Monday, February 24, 2025

Reform and MAGA are celebrating the AfD surge in Germany - but the fact remains that AfD are almost certainly frozen out of power for another four years

Our resident pro-Reform troll was gloating on the previous thread about the German election result, presenting it as part of an irresistible international tide towards Reform-type parties, which he claims in Scotland is seeing SNP voters and young voters flock to Farage in their droves.  Of course I've already written a blogpost debunking at least part of that narrative, and demonstrating that the percentage of SNP voters defecting to Reform is relatively modest.  There's certainly no room for complacency, but at the moment Reform look decidedly like a bigger threat to unionist parties.

As far as the youth vote is concerned, it's true that AfD seem - weirdly - to be regarded as the most skilled party in Germany at reaching young people via smart social media messaging.  However, as I understand it, the exit polling shows that the far-left Die Linke, the successor party to East Germany's ruling communists, actually won a narrow plurality among 18-24 year olds, which represents an astonishing comeback for a party that seemed to be dying until very recently.  Even a few days ago, the polls were still suggesting that they might fall short of the 5% threshold and fail to win any parliamentary represenation at all, but the youth vote and the anti-fascist vote has swung heavily behind them in the closing stages.

Nobody can say that AfD have failed - they've doubled their vote and reached second place for the first time in a federal election.  But the bottom line is that they have not won the election, and because all of the other parties have categorically refused to work with them, they have zero prospect of being part of the government for the foreseeable future.  I formed the impression from watching part of the post-election leaders' debate (one of Germany's most bizarre political traditions) that the AfD leader thought her best bet was for the parliamentary arithmetic to force the Christian Democrats to form a three-way, ideologically mixed coalition with the Social Democrats and the Greens, which might prove to be just as unstable as the previous three-way, ideologically-mixed Social Democrat-Green-Free Democrat coalition, and could thus fall apart and bring about an opening for AfD at an early election.  However, if the live results I'm looking at right now are accurate, it appears that the Christian Democrats and Social Democrats will have a clear majority between them.  Previous 'grand coalitions' between those two parties have actually proved quite stable.

So all that's happened is that the AfD have become the largest opposition party, and that will only really matter if they can use it as a springboard to get into first place at the next scheduled election four years from now.  There's nothing inevitable about that - after all, people have been predicting for years that the far-right will get into power in France and it still hasn't happened.  But admittedly it can't be totally ruled out, and even a 10% chance of an AfD-led government is potentially game-changing in terms of perceptions of where Europe is headed.  AfD have been Eurosceptic since their earliest days as a much more moderate centre-right party, but they now seem to have firmed that up into a policy of full withdrawal from the EU.  The EU came through Brexit remarkably unscathed, but without one-half of the traditional Franco-German engine which has driven the bloc forward since the 1950s, it could be a very different story.  

The AfD stance on NATO appears more ambivalent, but at the very least they seem to want American nuclear weapons removed from German soil, which would be a monumental break with the past (and indeed the present).  I won't be a hypocrite about this - it's a welcome policy, although it's safe to assume that coming from a far-right party it's probably a case of 'correct policy, wrong reasons'.

And what about the most basic question of all - are the AfD anti-democracy, as their far-right predecessors the Nazis were?  I can't see any evidence that the AfD leadership are interested in dismantling the democratic system, but when I was growing up I remember it always being said that the only way to truly embed democracy into a society with such a strong authoritarian tradition as Germany's is to embed Germany itself into a united, democratic Europe.  If Germany was outside the European system, and particularly if the European system itself fell apart as a result of Germany's withdrawal, there would always be that little question mark.

But here's the thing - Germany has proportional representation.  When Farage says that he'll take Britain out of the European Convention on Human Rights within 100 days of taking power, that has to be taken very seriously, because under first-past-the-post Reform could win an absolute majority in parliament with less than 30% of the vote.  By contrast, to have any chance of withdrawing Germany from the EU, there would have to a doubling of the current AfD vote from 20% to 40%, and even then they would probably need an anti-European coalition partner.  It looks like the only possible candidate is the new "Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht" party, which is one of those peculiar 'economically left, socially right' parties that are becoming ever more common, although unlike most of those parties, they are in the final analysis regarded as far-left rather than far-right.  But at the moment they look like falling short of the threshold for parliamentary representation by a margin of just 0.1%, which could be a decisive setback that will prevent them even being a credible force by 2029.

