Among the large number of people, some of them quite senior, who have been bullied out of the Alba Party, there is a difference of view over whether the party's most baleful influence has been Chris McEleny or Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh - but if anything the majority view is that "Tas" is the worse of the two. "She's poison, that one" said a former NEC member to me a few months ago. Most of the harm Ahmed-Sheikh causes is largely unseen, but all of the indications are that she was the driving force behind the party leadership's sudden and inexplicable vendetta against the likes of Jacqui Bijster, Eva Comrie and Denise Findlay - which ultimately led to the rigging of the 2023 internal elections. She also seems to have been a major roadblock, perhaps the biggest one of the lot, to constitutional and democratic reform of the party.
A few months ago, I made a passing criticism of Ahmed-Sheikh on this blog, and someone messaged me afterwards to say "that's it, James, now you've mentioned Tas by name, you're guaranteed to be expelled". I've no idea whether that really was the trigger for my expulsion, but as I recently outlined, I do have direct experience of a separate incident in early 2024 when Tas maliciously launched a half-hearted "disciplinary investigation" into myself, Alan Harris and Morgwn Davies as a distraction technique to save McEleny's skin. At a meeting of the Disciplinary Committee, the three of us had all raised points of order related to the discovery that McEleny had told us the direct lie that the person he was trying to get expelled from the party did not wish to attend the hearing. Tas creatively reframed our legitimate and politely-expressed points of order as "possible misogynistic bullying of the committee chair" (Marjorie Ellis Thompson) and informed us that there would be a one-person investigation into the matter, with herself as the one person, naturally.
I'm going to reveal a lot more details about the lengthy email exchange between myself and Tas in a future installment of "THE ALBA FILES", but what I'll tell you for now is that I pointed out to her that the recording of the meeting would confirm I had shown no aggression towards Marjorie whatsoever, but that Marjorie had expressed some aggression towards me in trying to shout down my points of order and to protect McEleny and his deputy Corri Wilson. I said that if Tas was hellbent on launching an investigation into something everyone on the committee knew hadn't happened, she wasn't really leaving me with much option but to protect myself by submitting a complaint about what really did happen. So I told her I reluctantly wished to lodge a formal complaint against Marjorie for bullying directed against myself, Alan and Morgwn.
The reply from Tas was extraordinary. She told me she wouldn't be considering my complaint in a formal way because it was impossible for women to bully men. Not just that it was less likely to happen, but that it was literally impossible. My guess is that her response would have been more than enough to get Alba into a great deal of legal difficulty about direct discrimination on the grounds of sex/gender if I or anyone else had decided to pursue the matter.
So if the antics of Tas are a major part of "the problem" for Alba, can members use the forthcoming internal elections - which were effectively launched today with a lengthy email - to find "the solution"? It's certainly not going to be easy, because her position as Party Chair is appointed, not elected - a state of affairs that did not come about by chance. However, counsels of despair are no use to anyone, so here are some ideas that might be worth trying.
1) Ideally there needs to be a third candidate for leader, ie. someone who isn't Kenny MacAskill or Ash Regan. As things stand, MacAskill is the lesser of two evils because he would get rid of McEleny once and for all, but it looks almost certain he would retain Tas as Chair or in some other senior role. The so-called "Corri Nostra" are all backing MacAskill, and it seems highly unlikely they would be doing that unless their ally Tas had received firm assurances. It's going to be incredibly difficult to get a third candidate onto the ballot paper, but it might be a game-changer if it happened, because it could widen the debate to cover the question of whether there needs to be a change of Party Chair.
2) If Tas failed for the first time to top the female ballot for Ordinary Members of the NEC, that would at least make a psychological difference and weaken her position. Again, it's going to be murderously hard to achieve that because Ordinary Members are elected on a pay-per-vote basis, and Tas has wealthy backers (one of whom is herself, of course). But if you're an Alba member, all you can do is try your best - buy your own vote by purchasing a conference pass, and then rank Tas bottom of all the female candidates. When I argued on the Constitution Review Group that the Party Chair should be directly elected in some form, Daniel Jack insisted (as he'd probably been told to insist) that it was unnecessary because Tas had topped the NEC ballot and it was therefore only natural that she was appointed as Chair. I immediately jumped on that and suggested if he felt that way, we should write into the constitution that whoever receives the most votes in the NEC election should automatically be offered the position of Chair. You should have seen the look on his face - he realised he'd just walked into a trap of his own making. Tas clearly has no intention of risking her position being directly elected in any form, even if the voting system is relatively easy to manipulate or subvert.
