Sunday, September 1, 2024

Doing a Donald Trump pose in front of the Northern Lights

We interrupt our normal programming to bring you the important news that I've finally seen the Northern Lights.  And I didn't cheat by going to Norway or anything like that - it was in Scotland, albeit the far north.


  1. Green with envy.

  2. The second last photo is spectacular. Where were you?

  3. Excellent!

    I only ever saw then once decades ago on the old A9 when there wasn't a new one! North of Blair Atholl.

  4. SNP delegates fail to elect troublemaker as President.

    1. I thought Swinney's speech was OK.

      That's any cred I might have had, totally blown :-(

    2. Lord of the SlippersSeptember 2, 2024 at 6:07 AM

      Yes, so did I. Actually, I thought Angus Robertson came across well too.
      The SNP have a mountain to climb before HR26 but as one of the 500k who went missing, my reaction to the conference as a whole is 'I'm happy you've finally recognised there are major problems. I like the sound of some of what you've proposed should happen. Please don't just let this slide. Watching and listening carefully.'

    3. I didn't hear his speech but I read about it. I would have thought the things he said he's going to do (deal with important things in people's lives) is something he should have been doing already - that's like for the past ten years. So, then I have to ask myself 'what has he been doing?' because it doesn't feel like independence is just round the corner like he and Hamza were saying just a few months ago. Are you really going to let a shit speech change the evidence of your own experience? That's ten years of it, really?

    4. Lord of the SlippersSeptember 2, 2024 at 4:20 PM

      WT, no, I'm not changing my mind overnight, but I am prepared to listen. Why? All the factionalism and bad blood within the Yes movement is getting worse and it has to end somewhere.
      If the SNP are making genuine proposals for unity then we should all be at least listening.
      My own view is that a large number of big names from both sides of the Yes divide should agree to step away from any further public involvement in attempting to secure independence. Purge the toxicity. Fresh start, new faces, new ideas, united approach.
      I also firmly believe there should be a strong Scotland First message. Why are we constantly trying to tie the Scottish independence movement to somebody else's struggle? Our Catalan allies, our Plaid allies, our trans allies, our Palestinian allies, our Quebec allies. Hang around with losers and you'll become a loser, there's nothing surer. We should have the confidence to fight our own battles and should be focusing our attention on gaining influence with the nations in charge, towards international recognition, not marking ourselves out as another troublesome separatist group.
      Steely eyed focus and a hard heart until the job is done.

    5. @WT, You didn't hear the speech because you didn't want to to and you weren't there, if you were at all interested in the SNP you'd know how to at least spell Humza
      Getting harder to get way with being a wee slimy troll isn't it

  5. You wrote the same crap in WGD. as for the northern rights James the benefit of dark skies projects is something Scotland can be proud off although there is still to much light pointing upwards as opposed to where you walk. I do wonder how much money could be saved with the unnecessary spot lamps etc

    1. Have you ever seen the Northern Lights in Romania, Bob?

  6. Good Swinney speech.

    1. He's settling into the role and showing sureness-of-touch. He made a great speech at conference.

    2. WT is IFS in his other identity

    3. Anon at 7.56pm is Dr Jim posting his pish again.

  7. From a Brit Nat here. Spot on lad. Thanks for sharing. Enjoy the rest of your holiday and thanks again.

  8. Anon 10:43 I could feel the same way as you do, but don't forget we were on 28pc at the start of the referendum campaign. It is there to be won, it's just that the people we have trusted to lead us don't seem either capable or desirous. The letters SNP come with negativity now where they used to inspire hope. To have one of the most boring men in the world as their leader doesn't inspire many full-on Yessers never mind the soft NO voters

  9. Imagine how things could have been different if instead of backing those who insisted that support for independence needed to be 50 or 60% before actually pursuing the SNP had recognised the countless mandates they had received, realised that we'd be in a considerable better starting position than last time & with a similar campaign to 2014 we likely would have won.

    The largest increase in support for independence happened during an active campaign. Logic dictates replicating that kind of campaign again would shift the dial more effectively than just sitting around waiting for events to magically do it instead.

  10. Independence will come in the first half of 2026.

    1. Declan, is that you?😁😁😁

    2. Declan can obviously see the future but unfortunately for him the future he sees is for a parallel universe.

  11. Salmond ruined independence and you lot are still helping him

  12. Is it only IFS that posts on this site hiding behind fake id ?

    1. Anon at 7.58pm - " fake ID " - you been watching a James Bond movie. Don't worry you are not the only numpty that posts on this site.

  13. I mean in hindsight if we did what he suggested in 2021 we likely would be in a considerable better position now instead of contemplating the likelihood of the SNP losing power at Holyrood in under 2 years time.

  14. Dr Jim at 7.57pm posting. The guy needs help.

  15. All these Britnats like Lammy and Starmer know they have the blood of thousands of Palestinian children on their hands. They are now realising they might be up before the International Criminal Court sometime in the future. I suppose Starmer might be able to hide in Israel. Lammy probably will be the sacrificial lamb.

    1. And this of course makes people more likely to favour independence!

  16. Yesindyref2 said the Big Dug's latest article was good so I thought I would read it.

    F*****g unbelievable Kavanagh and all the other SNP/WGD numpties spent the last 5 years trashing and calling people unionists anyone who said that Sturgeon's gold standard sec 30 approach was ridiculous and was doomed to failure. Now many years later he says this approach was wrong. What a brass neck the guy has got. It's not news Big Dog - anyone that isnae a halfwit could see it was never going to work. So why did the SNP persist? Why did Kavanagh persist in supporting it? They are not half wits like some of the WGD numpties that Kavanagh has led by the nose down this dead end.

  17. What else does the Big Dug say in the same article. He says there should be a de facto referendum at Holyrood and all the parts of the independence movement should come together. Again Kavanagh writes as if this is something new and his idea. He supported the SNP in dismissing the same ideas for years and supported btl posters trashing anyone who suggested what he is now proposing.
    Did Kavanagh apologise for this. Nae chance.

    As the SNP star is fading is Kavanagh trying to reposition himself?

    Kavanagh Sturgeon Blackford Swinney Somerville Robison Yousaf et al claim independence is their priority but the reality is self advancement is their true " North Star", as McDonald called it.

  18. Stopped reading his stuff ages ago. No debate, not allowed to have different opinions from the regulars. Saw it with the Martin Keatings debacle, he started by supporting the guy, then nothing. Once the SNP ruined the guy with their shenanigans there was total silence.