*  *  *

I launched the Scot Goes Pop fundraiser for 2025 last month, and so far the running total stands at £1601, meaning that 24% of the target of £6800 has been raised.  If you'd like to help Scot Goes Pop continue with poll analysis and truly independent political commentary for another year, donations are welcome HERE.  Direct Paypal donations can also be made - my Paypal email address is:


  1. AfD is likely to come under much more scrutiny now that they are a properly established political force and I think that might be their undoing.
    They are a mix of right wing oddities with unashamed links to former Pegida members but are trying to show a more professional image to court centre right voters. Nick Griffin, basically. They have radical anti Islamist views with an agenda including repatriation and they are anti same sex marriage but in Alice Weidel, have a lesbian leader who is in a civil partnership with a Sri Lankan national.
    As Nicola Sturgeon discovered, broad church political parties are very difficult to hold together. I expect significant cracks to appear over the next four years.

    1. Maybe Alice Weidel is following the example of Ernst Röhm in the 1930s who thought he was untouchable. He wasn't. She isn't. The window dressing isn't needed once the Nazis get the feet under the table.

  2. Reform have a lot in common with AfD and an element within Alba have a lot in common with reform. Voters beware.

    1. A competent Alba would probably be closest to the Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance. Although even they seem to have missed out by a whisker - perhaps due to their dodgy Greater Muscovite elements. (Another lesson there.)

  3. Speaking of highlights of the last thread, Dr Jim averred that literally all English people living in Scotland who don't vote SNP are, I quote, "far-right fascists". I'm honestly most surprised that he considers there to be English people in existence who don't meet that description.

    1. His doctorate is in black & white thinking in the context of blinding rage.

    2. all english are tories
      -whatever they pretend to be

  4. Story of the night was BSW and FDP missing out on the 5% threshold, in the case of BSW by a whisker & for FDP by a lot.

    If BSW had got in then CDU/CSU - SPD not-so-grand-anymore Coalition would not have had a majority and the Greens would have had to join too, the so-called "Kenya" (black - red - green) option. Both Greens and CDU/CSU would have hated that, so relief all around (except in BSW camp!)

    1. If, if, if? The media are talking up and promoting the right wing. It’s not reflected in the voting. Stop joining in the media promotion, unintentionally or otherwise.

    2. Very lucky indeed for the centrists that Sahra Wagenknecht missed election by a whisker. If I were German I’d have voted for her.

      The economic left + socially conservative formula that’s rising now is really about maintaining high social security for our own populations, instead of serving as neoliberal AirBnBs. It’s quite rational to want high standards of welfare, healthcare and overall quality of life for all of us who pay for them. But austerity has been stripping that away and inundating us with migrants. We simply want our postwar/new deal/great society back.

    3. Wagenknecht is an interesting character. The daughter of an Iranian migrant who grew up in the political intelligentsia of East Germany, found herself in the very far left of German politics on unification, and yet even as a non-white German found the woke cult increasingly unbearable in recent years.

      She’s a tellingly cosmopolitan figure to be calling for Germany to be German again.

    4. Some intelligent and less so replies to my post above.

      “If, if… stop talking up the right wing”. I didn’t even mention the right wing you clown, learn to read.

      Moving on….

      Yes BSW’s leader is very interesting, including (but not limited to) for the reasons given above by the more erudite of the reply posters here.

    5. I'm finding it a bit difficult to accept that the rise in far-right politics across the world is nothing more than some sort of angry reaction to "the woke cult". Fascism, in all its manifestations, is a capitalist tool and that will become more of a "thing" as capitalism becomes more global. In the 1980s, we saw a growing focus by the power blocks in the West in creating a specific, deregulated global version which would leave power in the hands of the existing elites (Reaganomics, Thatcherism etc) but it lost its way a bit due to greater self-assertion in the "3rd World and the developing economic crises in the 1990s and 2000s. I suspect that the Trump project is an attempt to reintroduce the myth of "free-market global capitalism" by the current economic elites in the US and Russia and that their European counterparts will join-in with growing enthusiasm. We plebs will be encouraged to play along via the now familiar fantasy narrative that we need to stand up to the Wokies who want to steal our human rights and turn us into submissive sheeple.

