons of the party reek of authoritarian overreach and self-interest. The SNP writ-small, if you will.

    1. I agree with that, yes. It turns out they are merely a subset of everything that is wrong with the SNP, including a complete absence of self awareness.
      There are good people still there for the right reasons but only the more timid among them will be left after Chris Jong Un's purges.
      I strongly suspect that without the Salmond gravitas, Alba will simply wither on the vine and as somebody who once hoped they might be the the new driving force in Yes politics, I now find myself wholly indifferent to their likely demise.

    2. You hoped that Alba would be the driving force in Yes politics? I've a bridge to sell you !

    3. Exactly my view
      The SNP was not authoritarian enough
      Salmond, Chris and Tas had complete control of Alba the constitution was written that way
      No policy development groups
      No Treasurer because Iain Blackford when SNP treasurer had a fall out with Salmond over Salmond’s expenses. Salmond wasn’t going to make that mistake again
      Office bearers have no authority at all
      The only person allowed to direct HQ staff is Tas
      Vetting Chair appointed by Chris and then the Chair appoints the rest of the committee - unsurprisingly Chris appointed Salmond’s sister.
      Alba was just a vehicle for Alex and Tas’s business interests and Chris’s ego
      Once again the Yes movement have been fooled by politicians they trusted

    4. Well, I meant driving force as in catalyst, I think.
      Alba were never going to be a front line political party with big membership, big funds and big representation (At least not in the short to medium term). But, I hoped they would be the ones asking difficult questions, keeping indy in focus etc when it was becoming clear that the SNP's political juggernaut had got bogged down in all sorts of problems. I think Alba did try to be that for a while but there was just too much baggage. The SNP simply weren't prepared to listen and AS was making some odd decisions. I lost a big chunk of hope for the project over Rutherglen. After that, the initial momentum was never replicated at the ballot box and, well, now look at them... All very sad, really.

    5. Oh well, there's interesting. Herald 23rd June 2000

      "As he promised last week Mr Blackford went over the heads of the leadership by explaining his case directly to the party rank and file, asking for their support. He accused Mr Salmond of failing to give him any notice of the charges against him before his suspension.

      ''I was given no written notice of any accusation, no explanation, no right of defence, and no right of appeal,'' he told party members in a round-robin letter in the form of a personal message to his ''Dear Fellow Nationalists.''

      What does that remind us of?

    6. Mince with the Bath nutter.

  14. It will be interesting to see if Alba Party turn populist Right, which seems a possibility. They could fish for a number of YES voters who are also anti immigration etc., not a wholesome political market but there you go.

    Conversely, I wonder if there is space politically for a Scotland-only Unionist party? That’s not really been tried, and it would undercut the “branch office” narrative since they clearly would not be one. If so, centre-left would be the place to position such a party, and it could mop up loads of Labour and LibDem votes. Unionist voters here are pragmatic and not really ideological or tribal to the extent as they are in England, since the SNP is their common enemy. So if a new party could break through then those parties, and the Tories too, could see their vote withering away quite alarmingly (I guess Reform UK would be largely immune to any such threat). Just idle Sunday speculation!

    1. I honestly believe people are less tribal about political parties across the board nowadays.

      Most have had their chance in power now and most have had their ups but also their deep flaws exposed.

      Even as an Independence supporter and SNP voter, I don't enthusiastically defend them anymore. I know this is apathy but there are too many egos in politics now rather than leaders.

      This transcends into choosing parties. I could see parties making more inroads in the Scots parliament due to its PR structure but not WM.

  15. There is an overdrive to make SNP look bad too.

    That Jamie McIvor report on the maths and English levels recently was a disgrace in my opinion. Propaganda from a unionist think tank without proper journalistic analysis.

    It was headlined on the website.

    This is the sort of thing Wings used to rip apart. Now just a one trick pony.

    The ferries are a genuine issue though. Islanders are being short changed and it's an embarrassment.

    1. Says the SIU anon.

    2. As someone who lives on an island (Arran), I'm amazed by the uproar the BBC and certain residents are creating over the ferry service. Yes, we'd love a ferry every half hour over to Ardrossan, but that's not on the cards. The fares are reasonable, the service is reliable and we count ourselves lucky not to have some privatised cowboy outfit in charge, like what happened with the railways.

