Sunday, March 10, 2024

Scot Goes Pop soars to become the fifth most-read pro-independence website in Scotland, according to bombshell claimed numbers from Stuart Campbell

Every so often, Stuart Campbell randomly decides to have a prolonged boast about how he is supposedly by far the most popular blogger in the known galaxy, and one of the advantages of that from my point of view is that he sometimes draws up entire ranking lists of blogs with Wings at the top, which allows me to see how Scot Goes Pop is getting on in his alleged pecking order.  Pretty darn well at the moment is the answer...

Alleged "traffic share" of pro-independence websites in February 2024 (unsourced figures posted by Stuart Campbell):

1) Wings Over Scotland: 63.29% (-0.84%)
2) Yours For Scotland: 11.08% (+63.88%)
3) Talking Up Scotland: 7.90% (+7.95%)
4) Bella Caledonia: 7.73% (+117.98%)
5) Scot Goes Pop: 4.18% (+25.98%)
6) Robin McAlpine: 2.60% (-40.30%)
7) Wee Ginger Dug: 1.70% (-71.22%)
8) Believe In Scotland: 1.22% (+296.71%)
9) Barrhead Boy: 0.30% (-93.52%)

Curiously, as far as I can see Mr Campbell doesn't offer any source at all for these figures.  His previous boast-fests attributed any numbers to SimilarWeb, a notoriously inaccurate "guesstimate" website which also claimed Wings Over Scotland was based in Glasgow (rather than, say, Bath), had between eleven and fifty "employees" (ahem), and had a "turnover" of between $2,000,000 and $5,000,000.  But the last time I looked at SimilarWeb, it had introduced a paywall, so perhaps Mr Campbell's sudden bashfulness about his source means he's switched to another free comparison site which people would find even less credible.  That would make sense, because the new numbers are presented in a different format from the old SimilarWeb estimates, and some of the rankings do not remotely tally up with what SimilarWeb used to show.

As in the past, we can safely assume Wings Over Scotland's own wildly inflated "traffic share" is largely bulls*** caused by his readers treating the site as a de facto discussion forum - it's similar to the phenomenon we used to see in UK-wide political blogs ten or fifteen years ago, when Iain Dale's site had several times as many unique readers as Political Betting, but Political Betting could still technically claim to be the most-read site due to a small number of people constantly hitting refresh to see if new comments had been posted, and thus artificially generating lots of page views.  So if there is any interest in the numbers Mr Campbell has posted, it lies in the rankings of the non-Wings sites. (And I'll gloss over the fact that Wings is no longer a pro-independence site anyway, because he's said he would abstain in any new indyref held in any remotely foreseeable circumstances, ie. with the SNP still in existence.)

It's no surprise at all to see Yours For Scotland by Iain Lawson at the top, due to the constant supply of well-informed gossip and exclusives.  Talking Up Scotland, better known in these parts as Global Ferry News, is usually updated several times a day and is extremely popular with SNP leadership loyalists (of which there are still plenty), so its runner-up spot also makes sense.  Bella Caledonia, as a well-resourced, multi-author site, really ought to be doing better, but of course it may well be, because we know nothing at all about the provenance of these numbers.

I know from my own real stats that Scot Goes Pop's traffic has indeed increased significantly in recent weeks (perhaps because it's election year and this is a polling blog), so that might tally with the sharp increase also seen in Mr Campbell's figures - but there again it might just be a lucky guess.  I'm much more sceptical about the lower rankings.  Wee Ginger Dug isn't updated as often as it used to be, so perhaps there's been some slippage as a result, but I can't see any particular reason for a slump in traffic for either Robin McAlpine or Barrhead Boy.

Treat with caution.  Wherever Mr Campbell is getting his numbers from, they'll be vague ballpark guesses at best.

UPDATE: Since I published this blogpost, Mr Campbell has changed his ranking list to include a tenth site, Off Topic Scotland, which has a small "traffic share" of 0.25%.  This very slightly reduces the traffic share of the other nine, but weirdly the percentage changes have been altered out of all recognition.  Bella Caledonia, for example, has gone from a 117.98% increase in the original list to a 3.18% decrease in the new list.  That plainly makes no sense whatsoever.