3) Get some independent-minded people onto the NEC so at least Tas will face challenges and questioning if she remains in harness. Morgwn Davies leaps out as the sort of person desperately needed on the NEC - if he sees something wrong happening, he'll call it out. He won't be cowed by Tas or by anyone else.
“ it was impossible for women to bully men.”
ReplyDeleteThis is ironic from Tas as she bullied Alex Salmond relentlessly.She never stopped demanding and complaining to him.He put up with it but it was often painful to watch and listen to, she frequently belittled him.But, she stuck to him like glue, poor fellow.Before his sad death he looked very fed up I am sure he was bored silly by her as she was a very boring woman.
I almost lost the will to live listening to her "little jokes" at the campaign launch, which all the candidates were laughing along with sycophantically. The terrifying thing is she genuinely believes she's witty.
DeletePoor wee snowflake Salmond, that's quite a picture of a pathetic wee man there, how is it possible he ever led a political party at all?
DeleteMaybe he was ill or maybe she had something over him but many people witnessed her dominance of him.
DeleteAnd it was definitely Tas that wrecked Alba.
The last week or so she will have been phoning round finding people to stand for office bearer and NEC positions.
If Kenny wins Tas will still be the centre of the web and Kenny will keep her as Chair. She will remain in control of the party and that will be the end of Alba
I don't know the full circumstances but after Alex accepted the deal from Russia Today for his weekly programme, Tasmina became his closest political ally. He probably felt an obligation towards her and, as a consequence, gave her more leaway than anyone else who had ever worked directly with him.
DeleteWas she bored by him? Ash was apparently. Bla bla blAlba have you any wool?
ReplyDeleteIt is fairly obvious where the problem lies.
ReplyDeleteThe purges started in the summer of 23 and continued until your expulsion in mid-January 2025 James.
There were three people in control of Alba : Alex Salmond, Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh and Chris McEleny
Alex sadly passed away October 2024 and Chris was suspended according to the newspaper articles on January 2nd 2025.
Therefore the person in charge at the time of your expulsion was Tas
Despite Kenny being Deputy Leader he wasn’t in charge during the 18 month period of resignations & expulsions, he was a bystander and I am assuming he was a bystander throughout your disciplinary case.
When the Appeal Committee Chair couldn’t make it at the last minute Tas appointed a loyalist to the position (as normal, the NEC rubber stamped the appointment) and Tas got the result she wanted
The person pulling the strings throughout the bin-fire of the last 18 months is Tas, It doesn’t take a genius to work that out
There is also the fact that before his death Alex had started talking to his friends about what really went on and the impossible situation he was put in by Tas.
Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh bought the top spot. Was Leeanne Tervit deemed too "common" to be put forward for the position of Party Chair?
ReplyDeleteIf we believe Daniel Jack then Leanne would have been the Chair had it been a fair election last year
DeleteAnd the make up of the NEC would be very different.a lot better at managing the aftermath of Alex’s death that the lucky loser nodding dogs we have now
I think someone's been on the Jack Daniels talking about Daniel Jack! Get it? 😃 😀 😄
DeleteIt's all starting to make sense now. At the time I didnt see any reason why anyone would need to buy extra votes. Now I see that Tas had to win. Would publishing the full results show this? I guess so..
DeleteSo what really went on? Looks like the rewriting of ALBA history has started to protect AS.
ReplyDeleteAlex was not a nice person. I doubt top politicians ever are but his behaviour was uncharacteristic for example he was known not have expelled anyone from the SNP. He also liked to keep opponents in the tent.
DeleteTas was pulling his strings we can only speculate as to why he gave into her demands
Though there are countless stories and antidotes of Alex getting his hands dirty and helping people when the cameras weren't rolling.