    6. I wonder when people will be brave enough to stop misusing the word 'woke' and call what they are referring to as 'liberal progressive', because that's what it is.

    7. Or maybe people could refer to PostModernist Queer Theory and its cousins.a bit more.

    8. Seems you have been drawn into the trap.

    9. Anon at 9.30. Before telling others to learn to read, you should brush up on the use of full stops and commas. Were I as infantile as you I should call you a clown. But I don’t think I need to. You must do better. As for your claim that you didn’t mention the right, you made a point on the very low vote obtained by two parties on the left. Try thinking about what that implies. Lesson over.

    10. What I’m referring to earlier when I said “the woke cult” is the following patterns of behaviour:

      - No platforming
      - Cancelling
      - Screaming down opponents
      - Declaring extreme, subjective opinions as unquestionable fact
      - “Transwomen are women”
      - Refusing all opportunities to discuss the matter
      - Militant intolerance of alternate opinions

      “Woke” is a helpful shorthand for all of that! It’s a nice wee short and cuddly word whose extraordinary euphemism makes it quite perfect for the task.

    11. identity politics ("woke") is the leftwing of neoliberalism

      it destroyed the old left based on class and also scottish nationalism

      it is poison as it balkanises society and offers no solutions other than a perpetual war for each subgroup in a zero sum game, all for scraps off the table

    12. Anon at 12.18. That is meaningless drivel.

    13. Anon at 9.30 hasn’t got back to any of us. Is he away consulting Wikipedia? Maybe still wiping the egg off his face? Is it a clown face? He does seem to like clown references. Was I too brutal in my put down? Who knows. Who actually cares, apart from him obviously. Byeeeee.

    14. Anon 12.18….destroyed Scottish Nationalism? You are a delusional unionist!!!

    15. Divisive Wokerie is antithetical to nationalism.

    16. Anon 5:57 That made sense in your own head.

  5. An excellent piece. In our current circumstances the result in Germany was much less bad than it might have been.
    I'm slightly encouraged that something positive can be drawn from Trump's chaotic version of fascism if Europe, including the UK, can draw together, militarily, economically and politically as a counter focus to the worldwide authoritarian surge of the right.
    Scotland will need to be an independent nation within this. Had my first conversations yesterday about maybe rejoining the SNP on a basis of joint campaigning for real independence both within and outside of the party.

    1. Good luck with your efforts, Alt Clut.

      I’d be wary of the argument that “we”’ must be part of some military “counterbalance” to anyone or anything else, wherever in the world. Because it’s just that kind of rhetoric and silly little willy waving that keeps nukes on the Clyde.

      I’d rather Indy Scotland was like Ireland and the Nordic nations.

    2. Finland, Sweden, and Norway are all NATO members. I think that covers the Nordic countries.

    3. You can add Iceland, as well.

    4. I’d be wary of the argument that “we”’ must be part of some military “counterbalance” to anyone or anything else, wherever in the world. Because it’s just that kind of rhetoric and silly little willy waving that keeps nukes on the Clyde.

      Not really, because the nukes on the Clyde are American, so any kind of counterbalance to the US would naturally not involve them.

    5. I wonder how it would play if the nukes on the Clyde were America's last military interest in Europe? Maybe the local Trumpians would be over the hills and far away.

    6. The Scandies are hardly pulling their weight in arms spending and equipment though.

      Anyway, NATO’s days are numbered. If the Americans pull out, game over.

  6. Personally, I would say that, although Irish opinion is split nowadays, Ireland will not join NATO soon due to it's history, and instead rely on agreements with NATO and the RAF. I think an independent Scotland would join NATO due to it's history. I would prefer if it wasn't so, but I think that's it.

  7. James, I envy your optimism on that matter.

    Yes, the results could have been worse. And yes, a vote share of 20% means 80% have voted against them. And yes, all other parties have vowed to not work with AfD. For now.

