Friday, August 2, 2024

Well, THAT was a short honeymoon, Sir Keir! Less than one month after taking office, Starmer has negative approval ratings - including in Scotland

As far as I can see, we've still only had one proper voting intentions poll since the general election - which must mean that polling companies and their clients are deliberately avoiding them, because several other political polls have been conducted.  The latest one is from YouGov and has personal ratings for a number of leading politicians. They make startlingly poor reading for the new Prime Minister.

Keir Starmer:

Favourable 40% (-4)
Unfavourable 49% (+5)

With the usual caveats about the limitations of small subsamples, the Scottish figures for Starmer are Favourable 46%, Unfavourable 48%, so he's in net negative territory here too.  I suspect the SNP will be mildly encouraged by this, because by far the biggest danger for them in the run-up to the 2026 Holyrood election would be an extended honeymoon for Labour.  It looks tentatively as if that risk has been lessened by Starmer's key mis-steps in his first month in power - particularly the retention of the two-child cap, the heavy-handed treatment of Labour rebels on the cap, and the scrapping of winter fuel payments for pensioners.  Notably, the front-woman for the new austerity, Rachel Reeves, has seen a similar much-deserved knock in her popularity and now has a net rating of minus 11.  Angela Rayner, Yvette Cooper and David Lammy have also dropped back but by a lesser amount.

An anonymous SNP "official" was quoted a few days ago in a Politico article saying: "The SNP want to send a message to Westminster, we want to send a government’ is one of the best [Scottish Labour] attack lines I’ve ever heard."  You'd kind of have to wonder if this person is in their early 20s, because that attack line is far from new - the exact words may be, but Labour have been using variants of that line against the SNP in general elections for as long as I can remember. It was highly effective in both 1992 and 1997, for example.  It should always have been obvious - and many of us pointed this out well before the election - that the SNP cannot compete with Labour in a UK-wide election by talking solely about bread and butter issues, because Labour can form a government and the SNP can't.  They can only trump Labour by pointing out that independence is a much bigger and better change than a transient Labour government, and that while Labour can only offer five years of the Tories out of office, independence can keep the Tories out for good.

To be fair, Nicola Sturgeon got that, and the real authors of the election setback were the "ditch the de facto" plotters like Stewart McDonald and Humza Yousaf himself.  Hopefully they've learned the lesson the hard way, and the SNP will never again go into a UK general election without foregrounding their unique selling point of independence.

*  *  *

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  1. Lord of the SlippersAugust 2, 2024 at 6:06 PM

    Meanwhile, the National has gone back to bleating on about Gaza. As you say James, independence is the SNP's unique selling point but a month after they lost half a million Yes voters the party's hierarchy and apparatchiks seem less keen than ever to talk about it.

  2. Reasons to be hopeful are present in this slump in Labour's popularity only one month in. In the Holyrood elections the SNP are in a better position than in the Westminster elections. The Westminster elections saw Labour with a lead of 5% over SNP. This is not unrecoverable by 2026.

  3. More voters need to vote for SNP for SNP policies including independence to be put in place.

    1. The big problem is the SNP haven’t been good in government in recent years.
      There clearly needs to be a big improvement before the Holyrood election, or they’re likely to pay a high price.

    2. They already did in the 2015 UK General Election, the 2016 Scottish Parliament Election, the 2017 UK General Election, the 2019 UK General Election & the 2021 Scottish Parliament Election.

      The literal definition of madness is doing the same thing over & over again expecting a different outcome.

    3. They won all of those elections.

    4. Yeah that was my point.

      More voters voted for the SNP for policies including independence to be put in place in those elections.

      It makes the above posters point a little daft as that alone is obviously not the solution moving forward as it has been proven multiple times to not work.

    5. So winning elections didn't work, so you want to try something different by...losing elections? Brilliant plan, mate, brilliant plan. Baldrick couldn't have done better.

    6. Well for the Scottish Parliament it would be a difficult task to ask people to vote SNP 1&2.

      Doing that hasn't resulted in anything meaningful happen since 2011. But the List system could be utilised for a better purpose to allow another pro-indy Party in to influence and apply pressure on The SNP in a more effective way.

    7. SNP will welcome SNP1&2. There is no guarantee that SNP will do so well on the constituency votes so will need list votes to make ensure seats match support levels. This is what the system is designed for.

    8. It's become abundantly clear though that many have lost faith in the SNP and don't believe they will actively pursue independence if left to their own devices. You will also need to focus purely on independence as we can't exactly point to a good stable record in Government during this term.