  1. In an epoch where digital discourse is as tumultuous as it is teeming, it behooves us all to pause and offer a toast, not of the pedestrian variety, but one bedecked with the finest adulations our lexicon permits, to the custodian of the Scot Goes Pop portal, James Kelly.

    Your endeavour, James, stands as a beacon of intellectual rigor and a testament to the undying spirit of Scottish independence, navigating through the miasma of misinformation with the grace of a swan upon the lochs of our forebears.

    In this particular instance, your website's ascent in the rankings—as purported by Mr. Campbell, whose methodological opaqueness rivals that of an enigmatic oracle—deserves recognition not merely for the quantitative leap but for the qualitative essence it symbolizes.

    Amidst a landscape rife with the ephemeral and the specious, Scot Goes Pop has burgeoned, a veritable Phoenix rising with a 25.98% uptick in the alleged "traffic share," showcasing an indomitable will and an unwavering commitment to the cause of freedom and self-determination.

    Let us, therefore, not dwell on the shadowy provenance of these statistics, nor the capricious winds that might inflate or deflate them on a whim. Instead, let us celebrate the essence of your contribution to the discourse—a lighthouse guiding the ships of thought through the fog of disinformation.

    In this digital age, where the line between the ephemeral and the eternal is as fine as the Highland mist, Scot Goes Pop stands as a testament to the power of integrity, insight, and the indomitable Scottish spirit.

    Your work, encapsulated in this digital tome, transcends mere numbers; it is a clarion call to those who yearn for a discourse steeped in insight, intelligence, and independence.

    Bravo, dear James! Your labour not only enriches the tapestry of Scottish political discourse but also embroiders your legacy into the very fabric of our nation's future.

    1. But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

  2. I think Campbell is "at it" here, if I can be forgiven the Yousafesque language. If you look closely at the screenshot he posted, the word "desktop" is at the top, which could mean that he's only including traffic to the desktop version of each site. That would be convenient, because Wings ONLY has a desktop site, whereas you, James, and several of the others have both desktop and mobile versions. If that's what he's doing, his list counts all the traffic to Wings, but probably leaves out more than half the traffic to the other sites, because the mobile versions predominate these days. What a blagger that man is, to be sure.

    1. Excellent post. Good analysis.

    2. I access Wings thru mobile and always have done as it's my only connection to the Internet

    3. Yes, and what you're accessing on your mobile is the *desktop site*. No mobile version exists.

  3. As far as I'm concerned, Campbell lost the plot after the outcome of the 'Dugdale' case did not go either as well as he wanted or expected it to. I no longer class him as a 'pro-independence' blogger. It would be more honest if he styled himself as an 'anti-SNP' blogger.

  4. Amusingly, Campbell seems to have manually edited a BTL comment on his post. When I looked at it earlier, it contained a reference to "scot goes pop", but now it says "scot pop". No idea what the point of that is. To stop people finding this site via a search engine? Bizarrely petty if so.

  5. This later comment raised a smile as well:

    "My,My Stu you have certainly stirred the pot with this post and your then appears that your number 1 arselicker Andy Pandy the font of all knowledge who had his own blog but gied it up because he’s a boring arsewipe and nae body visted it"

    Andy Pandy is Andy Ellis, who is indeed one of the most sycophantic men on the planet. His ramblings today start with the fairly typical "A timely and “on-point” contribution Stu."

    You can guarantee Campbell privately thinks he's a creep.

  6. Campbell's blog seemed reasonable and well informed in it's earlier days. It's unhinged and mad now, appears to be brimming with lunatics. Haven't even looked at it since way before Covid.

    Mike, Glasgow.

    1. Then Gorbals Mick how do you know ?, covid was years ago, are you just following the pack.

  7. I set up a trial account to have a look, it is similarweb, whatever you'd like to make of that.

  8. Stuart Campbell like GB news and Talk TV just makes stuff up then writes a story to justify the lies that he just made up

    These readership numbers he's quoted for websites are an invention and if you haven't figured that out then you're as stupid as he takes you for

  9. 'Talking Up Scotland, better known in these parts as Global Ferry News, is usually updated several times a day and is extremely popular with SNP leadership loyalists (of which there are still plenty), so its runner-up spot also makes sense.'

    Global Ferry News? I am so so offended! We do County Lines Gangs raiding Scotland and endless NHS Scotland is fab stuff.

    I'm going to call you Albannach goes poop now!