    But I think you overestimate the strength of the firewall. It's just too tempting. I've lived in Austria long enough to know how this works. Bit by bit, they're chipping away the firewall, first in small towns, then in the sates, and finally on the federal level.

    Plus, the Union has already dipped their toes in a couple of days ago when they teamed up with AfD for a mostly symbolic anti immigration bill. They tested how voters would react in the polls, didn't like what they saw and put the idea on hold for another 1-2 years.

    We may have bought ourselves 4 more years yesterday. If the next coalition (that will operate with the slimmest of margins) holds. But if nothing drastic changes, we won't be so lucky next time around.

    Oh, and about you not seeing any anti-democratic tendencies within the AfD, I may refer you to the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (the federal agency for the protection of the constitution).They may have some interesting information for you.

    Greetings from Bavaria

    1. Agreed. The conditions in Germany right now are remarkably favourable for incubating AfD. All the unremovable GroKo’s failures will be fuel for trying the Alternative. As someone wrote here recently: “If there isn't an alternative government, the people will eventually make one

    2. The AfD vote is largely in former east Germany. There is a message in there for the German govt when it forms. One in five is a minority in anyone’s book and it can be reduced. This is high water for AfD. The only way for them is down. A lot of nonsense being posted on here. Ignore it. Focus on discrediting the grifting liar Farage and his limited company income generator. Labour voters. Wake up. SNP. Independence. The only way to realise the hopes and aspirations of traditional labour voters.

    3. Anonymous 12:48 PM, you're being delusional.
      I'm sitting here in a comfy, wealthy, metropolitan electoral district in Munich's suburbs, und they're not far below the 20% national average here. They already had the East locked down before, now they're coming for the West.
      We'll get a constant barrage of the Chinese and American social media apparatus plus the Russian troll industry. It's going to be an absolute shit show and AfD will be contenders for first place next time around.

    4. Anon at 4.26. Are you saying the AfD got more than one in five votes? If you have evidence get yourself an exclusive with a national newspaper. Alternatively get yourself a life instead of posting on here like a sad wee billy liar. High water mark for AfD. Significant level of support in former east Germany, well above national average. Fact. There is a message there for the German govt.

    5. What message? Keep on ignoring the working class? That always goes well.

    6. And the working class will have a hissy fit and vote for the former public school boys, ( as England's Red Wall did - that worked oot well for them 😂)

    7. Did you enjoy the Johnson administration and the needless deaths during covid? Those working class voters gave you that government, and you and your loved ones suffered it too.

  8. The English/British are very disappointed that the far right in Germany didn't win, their tame media are positively crestfallen so as usual they're predicting all the woes of the world upon Germany for now having to have a weak coalition
    Loads of countries across the world have coalition governments but England's UK much prefers the dictator style one party politics that crushes all other voices
    They're very democratic the English/British
    Although they do believe in not allowing Scotland and Wales to have the same position as themselves, God forbid the SNP would win every time and England's cash cow would be no longer available to them
    So keep the coalitions in Scotland and keep em weak says England

    1. Let me guess: you supported switching to FPTP in Holyrood, to clear out the unionists. That was until recently, when you stopped supporting the SNP.

      Just a guess, based on the popularity of that idea in Wings comments until it became Verboten there to support the Scotgov.

      I *don’t* support the (devolutionist led) SNP or the (hideously undemocratic) FPTP at any level of government by the way.

    2. Since the poster you're replying to is obviously the SNP-die-hard Dr Jim, your comment is sadly gibberish.

    3. You are just a nasty bigot who doesn't understand how things roll in Milngavie.

  9. AfD are an East German phenomenon. Their sole power base s are in the Lander of Thurungia, Saxony and Brandenberg (old Prussia) . It's notable that the Nazis won most of their votes in these areas in the 1832-33 elections.