      It will probably even take some persuasion to convince some to give them their first vote this time round. There's a difficult task ahead of us & in order to keep independence alive it'll require us to adapt. The 2026 election can't be treated the same way as the elections of the recent past as circumstances have changed.

    9. Why have circumstances changed?

    10. Are you seriously suggesting nothing much has happened since the last Scottish Parliament election?

    11. Things change between all elections.

    12. If anything the list vote might be the more important of the two as it does a pretty good (although not perfect) job of ensuring something close to proportionality.

      For that reason I really don’t like the shorthand of SNP 1&2, or talk of first and second votes. It always seems to imply the list vote is a second preference, which it really isn’t.

      The one vote that you can be reasonably sure will count for something is the list vote. For many voters, in fact for the majority of voters, except where the winner gets more than 50%, the constituency vote will count for absolutely nothing.

  4. If the SNP's current fundament really is that Labour might be even worse than the SNP at some time, I may lose the will to breath.

    1. The SNP has more progressive policies than Labour.

    2. Aye , you're richt , ye cannae get a fag paper atween Labour and they Tories .

    3. And what about independence voters who are natural Tories? Progressive policies mean Jack shit - only independence should be the focus. A shopkeeper could run the country.

    4. Naw, Maggie thatcher grocer daughter tried running england and dictating to Scotland

    5. Labour actually has policies for government. Oh yes - you have to actually look at them rather than off-hand ridicule. I'm not sure what the SNP stands for. Is it free school breakfasts for rich kids, followed by utopia?

    6. Labour’s only policy in Scotland is no change, they just want power for powers sake then they can continue to tell all of us Scots that we are rubbish at everything, they are fake they are right wing and have absolutely bugger all policies outwith taking all of Scotland resources this is not off hand ridicule just fact, if you are not sure what the SNP stand for look at their actual achievements in government compared to the Labour branch office in Scotland when they wrecked our economy through dodgy deals with corporate business….the one’s that we are still paying for. Labour in Scotland have not one shred of a moral compass so don’t give me your unionist nonsense lies, I have heard all of their put downs for decades….Scotland and all of it’s people have had enough…oh and don’t bother replying to me, I can’t be bothered with it!!!

    7. 10:02pm,
      What a load of embarrassing nationalist bullshit!!

  5. Polls at the time will , hopefully , gie us an indication of the likelihood of SNP winning constituency seats. It may differ in different regions. If the same pattern as the gen election just gone then obviously they'll need the list seats.

  6. 2026 will see the SNP with a majority in Holyrood because the lessons are already being learned on Labour by those that voted for them

    Around half a million Scots chose not to vote in the general election because they're fed up taking part in England's farce, an indication that those voters would much rather take the Sinn Fein approach until Scotland can find a way out of England's pretendy union

    There's only two ways that can be done, one the entire country votes SNP, or the Irish method, pick one because that's all there is
    Nothing will ever happen sitting on our bums complaining about this or that party or this or that politician

    1. All very well if this or that politician has any better ideas than “please sir, can we have more section 30?”

    2. "2026 will see the SNP with a majority in Holyrood"

      Then you woke up?

    3. Dr Jim at 8.28pm you do a lot of sitting on your bum complaining about Alba and Salmond.

  7. The ferries being late had absolutely nothing to do with the SNP involvement, delivery speeded up immediately as soon as the people who were deliberately holding them back were sacked
    It was deliberate sabotage by Brits in the right places

  8. Britnat propaganda ! Of course , politicians ken naught aboot ferries. It's seamal , calmac that hae let us doon . No the SNP

  9. You're just a Britnat be honest! Of course , like all political parties mistakes have been made.

    These mistakes are magnified by the Britnat media.

    When we get independence we'll get a choice of parties. It cannae come soon enough !

    Alba gu brath!

    1. Mair chance o a sighting o Nessie than getting independence 😀

    2. Aye a lot mair chance.

  10. Prime Minister has negative net approval rating shocker. Bring back Jeremy Corbyn!

    1. JC got similar vote % to Stamer;
      at least he believed in democracy and supported the fact that Scotland could decide it's ain future through the ballot box. Starmer has fascist tendencies he's nae democrat !

