Friday, January 24, 2025

My thoughts on the proposed SNP rule change which would make it almost impossible to challenge an incumbent leader

I've been specifically asked by a couple of people what I think about the proposed SNP rule change that would make it much, much harder to challenge for the leadership than it has been until now, and whether I think it would make the SNP even more unreformable than Alba.  Let me say at the outset that as a newly rejoined member of the SNP, I am extremely dismayed at the proposal and I hope it is roundly rejected when the time comes.  It speaks to quite an unfortunate mindset if people have been looking at Graeme McCormick's potential challenge to John Swinney last year (which never even happened in the end, let's remember), and instead of thinking "oh, isn't this wonderful, democracy working exactly as it should, even an obscure rank-and-file member can challenge the most powerful man in the party, and then it becomes a battle of ideas", you actually think "OH NO, WE CAN'T BE HAVING THIS, HOW CAN WE STOP IT, NEVER AGAIN!!!!"

However, the direct answer to the question "would this make the SNP even worse than Alba?" is a very firm "no", because Alba got in ahead of the SNP with a rule that has an almost identical effect.  The hurdle that anyone would need to clear to challenge for the Alba leadership is already exceptionally high.  A few months ago, I spoke to a former Alba national office bearer, who pointed out to me that to stand for the leadership or depute leadership, you not only need a very high number of nominations, but you also need those nominations to be drawn from a higher number of Alba LACUs (branches) than are currently even in existence.  So on a literal reading of the rule, it is actually impossible to challenge for the Alba leadership.  Now, doubtless the rule will be creatively "interpreted" to allow leading figures like Kenny MacAskill and Ash Regan to stand, but I very much doubt McEleny would ever have allowed a rank-and-file member (a Graeme McCormick equivalent) to benefit from any creative interpretations to challenge Alex Salmond when he was incumbent leader.  Indeed, McEleny carefully ensured that the annual leader and depute leader elections were not advertised to members in the same way as other office bearer elections, so if you'd wanted to even get as far as receiving a nomination form, you'd have needed to kick up a fuss and demanded your rights.

Which usually gets you precisely nowhere with McEleny.  At that stage he just ignores your emails, and if you point out to anyone else what he's doing, he just innocently pretends never to have received the emails.  If you then say that's not a credible statement, you start receiving dark hints that "not accepting the General Secretary is acting in good faith" is potentially a serious disciplinary matter that could result in your suspension or expulsion.  I have direct experience of an incident of that sort from early 2024 - for further details, watch out for future installments of "THE ALBA FILES", with the working titles 'The Conduct of Christopher' and 'You've Got Mail! (Yes, it's Tas again.)'.

As far as Stuart Campbell's article on the proposed SNP rule change is concerned, I do actually agree with some of it (a rarity for me since the MAGA Unionist era at Wings began), but it has to be said that the silence from him on the identical snuffing out of Alba's internal democracy has been absolutely deafening - and he can't plead ignorance, because I gather a number of former Alba NEC members asked to write guest posts for Wings about the rigging of the 2023 internal elections, and he either refused or ignored them.  His self-styled commitment to "fearless investigative journalism" is extraordinarily one-sided.  Rather akin to journalism in the Mail or the Telegraph, it only exists in service to his own political agenda - which at the moment is to destroy the SNP by artificially making them look much worse than Alba or the unionist parties.

Let's also not forget that when Mr Campbell was planning his own Wings Party, he made clear that it would be what I dubbed an "Il Duce party" - meaning that he would automatically be leader for life without an election.


  1. People may have asked if Alba Party are worse than the Scottish National Party (and/or vice versa) in terms of internal democracy.

    Surely it matters little which entity is less worse than the other!

    The point is that they are both despotic.

    1. Strange, isn’t it, when memberships are so servile now. What’s the point of locking the boardroom door when there’s no one outside?


  2. Watching the indoor bowling on tv. Nobody in the audience under 80. I thought it was the AGM of the Scottish Conservative Party but there were too many people there.

    1. This gathering sounds very dangerous. Hopefully Sir Starmer is being appraised and the group can be safely dispersed by the armed police for the sake of public safety.

    2. They could cripple a body with those zimmer frames.

  3. MI5 advises keeping vile nats as far away as possible from positions of leadership in the Scottish National Party. National integrity, obviously.

    1. MI5 taking advice from Agent Campbell

    2. Insane dolt. Not Usain Bolt!

  4. Borderline Guard Of President JamezJanuary 24, 2025 at 4:21 PM

    I am not tempted if Wings is Il Duce.

    I will stay loyal and always perform the "President Jamez Salute" !

  5. First of all thanks to the grid people, we were out only 4 hours. But I hope safety comes first. I'm a tea addict and a neibour cooked us up some hot water on gas. Cooking with gas as you might well say. We had a big tree down near us. All the warnings were there and it did seem a worse build up than the previous decades here during the night. I've never before done so much battening down. So far so good though touch wood.