    3. Heard a rumour wee Sturgeon, who launched Glen Sannox all these years ago, is going to be aboard her as a special guest on her maiden crossing on the 13th.

    4. Erm... I'm an snp supporter. Not a unionists.

      The point is that rebuttals aren't strong.

      That mcivor report straight from Lord McConnell should have received a pasting from the SNP.

    5. "Erm... I'm an snp supporter. Not a unionists"

      So we're supposed to think these two things are exclusive?

    6. Anon @ 1-17pm
      Heard a rumour you're a bawbag.
      Can you confirm?

  16. Agree. Ferry issue allowed to fester for years. The BBC MSM onslaught is going to intensify as polls indicate growing support for Indy. Where is the SNP rebuttal unit? Nowhere to be seen.

    1. Have you looked in the horsebox?

    2. Their "ferry" assaults are pathetic. A few £million over budget... but we have two brand new ferries.
      HS2 ....A few £ BILLION over budget but no trains.

    3. You're the original "embarrassing" poster arent you?
      The one James deleted.
      "Embarrassed" of Broughty Ferry

    4. The ferry issue was badly handled. If we do not acknowledge that we lose credibility. The S G has now acted and progress is being made but this should have been done years ago.

  17. Let’s close fergusons. That will keep the Brit nats happy.Lets close Prestwick. Yeh let’s close everything. Surely we can import all from Engerland.
    Well no. We need to keep skills here.

    1. That was the entire point of my post.

  18. Well let's talk aboot the scandal of HS2. UK throwing away a £billion per mile of cancelled track . And Scotland provided 10% of that . At least we will eventually get ferries.

    1. Still the aircraft carriers are the biggest laugh of Westminster power.

    2. @1:51,
      You have no defence of this rotten SNP administration, so all you can do is resort to deflection.

    3. @2.16 what a comic you are 😂

    4. Anon@ 1-04 is bang on the money.

    5. Anon@1:04 spouts complete and utter bull!

    6. Bingo!.....hit Anon@4-27 where it hurts.......THE TRUTH !!!!

  19. Anon at 1:11, why are you wasting everyone else’s time, and your own too, by posting here?

    1. It's KC. It's what he does.

    2. @1:29,
      You hate reading the truth don’t you!
      No I’m NOT KC!

    3. You're kc's wee brother !

    4. I reckon IFS has gone Anon.

    5. IFS has joined Peter A Bell's party, almost enough now to field a fitba team !

  20. Somebody mentioned aircraft -carriers.
    Where exactly are they.
    I'm hearing rumours which will probably result in Iain Davidson's heid exploding.

    1. Indeed.
      At least the Glen Sannox will soon be in service, albeit 6 and a bit years late and a few hundred million over budget.

  21. I remember a Tory Brexit minister who engaged the services of a ferry company that had no ferries and paid them a down payment of £18 million that was never returned
    I also remember the two Scottish ferries in question are more than twice the size of any other ferries in the fleet, the Glen Sannox is practically cruise ship proportions, plus CMal changed the specs four times during the build causing work already done to be ripped out and redone, plus during the pandemic barely even a spanner was turned
    Remind us how many of the high hied yins at CMal were eventually sacked over that again? and the answer is four

    1. It's only the British and Alba that punt that crap, no real people believe a word of it, they know the truth no matter how much the BBC squirts bilge water out of their mouths

    2. Anon@10:30,
      Hideous post.
      Complete and utter nonsense. You’re probably a Sturgeon worshipper as well.
      Sad and pathetic.

  22. Ship 1 sailing this month. The public will just enjoy. I keep looking for the high speed train to the north. Pity I dont stay in worcestersheeeer, engerlend.

  23. Local folk excl. McEleny are pleased the yard is still open and apprentices learning their trade.

  24. The bad Nicola kept people employed and built two giant ferries in the face of massive opposition from the British media, British moles in Ceemal and the pandemic, and kept steel workers employed
    She's evil I tell you, evil
    Except it's only Alba the British and their media propaganda that says so

    1. Your post is embarrassing.
      The ferry scandal is the SNP’s shame and an embarrassment to Scotland.

    2. Oh lookee here folks!
      Its "Embarrassed" of Broughty Ferry back to embarrass us.
      p.s. Who took the ferry out of Broughty?
      Probably "embarrassed" @9.00am.