  11. Anon at 8.51 knows nothing about the ferry contracts. Sad wee unionist troll, best ignored.

    1. A agree,
      It’s no that bad, am share the Glen sannox’ll be in service bi the time o the Holyrood election

    2. Not sure what you agree with and I wish I shared your confidence on timescale. The ferry debacle was badly handled, but the detail of the how and the why is not known to the sad wee troll I criticised.

    3. Knowing more than I want to know about contract tendering/evaluation/negociation I have followed this with amusement. The government awarded the contract to an inadequate shipyard to look good. Their idea of looking good isn't mine. I liked the bit where they cancelled the yard's £90MM insurance indemnity with a two sentence e-mail. But the public have already spent the £90MM indemnity write-off and vastly more, and even bought the bloody shipyard. Please haul their little boaties off to Gdansk and get them fitted-out properly.

    4. The “sad wee unionist troll” knows a hell of a lot more about ferries than you, having spent much of his life working on them!
      It’s pathetic, bordering on pitiful, how people somehow attempt to defend this rotten SNP SG in this scandal.

    5. The scandal is if the boats sank once put to sea. It seems they sail quite nicely once the final touches are finished. The High Speed train "to the North" which we have paid for will be lucky to get past Brummyland (england) and will never see Cymru either. That could pay for at least 20 new ferries - even ones to europe but england wont allow it.
      Rip of merchants at downing st.

    6. @11:14,
      Pathetic nationalist deflection.
      The ferry scandal is Scotland’s shame, for which this rotten to the core SNP SG is wholly responsible.
      2 ferries over 6 years late and counting, and hundreds of millions in taxpayers money over budget.
      You’d need to question the sanity of someone living in the Westen Isles ever voting SNP again.
      Yet incredibly you try to defend this debacle.

    7. Just been watching Sturgeon proudly launch the Glen Sannox in NOVEMBER 2017, to great fanfare.
      Still not in service, nearly 7 years later. What an affront to this rotten SNP SG.

    8. Anon at 10.25. You served rolls and plates of chips in the kitchens did you? Tell us all what you did that gave you access to highly confidential tendering and contract information. In your own time, and I’ll have a coffee while I’m waiting,

    9. The contract to build the 2 ferries was awarded to Fergusons at Port Glasgow by the SNP SG in an attempt to make political gain, which has of course backfired so spectacularly.
      A truly shameful episode, and an embarrassment to our country.
      The day of reckoning is approaching for this rotten SNP government. We urgently need rid of the nationalist charlatans in 2026.

    10. Anon at 3.01pm - they are charlatans alright but they ain't nationalists. They are with you anon - Britnat chancers.

    11. The ferry debacle is indeed a scandal and an embarrassment for the SG.

    12. The tories and labour would shut fergusons and McEleny knows that and the britnats won’t admit it.

    13. The ferry scandal is Scotland’s shame.
      And some would have us believe we could prosper as an independent country!!!! Give us peace for pity’s sake.

    14. “The ferry scandal is Scotland’s shame.” What drivel. Who are you? The Annemarie Ward of ferries?

  12. Aye there's over many o them on here. Britnats ate aa' aboot us

  13. Does anybody know who Sir Starmer has lined up to replace Sir Sarwar?

  14. I do hope Sir Kid Stabber brings in martial law to deal with all the racists on the interwebs. Totalitariantotalism is a small price to pay for our freedoms.

    1. Totalit-aryanism, in Nigel’s fevered dreams.

    2. Correction: Sir Nigel.

  15. The best way forward at present is to build the non party political independence movement. The parties are so soaked in individual self interest and careerism as to be unable to prioritise the cause of independence effectively. Nearer the time a pro indy slate of who to vote for in constituencies and the list can be compiled based on the records of candidates in standing up for our self determination.

    1. A fine enough idea, but that non-party political Indy movement would be public enemy number one to the SNP if it ever got any traction and threatened their monopoly on Yes. Their instinct would be to crush any authentic rival, as a matter of life and death and power.

    2. Authentic ALBA. Join the AA

    3. It already exists. Your doubts about SNP response are valid but the outcome is a political struggle in which activists can play a significant part - unlike the situation in the straight jacketed SNP.

  16. Will the SNP's campain for Hollyrood amount to hoping Labour can be even more rubbish than the SNP? That's dismal.

  17. Does anybody remember the full story about Joni Michell being the mother of Diane Abbott the MP? Thanks.

    1. If they do know they've been pressurised into saying nothing. It's like blackmail. Unreal!

  18. with the right wing thuggish behaviour in England I do hope the authorities and Police Scotland deny the thugs any credence to march and damage Scotland's town and Cities. AUOB and others should let them do their job and we should not be drawn in to the thugs spider web. We know bbc scotchland would love that.