    Anyways, if you consider that for my branch at the time, turnout for meetings was just 5%, and half of them were office holders of various descriptions, or prospective candidates, we had no access to the member list even for our own branch, and when I wanted to do a survey was told "no", and there's no public SNP forum only policy ones, making any requirement for 5% of membership and so many branches is just the same as saying "fuck off plebs" to the members.

    Not in the slightest democratic. I remember back on the Grun btl in 2012 being very impressed by people saying how the SNP was branch democracy; well, not any more it ain't.

    On the other hand if I do manage to have spare time in the future I might consider rejoining and kicking up a stink. If I'm forced to do that wha daur meddle wi' me.


      Swinney: "It will take time to recover power and transport services across the country, as conditions still remain too dangerous for recovery teams to operate."

      Indeed. There's often too much pressure put on companies to put their people in danger.

    2. Don’t often agree with you but I do think the branches do need to be revisited. From my observations the hierarchy locally is the MSP/ MP canvas who should be local authority councillors. Usually they are “sooks”. Individuals who challenge policy decisions are frowned upon.The councillors influence who is on the branch committee and many are linked family wise or are pals. I suppose not so different from the local golf or bowling club but not the way to refresh a party.

    3. Anon at 6.50pm you mean like David the Sook Francis.

  6. Perhaps the SNP leadership is hearing whispers that some nasty oiks from within are having rebellious thoughts and they have decided to lock away their 'silver teaspoons' just in case ?

    Simply squalid !

    1. On the other hand, it is Robin McAlpine, the guy who at the Glasgow Green sunday rally back in 2014 or 15, told people there shouldn't be another referendum till at least 2023. It was a then very good wings btler who told me about that as I rarely listen to speeches, just talk to people - he was disconsolate, he wanted his life back.

    2. yesindyref2 As it's now 2025 and 19/10/23 was supposed to be the date to save. In retrospect 2023 wouldn't have been that bad to have Indyref2. Better than the current SNP overwhelming support never ever happening approach. .

    3. "Better than the current SNP overwhelming support never ever happening approach."

      I think that is rather generous of you IFS.

      I think their approach can be more accurately described as "Cross Your Fingers and Wait And See".

    4. Anon at 5.47pm says " I think that is rather generous of you IFS." Yes you are right. I am just a nice guy who disnae like to over criticise the SNP. I'll try harder in future.

    5. McAlpine can be a bit of a whiner, this is true, but even a stopped clock isnae always wrang.

      The rule change is right there, hidden in plain sight on the “second page 13” as Wings points out. An enabling clause tucked away in shame where no dugger will see it.

  7. To be honest, I think some people have ever really adjusted to the fact the SNP are in Government and stopped being a kind of pressure group. It seemed to me ludicrous that any member could launch a leadership bid against the leader who is also First Minister. It makes the party look amateurish. To tighten that up is hardly Stalinist! This change is long overdue.

    1. Absolutely. A leader for the SNP should be for life and his or her heirs take over the leadership for eternity. Long live the SNP!

    2. I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. This rule change would make it harder to challenge an incumbent SNP leader than to challenge an incumbent Tory leader. It's not "long overdue", it would in fact be a massive backward step.

    3. Paul. It also makes it very easy for MI5 to retain its control over the SNP if it is in control.
      It's not a proper government it's a devolved government that Westminster can override or eliminate if it sees fit. The SNP are supposed to be a party of independence.

    4. MI5 are disappointed that Agent Campbell failed to infiltrate the SNP.

    5. Paul is right that we need a set of rules that suit the reality of our party as it is today. By the way I thought Swinney was very statesmanlike today.

    6. Anon at 6.10pm - " the reality " being a devolutionalist party infiltrated by Britnats.

    7. 6.10pm

      "By the way I thought Swinney was very statesmanlike today."

      Scotland is not a state so your description is not possible.

      Swinney is our First Minion though ... as he proved by accepting being classed the same as a Mayor of England a few months ago by the British Prime Minister when he accepted an invitation to attend the Council of the Nations and Regions.

    8. Grow up if it is possible?

    9. "By the way I thought Swinney was very statesmanlike today."

      Sureness of touch.

      Great speech at conference.

      We can all agree.

  8. A good article James. A very fair point to highlight that Campbell has ignored the same problem in Alba as there is in the SNP.

    I would just say that, unlike a poster above who says it matters little who is worse they are both despotic, it does matter. The SNP is supposed to be the one and only vehicle for independence and Alba an irrelevance. Swinney with his statement of overwhelming support has shown without doubt he is a devolutionist. The only game in town now seems to me to be a change of SNP leadership and they are trying to not just shut that door but superseal it for decades to come. Are there no real independence supporters in the SNP these days other than you James.