DeleteIf your car stalled he would roll up his sleeves and help give it a push etc. He did a lot of little things like that most people don't know about as he didn't use those opportunities for a photo-op.
There’s a picture of him pushing the car !
DeleteOf course part of his act was to be nice to people he was a politician
The way he treated loyal Alba party members was awful.These women and it was mainly women were volunteers, they deserved respect but Alex was a terrible bully.
Dismal, draining stuff which repeatedly demonstrates the ever declining possibility of Alba being a significant, positive factor for independence.
ReplyDeleteAlba could have been a force for independence but they were derailed by a jealous women with an OBE and links to the US State Department
DeleteAlba could have been a force for independence but they were derailed by a jealous woman with an OBE and links to the US State Department
DeleteWho's that?
DeleteSheena Easton? Lulu?
DeleteI nominate Moira Anderson.
DeleteI punch above my weight so I'm really going for it.
DeleteThe problem with Tasmina, she is obviously used to getting her own way, like a spoilt child!
ReplyDeleteIt’s her way or no way! Then she does that stupid glare !
At the Autumn 2023 Conference she referred to ironing the tablecloths for the conference, something she doesn’t do Ironing, her husband will testify to this she said. Goes on to say some woman use irons for other things, referring to Nicola Sturgeon.
Personally I dislike Sturgeon, however if you want to increase your membership at Alba, this turns off SNP voters with this nonsense.
She was trying to be witty, but failed miserably.
The party chair should be elected not appointed, hopefully the New Alba Leader will rectify this. It’s the only way Alba can move forward.
New Alba leader? What is the point? Is Alba going to recommit to being a list only party, and behaving like a party with 1% vote share? If not, anyone paying membership fees is just giving some people an easy income, and at the same time damaging Indy.
DeleteHow is indy being damaged?
DeleteIf anything support for indy has pretty much remained steady in the polls. Which is surprising considering no Party with the means is attempting to pursue it.
It gives the BBC and MSM another damaging narrative of undemocratic, corrupt bullying Indy movement. That dissuades maybes.
DeleteGuessing the news another Anon has mentioned below about allies of Stephen Flynn making attempts to force current SNP MSP's to not seek re-election in 2026 doesn't help either!
DeleteIs anyone surprised? She’s alumni of the VLP and accepted an OBE. How many more red flags do Alba members need?
ReplyDeleteIt has often been reported that as convenor of the NEC, conference committee and the original constitution review group, Tas used her position to state what would or would not be discussed and "agreed". Committee members seemed unable to resist this. She is not somebody who faciiitates open debate.
ReplyDeleteThe rewriting of history by the pathetic going on here
ReplyDeletePoor Alex Salmond was led by the nose and bullied by all the bad women
You Alba people are totally pathetic
"Poor Alex Salmond was led by the nose and bullied by all the bad women"
DeleteIsn't it the non-Alba people saying that?
You're both wrong.
DeleteChris The Connemara Columbo is a raging bull - but I've decided he would look good with a nose-ring.
DeleteHe doesn't know that yet ... so sshh...!
I still fancy him so much. Check out my Instagram if you'd like to know more about this.
DeleteFive female SNP MSPs targeted by allies of 'hard man' Stephen Flynn to be replaced in 2026.
ReplyDeleteMr Flynn provoked anger amid SNP MSPs when he announced that he wanted to sit in both the House of Commons and Holyrood, after the Nats criticised Douglas Ross for doing the same. The size of this backlash caused him to u-turn, and he will need to step down from Westminster if elected to the Scottish Parliament.
And now his allies seem to be targeting some of those most outspoken against his plans, and want to install failed MPs in their seats instead. According to the Scottish Sun, Aberdeenshire North and Moray East MP Seamus Logan is allegedly "matching" those who lost their job on July 4 with constituencies where MSPs deemed “unhelpful."
Party insiders claimed that five female MSPs are under most pressure to step aside, with Karen Adam, Evelyn Tweed, Collette Stevenson, Jackie Dunbar and Emma Roddick being targeted. Two of those, Ms Tweed and Ms Roddick, publicly criticised Mr Flynn's attempts to unseat Ms Nicoll.