    1. I think it's appropriate that the English Defence League hold a jolly gathering in Glasgow. The unionists will be there en masse waggling their Union Jacks. Maybe Mr Sarwar, Mr Cole-Hamilton and Mr Ross would like to join them for a waggle.

  19. They knocked £200MM off their affordabe house-building buget, then declared a housing emergency, but at least they own a shipyard.

  20. To all.

    I have decided to stop posting here. I have been doing so in support of SNP quite a lot since anon comments were allowed.

    I know this is odd, because of anonymity, since you don't know who I am or if I come back etc.

    But just to add I have enjoyed the discussion and James has been fair in moderation.

    Now that the election is over it is time to move on.

    Best wishes for the rest of 2024.

    1. Right wing nutters who riot or nationalist nutters who march through Scotland’s cities demanding they get their way or MAGA nutters who whoop and cheers for a disgusting excuse of a wanna-be president, they’re all the same demographic who’ll vote for populist shite and think they’re right and everyone else is ignorant scum for not sharing their grievances.

    2. Anon@3:01,
      Well said, couldn’t agree more.

  21. @3:01 The reason we march as AUOB is to keep the hope alive. If the SNP was all we had, even good thinking Scots would be mistaken in joining you to think independence is a tiny, sullen fringe, the way the political class has given up on us.

    No, we march and we smile and wave at all comers. We’re a friendly bunch us Yessers, despite everything that’s been forced on us these 10 years.

  22. Justice Demanded

    In his latest article Grousebeater has this to say in his final paragraph.

    " I suggest the ' Alphabet Women' should recant now, and offer their bodies to science fiction. They have stained the good name of Scotland, and all for nothing more than an imaginary cup of bad coffee with Crusty Kirsty Wark and despicable hack Dani Garavelli in a greasy spoon cafe, courtesy of Wark's hamfisted, atrocious post- trial mockumentary. Those women's personalities have to be so ugly they frisk themselves at airports. Their comeuppance will see at least two convicted of perjury. Mark my words. "

    Whit only two people convicted - just not good enough. All of Sturgeon's gang should be prosecuted.

    1. Why did Salmond's lawyer beg for mitigation and clemency on the basis that we all wished that Salmond was a better person if he thought Salmond was an innocent man?
      Not guilty doesn't mean innocent in any legal language and why Scotland will not vote for anything to do with Salmond

    2. Not guilty doesn't mean guilty in any legal language you utter cretin.

    3. Anon at 3.34pm would be that character from Wee Ginger Dug Dr Jim.
      More lies from this Salmond hater. I am sure Dr Jim could be a better man - didn’t Jim own up to
      assaulting women in the past. Did Jim beg for mercy at a trial? Is Jim proud of his actions?

  23. And he is judge and jury?

  24. IIS - would be part of the vigilante squad -judged by his own perverse view of the world. Probably in northern England looking for folk to pick on.

    1. Independence is normal and not perverse only Britnats think that.

    2. IFS,
      You’ll be waiting a long long time for your independence I’m afraid.
      Ain’t happening.

    3. KC. Scotland has already been waiting a long time to be free from Westminster’s clutches.
      Independence is normal.

    4. Normal for a minority maybe.
      Thankfully the majority want to remain in the union, and most of those see independence as utter lunacy.
      Give up on the nonsense for pity’s sake.

  25. if the alphabetties want anonymity they should be in the programme with venables and thompson; fair play for the perjurer - wimmin can't be expected to face consequences for their actions, you some kind of sexist

  26. The article you refer to is over a year old, and was responded to by a handful of the usual suspects. It was based on a twitter poll. Everyone knows the fundamental flaw in such polls. Well, almost everyone it seems. And the response numbers were laughable. Add to this the obvious lack of knowledge of even the basics of the Scottish legal system disclosed in the article, its admission of bias, and admitted partiality in the poll questions, and its credibility is somewhat diminished. Interestingly it did propose a possible course of action involving the publication of the ID of the alphabetties from outwith the jurisdiction of the Scottish court system. Anyone can go into an Internet cafe, pay cash, and anonymously put info out there. You were in Europe recently were you not IFS?

    1. The article was posted on 3/8/24. There is nothing in the article about any poll. So you anon at 8.20am couldnae even be bothered to check the basics before firing off your rant.

