Friday, September 27, 2024

Thoughts on Russell Findlay's win in the Scottish Tory leadership election

The irony has often been noted that Labour and not the Tories are self-conscious about being a party of diversity, and yet it's the Tories not Labour that have produced three female Prime Ministers and one ethnic minority Prime Minister.  The argument is that the Tories will always choose merit when they see it, whereas Labour will allow unconscious prejudice to get in the way.  However, judging from Meghan Gallacher's poor result this morning, it looks like the Scottish Tories choosing a leader with a working class accent will remain the Final Frontier for many years to come.

Scottish Conservative leadership election result:

Russell Findlay 2565 
Murdo Fraser 1187 
Meghan Gallacher 403

Possibly the SNP and Labour have both dodged a bullet with Gallacher's failure.  It's hard to know for sure, because the Tories might have found that the downsides of having her as leader would have outweighed the upsides, but the one thing that might just have caused working class voters in west-central Scotland to take another look at the Tories would have been a Tory leader who speaks just like them.

Someone on the previous thread suggested it was a shame independence supporters didn't infiltrate the Tories and swing the contest for Murdo Fraser.  But that might be a case of 'careful what you wish for', because an independent centre-right party free of Tory branding, portraying itself as patriotically-Scottish-but-oh-isn't-independence-such-a-bore might actually have done quite well. Look at what happened with the CAQ in Quebec.

No, we may be just as well having Russell Findlay, who will change nothing and doesn't strike me as Mr Charisma.  He's a more credible figure than Douglas Ross, but then so are most hamsters.  And assuming the Tories are mostly in the market for committed unionist voters, a slightly more competent leader may even do us a favour by drawing support away from Labour.

It was Ruth Davidson who originally pushed Douglas Ross as some sort of Messiah, wasn't it?  That says a lot about her own much-vaunted political judgement.

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  1. Ross should never have worn shorts in public, and he should have rode a British Army tank to Holyrood. That’s the macho image Tories need.

    To be honest, the more I think about it, the more clearly Ruth Davidson was their Nicola Sturgeon.

    1. Attention junkie.
      Wildly overestimated.
      Ultimately ineffective.
      Chose a shite successor.

      Checks out.

    2. Baroness Colonel Davidson may have been useless and have achieved fewer votes for her blue Tory party than they gained during the Thatcher times, but look where her attention-seeking guffawing has got her. £300 a day attendance allowance, expenses and a probable TV Celeb career.
      When money is your only motivation, Rape-Clause-Ruth is a huge success.

  2. The issue is that Findlay IS meant to fail. The beneficary of that is supposed to be Scottish Labour, since even the most ardent unionists would concede that the Tories cannot possibly overtake the SNP and provide a First Minister.

    The independence movement has long benefited from unionist voters being evenly split between Tories and Labour. A woeful performance from Findlay leads to them consolidating around Labour - and this gives Labour a serious buff on the constituency ballots.

    1. The way Labour’s flailing around helplessly right now, you’d think they never got the memo.

  3. Congratulations to Russell - he seems a decent sort.

    1. Already tarred with the "decent" brush like Major, Miliband, Swinney. Dammit

    2. There's no such thing as a "decent" Tory. They are lowlife shitbags.

    3. I’d describe some SNPs in a similar way.

  4. I actually like the idea of a Scottish conservatives, no nonsense, common sense approach. We need a bit of that at times.

    1. They do face stiff competition from Reform.

    2. They face stiff competition from the millionaires, Sirs and Ladies of the Labour Party.

  5. I think the best for the future of the Conservative party in Scotland would have been Murdo Fraser. Whereas Russell Findlay will happily drive the bus with the wheels going round and round while they fall off.

    For the future of Scotland it's not good news as Indy Scotland WILL need a proper Conservative party, not just a Unionist succubus. Or even an incubus!

    1. Indy would trigger the creation of such a party, I am sure. It’s a massive reset. No democracy is without its petty right wing and nor should Scotland be.

    2. Not relevant as the chances of independence in the next hundred years is remote at best.

    3. Britnat anon at 8.01pm can you forecast the football scores over this weekend as well. Should be easy for someone who knows what's going to happen over the next hundred years.

    4. Could the prescient British lady at 8.01 plwase give me the lotto numbers for Saturday? Thanks 😊.

    5. There’ll be a sighting of Nessie before you lot get your independence.


  6. On the whole I thought all three candidates would have been good in their different ways.

    Murdo is quite a thoughtful person and he could definitely have done the job well.

    1. Meghan Gallacher comes across very well and I am sure she will play a huge role in future years. Finally, Russell seems like a sensible sort.

      The Conservatives now have an oppositional role which I am sure Russell will relish.

    2. Agreed she comes across well.

    3. It would have been lovely for Orange Lodge Fraser to have been elected as anything during his long career.

  7. Seems to me we have AI bots on the wind up here.

    1. AI can only copy what already exists. These Tory drones are made of meat, my friend.

  8. Is there a common sense, Indy curious party? I suppose that should be Alba.

    1. Interesting how little support Alba has while reform has much more in about the same timespan.

    2. Must be nice to have the Tory press on side and be the Beeb’s favourite commentator. Easy mode, anyone?

  9. In terms of political judgement then, how would you rate your choosing to join Alba?

    1. They were a hopeful bunch once upon a time. The launch was good, the timing perfect, and then, well, yeah…

    2. Although that's obviously not a kindly-meant question, in a way it's a fair one, because anyone who joins a political party full of optimism and then just three years later finds themselves facing potential expulsion for the most fatuous of reasons is bound to reflect on the wisdom of the original decision. What I would say is that I did not anticipate in 2021 how authoritarian the Alba leadership would prove to be, so in that sense I did judge the situation incorrectly. However, I'm not sure there were any real clues that I could reasonably have picked up on, because Alex Salmond's track record in the SNP did not actually point to any of this. He's reputed to have hardly ever expelled anyone from the SNP, partly because of his own bruising experience of being expelled in 1982. The Alba-era Mr Salmond seems to be very different from the one we used to know.

  10. What are the views of the ex MP’s? Lost battle?