  10. immigrant crime in germany is off the charts, long past deniable and every days brings a new atrocity, often young kids who get "diversified" in the "vibrancy"

    these people are just garbage, slime

    almost as bad as the english in scotland

    1. Off the charts? Dont exagerate. Right wing lies again.

    2. Anon 1223pm Show respect England and Scotland should have their names capitialise. Extreme right wing Bot.

    3. What's Deutsch for fibbing ?

  11. AfD are simply the re-incarnation of Hitler's Nazi Human Dross, wearing modern garb and carrying iPhones.

    Trump, Musk and Farage would fit in with them just fine.

    Insentiate Shite.

    1. Calm down David. Their vote is largely in the former east Germany. The German government when formed need to address this. Focus on discrediting grifting liar Farage and the Labour govt imposters here.

    2. "Their vote is largely in the former east Germany."

      That's not true. In the former West Germany, AfD were polling at 17-20%, not all that far below the national average. They were in first place in the former East Germany, which is eye-catching, but they wouldn't be at anything like 20% of the national vote if their support was ghettoised in the east.

    3. 80% didnt vote for them.

    4. 34% of the vote in former east Germany. James? East Berlin? James?

    5. Steve? Is that you Steve? STEVE? Answer me Steve! Cologne? Frankfurt? Numbers? STEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!!!!

    6. Naive!
      And I think you missed a trick when you were titling this blogpost. "Business Insider" will not be impressed.

    7. Raunchy stuff, Barry!

    8. I believe that this will be cultural rocket fuel for Celine Gottwald as she attempts to address the East-West cultural antisyzygy and its relevance to The Scottish Condition.

    9. Sebastian Knowles-ReadeFebruary 24, 2025 at 4:40 PM

      Carole-Anne Puffnidge has invited les intimes to a salon at her home in June to hear Celine's thoughts on Ost-Westpolitik. DO NOT PANIC if the invitation has not yet arrived. They are few in number but lavish in expanse. If you are enumerated among les intimes, the invitation will arrive.

    10. I rejoice that there should be such a cultural awakening in my latter days.

    11. Celine has promised to include consideration of the Lockhart Memorandum in her thought. She is spoiling us. Again!!

    12. I'd prefer to hear Ash performing "Angel of the Morning" at Alba Conf.

    13. Wierdo at 6.05. If you want to hear Ash perform Angel in the morning, just call me. Sorry, I’ll get my coat.

    14. I hope Celine will deliver her talk in Italian. Qué bella lingua!

    15. Gosh, it turns out that factual reality and actual published vote tallies agree with James and not with Random Anon at 12.56. Who'd have thunk it?

    16. Anon at 10.25. Let’s have the figures then. And maybe refer back to what was actually said rather than what you and someone who allowed himself to be publicly pilloried by the utterly incompetent Alba claim. And bear in mind that same person was happy to let people contemplate voting for Alba even though he was privy to the undemocratic behaviour and apparent corruption of Alba and it’s senior officials. He only spilt the beans once he was kicked out. That can be interpreted two ways. Neither of them is a good look. Choose your allies carefully.

  12. Good to see Ukraine knocking back U S extortion demands. Trump and his muppet puppet Muskey can GTF. And I suspect Muskey will be finding out to his cost in the next few years what a nutcase U S president can do when you annoy/insult/question him.

    1. An Eurovision entrant from a few years back tweeted an amusing thought on the visit of Village Idiot J D Vance to the grown-ups in Munich recently. She said she would have loved to have listened to his views but couldn't concentrate on anything but his make-up, especially the eye-liner. Is J D maybe a bit woke?

    2. I think he’s a bit more wank than woke. Just my opinion.

  13. It's a stimulating time to be a member of the SNP. The SNP is under very strong leadership. It is riding high in the polls as the largest party. It looks set to be returned as the largest party in the next Holyrood elections - a remarkable achievement. The SNP government has been innovative in office, with progressive initiatives aimed at povery reduction, net zero and LGBTQ+ rights. More work to do, but morale in team SNP is currently very good.

    1. I’m going to grade your comment as A1. Signed. The Man

    2. still loading up on the discount prozac from mexico

    3. Anon at 7.03. And why not? Well priced and the side effects leaflet is infinitely more interesting than the arsehole at 6.33.