      An independence supporter got sent to jail for posting the names of the alphabetties from abroad on holiday. If you don't know who they are by now you truly are a proper numpty. The WGD liar and all round SNP propagandist Skier used to try to goad me in to posting their names. Nae chance Skier. Away back to the dughoose and lick your balls.

    2. Re -published in 2024 you muppet.And if you don’t know the twitter poll it’s referring to you are the one who has not read all relevant materials. No answer to the criticisms I see, and shouting anonymously like a big man when you could have published the anlphabettie info while recently in Europe. A real keyboard warrior and idiot troll to boot. You are dismissed. Wipe off your keyboard, take off the anorak and get outside.

    3. Aha - it's the moronic lying 17 year old troll again. The word Twitter or poll does not appear in the article and you do not provide any quotes to back up your assertions.
      I often think Skier suffers from multiple personality disorder and you are his moronic lying teenager personality who makes up lies and then complains when he disnae get a full response to his lies.
      Seek help.

    4. The moronic lying teenager says " The article you refer to is over a year old ......" yet the article refers to David Davis speaking in the House of Commons and Grousebeater says " Nine sullen and humiliated survivors SNP survivors of Labour's ........"

      So according to the lying moronic teenager troll Grousebeater can see in to the future. Nope he is just a plain sad lying troll.

    5. No actual response beyond personal abuse? No more need be said. Seek help, and I genuinely mean that, and I’m not the first to suggest it. Maybe reflect?

    6. Anon at 8.23pm - can you not read - there was a response and it proved you are a lying troll.

    7. Anon at 8.23. Wee pal of Idiot for Scotland? Words but no answer. Not difficult to grasp, except for you it seems. Go to grousebeater. Read the article. It clearly states republished. It clearly refers to a twitter poll. None of this is difficult. Oh wait. Pal of Idiot for Scotland.

    8. Anon at 5.28am - blatant lies by you. The article does not mention any of what you post.

  27. Mr angry. R u sure you aren’t part of the EDF. You do seem to have some strange ideas as to cleanliness. Still do your political masters bidding.

    1. He is without doubt a troll, and highly doubtful he supports Indy. As always he doesn’t give answers, just personal abuse. A genuine bedroom keyboard warrior.

  28. Was the guy arrested the same one who stood for Galloways party in England and a major britnat incidentally. Was rejected at the polls. In fairness backing losers seems to be your types forte. Is that why you are always angry and insulting people? Asking for a friend.

    1. Idiot for Scotland misses out the obvious point that if you do this you do it anonymously. Difficult engaging with that level of stupidity. He was posted missing for a while. Mmhhh?

    2. The moronic lying teenager trolling me again. Seek help.

    3. You seem edgy - IIS. Your edf credentials to close to home?

    4. You may have nailed it. In any event Idiot for Scotland is a low grade troll, and not even a funny one.

    5. Complete pillocks at 4:02 and 8:25

      Why does it matter where IFS gets his energy from?

    6. What a lot of childish nonsense from that anon troll above. That anon troll is worse than GWC. Son of GWC?

    7. IFS. The troll for all seasons. You show them.

  29. I noticed in the report by the bbc reporting riots in the U.K. one guy pretending to shoot folk with his pointed fingers. Wearing an Icon hat under a top you can clearly see a particular sponsor logo alongside a fort ball team from Glasgow. I hope all condemn this


    An interesting take on the current "leadership vs members" issue in the SNP.

    I wouldn't bet a fiver on Swinney sorting it either.

    1. Steady safe and safely stable, steady as she goes, right on down the pan.

      She was a good party. Godspeed to all who sailed in her, whatever their constitutional preference in the end.

  31. Ahh the underminers. - wait a minute ! Maybe their talking about ALBA.The paddleboarder equivalent

    1. Could you translate that into English? Thanks.

  32. The SNP have learned nothing. Moreover Humza Yousaf is once again coming across as an utterly inflammatory bigot by alleging that there is a " pogrom" against Muslims.

    Now you don't get stronger language than " pogrom" which is the deployment of systematic forces to massacre a community. Puts his white, white, white rant into the shade.

    And he's calling for the army to be brought in too.

    Terrible, terrible language from the senior member of the SNP

    1. " the senior member "
      Strange that I thocht that he had had to resign and he was nae langer FM or SNP leader.