    1. Anon at 6.29pm - are you David Francis or Yvonne Ridley?

    2. There is no Anon at 6:29. Are you inventing enemies to rail against? Spooky!

    3. "The only game in town now seems to me to be a change of SNP leadership and they are trying to not just shut that door but superseal it for decades to come."

      It's been that way for 10 years but Sturgeon to Swinney via Yousaf made no difference.

      The cabal remain in charge and the culture is one of secrecy and paranoia, with the focus on avoiding developing a plan to end the Union.

      It seems improbable that this will change now, barring a Membership Rising. How likely is that?

    4. Thicko 6.49pm - it’s obvious James deleted a post.

    5. The real spooky scenario is that Yousaf and Swinney - both Nicola bag carriers - are only keeping the seat warm for Nicola to come back once Branchform blows over and she has thrown her husband under the motorhome claiming I knew nothing it was that bad man who I house shared and party shared with. “Honest I never went to visit my mother in law so I couldn’t have seen the motorhome.” The SNP buy her more flowers and welcome her back as leader.
      Alternatively, Murrell snitches on her and they both go to jail. But in a surprise ending Trump pardons both of them after only 3 months in jail saying I’m a criminal President so my homeland Scotland should have its own criminal First Minister. The SNP buy her more flowers and welcome her back as leader.

    6. Val McD at 8.28 pm .... yawwwwnnnnn ........

    7. I'd rather play in a mariachi band in Mexico walking around a dangerous city full of criminals.

  9. Not one post from David Francis ( unless it is as an anon) on this article or the last one. Looks like the lightweight balloon is currently making his way up a Norwegian fjord on the strong wind. Never mind he will get a good view of the Northern Lights as he makes his way to the Arctic Circle. Take your time coming back.

    1. Paul gave it a shot, above, and it didn’t exactly pay off. Harder than usual to call this bucket of cold sick a healthy, filling meal for all of us.

      The trouble is, I quite expect the party to quietly chug it down and accept the rule change in any case.

    2. Personally I feel David Francis talks a lot of sense, and Ifs is ott in his criticism of him.

    3. He's simply wonderful.

    4. @8:15. Most of what Davey-boy writes is spittle-soaked abuse of IfS though. Maybe his epic run-on sentences have lulled you to sleep without reading them. That's nice. Have you tried other, friendlier blogs to your worldview, like WGD? Skier's likely got just the graph for you.

  10. Ifs- now your fixated on David Francis. Nicola will be pleased.

    1. Anon gets it wrong at 6.58pm. Nothing new about that though. You forgot about John the Redactor.

    2. 6:58 That's 'you're' - basic literacy ffs!

  11. In the 40 years I've been a member of the SNP the only times there have been any electoral contests for leadership have been when the incumbent leaders had decided to chuck it.

    1. That can't be quite true, because off the top of my head there was John Swinney v Bill Wilson twenty-odd years ago.

    2. A smart-arse might argue that the position was known as "convener" back then so Anon's claim is technically true.

    3. I remember just how reluctant Swinney was to leave the post, as well. After several dismal elections, it took "the men in grey kilts" as the media delighted in putting them, to persuade him to give it up.

      Leaders are humans and have their flaws as well as strengths. There should always be a mechanism to keep them sharp, and ultimately eject them if they can't read the writing on the wall.

    4. A mechanism, I'll add, that actually works. Jobs for life are the last thing Scotland needs in politics.

  12. I'm kinda surprised David Francis hasn't posted explaining how the proposed rule change is actually a good thing and not just anyone should be able to become Leader of the MOST POWERFUL independence Party.

    If you don't support turning the SNP into a Monarchy you're just a bunch of imbeciles etc.

    1. None of you b******s have any f*****g right to LECTURE the one and only party of Scottish nationhood about how to wipe its f******g arse let alone how to replace its god-sent leader! They could pick HIM by playing f******g BINGO for all you t*****s could care. You should be ashamed to even think your ALBAIST opinions count for s**t in the great minds that occupy the commanding heights of Scotland's ONLY f******g party of hope or independence or even devolved government. What a bunch of w*****s! I hate you all with the fire of a thousand Scottish Suns. Maybe even a few dozen Sunday Sports as well. You make me sick the lot of you c***s! F**k sake and get a grip! Both votes SNP you s****y b******s. You especially IFS, ya c***y f****r. Get it up right you.

      There, I done it for him. 😉

    2. Ah, bollocks. I forgot the typos!

  13. I suppose the narrative would once have been that the SNP are not as despotic as, well, Reform, because the SNP had the brief aberration of Humza Yusaf between anointments => SNP>all yoon partys. But that's just bullshit. Honestly, if Swinney wishes to change his party's constitution to his personal advantage I can't see the membership. (That's all he wrote - the membership are invisible and possibly completely disconnected).