As an East Kilbride resident I'd welcome the attempts to force Collette Stevenson to step aside tbh. She's been a totally useless MSP to the local community.
DeleteGood choice of MSPs to dump
DeleteBut Alyn Smith for Stirling - Noooooo
Are these MSPs who are being targeted seen as divisive figures in the context of the gender issue? Is that the real reason?
DeleteThat's something some haven't really considered: 38 SNP MPs lost their seat in the General Election. Some of them will want to make the switch to Holyrood... but there's only so many seats to go around!
DeleteThey are all trans allies so that is great
DeleteIf they were involved in the divisive process that saw those with concerns about women only spaces and safety attacked and vilified then I have no problem with them being replaced. We need a return to respectful debate and a range of views. Half a million voters need to be persuaded back. If this helps I am for it.
DeleteCan one of them be replaced by Joanna Cherry?
Delete'The Scottish Sun' eh???
Not one GENUINE Indy Supporter I have ever met reads or quotes that filth as factual.
It has more 'un-named sources' and 'anon Party insiders' than you can shake a stick at.
Get real.
That's not saying much, David. I'm not much good at shaking a stick.
DeleteTa MUCHO.
At least you could describe The Sun as a newspaper.
DeleteMore than can be said for that National rag!
@David It was also previously reported that Stephen Flynn was planning to oust Ian Blackford and replace him as Westminster Leader. I'm guessing you thought that news was nonsense at the time as well!
DeleteYoon-Anon or Pretend Yesser at 12:01 -
DeleteThe Scottish Sun is about as much of a 'newspaper' as a roll of Andrex.
Right Wing, Racist drivel, read by Right Wing Racist Shite.
Hilarious: You hate Trump but essentially call any source you disagree with Fake News. You might have more in common with him than you think!
DeleteThe Scotch Sun? Really?
DeleteThe National is now running the same story, does that make it more believable to you?
DeleteIn their article they say: The National has spoken with SNP figures who said they felt MSPs were under “pressure” and believed the story was “legit”.
One SNP source said: “I don’t think it’s nonsense. I’m not surprised by the news story, by the list, by it being only women. That is the feeling that I have had throughout, with the whole Tuesday boys' club, the way that the party in Westminster is run.
Oh gee, what a shocking revelation. Politicians engaging in… politics! Who could have ever imagined such a thing?
DeleteStephen Flynn, the *hard man* (because apparently competence now comes with a WWE-style nickname), is somehow both a ruthless Machiavellian mastermind and a bumbling failure at the same time. Incredible.
And let’s not forget the horror of SNP MPs wanting to continue working in politics—how *dare* they seek election again after July 4?
Maybe, just maybe, the SNP wants experienced candidates who actually believe in the party’s future instead of those more focused on stirring internal drama. Shocking, truly.
Frankly you anti-SNP types never fail to disappoint.
Christ, If this was happening in any other party, you'd be screaming about cronyism, sexism, and backroom deals. But because it’s the SNP, suddenly it’s just “politics” and we should all shrug it off? Give me a break.
DeleteFlynn and his clique are purging internal critics and replacing them with his mates, and the only defence SNP loyalists can muster is “well, that’s just how politics works.” No, this is hypocrisy at its finest. If Labour or the Tories were caught doing this, you’d be lighting pitchforks and calling it a disgraceful stitch-up.
Oh, absolutely, because party politics is *normally* a bastion of pure meritocracy, right? Nobody *ever* appoints allies or silences internal critics in *any* other party—just Flynn and the SNP, obviously.
DeleteAnd of course, when Labour or the Tories engage in their own backroom dealings, you and your like-minded warriors are the very picture of calm, measured analysis, never rushing to overblown outrage.
Honestly, it’s shocking—shocking!—that a political leader would prefer working with people who share his vision rather than those constantly undermining him.
Let’s all clutch our pearls and pretend this is the first time politics has ever been political.
Oh, give it a rest. This isn’t just about “politics being political”—it’s about actively trying to force out currently sitting MSPs, all of whom happen to be women, to parachute in Flynn’s failed Westminster mates.