  14. I love the english honestly
    fuck my wife
    take my money
    fuck my arse
    just tell me you love me

  15. Avon Calling Will Never Be DefeatedFebruary 24, 2025 at 7:13 PM

    Right, fingers crossed and touch wood but we FINALLY think we've torched every one of the nasty little infiltrators hijacking Wings links and welded all the doors shut. Let us know if you still have any problems.

    1. Faulds under punishment?
      "So, err, the BBS website has apparently been under a pretty significant bot traffic attack over the whole weekend (do you think a million people want to read my very out of date, early, poor quality 2017 local elections page? Nor do I) - trying my best to sort but it's... going quite poorly."

  16. The Nazi Human Slime known as AfD have a cunning plan, already highlighted on here, called 'Re-Migration' - which simply means kicking out evey 'foreigner' it doesn't like and completely ignoring the rights that come with existing citizenship.
    Part of that plan involves making life as difficult, unattractive and unpleasant as possible for, for instance, 'foreign' restaurant owners in order to change the image/makeup of German streets to something the AfD find more acceptable.
    Goodbye to good quality Indian curry shops, good Chinese carry-outs and lats-night Turkish kebabs.
    As dumb an idea, as it is blatantly Racist.

    1. Yet you’ll need to convince those of a similar slant here in Scotland if you’re ever to get your supermajority for independence.

      Ironic, eh?

    2. David Francis is a frightened sheeple who lives in a simulated reality.
      And you can still get 20% off at Kris's Kappielow Kebab.

    3. Fascist Shite attracted to Fascist Shite.
      To be fully expected.
      Fascist Shite will always be Fascist Shite.

    4. And they will always vote no if you keep treating them like that. The only thing that really matters is they, too, are Scots.

  17. No. We’ll never love you, thicko jock.
    And your wife’s a “minger” too.
    The oil’s nice though.

  18. Guys, guys, let’s cut to the _real issue_ underlying all of this:

    What’s Alba’s take on the German election? Jubilant or gutted? Populists locked out or set to storm the citadel?

    Are we with AfD or against them? Don’t want expelled so I need to know the line to toe the line.

    1. Expressing fear of expulsion is an expellable offence. You better sharpen up your act, and stop acting so afraid of expulsion, or you're getting expelled! Toughen up, man.

  19. Yes another 4 years of mediocrity, the so-called "winners" the CDU/CSU with their second worse result since they were formed reliant on the utterly rejected SPD and (probably) the lunatic Greens to form a majority govt. More economic decline, more de-industrialisation and more globalist shite under "BlackRock" Merz!

    1. Er no she didnae, it's a fairly common Scottish name and it happens to be mine!

  20. Just as in the 1930's, those cretins who close their eyes to the blatant Racism and Xenophobia of Far Right Trash like AfD, Trump, Musk and Farage because "they stand for common sense and might save us a few quid" are just as much Racist Xenophobic Trash as those aforementioned.

  21. Anons@7:04 & 7:49,
    This is the mentality of your typical independence supporter.

    1. Anon 8.58 the mentality of a Reform supporter.

    2. And you seem to have the mentality of a housebrick, pal.

    3. Mention of a "housebrick" recalls my visit to Baron Steinfeld and his enchanting wife Sybille near Klagenfurt in the (mon Dieu!) 70s. Georg-Friedrich (the Baron) had recently purchased an antique Meissen centrepiece for the dining room which and had opened a charming bottle of sweet Ruster from his cellar. The sweetness was remarkable, enriching whilst in no way cloying (or dare I say, mawkish!). Upon my complimenting the glory of the wine, Sybille interject that is was her favourite Ausbruch. Georg-Friedrich, quick to correct his erring wife, responded 'Not "Ausbruch", my darling. In English we say "housebrick".

      To this day I wonder if the Baron's 'correction' was committed in jocular mien.

    4. Carole-Anne PuffnidgeFebruary 25, 2025 at 5:52 PM

      Golden memories, my darling.

  22. What do people think it would be like if David Francis took control of the Rathaus?

  23. What’s that got to do with the blog?

  24. Prob a britnat texting themselves

  25. I see The Orange Trumpton's Approval Ratings are sinking fast, as is the US Stock Market and Consumer Confidence. The only thing on the up, is US Inflation.
    The Tangerine Tit is already f#cked.

