Friday, February 21, 2025

My full reply to the Twitter attack from Alba's disgraced former General Secretary Chris McEleny - a man who, in the ultimate act of selfishness, is currently pushing his party to the brink of destruction by insisting on standing for Depute Leader while he is still under suspension for gross misconduct


  1. Some salient points1) The first of those would be that McEleny is displaying some level of condescension towards you for a man who needed to 'seek help' for his drunken, violent/ boorish behaviour which saw him appear at Greenock Sheriff Court. Behaviour which should have resulted in his immediate suspension as General Secretary for bringing the party into disrepute. Fortuitously, however, he saw to it that no such clause exists within the party constitution - and, presumably will never do so, given that they are going to present an all or nothing choice yet again to the Alba Party membership in the form of a report, rather than individual constitutional amendments. The party constitution will remain a dysfunctional mess. In the grand scheme of things, it hardly matters as the rules are for the little people. This is a political party which is begging people to join, yet is intent on keeping any meaningful power within a tight circle of family and friends.

  2. "Today we have handed 'Herr' McEleny a final note stating that unless we heard from them within 72 hours that they were prepared at once to withdraw their troops from Twechar, a state of war would exist between us..."

    1. Bomb dropped on Cumbernauld already just noone noticed

    2. Borderline Guard of President JamezFebruary 21, 2025 at 5:47 PM

      I will be on all fronts. I am willing to fight them on the beach and in Bath.
      Salute President Jamez!

  3. So, perhaps we have to learn from the actions, rather than words, of the proto politicians. The first lesson should be never to put your trust in a politician without ensuring that they are accountable to you and others. Without scrutiny, they believe themselves all powerful. Time for that to end

  4. Good stuff, James ... that's Mr McEleny well and truly telt!

  5. I worked at a local government office for a few years that unravelled in a similar way Alba have done.
    Several big personalities who all clashed and were more interested in being proved right than working together for a collective good. Cabals, bullying, disciplinaries on trumped up charges. It was all there in a horrible toxic working environment that drained the life out of everyone who found themselves in it.

    1. I was freelance in a previous life. A couple of gigs for companies were like that. Occasionally I saw them having problems and nod my head. Yup. They couldn't care less about the work, just their own stupidity. And from the look of the news, nothing changes for some.

    2. Describes Albs exactly

  6. Give it a rest Chris.

  7. Alex Salmond promised McEleny his new town vision would be called independence, he promised me it was going to be Salmondonia and my mate was going to be the new Captain America
    Nothing but broken promises from the death to Sturgeon party

  8. This is a bit rich coming from McEleny.
    Women were bullied relentlessly in Alba
    What about McEleny’s own bullying of Jacqui Bijster.

    And even after they leave they are still abused and bullied online

  9. It depends if you want political parties that might become government or opposition members of a parliament to be democratic themselves in the vain hope perhaps, of some sort of democracy from the governments.

  10. Now we find out what the problem is with Skier over on WGD:

    "Man I need to check over before posting. Autocorrect comes up with some crap."

    1. If hecwas brought back from tge dead, I just wonder what Polish leader PiƂsudski would make of the Alba Party and pop singer Harry Styles.

    2. Sign of the Times?

    3. Terrific album by Prince

    4. Do you mean Prince Gustav von Thurn und Taxis?

    5. I prefer "Zeitzeichen" by Gladys Knight & The Pips.

    6. Dolores, you scamp! You always did love the more obscure tracks of the tip top posters. I have happy memories of walking in to the bakery in Peebles only to hear 'Mais, oĂč sont les neiges d'antan' by Chicory Tip blaring from the record player.

    7. Dear Celine opened my eyes to the world of culture.

    8. Darling Celine has indeed opened all our eyes to the eternity of artistic truth, but we must never forget the contribution of Dr Adalbert Moga. Who could forget the Vier Jahreszeiten hotel in Vienna?

    9. Sebastian Knowles-ReadeFebruary 23, 2025 at 1:01 PM

      If only ordinary common people could be vouchsafed a glimpse into the multifaceted weave of our lives.

  11. Thick as mince McEleny displaying a monumental chunk of hypocrisy there! 1 doon another to go. They aw lie for each other. Members are having the total piss taken out them. Tasmina next. Tick tock. This shit is all their own making. They deserve to have it landed right at their doors. Bring it on

    1. Cannae shake Tas. She's the owner of the party.

  12. Feel sorry for Chris, as no-one lauding his sureness of touch. Share the love, everyone!

    1. Like Salmond he's touched a few

    2. Carole-Anne PuffnidgeFebruary 22, 2025 at 7:07 AM

      Celine Gottwald is a safe pair of hands.

    3. God bless you for those words, my darling Carole-Anne.

    4. He gave a terrible speech at conference. We can all agree.