DeleteThe SNP has spent years posturing about equality, representation, and democracy, yet here we are watching a blatant power grab where experienced, elected women are being shoved aside to make room for likely men who just lost their jobs last July. But apparently, we’re all supposed to pretend this is normal and move on? Nothing to see here?
Oh, for crying out loud!
DeleteAbsolutely, let’s all clutch our pearls because *seasoned politicians* are facing the terrifying prospect of *competition*! How dare anyone suggest that elections involve, you know, actually running for office?
Clearly, democracy should just freeze in place to protect certain individuals forever. And let’s not forget the real scandal here—men *daring* to seek political roles after losing elections! The audacity! Surely, the SNP should instead create a *losers' blacklist* to permanently ban them from politics.
But yes, let’s all pretend this is some dystopian SNP conspiracy rather than, oh I don’t know, standard political maneuvering that you get in all political parties. Outrage level: 1000%.
Oh, nice try at spinning, but this clearly isn’t a “Let’s have a hustings and let the local branches decide who the best candidate is” kind of situation.
DeleteWhat’s actually happening is sitting, elected MSPs—who just so happen to be women—are being pressured out behind the scenes to make way for Flynn’s handpicked loyalists. That’s not competition, that’s a purge. And don’t pretend this is just standard political manoeuvring.
Oh, right, because the SNP is clearly staging some sinister "purge" of sitting MSPs. It’s totally unthinkable that local branches might actually want fresh candidates. No, it must be Flynn orchestrating some Machiavellian plot and hating women.
DeleteAnd what has actually happened? Branches decide.
DeleteYes because that's literally the news story we're discussing...
Delete"Branches decide"
DeleteUnless currently sitting MSPs are pressured into not seeking re-election.
Boys will be boys. Unless they want to be girls, like lumberjacks.
Delete3.16pm Stephen Flynn the “ Hard Man” sorry but David Francis is the SNP “ hard man” especially with a bottle of Talisker to hand. Vote SNP or David will call you a wankstain and various other assorted niceties.
DeleteDamn most of these comments are ridiculous.
DeleteInitially trying to disregard the story because of the source, but when other sources (especially The National) also report on it someone just jumps in who's obviously not read the full story & posts their own assumptions... I almost welcome the trolling if that's the piss poor level of debate we're at.
Campbell is wittering on about a "trans Stalingrad" this morning. He really is totally unhinged.
ReplyDeleteSo many people on here seemed to have issues over folks private bits and pieces. Who really cares apart from Wings?
ReplyDeleteA lot of people concerned to retain safe women only spaces care.
DeleteThat goes for all reasonable people. Not just the trans anti-lobby. How many folk are you concerned about actually? Not in your fantasy world.
DeleteMy family go to a mixed public swimming pool. Should this be stopped?
Deletetrannies want the legal right to rape 6year old emily in the swimming pool changing rooms and anyone who thinks anything is wrong with this is a bigot
Deleteit rubs the lotion on its skin
DeleteWill 7 year old Oswaldina be OK?
DeleteAnon 348- in your head. You are really twisted. I would worry about my family being anywhere near you.
DeleteAnon 3;48 is a loonie
DeleteAnon at 1.28. Can you refer us to a single comment by anyone talking about banning mixed public swimming pools? A single one? Didn’t think so. You are part of the problem. Jog on.
DeleteI told you all I am standing the other day. So I am the 3rd Candidate 😀.
ReplyDeleteWhat is a nomination?
What is a leader?
Tas can stay if I get on Scotland Speaks every Saturday before the fit all.
Shaz you should ditch Tas. You can be the new Tas. You’d do a better job of running the party than her.
DeleteYou’re younger, thinner, better hair and much smarter
Go Shaz
Shaz Not Taz
Lobster Man is making me nervous about my future in the SNP. So I will stand as the 3rd Alba candidate. I'm sure I'll get a big celeb welcome now that people are tiring of Ash.