  26. If you all get a moment, watch the numerous recordings of the press conference with Macron and Trumpet.
    What you will see is the French President kicking the American President in the teeth and then wet-farting in his face, in glorious technicolour in front of the World's Press.
    Wonderful to watch!

    1. Which one’s hated by his own nation, though? Strange eh?

    2. Judging by the most recent polling, that would be Trump. Not surprising.

    3. Anon at 7:58 -

      'According to the most recent Gallup poll, Trump is the least popular president in more than 70 years.

      Or, as the company put it on its website: “Trump’s job approval rating is 15 points below the historical average for all other elected presidents in mid-February since 1953 … .”'

  27. I saw some published data on troll farm themes leading up to the German election. It’s clear that Russia has been working hard for some time to destabilise the European and American societies. Brexit and the subsequent riots, Tory party Russian funding in the run up to Brexit referendum, some of the dodgy money that appeared out of nowhere in said referendum, the increasingly exposed role of Russia bribing eu politicians, the Torygraph puff pieces on Russia and much more has fed the far right.

  28. At an individual level all manner of cranks, misfits and nasties are part of the growth of modern right populism/fascism. In small numbers these sociopaths always exist.
    Someone said it earlier but the main reason that the right has found a mass base is the neoliberal ideology of unregulated profit taking. Economically that produces the Musks and minimusks. Politically it produces the Trumps and Farages. It's politics is based on scapegoating to divert attention from economic exploitation. Not ignoring those impoversihed by neoliberalism is the way forward. Social inclusion and well being economics pulls the electoral rug from under the wannabe 'great leaders'.

    It's simple todescribe but the difficulty is to break the hold that neoliberalism has on the minds of political 'leaders'.
    Although not so deeply vile the likes of Starmer and Reeves are as much prisoners of destructive neoliberal thinking as Trump Farage et al.

  29. All the poor wee 'Mini-Trumps' in Britain and Europe are pretty much f#cked now.
    Trump is gonna hit their base-votes with his tariff regimes which will inevitably kill jobs in various British/European industries, at the same time as he blunders his way to also shredding just about everything in the US, along with his chainsaw-weilding halfwit Musk.
    And, as a final boot in the baws, those British/European Far Right Fannies have tied their 'credibility' to his - and when the Orange Balloon crashes and burns, as he undoubtedly will, they will just be collateral damage.
    Will be fascinating to watch.......and shouldn't take too much longer to happen.

    1. Och he might spare Whisky in memory of his Scotch mammy.

  30. With the defeat of the old left and even the near coup-de-tatting of Wilson, who was merely a social democrat who wanted some control over strategy when it came to the city - the old left, the real, actual left, gave up the fight

    - it would no longer make any attempt to change the economic system, the basic operation would be : rich guys, doing what they want, and the public wealth moved to their hands, putting the means of life itself under their thumb, and nothing - regulatory laws, trade unions would be allowed to interfere. This is just pillage, not an economic policy.

    The symbolic raising of the white flag was the "removal of clause 4" from the labour party. When labour got back in, Blair did thatcherism harder than she ever did. And people wonder why "nothing ever changes" and "it doesnt matter who gets in" - it is a feature, not a bug, designed that way; we have a uniparty, the plans are already decided and the public get to choose the colour of rosette of the implementor.

    When you won't "touch the money", deal with the real thing, you need a diversion, something to argue about - right now it's trannies. A tiny group of perverts who have become "the new elect" that everyone must worship; DEI is this soft totalitarianism, its commissars a mixture of the thought police and the "Bottom Inspectors" from Viz.

    The diversionary nature of all of this works well - when you are arguing about pronouns, or whether you were antiracist today, or the parent teacher group is gender balanced - you are not paying attention to what is happening to your wallet.

    While the people might be dumb, you can't fool them forever; students of history might know you need a "tyrant" (popular king) to "break the power of the oligarchs" (rich guys), and this is what we are seeing round the world - "strongmen" getting elected to "sort the shit out".

    1. Lol.
      "So.......we need a 'Tyrant/King'.

      You are a genuine, 100%, bona-fide imbecile, pal 😂😂😂