    2. Yousaf is a backbencher.

  33. I would recommend listening to Nolan on Radio Ulster and Call K on Radio Scotland over the racist attacks by the thugs in England and Northern Ireland. As Kk called out that the right wing are upset being called right wing and she and other commentators talks about our country. Nolan on the other hand refers to the thugs and the racist attacks without apology The disgrace that is based as Pacific Quay continues unabated.

  34. Excellent article on the riots on WGD. Well worth a read.

  35. I’m working class and I’m not far right. It seems the far right which to redefine themselves as soft cuddly folk. They will be calling themselves woke next. It is far all decent working class, middle class or whoever to call out the violence and racism.

  36. We have neighbours that have recently moved up from Leicester and bought a house here in Moray . They tell me that they moved here because of all the immigrants down there , the lack of space and the cheap ( compared to England ) property. They are massively anti immigrant and voted Reform . Farage is , they tell me , on the side of ordinary working people.

    Of course , they are completely disparaging of anything Scottish, especially independence.

    1. Yes, very much the same here in Dumfries and Galloway. It's known as "white flight" apparently. Many are from Cheshire and most (not all) say that they would vote anything other than SNP.

    2. Let’s build a wall to keep the English out.
      Also why is Scottish government spending money on an advertising campaign to attract English tourists to Scotland?

    3. Why would you not want English tourists for God’s sake?
      You want to punish Scottish businesses?

    4. @1:32,
      I’m Scottish born and bred, and will always vote for the party with the most realistic chance of beating the SNP.
      The nationalist charlatans have had their day.

    5. In all the British colonies there would aye be some o the natives who'd sook up to the imperialist ruling classes . Nevertheless , most of these countries have thrown aff the colonial yoke.
      Scots have been bought aff but eventually they will wake up despite quislings like you.

      Alba gu brath

    6. Anon at 4.22pm - the SNP are British Nationalists just like you. People who grovel before England.

    7. Anon 4.21. There's two types of in nationalist in Scotland - Scotnats like me and Britnats like you. We voted many times for a referendum but our democratic wish was ignored by the British nationalist parties in Westminster . Eventually, folk in Scotland will wake up and insist on our right to nationhood.

    8. Anon@6:12,
      You speak for a minority.

    9. Anon 6.22. Okay , let's have the referendum ( or a defacto ) . What are you afraid of?

    10. The last election was a defacto indyref.
      What was the result?

    11. The SNP manifesto had independence on page 1, line 1.
      Alba actually campaigned for independence.
      Therefore it was a defacto.
      We all know the results.

    12. Some of you ( 6.34 , 6.37) talk shite.

    13. The trouble with this defacto stuff is that the voters no longer believe it is one and therefore vote differently.

    14. Anon@6:43,
      The people talking shite are the ones that somehow think independence can be achieved through a “de facto “ referendum.
      It’s just a nonsense.

    15. anglo exceptionalism in the raw; viciously bigoted ethno nationalists who think the anglo saxon is the master race

      The anglo influence on Scotland must be eradicated, root and branch, with a scorched earth policy if necessary; independence is only step one in repairing 300 years of exploitation and damage, a toll paid in money, yes, but also blood, Scots dying in service of the empire, by far the greatest criminal enterprise in human history, with a bodycount that makes nazism seem tame.


    16. tame nazism ? Go away.

    17. Anon @6.37pm Salmond's Alba could have campaigned for Martians to land on earth and force England to hand over Scotland's independence and it would still be baloney on stilts, because nobody in Scotland takes Salmond and his wee bitter shower seriously about a word that comes out of his mouth
      Anybody with no authority can say anything they like, it doesn't mean a bag of soggy totties

    18. Dr Jim your post isn’t worth a bag of soggy totties.

    19. Anon@11:17pm,
      Disgraceful post.
      You are an embarrassment to Scotland.

  37. The radio show from Nolan was eye opening as a few callers referred to immigrants overrunning the “country” . Judging by some they failed to comprehend that historically their ancestors were part of the Ulster plantation. In Call K we had a number of calls from the borders on the same vein who were implying the same thing but hailed from down south.
    It’s a funny old world. Perception is everything.

  38. Farage, mogg, Braverman et al are far right. Hardly working class. And historically they manipulated the uneducated to act as their thugs and disrupters. Little changes.

