Sunday, October 6, 2024

The message from Britain-wide opinion polls is consistent - Labour now have less support than they did in 2019 when they were heavily defeated under Jeremy Corbyn

The latest batch of three GB-wide opinion polls all have similar fieldwork dates, and are remarkably consistent in their findings - 

Opinium (2nd-4th October 2024):

Labour 31% 
Conservatives 24%
Reform UK 20%
Liberal Democrats 11%
Greens 8%
SNP 3%

BMG (2nd-3rd October 2024):

Labour 30% 
Conservatives 25%
Reform UK 20%
Liberal Democrats 13%
Greens 7%
SNP 3%

Techne (2nd-3rd October 2024):

Labour 31% 
Conservatives 23%
Reform UK 18%
Liberal Democrats 13%
Greens 7%
SNP 2%

It's safe to assume that all of these polls have been weighted by recalled vote from the general election in July, which makes it almost certain that the drop in Labour's support is real.  The fieldwork was confined to Great Britain, ie. Northern Ireland was excluded, which means the baseline figure from July is not Labour's UK-wide vote of 34%, but their GB vote of 35%.  So their vote is down by around 4% or 5%, which is a pretty significant drop after only three months.

Yes, they do remain ahead, and on paper they would probably win an election if it was held tomorrow, but I think there's quite a compelling argument that in an underlying sense they're already behind.  It's incredibly difficult to believe that in four or five years' time they'd be able to win a general election on their current level of support, which is for example lower than the 33% they took in GB under Jeremy Corbyn's leadership in the crushing defeat of 2019.  The combined Tory/Reform UK vote ranges between 41% and 45% in these three polls, and if that somehow consolidates behind a single bloc over the coming years, even at this stage Labour look like toast.

But will it consolidate?  There was a comparable situation at the 1983 election, when the Tories won an artificially large landslide thanks to a near even split in the opposition vote between Labour and the SDP-Liberal Alliance. Most people probably assumed at the time that the division would resolve itself over the course of four or five years, but it didn't really - in 1987 Labour clawed back a little bit of support from the Alliance but nowhere near enough.  So there are no guarantees, but with Robert Jenrick remaining the clear favourite in the Tory leadership contest, and with Jenrick's platform so closely mimicking that of Reform, there does appear to be a clear route-map towards a reunited right-wing vote.  Maybe Jenrick and Farage will agree an electoral pact, or maybe there won't even be a need for that because Reform UK's current supporters will decide Jenrick is good enough to be getting on with and will swing behind the Tories.

The relevance for Scotland, of course, is that there could within a couple of years be a clear expectation of a hard-right government committed to withdrawal from the European Convention on Human Rights.  That could start to make the SNP's offer of independence look a lot more attractive than Labour's meaningless waffle about "the change that Scotland needs".

*  *  *

SCOT GOES POP FUNDRAISER 2024: I took a prolonged break from promoting the fundraiser during the general election period, but I'll have to make some serious progress over the coming days and weeks if the blog is to remain viable.  Many thanks to everyone who has donated so far.  Card donations can be made via the fundraiser page HERE, or direct donations can be made via Paypal.  My Paypal email address is:


  1. England is getting more and more right wing so why do left wingers in Scotland want to remain in the UK and be governed by increasingly right wing governments. Simple answer - they are idiots like KC.

    James says:- " start to make the SNP's offer of independence " - if only that were true. The last time I read the SNP's website on independence it stated that there would be a de facto referendum in 2026 if the 2024 election failed. Not heard a word on this.

    1. IFS,
      KC is no idiot. Just because you and I don’t share his opinions doesn’t make him an idiot.
      Like you, he’s entitled to his opinion, even though we might not agree with him.

  2. Yeh- they will send you a personal letter being an ISP member or something similar. Sometimes maybe you should actually do something to make things happen rather than carping.

    1. Anon a troll 7.02pm - I am not a member of ISP - never said I was. What does "something similar" mean.

      I have been calling for a de facto Holyrood election since 2020. You?
      Please think before posting your pish.

  3. IFS is back spouting his nonsense.

  4. why are IFS and KC always in the same room at the same time?

    1. They're lovers. It's like Salmond and Campbell.

    2. One of lives great questions - not even Attenborough has been able to answer. Why has evolution not eradicated idiots like anon at 8.49pm and anon at 8.54pm not to mention KC at 8.14pm?

    3. So basically everyone other than ifs himself is an idiot!

    4. Nope - just people like you anon at 9.27pm.

  5. You are like a wee 3rd year a school unable to grow up.

    1. Another idiotic troll at 12.20am with an idiotic comment.

  6. What all the WGD/SNP numpties (when they are working hard trying to make out it is all a conspiracy by the polis and COPFS to frame Sturgeon) never mention is this -

    the auditors said of SNP accounts " cash and cheques received, relating to membership, donations and raffle income, were not kept by the party prior to July 2023"

    1. You have quoted a part of a sentence. Give the entire sentence wording. You really are a dishonest little troll.

    2. Angry anon at 1.54pm - Why don't you give the full sentence then? That's what the auditors said. They didnae keep the records. Laziness, incompetence or deliberate?
      Dishonesty is Murrell who lied about the membership numbers. Why did he do that then?

    3. Ah, the word “records” suddenly appears. I think I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you are actually too stupid to understand that what you did was disingenuous. Mhhh? Jury is out on that one. Naah, you did know. Dishonest little troll.

    4. The same troll at 4.09pm no doubt who cannae print the whole sentence but plays word games instead.
      So was it laziness, incomptence or deliberate? No answer again.
      Why did Murrell lie about the membership numbers. No answer again.
      You can huff and puff all you want but that's what the auditors attached to the SNP accounts. The question is what is your motivation here Mr Troll.?

  7. You are not getting enough sleep? R u a night watchman somewhere or in the. Us of a trump land.

  8. Idiot for Scotland is back with a vengeance. Everyone is an idiot, except Idiot for Scotland. Everyone is a troll, except Idiot for Scotland. Idiot for Scotland has never staffed an Indy stall , never distributed a leaflet, never knocked a door, never canvassed for the Indy cause. But here he is dishing out personal abuse. It’s the behaviour of a troll. Sad wee man, sitting in his bedroom, anorak on, wiping off his keyboard. Needs help. Incoming. Zzzzz.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I rest my case. What age are you Idiot for Scotland?

    3. Anon troll you have rested your case many times but back you come trolling me. You really are a clown. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡. So have you wiped that egg off your face from when you made a complete fool of yourself.

    4. Anon troll at 4.01pm oh look James must have deleted that post at 2.56pm. 😂 Have you checked out the meaning of the word 'author' yet. Everyone is not an idiot. You for example are a clown but you are most definitely a troll.
