Friday, June 28, 2024

The Daily Record revise their endorsement from "Labour" to "It's Complicated, here's TV's Carol Vorderman to explain" - the list of constituencies where *even the Daily bloody Record* are endorsing the SNP

I was ready to be furious with Carol Vorderman when I saw her on the front page of the Daily Record today calling for "tactical voting to stop the Tories", because I was convinced the Record had roped her into a "Vow" type stunt to con people into voting Labour with dodgy "maths".  But to be fair to her, she's promoting a tactical voting website which from the couple of example postcodes I've just entered may possibly be giving reasonably honest advice - ie. vote SNP in SNP-Tory marginals, and vote however you like in other seats that the Tories can't win.

The Record have even emphasised the point by listing the seats and candidates where a tactical SNP vote is recommended.  So, for the avoidance of doubt, here are the Scottish constituencies where even the Daily bloody Record, even Paul bloody Hutcheon, are endorsing the SNP - 

Aberdeenshire North and Moray East (formerly Banff & Buchan, ie. David Duguid's seat)

Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale

Dumfries and Galloway

Gordon and Buchan (formerly Gordon, ie. Richard Thomson's seat)

West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine

Perth and Kinross-shire (formerly Perth and North Perthshire, ie. Pete Wishart's seat)

Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey (formerly Moray, ie. Douglas Ross' seat)

Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock

Admittedly that's a suspiciously short list that excludes a number of seats where the SNP are pretty obviously the best anti-Tory tactical option, but it's a start.  I said the other day that you could tell from the language the Record used when endorsing Labour that they were nervous they might be overplaying their hand and might suffer from independence supporting readers voting with their feet.  I'm wondering if the pushback they've received from readers is at the higher end of expectations and if today is a way of trying to placate independence supporters before sales start to drop.  It'll be interesting to see whether the polling day front page is out-and-out Labour propaganda or a bit more qualified.

*  *  *

I've previewed the constituency races in Mid Dunbartonshire and Livingston for The National.  You can read the articles HERE and HERE.


  1. I'm in Ross's ( I prefer this to Ross' , as in St James's , although both are correct; we do say it as if it has the second s. Yes I'm pedantic!) old seat . There seems little liking for Katleen Robertson who heads the Moray cooncil
    So although SNP vote is doon there's a good chance of a gain here in Moray West.

    1. First timers aren't as tainted with the sleaze and inactivity of the SNP over the last decade so may be worth the benefit of the doubt... this time.

  2. Just been reading some startlingly frank American MSM reporting on sleepy Joe’s performance last night. When even the NYT is talking up replacing him, you know the hot brown stuff has hit the fan.

    Just imagine if it was Keir Starmer who could barely keep himself awake to finish his sentences! Jeezo.

  3. Well down here in Dumfries and Galloway, as is usually the case, it’s a two horse race between the Tories and SNP.
    I returned my postal vote several days ago, and did indeed vote tactically. Not for the SNP though 😁

    1. Any Scot that votes Tory should be ashamed of themselves.....

    2. That post will be from KC. He is no Scot. He tries to kid on he is Scottish Labour but he is an English Tory/Reform type of person.

    3. He , anon 12.23 is a Britnat , probably English

    4. So you’re a complete arsehole who endorses the thieving divisive Tory govt that has destroyed the U K, incited division and racism, and alienated most of Europe. Well done you. Off you go back to WOS and the Mail.

    5. Anon@1:45, what a sad case you are!

    6. And what else is a Tory boy? Best of luck on the night, you’ll need it!

    7. Anon at 1.51. No response to points made. Toddle off Tory boy.

  4. At the start of this campaign I thought the Scots Tories would hold all their seats and could even have a gain or two on the cards.

    I’ve heard of so many people switching to Reform in Scotland now though, and that shift is reflected in the polls. Both anecdotally and in polling it’s clear that while all those Scottish Reform switchers aren’t coming straight out the Tory column, the majority of them are.

    At this stage I think the SNP will regain all the seats in the North East and may well win those Border constituencies that the Tories looked to be safe as houses in with Reform hitting double digits in many of those areas.

  5. Rumours that a sensational result is possibile in Northern Ireland, how strange would It look if the defeat of Unionism looks more advanced in NI than in Scotland at this election

    1. Crumbs , aye . Perhaps NI will set an example to us.

    2. I don't expect the nationalist vote to increase in NI this time.

    3. Sinn Féin mean it. If only we had as strong a force for Indy here.

    4. Sinn Féin at 11% in recent election.

    5. Despite their brave face, Sinn Fein did poorly at the local and EU elections in Ireland in early June and much more poorly than they had been anticipating. How Sinn Fein will fare in Northern Ireland is a different matter as the two jurisdictions are pretty dissimilar. Alliance should do a lot better and might cause a major shock in NI.