  39. The English are poison and they're stupid, they run to Scotland because it's cheaper to live then vote for British parties to make Scotland like England who would then make Scotland the same shithole as England if they got the chance
    No country in the world likes Americans or English people, everywhere they go they think they have the right to own that place
    If they want to come to Scotland for all the free stuff and a cheaper way of life then they shouldn't be allowed to vote for at least five years until they've paid in some money to pay for the free stuff they take
    That might be difficult though as most of them are sick pensioners entitled by law to sponge off the rest of the population that work to pay for everything
    Give me the Muslims Hindus and everybody else under the sun every day of the week rather than the English wasters

    1. So Dr Jim has added the English to the list of people he hates.

    2. @12:13,
      You are a prime example of just how truly desperate Nats have become.
      Stop spouting utter nonsense and just give up on the utter lunacy of independence. Ain’t happening.

    3. Scotnats are pro discrimination then?

  40. There is an awful lot of anti English racism on this site.
    It’s very unhelpful to our cause.
    They will always be our neighbours even if we achieve independence, so good relations are important.

    1. Well said.
      The anti English stuff is actually counter productive.

  41. This kind of rhetoric doesn’t occur on Wings thankfully, which has a much bigger audience.

  42. As an Englishman now resident in Scotland for 45 years , and an Indy supporter , I can quite understand some of the anti English rhetoric . I find that recent English immigrants into Scotland tend to be very anti Scottish . They hate anything different from down south . Many are behaving like colonists. And these folk hate me , they see me as a traitor.

    1. Well I’m Scottish born and bred, and find the anti English rhetoric sad and pathetic, bordering on pitiful. Surely a sign of just how desperate nationalists have become. Utterly shameful stuff.

    2. If you want to brand all Scottish nationalists in this way then I’ll brand all you British Nationalists like those violent thugs wearing the union flag on the news.

    3. Exactly , can they not understand the differences between the narrow- minded union flag waving British nationalist and the progressive left of centre Scottish independence supporters. And Smarmer's Labour are playing the Britnat card - union flags very prominent.

  43. I note the bbc “Scottish” papers page has omitted the National from its coverage. Can manage the London based Metro and the usual unionist dross. What are the odds that the only Independence leaning paper is missing?

    1. I wasn’t aware the “National” was a newspaper.

    2. Seem the bbc arame unionists are scared of it. The reason is clear to see.

    3. Pure censorship. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious.

  44. It’s really quite comical how some are still prattling on about independence after the nationalist humping at the GE.

    You couldn’t make it up.

    1. So losing 39 seats out of 48 isn’t a humping?

  45. The Brit nats do. No austerity, no cutbacks and now they have race riots in Engerland and its Province in the north of Ireland. U.K. more Yuk.

  46. Yip BBC censors the news in Scotland. Next they will get “Sir” Huw Edwards denouncing the paper. Unionist corruption seeps everywhere into the institutions including Scotland.

    1. Dear oh dear, desperate stuff.
      I knew Nats were becoming increasingly desperate, but underestimated by just how much!

    2. Anon at 10:43 am ... you come across as a bit desperate, to be honest.

  47. Still if wee brit nat is on here he isn't rioting. I think we should be pleased to assist in little englands recurring problem with racism, islamophobia. They aint happy since brexit- which was to increase trade and prosperity for all in that overpopulated back water.

    1. At least I know the idea of independence is utter lunacy.
      Anybody that thinks otherwise is a bit unhinged.

    2. With the clear anti English racism, discrimination, claims that unionists are facists and othering rampant in scotnats, independence will never be achieved, because we Scots are not those people and don’t want those things.

    3. Try telling oor Irish neighbours that they need to get back in wi the English and join the UK.

    4. The English are racist, they've always been racist, they built an empire on it for fu*k sake
      The trouble is they can't murder people in this day and age like they used to do
      They might have brought back the concentrations camp idea if Hitler hadn't been so unpopular when he copied the idea from England, although they are close with their Rwanda plan so maybe they'll just keep that up in a foreign land where they don't have to take the blame

    5. You should go into politics with that charming statement…a real vote winner and bound to persuade non yessers to the cause.
      You awful person.

    6. Dr Jim is obviously on a mission to pollute SGP with disgusting comments.

    7. "genocide by famine" was another english gift to the world (and the irish)

      stalin copied it for the holodomor.

    8. It’s Dr Jim from WGD st 9.07pm.

    9. Whoever the guy is he's right, England invented the concentration camps in Rhodesia at the end of 1900, they were run by Lord Kitchener where they starved people to death, over 50% of Boer children under 16 years, Winston Churchill's father Randolph was also involved
      They also slaughtered 28 thousand whites and 20 thousand blacks for convenience of prison space that could be proven
      Look it up it's true

    10. Black 47, Ireland

    11. It’s Dr Jim again at 9.10pm. Jim the British Empire committed attrocities - it’s hardly news.

  48. anon 1pm. utter lunancy - is what you see on the streets of English Towns and Belfast.