DeleteZulfs hasn’t made an appearance yet. Maybe he’s keeping his head down
ReplyDeleteIt amazese me that a political party can have a bent ex-lawyer so far up in their leadership. Then we had the Slainte Media show working for the Russian government with half the media company being barred from working as a lawyer after various demeanours mostly involving theft and fraud. It made Alexander look like he had an IQ of a potato, and palled about with criminal lawyers and war criminals to get himself on you tube.
ReplyDeletebritain is the worlds worst criminal enterprise, 20 times worse than nazi germany, which stole your country, its resources and a better life for you - but russia is the problem. Russia just wants to lower your gas bills.
DeleteWell, bonny lads, I think you've forgotten about me.
ReplyDeleteBut remember...I will return!
Yvonne, is it true Alex and Tas asked you to fix them up with a weekly show on the Iranian TV channel? Just as well they got the Erdogan gig first, an Iranian connection could have finished Alba.
DeleteWe don’t care.
ReplyDeleteI care about art, truth and beauty. In this instance our political world is filled with too much pain and too much ugliness. QED.
DeleteNEC members are liable for Alba debts. Best check you can afford to bail them out before putting yourself forward. I hear there are issues with the policy development grant, the cost of removing Chris and the use of the credit card.You will need deep pockets
ReplyDeleteMore or less than £600K?
DeleteAnon @ 3:55 seems very worked up over nothing. I suggest he gets his blood pressure checked ✔️ and tries to have sex a lot more often. That might calm him down a bit. The wee soul that he is.
ReplyDeleteThis isn’t tindr
DeleteNo, but not got 100000 members.
ReplyDeleteDon't know if this counts but, apart from being a former member of the Tories and Labour, she used to be pro-trans...
ReplyDeleteThere is proof out there!
DeletePlease link us to it
DeleteIf he was able to link to it he'd have done it by now.
DeleteLots of people are pro trans and not pro men in women's sports.
DeleteIt's the dafties that made that synonymous judging by your comment here
Sorry, out and about just now and only have my phone. I'll try to get a link later but easily accessible in Hansard.
DeleteThis from Hansard 1st December 2016.
"My hon. Friend is making a very passionate speech. Does she agree that there are sometimes various levels to transgender people? They could have disabilities and also be from black, Asian or minority ethnic communities, and it is incumbent on all of us to make sure all those equality layers are protected."
So trans rights are equivalent to the rights of those who have disabilities and are from black, Asian or minority ethnic communities.
DeleteApologies, the comment at 7.33pm is Tasmina's comment in Hansard in the debate. The debate is titled Trangender Equality.
DeleteI must confess I was surprised to learn this is not widely known.
DeleteSame debate. I must say that this surprised me even more than Tasmina's question.
Yogyakarta Principle 2006 is, I believe, what Joanna is referring to
Joanna Cherry
(Edinburgh South West) (SNP)
I congratulate my hon. Friend and other hon. Members on securing this important debate. Since 2007, the Scottish Government have been using the Yogyakarta principle, a fully inclusive definition of gender identity, in all their trans equality policy work. Does she agree that the use of that principle is desirable because it was devised by an international commission of jurists in recognition of the fact that gender identity is a human right?
DeleteAnd this from the same debate at Westminster on 1 December 2016 by another early alba member, George Kerevan. I'm not sure if George still believes that "gender is a social construct" but I think it's an interesting, if controversial, take on the issue.
George Kerevan
(East Lothian) (SNP)
Does my hon. Friend agree that the essence of today’s debate is that gender is a social construct, and that that should be recognised in law? It is not primarily a biological construct, but because the law is based on that outdated concept, it is failing us.
I can confirm that TAS expressed her support for 'trans' people whilst in the Alba Party. She is nothing if not illogical and inconsistent.
DeleteSorry, here's the Hansard link. Tasmina Ahmed Shiehk's, Joanna Cherry's and George Kerevan's contributions, as well as a number of other Scottish and non-Scottish MP's questions/comments are there too.
Yip some folk have some issues over folks private bits right enough.
ReplyDeleteAye , they're richt fuds.
DeleteWhat a load of mince.
ReplyDeleteits MI5 lesbians all the way - our national liberation has been defeated by the dykeocracy