    6. Sinn Féin are not really standing out in this NI election.

    7. They may hope to take the Foyle constituency from SDLP. That is the absolute height of their ambitions!!

    8. Sinn Fein are another party which has become infested by wokery and have been losing support in the Republic as a result. How it will play out in the North will be interesting.

    9. It would be interesting to know if KC is the Anon who is trying to talk down Sinn Fein. Bit pointless here, chum. The last poll had them on 24%, so they're going to do *quite a bit better* than 11%.

    10. Not sure you can read across from party politics in the Republic to NI. The dynamics and dividing lines are quite different.

    11. Yeah, but for some reason SF seem subdued this NI election. Not sure why. Their main ambition is Foyle - SDLP could lose it to them. Hard to predict that one.

    12. OK, I've deleted the wildly misleading reply. If he really doesn't know the difference between the Republic and Northern Ireland, he's either KC or someone totally clueless. (Or both.)

  6. Will labour U.K. provide Scotland with the same deal for North of Ireland re the EU. After all 62% of us voted to remain with the eu. Labour said if we said Yes in 2014 we would be chucked out. Liars all. Still Sarwar likes that in people.

    1. Obviously Labour won't provide anything, not even the single market, which would be very simple to negotiate with the EU

    2. Starmer and Sarwar ; 2 cheeks of the same arsehole

  7. Anon at 11:45, do you see Labour having any chance in that seat of Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey? If not, are Lab supporters there being squeezed effectively into a vote for the SNP to get the Tory out? Or perhaps I’m on the hopium again 😂

    1. Labour supporters in the old Moray (new Moray West, Nairn and Strathspey) constituency are usually fairly staunch Conservative voters, aren't they?

  8. No chance of Labour winning here in Moray West etc. Always was SNP since 1983 till 2017. In 2019 , in the old Moray seat ,D.Ross won by only 513 over SNP . Labour no where in sight. Any movement by Tories/ Britnats to Labour will help SNP.
    The new Moray West etc should be better for SNP as Elgin is excluded (now in Moray East etc )- Elgin had a fair number of Lab voters
    Nairn is in the new seat and tends to be more SNP in recent years.
    I know of the Tory candidate, she used to be a vet locally , now Tory council leader. I heard her say that she wasn't really a Tory except that she wanted to stop independence! There's a lot of these type of Britnats here.


    1. No, Elgin is in the West seat. The divide is (roughly) the Spey, so Fochabers, Buckie, Keith go east.

    2. Ok , I stand corrected , anyway the new seat is nominally SNP when votes are divided up as per the different areas now in the new seat.

    3. That is true enough. We started - on paper - ahead of the Tories. I’m hopeful that remains the case.

      Mood is positive. Graham very likeable/well known, energetic campaign. Kathleen less well known, less warm, bit prickly.

      Labour (despite their candidate being a good guy) are nowhere in the seat although their dodgy extrapolated polls in their ads are hilarious.

    4. It's nice to return to the old Moray and Nairn days.

  9. Sorry to ask, but can anyone tell me what the result of the PollAndBangWe poll on independence is?

    1. Anon at 4.07pm: Absolutely I can and it's exciting news. For the first time, PollAndBangWe have Yes ahead by 57% to 43%.

      PollAndBangWe, 23rd-24th June, 1012 voters interviewed

    2. Get in there!

    3. There's an old saying: as PollAndBangWe goes, so goes the nation.

    4. Now that Ipsos and PollAndBangWe are united in showing a Yes majority, two little words spring to mind.

      Settled. Will.

    5. This does seem significant, I must admit.

    6. Traitor.

    7. Na na na na na na na na na na na, Poll And Bang We poll, Bang We poll, Poll And Bang We poll.

  10. Thanks to the Moray West commentators :-)

  11. Re: the unionist vet. Edinburgh Brits can be quite the same. They don’t understand the desire for independence at all. “Come what may, aren’t we all just British?” It’s a class and age thing. Big house in Morningside or Colinton will do that to you, apparently. Or rather, what it took to get it!

    1. At least the English ones make sense. “No, this is MY country. It’s Britain!” They’ve come up and bought a piece of it.

  12. Latest PollAndBangWe poll on independence

    Yes 57%
    No 43%


    1. I suspect we're now going to see a lot of Brit Nats trying to publicly convince themselves that PollAndBangWe don't count...

  13. Does anybody know where to find this poll showing Yes at 57%?
    I’ve spent ages searching, but to no avail.

    1. Yes, it's the PollAndBangWe poll. Yes 57%, No 43%.

      PollAndBangWe, 23rd-24th June, 1012 voters interviewed.

      You're welcome.

    2. Who is PollAndBangWe? I honestly don’t know what this is about.

    3. It's all nonsense being posted by a crank. Just ignore him.

  14. A few words on the Daily Bloody Record
    Grandmaster David Bloody Clegg

  15. What a state where we live when a poll has more significance than the people who live in Scotland