    1. That’s lunacy, yes without a doubt.
      But so is independence!

    2. Independence is the natural order of things for countries. It is normal.

  49. We a ' ken the Irish , Danes and half the countries of the world are infected with lunacy . What maks them think they can run their ain countries?

    1. Ye can aye keep dreaming.
      Ye need tae be realistic tho, an realise it ended in 2014.

    2. That was just the start a' bhalaich.

    3. Anon @ 3PM Only a British/English arrogant exceptionalist would make statements like that, proving why most of the world cannot stand the arrogance of the English who call themselves British
      I read about a guy in Spain that owned a restaurant where the staff spit in the food of the English before they serve it up

    4. It’s Dr Jim again at 8.57pm with more of his I hate the English stuff. Makes a change from his I hate Alba/Salmond stuff.

  50. Time for a new thread

  51. I agree. Let's join together on an affirmation journey.

  52. Pre moderation must return.
    There are lots of vile comments here that do us no favours,

  53. the vilest comment should get a prize.

  54. Intriguing…

    - Scots' views on independence and the party they back in a General Election are no longer linked after a "decisive break" between the two
    - More Yes voters are now backing Unionist parties than vice versa
    - SNP lost more support in Yes-voting areas than No-voting ones

    I wrote here before the election that the SNP never really understood the surge of new supporters it won in 2014 and kept for 10 years. SNP heartlands like the north east voted No. Whatever it was that made people from Aberdeenshire to Perthshire vote SNP from the seventies onwards wasn’t independence. It was the Labour heartlands in the central belt who voted Yes in 2014. For the decade since then, the SNP has coasted on a realignment in Scottish politics, which has now come to an end.

    The party tailored its policies to the traditional SNP voters. People who’d never vote Labour and don’t live anywhere near the folk who would, and did. The result, of course, was traditional SNP areas staying loyal, and maintaining the dubious honour of Pete Wishart MP, but a collapse across the bulk of urban, working class Scotland.

    Well off unionists aren’t a great base for the party of independence. Win them over in the next referendum (whatever form it takes), by all means. But there’sjust not enough of them to make you Scotgov. And why are they voting for you more than Yes supporters across Scotland anyway? Because they know as much as we do that independence is safely off the table with this leadership?

    Devolutionists for Scotland.

    1. You know this study is a pile of crap written by a paid "expert"

  55. Aye, we believe you.

  56. But not all Yes supporters that didna vote SNP voted unionist , many just didna vote at all.
    Also urban Scotland swung behind Labour that under Smarmer is further to the right than the SNP.

    Not a coherent analysis at 10.59 last night.

  57. There is Britnat who posts on SGP who keeps saying that half the population are lunatics. Could it be he is the lunatic. I challenge the Britnat to state his case as to why independence is lunacy.

  58. Why would you wish a "lunatic" as you describe to state their case on anything?

  59. What’s a scotnat? Bit racist, no?

  60. Nobody on here seems to know anything about Joni Mitchell. It's unbelievable!

    1. "Sweet Joni from Saskatoon" - Neil Young.

    2. But that has nothing to do with Diane Abbot MP. It explains nothing.

    3. You have an issue with Joni Mitchell and Diane Abbott as you have posted more than once. Ahhhhh I get it , your their love child.

    4. Oh for goodness sake. I was asking about the rumours about Diane Abbot being Joni Mitchell's daughter. Wake up and smell the coffee. Read the room, Bozo.

  61. 5.51- Silly Billy.

  62. Anon at 9.54 Have one on Gruinard.

  63. On Nolan’s show on radio north of Ireland I heard one commentator suggesting Police Scotland could help out in Belfast based on the fact there hasn’t been riots!

  64. Apparently Yes voters are more likely to buy a Hisense TV and No voters a Sony. I’ve no idea what the point of that survey was.

  65. Rangers announces if Scotland becomes independent they will move to England
    Brilliant, take Celtic with you and your Northern Ireland British supporters and fight it out down there

  66. Lets be crystal clear in this. Only a third of people voted Labour in the UK General election. Two thirds voted something else.

    And in Scotland it wasn't much better with Labour getting forty percent of the vote.

    Democracy is a bag of white, an illusion and folks know it.
